League Champs! The STADIUM WORLD

Serving the Stadium Community since 1921
Stadium High School
111 North E Street, Tacoma WA 98403
February 2014 Issue4
League Champs!
In this issue...
Catholic School Controversy
No Water in West Virginia
In-state Gun Control
Community Choir
Introducing Ms. Franklin
Senioritis Returns
A Better U
Nurse Camp
Get a Start on Second Semester
UWT Trip
Adults aren’t All Bad
Stair Climbing
Gifts for Gals
Gifts for Guys
Top Holiday Movies
Christmas Vacations
The Grinch
Burning Trees
Happy Valentines Day8-9
Saint Valentine
Gift Ideas
Emotional Baggage
Pet Love
Single Ladies
Jake and Matt Cry at the Movies
Date Ideas
80’s Movies
A Girl’s Take on Action Flicks
International Film Festival
Arts and Entertainment
YouTube Classes
Google Glasses
Flapping Birds
Off to Mars
Giving up Fast Food for Good
Avoiding Illness
Femaile Athlete of the Month: Felisia Bradley
Athlete of the Month: Nick Mahan
Femaile Athlete of the Month: Shaya Murray
Seahawks win Super Bowl
Wrestling Charges On
League Champs
The 12’s Meet the Seahawks
Back Page16
The Stadium World is published by
the Journalism Class/News staff of
Stadium High School. It is distributed to all students and faculty. The
views and topics printed by The Stadium World staff are not necessarily
reprentative of or supported by the
administration, faculty, and/or students of Stadium High School. The
Stadium World is advised by John
Please submit letters to the editor to
Room 424 or place in Mr. Grevstad’s
The Stadium World
February 2014
Boos! ‘n Woos!
Woos to the Seahawks
Woos to SB48
Boos to Sherman’s injury
Woos to Richard Sherman
Boos to the Parade being during school
Boos to Valentines Day
Woos to Valentines Day
Woos to chocolate
Boos to Homework
Boos to senioritis
Woos to Beyoncé
Woos to Finals being over
Boos to flappy bird
Woos to a new semester
Boos to teachers that are bullies
Woos to SHS Hoops
Woos to winning Leagues
Woos to second semester
Boos the Broncos
Boos to Payton Manning
Woos to Eric Decker
Boos to the 49er’s
Woos to the 12th Man
Woos to the Parade and skipping school
Woos to 2014
Boos to missing the parade
Boos to chalk Valentines Day candy
Woos to romance movies
Woos to Bruno Mars
Boos to a crowded parade
Boos to freezing weather
Woos to 4 months until graduation
Woos to the Olympics
Boos to Olympic threats
Woos to March Madness
Boos to the end of football season
Boos to being single on Valentines Day
Woos to not having to buy gifts
Boos to no snow
2013-2014 World Staff
Bailey Comtois, Nonie Ann Grant, Mary Cribb
Vanessa Amburgey
Paige Boyle
Donovan CastroMesa
Samantha Chaney
Emilee Cooper
Shanelle Gibson
Matt Gunn
Danielle Hopper
Hilary Hwang
Serece Ivory
Tai Jackson
Amber Knigge
Nicole Lanphere
Nick Loftin
Jovian Loomis
Alexis Lott
Courtney Palms
Autumn Pancratz
David Petty
Ricky Raskasky
Rosalind Sikoff
Cover Art:
Mama Dorothy
Kristina Snyder
Allison Tannahill
Selma Torres
Jake Vieth
Analaise Watson
February 2014
Page 3
Same Sex Marriage Stirs up Contro- Virginia Water Crisis
versy at Local Private School
By Emilee Cooper
By Kristina Snyder
Gay marriage is one the school and the Catholic
of the most controversial top- teachings.
ics in the United States right Students have come
now. The morality of same
sex relations
different religions.
Recently in
State samesex marriage
legalized leaving
some people
to celebrate Students from Eastside Catholic rallied insupand others port of fired Vice-Principal John Znuda after it
upset. Even was revealed he married his partner.
though this
law has now passed, many to show their support by
people still reject it and dis- hosting a rally for their vice
criminate against those who principal with hopes to conare in gay or lesbian relation- vince the Catholic Church
that same-sex marriage is not
Catholic all that terrible. More than
High School in Sammamish, 100 people went to the rally,
Washington right now is including Ed Murray who is
fighting to keep their vice currently running for mayor.
principal after he was forced Without intentions of chalto resign. This was due to lenging the church, he stathim marrying his long-time ed, “I would hope that our
boyfriend. This summer vice church would recognize a
principal Mark Zmuda mar- person based on their ability
ried his male partner, which to hold a job, their personal
violated his contract with character, and not based on
the person that they love.”
Gun Control in Olympia
Amber Knigge
Washington lawmakers are considering on Initiative 594, which will require background checks for
all sales of firearms. These
checks would be applied
to online sales and private
transactions, like those at
gun shows, which are held at
least once a month in Washington. As it things are now,
about 40% of all firearms
are sold without any sort of
background check, and in
80% of crimes using handguns, the gun was purchased
in a private transaction such
as that. The background
checks would be at federally
licensed firearm dealers. Under the initiative law enforcement officers or people who
already have a concealed pistol licenses would have to go
through background checks
January 28, 2014 there was
public testimony on initiative
594 where Gabrielle Giffords briefly spoke. As you
all know she was the former
Arizona U.S representative,
who survived getting shot n
the head in 2011. She is still
recovering from a brain injury caused by a mentally ill
man shooting her and 6 other people dying. She spoke
slowly and briefly explaining
why background checks in
the state.
On the repeal there is initiative 591, which would prevent Washington from adopting background-checks that
would be considered stricter
than the national standards. It
would also prohibit confiscation of firearms without due
There is a gunfight going on
in Olympia. Is it against our
rights? Or is it better for citizens?
Officials in West Virginia have partially lifted the
ban on tap water use. After
Another thing stu- the five days of residents
dents did to show support for having to use bottled watheir vice principal was that ter for bathing, cooking and
school brushing their teeth. The ban
morning, was issued after a chemical
they stood out- spill tainted the water in the
side Sammamish area.
City Hall to There are still queswave signs and tions as to how and why the
spread aware- leaked occurred and whether
ness about the the company at fault, Freeincident. They dom Industries, was negligathered 15,000 gent and took too long to let
for officials know. The spill afa petition to try fected about 300,000 people
and change the and efficiently shut down the
church’s beliefs state capital. Tests over the
on gay mar- weekend showed levels of
riage. Most students same-sex partners or whom
believe that this ever has been discriminated
fight is not just limited to because of the person that
their situation, but to ev- they love. While private ineryone in the world that has stitutions have the right to
the chemical used in coal processing were consistently below the toxic level, although
testing continued Monday.
So far only ten people have
been sent to the hospital due
to the water.
About 7,500 gallons
of the chemical is believed to
have leaked. However, even
in it’s concentrated form, it
is not deadly. Officials think
they’re finally seeing the end
of the water crisis in Virginia.
make this kind of decision,
citizens have the right to protest and seek reasonable solutions.
Page 4
Nurse Camp 2014
Alexis Lott
Attention all Sophomores and Juniors interested
in becoming a nurse, there
is a nurse camp coming up
this summer that would be
a wonderful experience. The
camp will be July 21- July 25
at Tacoma General Hospital.
You can find the application
at www.multicare.org/nursecamp2014. The deadline for
the applications is March
7th but I would try to get it
done as soon as possible because they only accept 225
applicants. The application
includes 3 recommendations
and a transcript from the
When you get to the
nurse page from the link
above you see four tabs, on
the last tab you see four word
documents. In those world
documents you will see a
document containing instructions. On the instruction document there is a checklist that
can help keep the application
organized. The first part to the
application is the application
and personal statement. The
personal statement is asking
you to write a personal experience or personal story
explaining why you want to
pursue a medical career, why
you should be in the program, who or what in your
life influenced you to want to
be a part on multi care, and
what unique skill you bring
to health profession.
After you have completed those two parts of the
application you will need to
get three recommendations
and send your high school
transcript. Two of the recommendations will need to be
from your teachers. There
is also a document for this
on the fourth tab. The last
recommendation is an academic recommendation from
your assistant principle. All
of these documents and the
transcript have to be turned
in by Friday March 7th at
By, Allison Tannahill
they should go to sleep at a
you will not be needing in
Was your first semes- decent time, but it really will
there. When putting away
ter hectic and unorganized? help you. One of the largest
things in your backpack,
Were you overwhelmed try- reasons that students have
don’t just cram or throw
ing to find assignments, let a hard time understanding
things in, have a place for evalone completing them? Well their class, is because they
in this article
Also utilize
there are many
your resources,
tips that could
Second Semester Checklist: the Stadium Libe of some help
- Have materials (notebooks, pens, etc... brary has many
to you.
books that can
It all be- - GEt a good night’s sleep
help with assigngins with your - Get Organized
ments as well as
many computers
taking notes in -Use the Library and Career Center
to use for online
class, have a - Take the Classes you need for College
resources, other
separate note- - Never Stop Working Hard
places to use combook for each
puters is at your
class and colhome or in the
or code your
Career Center. Some teachnotes. Also in math class, fall asleep in class. To avoid
ers will let you use the comwrite down everything the this situation, get at least 8
puters in their classroom as
teacher put on the board be- hours of sleep every night.
well if you really need to. So
cause you never know when Step number three is
if you need help, try asking a
you will need it. Then when it to have an organized backteacher because that is what
comes to a test and studying pack, binder and locker. Evthey’re there for!
for it, you can easily search ery week go through your
If you want to finish
through your notes and study binder and take out the paoff the school year with as
what you need to.
pers you won’t be needing
little stress as possible just
Getting a good night anymore, and organize your
follow the tips above.
sleep every night will help as papers by class. Also, make
Finally, end your school year
well. I know that most high- sure to keep your locker clear
schoolers hate hearing that of garbage and other things
College Ready? Prepare Update on the Nalla Dog
your FAFSA
By Samantha Chaney
Its the began of FAFSA season Seniors! FAFSA
stands for Free Application
For Student Aid.
In other words guys
FAFSA is finical aid! The
federal government uses this
information from the application to determine a students
financial responsibility for
college. The FAFSA gives
each applicant an EFC which
stands for Expected Family
This EFC number is
perhaps the most important
number for all college students. This number represents
the amount that your family
will have to pay for you to go
to college. Some will have an
EFC of $0; others may have
an EFC of $10,000 while
others will have an EFC of
$30,000 or more.
The way the government determines your EFC is
through a complicated mathematical formula based on
your families adjusted gross
income, the number of people living in your house hold,
and the number of students in
your house hold who are in
college already.
Honestly every one
should turn in the FAFSA the
processes is simple. However there is a
down side you have to rely
on your parents to do there
taxes early. Also your EFC
may be higher than you family expects. Also everyone
needs to beware that the
FAFSA season is from January 1st in till March 2nd.
If you miss the deadline of March 2nd you will
not receive any public financial aid for the next school
year. Many students may not
even be aware that they are
eligible for this kind of assistance, so it is important that
we all shoe the inititiative
and contact your counselor
or Ms. Hill or Ms. Jones in
the Career Center.
Do the FAFSA its
free, its fast, it FAFSA-tastic!
February 2014
So recently I was
talking to some friends and
mentioning how crazy and
insane my dog Nalla is. Well
it keeps worse, I actually
think she is mad at the family right now which makes
things worse because then
she gets more attitude and
does not like to listen to us
at all.
The reason for her
being angry with the family is over winter break my
mom, dad and I all went to
Salt Lake City and Blackfoot
Idaho. Even though I wanted
to bring her we were unable
because my mother did not
want to fly her over with us.
We were gone for two weeks
and she had to stay with my
brother at his place.
My brother is never
home because he works all
the time so that means Nalla
was all locked up all day and
unable to go crazy and release her anger. Instead she
raged inside the house and
tore up everything she could
get her teeth on.
At least it wasn’t my
house this time. But when I
returned home I found that
Nalla did go crazy when we
left. My brother was unable
to pick her up right away,
so she was in our house for
a little while. In that tiny
amount of time she was able
to tear up her room where
she stays while we are gone.
She decided that she was
gonna show us up by tearing
up all of her things. So when
I got home I and went asses
the damage, there were torn
up blankets and pillows and
her bed was ruined.
So yeah, she does not
like to be alone at all and is a
very needy puppy and needs
attention 24/7 or she will get
pissed and give you the cold
shoulder for a while. We never leave her home for very
long because she will tear up
the whole house.
But over all, she is
just an awesome, giant puppy loves to play and love to
be loved.
February 2014
Page 5
Community Loves Sta- Mrs. Franklin Sets High Goals for
dium Choir
Stadium Students
By, Allison Tannahill
“Music expresses that appreciation email to Mrs.
which cannot be said and on Alatsis and Mr. Underwood.
which it is impossible to be He said, “It was fun, classy,
silent” –Victor Hugo.
and energetic”. As well as
Stadium’s choir de- “We’ve been a part of the
partment has left many peo- Stadium choir family for 2
ple in our community silent years now, and this was by
with awe. That of which far the best performance
quickly turns into rave re- we’ve seen”. Proving that
views. Mrs. Alatsis provided our choir department keeps
a few of these reviews to getting better and better.
share with our school paper. Recently, Stadium’s
After a performance choir department sent Ars
for the Catholic Community Nova to the Seattle Market
Services, an email was sent Place Café to perform. Reto the choir department from sulting in a pleased email
Jeanne Knox, the program from
director. Included in this Campbell saying, “From the
email was a review of praise, smiles on everyone’s faces,
claiming that the largely vari- people really did enjoy their
ous age group in the audience performance.”
were “all totally engrossed in Stadium has the right
the music and dancing.” As to be very proud of the choir
well as saying it was a fan- department. This sampling
tastic performance and that of many reviews proves that
“Stadium High School can our choirs are representing
be very proud of them.”
our school in a very positive
Ars Nova performed way to our community. They
for the Human Resources work very hard at what they
Holiday Committee, and enjoy and it all pays off in
Rosa Edwards, the manager, the end. There is much more
sent a very heart felt and ap- in the rest of this school year
preciative email. In her it she to look forward to regarding
wrote, “Their music, outfits music and the arts.
and performance contributed
to a wonderful event for all!”
The Winter Choir
Concert, led to Stadium parent, Bill Downey sending an
By Tai Jackson
Ms. T’Wina Franklin is a dium. My favorite part… or you’re having a hard time
relatively new member of the STUDENTS. It is extremely figuring out how to finance
Stadium staff of teachers. She gratifying to know I am help- college, you have the power
is here every day after lunch. ing students have access to to break a national cycle of
Her expertise is help students higher education by prepar- law educational achievestrive for academic success ing them to enroll and suc- ment. You are the difference!
and prepare themselved both ceed during higher educaacademiSW: How
cally and
long have
you been
lege. She
and what
has already
do you
love most
huge imabout it?
TF: I resome stuceived
dents lives.
my masSW: What
teach at
six years
ago and
TF: I teach Ms. Franklin (center) with the Elizabeth Wesley Schol- right away began teaching
arship award winners.
colmiddle school science. This
lege prep
is my 2nd year teaching colcourse called college bound. tion.
lege bound.
MDC TRiO College Bound
is a non-profit TRiO Upward SW: Is there any advice SW: What is your favorite
Bound Program funded by that you can give to stu- quote, and why?
the United States Department dents who plan to go to col- TF: “I am interrupting the
of Education.
cycle of oppression by sharTF: Talk yourself up. Be- ing my knowledge with the
SW: How do you like work- lieve that college is for you. next generation.” – Beverly
ing at Stadium and what is Whether you are the first in Daniel Tatum
your favorite part of work- your family to go to college
ing here?
TF: I adore teaching at Sta-
Become a Stronger You
You have more physical and mental potential
inside of you than you can
imagine, but sometimes it is
so after the stressful hours of difficult to unlock that potenhomework you can be free tial.
Like a pickle jar that
the rest of the weekend.
Having a job will your arms are too weak to
get in the way, but at least a open, you can only find your
job comes with money and true self with some elbow
school comes will scholar- grease. Track and field has
ships, financial aid, and a helped me and countless othcareer. Wearing sweatpants, er guys and ladies find their
sweatshirts, and old t-shirts inner tiger and their strongest
is all fine and no one cares. self.
After school, instead
Its the lack of studying, the of
SpongeBob and
repeated absences, and the
eating Cheetos, track teamdismissive attitude.
Carefully seniors be- mates have fun and work
cause this year will kick our hard around in our very own
butts. Its an either make it or stadium bowl. You won’t get
break it year. Do not forget to an adrenaline rush and a sixhave fun getting involved is pack from sitting on Tumblr
a stress killer for this awful all day. By the end of the season, those things that were
hard during the first week
are surprisingly easy. A major part of finding a stronger
The Dog Days of Senioritis are Here
By Samantha Chaney
A crippling disease that
strikes high school seniors.
Symptoms include: laziness,
an over excessive wearing
of track pants, old athletic
shirts, sweatpants, athletic
shorts, and sweatshirts. Also
features a lack of studying,
repeated absences, and a
generally dismissive attitude.
The only know cure is the
far away “so close yet so far
Yes seniors we all
have it and its the worst
sickness of all the histories
of sickness. Seniors do not
skip class all you have to do
is pass some easy classes.
You’ve already got into the
college you want, but do not
lose that acceptance because
you did not come to class, or
forget to turn in an assignment. Senior year may see
that the time to kick back and
watch the year go by, well
some of it is but most of its
still hard work and dedication. School is school it is
the most important step of
becoming successful. 4 1/2
more months everyone!
All the seniors will be
off going to college starting a
new life in a new place and
knowing that sticking to going to school and doing home
work was the right thing to
do. College is not going to
get any easier long nights
studying and homework. Senior year should be the best
year and it is but when you
have homework or a project
or paper due that following
Monday get that done first
By Ashley Rittenhouse
you is realizing that having
confidence in your abilities
is worth the sweat that comes
with it. The power is inside
you all alone, and the key to
using it is testing yourself
and conquering your goals.
The Sadium bowl becomes your home and your
teammates become your
family. Having a bunch of
people that are going through
the same things as you has
helped tons of people to deal
with their stresses healthily. Like an AA meeting for
those who get high on adrenaline rather than gammaaminobutyric acid. Besides
being overall easier to pronounce, running is healthy
and friendly fun.
Weather it is a sport
or a club, get involved and
make a stronger you.
Page 6
February 2014
Why Does School Have Ducking and Covering up, Why the
to Be so Early?
Dress Code is Counterproductive
Mark Harris
Everyday high school students in Tacoma have to be at
school by 7:35. Some people
wake up at 5:45 everyday and
others wake up at 7:00 and
are frequently late. We reluctantly get out of bed and get
prepared for school while we
are half asleep. One morning,
I woke up and just thought
“why”, meaning “why do we
need to be at school at 7:35”.
I really wondered about that
for a few days, and I really
could not think of any good
One reason that the
district might say is that
school starts early because of
after school sports. However,
if school started even a half
hour later, I don’t think that
it would affect after school
sorts all that much, since it
would only move things back
by a half hour.
Furthermore, there
are many students who do
not have any after school activities, but school starts for
them at 7:35, just like everyone else. With school starting
at 7:35, the day ends at 2:05.
Which means, that everyday
they have an abundance of
down time, which rarely results in good grades.
The only reasonable
defense the school district
has for the early start time
is that it would be difficult
to move the high school
time back because of the
bus schedule. If high schools
moved back thirty minutes
so it would start at 8:05, then
there would be a huge logistical issue with the high
school buses and the middle
school buses, since the middle schools start at 8:15. That
being said there is an easy
solution to this, just have the
high school start time switch
with the elementary start
time, meaning high schools
would start at 9:00, middle
schools would continue to
start at 8:15, and elementary
By Ashley Rittenhouse
School regulations
have their place, but these
rules have encouraged the
objectification of women
and potentially contribute
to self-worth related emotional issues. Whether it is
yoga-pants wearers being
pulled over in the hallway,
or tanktoppers being turned
away from informal dances,
the rules are all surrounding
women’s apparel and how to
keep from distracting other
students- i.e. boys.
The dress code is
well meaning, especially
because society has insisted
upon treating women as sexual objects in music videos
and song lyrics. Over-obsessing about one’s appearance has inspired a long list
of problems such as eating
disorders, lower self-worth
schools would start at 7:35,
which would make sense because younger children tend
to wake up earlier.
Hopefully someone
and depression. It seems like
forcing girls to cover up at
school could alleviate that
social pressure.
These rules do not
legitimately address those
problems. Forcing girls to
change their tight shirts and
short skirts fails to look at a
girl’s self-image, thoughts
and emotions. The rules are
meant to keep boys from being distracted, causing girls to
be cast as provocative threats
rather than human beings.
When adults force young
women to cover themselves
up (even if it is for their own
good) they imply that their
body is not their own, and essentially force them to look
at themselves with the objectifying and contextualizing
gaze of a distracted male.
Why is it that these
from the administration sees
this article so high school
students will see the end of
waking up way too early for
men are so distracted? Partially because of their progress through physical development, but also because
the dress code encourages
it. Breaking the rules is bad,
ergo rule-breakers are bad.
This implies that girls who
are breaking dress codes are
“bad girls” who purposefully
solicit themselves, when in
actuality; they are trying to
fit into societies projected
image. In Carolina Heldmen’s four part article, Guide
to Sexual Objectification she
suggests that sexually objectified women are frequently
dehumanized and considered
less worthy of respect from
both men and women. Where
respect is absent, it is easier
to objectify.
And so the cycle of
objectification feeds itself!
So although girls are being
encouraged to duck and cover themselves up, there is no
denying that the proposed solution is part of the problem.
February 2014
How to Deal With
Negative People
Autumn Pancratz
Sometimes in life you
encounter people who you
don’t necessarily like, but
you have to deal with. There
are many kinds of people in
this world and unfortunately
a good portion of them are
spiteful creatures. Dealing
with people of this nature
can be difficult, but in order
to live a peaceful and happy
life it is necessary.
One of the most beneficial things you can do to
deflect the negative personality of others is be very nice
to them. This tactic comes
in handy especially when
your harasser is a teacher,
or someone whom you must
pay a certain amount of respect. If you have ever heard
the saying “kill them with
kindness” you should know
the term isn’t meant to be
taken similarly, but as a figure of speech for being nice
to someone who isn’t particularly nice to you. When
negative people see that their
bad attitudes or hateful ways
are not affecting you, that is
when you have won the battle.
Another way to react
to negative people is by keeping your mind in a positive
frame of thinking. Although
someone may be hungry,
grouchy and sore, it does not
mean you have to absorb the
negativity and begin to sulk
with the ill-fated fellow. Your
life is about your happiness,
so why let someone else ruin
that for you?
Lastly, the best way
deal with people who are
negative all of the time is to
spend less time with them.
Another applicable term I
will bring up is “you are who
you hang around”, so typically if you spend a lot of time
with a negative individual,
chances are you’re going to
start feeling that way as well.
Happiness is essential in life,
and it is the healthiest way of
living. Do what makes you
happy, and avoid the negative spirits in life. Each night
before you go to bed, count 3
positive things that happened
that day! Spend some extra
time with friends! Do what
makes YOU happy. Live for
Second Semester For Seniors
Serece Ivery
Congratulations to being importance of second semes- not made decision yet, I am
down with first semester fi- ter until Portland State told trying to choose between gonals everyone. Senior’s this me that I must send them a ing to Washington State Uniis a very important time for after graduation transcript. I versity and being with all my
you right now, you are half encourage all of you to push friends, sharing a dorm with
to the finish line and one step through until the end and a close friend, and fully expericloser
to that
t h e
glorifreeo u s
d o m
day of
of colJune
Or go
ing to
I have
f o r
Uniy o u
verSenior’s As our high school lives wind down and we prepare for college, seniors
out there and even juniors need to stay focused.
cause I
am in the same spot as you make sure your still applying being less than thirty minutes
from my boyfriend, rooming
are. First of all, do not get yourself to your studies.
lazy! Second semester is still Next, I know many of on my own, and really emvery important.
you may have already com- bracing being independent
You must do well mitted to a school and went and truly on my own.
My advice to you is
even if you have been accept- through the stressful process ed to a college or university. of picking your home for go visit the schools you are
They will check your after next fall. But there are sev- interested in and pick the
graduation transcript. Keep eral who are still contemplat- school that tugs at your heart
in mind if your after gradua- ing where to go and are truly and you will truly feel comtion transcript does not meet feeling the pressure from fortable at as well as truly
your schools expectations, family, friends, and admis- successful. Good luck with
they can revoke your admis- sions officers to make a com- second semester and remember to do what is best for you
sions offer. I can say for my- mitment.
self that I did not realize the For me I am still have and only you!
A Letter to those Clogging
the Hallways
By Bailey Comtois
To the couples that
find it necessary to expose
their love, which is apparently too strong to be contained
in the hallways, staircases, roundabout, and
other various locations
STOP IT you make me
I do not enjoy seeing you shove
your tongues down
each other’s throats,
why would you even
do that at school? Do
you do that in front of
your parents? Why do you
think other students want to
see that? You must be crazy
if you think people enjoy
watching you participate in
your little love fest. Seeing
these couples in the hallway
makes me physically sick to
my stomach. So, STOP IT.
To the packs of underclassmen that take their
good sweet time walking
through the hallways, strolling and taking in the scenery,
STOP IT I have places to go. I
talk to my friends in the hallway also; IT’S NOT HARD
PEOPLE. The worst in when
people have headphones in,
and they can’t hear you say
excuse me, like hello?! I’m
not too sure if you know this,
but guess what???? Teachers don’t like it when we’re
late!!!!! So if you could stop
taking up the entire hallway
Page 7
I’m sure many of us would
greatly appreciate it.
To the students who
sit in the staircases, please
move, I ask you so nicely
almost every day and you
still glare at me like I’m
crazy. You’re the one sitting on the stairs and in
MY way and the stairs
are not chairs, so STOP
IT. Don’t stop sitting in
the stairs, do your thang.
But when people are using the stairs for what
they’re actually used for,
(to get from place to place if
you didn’t know) you should
probably move out of their
February Poem
Shanelle Gibson
It’s the time of the year
The loved ones
They get the chocolates and necklaces.
Single ones celebrate on their own
Watch the cute movies or not.
Sometimes they get what they wish for
Someone to give them gifts and tell
them they love them
Other times they are completely
But there is always one good thing
About Valentines day.
You can eat
Page 10
Facts Behind Valentine’s Day
Serece Ivery and Analaise Watson
The history of Valen- in love himself, realizing the
tine’s Day--and the story of injustice of the decree, defied
its patron saint--is shrouded Claudius and continued to
in mystery. Modern Valen- perform marriages for young
tine’s Day is a day to cel- lovers in secret. When Valebrate our significant other entine’s actions were discovor whomever we may cher- ered, Claudius ordered that
ish by giving gifts of choco- he be put to death.
lates and flowers and
other romantic gifts We
do know that February
has long been celebrated
as a month of romance,
containing vestiges of
both Christian and ancient Roman tradition.
But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he
become associated with
this ancient ritual?
Catholic Church recognizes
at least three different
saints named Valentine
or Valentine’s, all of
whom were martyred.
One legend contends that Other stories sugValentine was a priest who gest that Valentine may have
served during the third centu- been killed for attempting
ry in Rome. King Claudius II to help Christians escape
felt that unmarried and single harsh Roman prisons, where
men made the best warriors, they were often beaten and
so he made a law saying that tortured. According to one
no young soldiers could be legend, an imprisoned Valmarried. Valentine, a believer entine actually sent the first
February 2014
Got Some Emotional
“valentine” greeting himself after he fell in love with
a young girl--possibly his By Mary Cribb
Everyone has had How it works is simjailor’s daughter--who vis- ited him during his confine- times where they just feel ple. You can either check
ment. Before his death, it is horrible. Something is on baggage, or carry it. When
alleged that he wrote her a your mind and you don’t checking baggage, you can
letter signed “From your Val- have anyone to talk to about write out your troubles in
entine,” an expres- it. The pressure can build 1000 characters or less.
sion that is still in and build and you worry and Then, after checking it,
use today. Although worry. But it’s okay. Take a someone else will carry it.
the truth behind the deep breath and feel free to Carrying baggage it equally
Valentine legends is anonymously tell your prob- interesting, you receive what
murky, the stories all lems online in exchange for a someone else wrote, and respond to it with a song and,
emphasize his appeal song.
if you want to, a short mesas a sympathetic, heroic and--most im- gageCheck.org, or Emo- sage. The site also provides
portantly--romantic tional Baggage Check, was links and other resources
a project created by Robyn for people who are carrying
By the Mid- Overstreet in 2011. A web “heavier” baggage, and may
dle Ages, perhaps designer from New York, need more help.
thanks to his repu- Overstreet created the proj- Having
Valentine ect for fun, sharing it with baggage cannot only be
would become one friends, commenting that stressful, but bad for your
of the most popular “I’ve always liked the meta- health. Keeping things to
saints in England phor of emotional baggage, yourself can cause many difand France. America began being a literal person, I ferent problems, including
sending cards around the couldn’t help but think of it headaches, depression, and
17th century. By the 1900 literally, as something that anxiety. The best thing to do
printed cards were replacing you pack up physically and is talk to people about your
handwritten ones, making have to carry around with problems and try to find a soValentine’s Day the second you.” However, after some lution. However, sometimes
largest card sending day to big media outlets reported on it’s hard to find someone who
it, the idea grew. Now about is willing to listen. EmotionChristmas.
two years old, Emotional al Baggage Check acts as an
Baggage Check continues to easy way to write out your
try and get all of those wor- feelings, which can help you
ries off your back.
understand them better.
By, Allison Tannahill, Alexis Lott, Danielle Hopper, Rosalind Sykoff and Amber Knigger
Have trouble think- will you feel accomplished, friend or family member dising of a Valentine’s gift for but it will show the other per- tract them for the day. Write
your significant other? Want son that you really care and a poem, make a creative card, Autumn Pancratz
to come up with an amaz- put a lot of effort into the gift. or even serenade them.
When it comes to toys can be purchased at a loing sentimental gift that they Great places to get Also take a look at Valentine’s
Day, pets are of- cal pet store, as well as treats.
will love and cherPinterest for the perfect
You can pamper your
ish for a very long
handmade gift. If you ten overlooked.
Year after year people cat by clipping its claws, or
time? For some
decide to take this route, gift
other and forget giving it a bath. Gifts that
guys, buying gift is
simply log on to Pinterthe worst thing ever
est if you have one, and about their dear pets. House can work for both cats and
because they have
if you don’t then you hold pets include but are dogs are new food or water
no idea what sort
can create one, it is free. not limited to cats and dogs, bowls, collars, and sweaters.
of gifts to get their
Then once logged on go which I will be giving you a Many people neglect to buy a
sweater that will only be used
significant other.
to the search bar and se- few gift ideas for!
Good gifts for dogs for one month of the year,
However, there are
lect the DIY category, are
toys. You can get but remember that the same
thousands of opor type in “Valentines
tions though, so
gifts” or some whatever heart shaped chew toys for sweater can be hung up and
don’t be scared.
key words you desire, Valentine’s Day or a chew preserved for many years.
For your pet, you
toy in the shape of a squir- First of all,
and begin searching.
it may seem like Get your sweetie a puppy!
If it is simply not pos- rel. Also, you could buy your can pretty much get them
a great idea at the
sible for you to make dog Valentine’s Day themed anything you think they
time but just getting
something for that spe- treats. Even if they are regu- would enjoy, but what you
coffee or a gift card is not the ideas for these handmade cial someone, there are still lar treats I’m sure they will don’t want to do is give them
way to go. It is a great addi- gifts are, thinking back to a lot of options. Flowers, still be much appreciated. If a small toy that can easily be
tion, but makes it seem like your memories together and stuffed animals, and candy you don’t have the budget to choked on. Other than that,
you just remembered it was getting inspiration there, or all make good gifts. Learn go and buy your dog a gift, enjoy Valentines and make it
Valentine’s Day and got the asking your other half’s best what their favorite animal you can give them a bath, enjoyable for your pet too!
first thing you could think of. friends or even family. Bet- is, and try to find a stuffy of and a good cleaning… kind
Secondly, while buy- ter yet get them involved in it. Combine that with a box of like a pet spa day!
Cats are easy to shop
ing a gift is a great idea, mak- some way as well. Like if of their favorite candy and for
Valentine’s Day. Cat
ing something with your own you want to surprise them a homemade cards and you
hands is even better. Not only with something then have the have a fantastic gift.
Gifts for That Special Someone
Don’t Forget your Pet!
February 2014
For the Single Ladies
Selma Torres
Well this is not just
for ladies it’s for guys too, I
Here are some things
to do on Valentine’s Day instead of being on your lonesome all day (we don’t have
school that day, yay!), are
you guys ready for this?
One thing you can do
is hangout with your friends
and do fun stuff so you can
forget about how lonely
you are. You can take your
friends out to the movies, or
dinner, or both! Or you can
do something a bit more exciting like go bowling with
some friends, or laser tag, or
even go to trampoline nation
to sweat off your loneliness.
Some other cool ideas would
be making care packages for
your friends and surprising
them at their door or even
leaving it at their locker; you
can decorate a box and fill it
with candy and a cute letter
telling your friend how much
you appreciate them. Maybe
if they really like it, they’ll
get you something too!
If you don’t want to
spend money you can host a
Netflix movie night at your
house, don’t watch romantic
movies though because than
you’ll remember how lonely
you are and that’ll ruin your
Another thing you
can do is get on Twitter and
just tweet your little heart
out. Or even get on Instagram, but I’m not too sure
if I recommend that because
some couples will be blowing your newsfeed up with
some cute couple photos and
you will start to feel lonely.
One thing I
single person on Valentines
to do is to download Flappy
Bird and play it, seriously
you will be addicted and
then you will forget about
how lonely you are. I hope I
helped you guys, now don’t
have too much fun with my
Oh and remember,
maybe next year you’ll have
a Valentine’s date, cheer up!
Page 11
Jake and Matt’s Top Romance movies
Jake Veith and Rcky Raskasky
The Notebook- Noah
and Allie, love each other
very much. They are separated and cannot be with each
other. Noah attempts to keep
in contact with Allie there
is no response to the letters!
Noah Confesses his perpetual love for Allie over his last
letter. 14 years later they get
work and she falls back into
her childhood life. In the end
she keeps living with her
family but still tries to fall in
love with Channing Tatum
A Walk to Remember- a group of people were
drunk and dove into a pool
without water. They end up
in a hospital. The one main
new date everyday
6. Pretty Women- a
prostitute is being transformed into a very beautiful women. A business man
stops her and he has a thing
for her, he tries to change her
life for the better and get her
off the streets. They fall in
love and you know the rest.
2.T h e
7. Titanica
Songvery rich women
Miley Cyrus,
finds a low class man
is a gothic
and they soon find
girl at first.
themselves falling in
She meets a
love with each othnon-gothic
er. The two of them
male, they fall
can’t be together beasleep
cause the girls famto some baby
ily believes she is too
good for him. The
and then they
boat sinks the guy
fall in love.
saves the girls life
The father has The raw emotions of the double feature of The
and he loses his own
cancer unfor- Notebook and 50 First Dates got to Jake Veith. He in the process
tunately and is being consoled by Ricky Raskasky.
that’s why she
8. Time Travwent to visit
elers Wife- a man a
her father. This is a very sad character goes to school and time traveler, he goes back
but uplifting movie.
meets a special girl. Her dad in time to like see his wife at
is a pastor and doesn’t agree different ages, this is a love
The Vow- True Story, with them dating, the main story I promise
they met at a public office, guy grows to be good. They
they get married in a muse- become the perfect couple 9.
Valentines Day- a lot
um, they get in a car wreck but it is cut short due to the of love stories in one movie
in the snow. She was demol- fact that the girl had cancer.
10. No Strings AttachedVanessa Amburgey
ished by a semi truck. Severe
two people who just want
Make a cheap meal surprised when he turns you
brain damage occurred; she 5. 50 First Dates- its to have a little fun together
at home or a favorite receipe down
can’t remember anything and about this girl who picks up soon grow emotions for each
you’ve always thought about
her parents trick her to live a pineapple and on the way other and fall in love, BIG
Take a relaxing bath
with them. They don’t like home they hit a cow and she SURPRISE.
with candles
the husband so they try to cant remember anything.
Watch Netflix, eat ice
trick her. First she lives with Adam Sandler loves her so
cream, and cry yourself to •
Treat yourself, buy
her husband but it doesn’t much that he takes her on a
yourself flowers, chocolates,
jewelry, candy.
Make brownies, cupAutumn Pancratz
cakes, or valentines cookies. •
Go out shopping or
Play some aggres- buy something you’ve al- couples, but Valentines Day
Don’t have a date mance.
sive/killing video games that ways wanted (Clothes, Neck- for Valentines Day? Don’t If you don’t already is all about expressing love.
will probably brighten your lace, Watches, Shoes, Pets, worry! These activities can have enough sweets to suite Feel free to gift your fammood up a little because Cars)
be done with some of your your liking, a fun alterna- ily, friends and all loved
you’re probably angry.
friends if you haven’t found tive on Valentines Day is ones with homemade items
Try doing something that special one yet!
making festive foods that fit such as bracelets, homemade
Buy yourself a lot of new you haven’t done before Romantic movies are the holiday! Treats are good cards or even some baked
chocolates and get the sat- (Drawing, Painting, Cook- always fun to watch on Val- to have around for you and goods! The most important
isfaction of getting a box of ing, Bowling, Sky Diving, entines Day, even if your just friends especially if you will part of this holiday is keepchocolates and not having to Climb a mountain, Go camp- watching them with a bunch be watching movies. If you ing things peaceful.
deal with the commitment.
ing, Go on a trip, go to a Spa, of friends having a girls have someone you care about You don’t have to go
or yoga)
night. Some ideas of roman- deeply you could perhaps out and spend lots of money
Laze around and do
tic movies to watch are The even bake something for him on cards and gifts and tempoabsolutely nothing
Do something that Notebook, Dear John, The or her! Ideas include making rary people, just have a good
makes you happy and feel Last Song, Valentines Day, heart shaped cookies, cara- time, and express your love
Go on a road trip out good about yourself. (Gym, Titanic and more. Watch a mel apples, brownies, choco- to the world!
of town or to somewhere Tanning, Running, Healthy personal favorite or check late dipped strawberries and
you’ve always wanted to go Eating, Dressing up/Looking Netflix’s romance section more.
your best, Diving in a box of and you’ll be sure to find Most people assume
Ask your cat out on chocolate, Car rides, Spend- countless movies full of ro- Valentines Day is only for
a date and actually sound ing time with family)
Last Second Valentine’s
Day Ideas
Valentines Day Ideas for Teens
Page 8
February 2014
Complaining about the Washington Weather? Think Again
Mark Harris
It seems like everyday I hear someone complaining about the weather in
Washington. The complaints
are always along the lines of
“it’s too cold”, or “we never
get snow” or “why does it always rain”. When I hear people whine about these minor
weather problems I just think
that they are uninformed
First of all, people
should be happy for the rainfall in Washington. For one,
it keeps all the plants green,
helps the crops grow, prevents droughts, and reduces
pollution. Millions of people
in the world wish they had
more rain and depend on it
for suitable drinking water,
but we take it for granted and
think of it as a hassle.
Realistically, the rain
really does not affect how
you live your life either, because most of the time we
are indoors, and when we are
outside all it really does is
make us wet. Also, us Washingtonians get little bits of
rain frequently, instead of torrential downpours that may
not happen as much, but are
a huge problem when they
occur. Plus the more it rains,
then the more it snows in the
mountains so there are better conditions for skiers and
snowboarders. That’s not to
say that rain is the best thing Orleans having a high of 36 still sweating your balls off,
ever, but the positives of rain F and a low of 24 F. In Taco- and have fun trying to go to
outweigh the negatives.
ma on January 7th the high bed when its 100 F in your
When people say that was 47 F with a low of 42 F, room. Many states have huge
its too cold, they obviously which suddenly seems warm problems with the heat, Calihave no idea what they are compared to those tempera- fornia has huge wildfires, Artalking about. Sure, some- tures. You may be saying to izona has dust storms, Texas
times it drops below freez- yourself, “So what we never has giant droughts, and the
ing, and then it makes sense get that cold, but I wish that South has to deal with hurto say that it is cold, but the it was hotter here”, but the ricanes. Plus heat often recold temperatures in western problem with heat is that it is sults in droughts and power
Washington are nothing com- a double edged sword. Sure, outages if people overuse
pared to those in the Midwest the heat is great, you don’t A/C. Next time when you are
and East
complaining about
the lack of heat,
just remember all
the winthe benefits that
ter those
Washington’s mild
a r e a s
weather brings us.
ly have
those people who
highs and
lows that
the lack of snow,
are both
be prepared to find
out why you are
wrong. This is not
meant for those
On Tuespeople who wish
day Januthat we had like,
ary 7th,
a week or two of
Chicago Appreciate it.
snow, this is for
those who desire to
high of 3 F and a low of -12 need to wear a coat, its nice see snow throughout winter.
F, Cleveland had a high of outside, and you feel more re- Whenever we do have snow,
-1 F and a low of -15 F, and laxed, but then your attitude it’s really fun, for the first
New York had a high of 11 F changes when you go home two or three days, but after
and a low of 4 F. Some places and it is way hotter in your that it is just a pain. We all
in Minnesota had lows that house (assuming you don’t remember how fun it is to go
were below -20 F.
have A/C, which most of us sledding, throw snowballs,
Even the South was don’t). Even if you are sitting and build a snowman, but
colder than here, with New around watching TV, you are eventually that gets old and
9 Rules to Follow when Re-gifting
Serece Ivery
Since Christmas has
passed I am sure you all got
a gift you weren’t really expecting. You were thankful,
smiled and hug the person
who gave it to you.
However by now
you have found you have
no need or use for this gift.
Your probably wondering
what you can do with this
gift. Well I suggest re-gifting, but you must do this
the right; way here are nine
rules to re-gifting.
1. Be honest with
yourself. Trust your gut on
whether you will actually use
this gift in the later or near
future or re-gift it.
Are you comfortable
giving this gift away? Think,
can give this gift to someone
else without feeling guilty.
Label items that will
be re-gifted. Write down the
original giver and people
who witnessed you receiv-
a list of what items you have,
where they are stored and
who you think the gift you
will best suit. Check this list
before you go gift shopping because you may
have something the person
you’re shopping for may
6. Find the correct recipient. The gift must be
a good fit for the recipient
not just a money saving
trick for you.
7. Go where re-gifting
is encouraged. Re-gift in
ing this gift so you don’t get situation where it may be
okay like office parties or se4.
Check the packaging. cret Santa’s.
Be sure to search the gift and
packaging for any evidence
that the gift was originally
intended for you.
Keep a catalog. Keep
we all go back to our normal
lives, and luckily by two or
three days the snow has melted and out of our lives until
next winter.
However, if we had
snow year round, then we
would still enjoy the first
few days of snow, and then
it would grow old, but it
would not just melt away, it
would stay there for a few
more months. That means
that the roads would be icy
more frequently and it would
always be colder, and yeah
you would sled and have fun
in the snow occasionally, but
you would still have to go
about your regular life. Another thing that people don’t
consider about the snow
is that if there was snow
throughout winter, school
would not be cancelled, unless there was some extreme
Many of you may
be thinking, “yeah the snow
may not be as exciting if its
here all the time, but it would
be nice to see pure, white,
glistening snow like I saw up
in the mountains”, but since
we live in a city and not in
the Cascade mountains, we
would see slush and ugly
brown snow that your brain
leaves out when you think
about snow.
The Rant Continues
Matt Raskasky
You know what really grinds my gears? People
who show up at your house
that you don’t even know
and trash it. Then they don’t
clean up and leave! Like
what the heck?! That is soo
messed up and I hate it.
Some people are like cavepeople. No manners. You
know what else grinds my
gears? People who thought
that the Seahawks were going to lose the Super Bowl!
The so-called experts kept
picking the Broncos and the
49ers before. I bet they feel
stupid. I think we won right?
I mean 35 points is a beating!
The Seattle Seahawks are
a dynasty and are taking it
next year too! Why are there
sooooo many empty parking spots in Stadium parking
garage?! Like sell them and
make some money! I know
soo many people that would
buy one for a price of fifty
dollars! Sell them to anyone
with a car not just seniors! I
am ending this rant with one
final thing, Is Valentines Day
still a thing? Like im a senior
in high school, am I suppose
to ask my girlfriend to be my
Valentine? Or is she already
my Valentine. Oh yeah Shout
out to Richard Sherman (Best
Corner in the league) and the
rest of the seattle seahawks,
way to smash Peyton Manning and bring home our first
Super Bowl trophy! Actually,
I ended this rant with two final things. I guess that’s why
this is a rant. It makes no
February 2014
Greatest Move of the 80’s
By Rosalind and Amber
You have not lived
until you’ve watched the
best movies of the 80s. Your
parents grew up watching these and you should
too! They may
but none the
less they are
enjoyable. There is
a movie for
everyone; horror, love stories and comedies. Here’s a
list of movies
to watch:
The Goonies
A group of adventures kids
try to find the lost treasure of
the infamous One Eyed Willy
Breakfast Club
It relates to everyone, it’s
relatable in the sense of
high school and stereotypes
and run into some problems
along the way
Stand by Me
Four boys who go on a race
to find a dead body before the
competing bullies.
Girls View’s on Guys
Action Movies… For
the Man in All of Us
1. Rambo- Some sweaty dude
running around shooting
things. Continues through all
of the sequels.
6. Scarface- “ say ‘ello to
my little friend!” that’s about
it in this movie except for
other derogatory language.
8.S i x teen Candles
A girl’s sixteenth birth- 2. Fight Club- Brad Pitt look- 7. Die Hard Series- Guns n’
day is nothing ing all fine and do not talk stuff, Bruce Willis… ‘nough
special, about it… which I’m not sure said.
its forgotten
and she faces
But in the end
she get the
Who Framed Roger
A cartoon accused of murder?
Ferris Bueller’s Day
Top Gun:
With the principal hot on his
The Terminator
This one is about a daring tail, a high school wise guy is
Arnold Schwarzenegger….
flyer that is competing to be determined to have a day off
enough said!!
the best. I’m sure we can all from school
find a little top gun in us
Find a cuddle buddy, pop the
corn get your drank and set
The Original Kara- A city folk who is moved to
a day to enjoy these old time
te Kid:
the country to be kept out of
A boy who is over coming trouble, falls for the pastures
bullying and learns things daughter, AND THEY ILLEabout himself along the GALLY DANCE!
why. Fighting is stupid anyways.
3. 300- A bunch of topless
soldiers with abs (airbrushed
on) fighting Persians.
8. Reservoir Dogs- SPOILER ALERT: Everyone shooting each other. Boom. Done.
9. The Good, the Bad and
4. James Bond Series- A the Ugly- Clint Eastwood in
British spy who is bada** a western doing west things.
and saves the world with his They may be the dirtiest fellas ever put on screen. Dirticoolness.
ness is next to manliness.
Terminator- Arnold
Schwarzenegger all ripped 10. Jaws- Sharks, water,
and kills things and has a boats, death. If you were to
cool accent. Saves the world rewind this movie, a shark
furniture restoration shop. This story gives a
from domination from ma- would be throwing up people
His business partner sud- glimpse of lsraeli society bechines trying to kill humans. on a beach and a ship in the
denly dies and he becomes tween father and son, the past
“I’ll be back”.
bankrupted. His son, who and the future, hope and faith
does not get along with him, and dignity. Another film on
wants hime to shut down the February 20th is called “Av- enue Montaigne which is but you can hang out with
known for the art, friends and maybe laugh
music, and the- about how cheesey the acting
ater. Jessica’s cos- and green screen are. You can always find
tumers consist of many popular ac- something to do in Tacoma
February 20th tors,
producers, and maybe an international
and directors. Jes- Film Festival is a great place
Avenue Montagne (France)
sica has to form to start! It is way to hang out
Bejing Meets Seattle (China)
her old life style to with your friends and have
her new life style quality entertainment, and
March 6th opening op- maybe you will even pick up
Tae Guk Gi - The Brotherhood of War (Korea) and
another language and learn
For more information and movie trailers visit : These films more about a different culmight not seem the ture!
most interesting,
but the can be very
boring Thursday
shop for good until they dis- enue Montaigne” that centers
cover an old piano that can around a women named Jes- night! Hang out with friends
be worth a lot of money. To sica. She is a french women watch an international movhopefully restore peace with who came to Paris and found ie.
The best part is that
his family.
a job waiting tables on Av- the movie not might be good,
Sister Cities International Film Festival Worth the Visit
By Samantha Chaney
Sister Cities is a fun
way to get out of the house
for a couple hours.
On February 6th the
program showedg a Japanese film called “Thermae
Romae” which is about a
man named Lucius, who is
a man that takes life to serious and does not explore
the Japan culture.
His friend takes
him to a public bath and
meets a young manga artist Mamai. Then returns to
ancient Rome and garners
tremendous attention when
he implements these novel
ideas back in Rome. As
Lucius slips back and forth
between ancient Rome and
modern-day Japan.
On February 13 a
film called “Restoration” is
playing. This film is about a
man named Fidelman who is
a hebrew owner of a antique
Page 9
Upcoming Schedule:
Page 12
Youtube Can Be an
Awesome Teacher
Mary Cribb
Whether you think
about it or not, videos on
YouTube have probably
taught you a lot.
From how to put on
makeup, to how to complete
all the achievements in the
latest game, YouTube is a
growing information supplier. Often faster paced, more
creative, and more in touch
with cultural references, it’s
sometimes easer to learn
from a video then from a
book or teacher.
With thousands of
hours of video uploaded a
day, there is a video to cover
interesting, and somewhat
strange, topics covered. If
you tend to learn best in visual manners, or just want to
see your math homework in
a new way, Vi Hart is a great
thing to turn to.
How often will you
ever get see someone skin a
wolf? How about learning
about how De-Extinction
works? TheBrainScoop can
fill your, well, brain with information about the process
of preserving, researching,
and discovering the natural world and its residences.
The internet is becoming a great place to acquire
knowledge fast and in a fun way. As colleges and
high school “flip” the classrooms and offer more
online material - others are like CRashcourse are now
every subject from any book.
CrashCourse, created
by the minds of award winning author John Green and
his brother Hank Green, covers pretty much everything.
World history, biology, literature, and many other subjects are covered in over two
hundred videos. John and
Hank explain everything in a
very upbeat manner, keeping
you entertained and still interested in the subject. Their
videos can help to review
something you’ve already
learned or help to get a better
understanding of the subject.
If you want something a bit
more artistic, the thing for
you is Vi Hart. She uses in
class doodles as a structure
for her work, creating visually appealing videos that
leave you with a new perspective on what you do in
math class everyday.
Twelve tones, the Fibonacci sequence, why Pi is
wrong, and Hexaflexagons
are just a few of the very
Hosted by Emily, the Chief
Curiosity Correspondent of
The Field Museum in Chicago, TheBrainScoop acts
as a fantastic resource for
learning about the diversity of nature. You can learn
more about zoology and enjoy watching someone who
loves what they do do what
they love.
Academy, Vsauce, SciShow,
and hundreds of other channels dedicate themselves to
creating entertaining educational content. This vast
resource can act as entertainment, a study guide, or even
a teacher.
With the availability
of YouTube to most students,
teachers should seriously
consider including it into
their lesson plans. YouTube
could very well be the future
of education.
February 2014
Google Glass Still a Work in Progress
Mark Harris
Google Glass is there are more features that are taking pictures of what
changing its design to in- make it unique. Along with your eyes see, not what
clude more style
your phone’s camera sees.
and prescription
Secondly, Glass takes vidlenses. T
eos so you can record and
his move
share what you see. Glass
is to make Glasses
even lets you connect your
more stylish and
phone to it so it acts as a
practical. The upBluetooth. Some other feadate will make the
tures of Glass are directions,
product more user
translations, maps and many
friendly and will
other things. Basically, if
reach a broader
you can look something up
group of people.
using Google on your comBefore the update
puter, you can look it up usmany people coning Glass.
Glass to be too
maybe Google Glass will
simply designed
become the next ipod, and
and too geeky
in ten years we all will be
for Google is working on making their glasses with wearing Google Glass. With
a more sleek design.
Google, the new
this new update to the proddesign of Glass
uct, Google Glass will acthe new style, Glass also is commodate more people, and
will result in more sales.
For those of you who making sunglasses as well. probably make more profit.
are thinking, “what exactly The coolest feature is that it
is Google Glass”, this arti- can take pictures, but Glass
cle will explain. First of all, takes the pictures from right
its not just a pair of glasses, where your eye is, so you
Angry Birds are the Past, as Flappy
Birds Take Over
By, Allison Tannahill
Did you install the
addicting app called Flappy
Bird? Are you becoming INCREDIBLY frustrated at this
game? Well you are NOT
Almost every student
at Stadium has installed this
irritating app. Every person
that I have talked to about
this app has told me not just
how frustrating and difficult
it is, but that they can not put
the game down. Even those
who have just seen someone
play this game can become
frustrated at its difficulty.
What appears to be a
simple game to pass your extra time by, actually turns out
to be an extremely difficult
task. The path seems simple
to follow, but being so sensitive, it soon leads to bye bye
This game makes
me remember when Angry
Birds was the game to play
and what are the odds that
the new game to have also
involves birds? Just like with
Angry Birds, Flappy Birds
keeps you playing no matter how many times you fail.
You just can’t put it down!
Your frustration will
grow to the point that you will
want to throw your phone at a
wall. But you won’t because
your determination will get
Is is “Game Over” for Angry
Bird’s dominance?
the best of you. You will continuously play until you have
to go do something, and even
then you will want to continue playing Flappy Birds.
To compare the level
of frustration that is produces
by this addicting app, it is
more frustrating than an extremely difficult exam or fi-
look someone is downloading, playing, or talking about
Flappy Bird. If you haven’t
gotten into this craze but
still think you want to try
it out then download it, it’s
Just make sure that
you are prepared for this
app to push your frustration farther than it has
ever been in the past, and
you are ready for it to take
over your thoughts.
And if you feel like
spending an evening with
some Angry Birds, that’s
ok too..
February 2014
Ways to Avoid Winter Illness
By Selma Torres
Nobody likes being
sick, nobody. There are some
ways to prevent getting sick
this season. Let me list a few
for you.
1. Eat your vegetables. A
well-nourished immune system is better able to fight off
infections. It’s got to be fueled with natural vitamins
and antioxidants found in
healthy foods. Eat darkgreen, red, and yellow vegetables and fruits. They’re
packed with numerous antioxidants, plus vitamins A, C,
E, and beta-carotene. There
are also lots of natural teas
that you can drink that have
vitamins that will help keep
you healthy.
2. Exercise regularly. Every time you walk or run,
you’re boosting your body’s
immunity, the natural defense against viruses. A daily
30-minute walk -- or three
10-minute walks -- is the
minimum you need. Doing
more provides greater health
3. Get plenty of sleep. Most
adults need about 7 to 8 hours
sleep. Teens need more,
about 9 hours daily. Growing kids need from 10 to 12
hours of sleep.
getting sick, is simply washing your hands or using hand
Stay healthy this season by
taking care of yourself. Do
these things and your body
will thank you! You won’t
miss a day of school and
will be a happier person.
Strengthen your immune
system by eating fruits and
If your immune sys4. Reduce stress. Some stress tem is strong then are considis good, but know when to erably less likely to be sick.
relax. Too much stress im- Drink lots of juices with vitamin C and eat fruits with vipairs the immune system.
tamin C, which will help you
5. When it is cold outside, boost your immune system.
wear a jacket! A warm jacket These few tips will help you
not get sick this season.
can go a long way.
6. Another way to keep from
Page 13
Breaking One Bad Habit at a Time: Kill Your
Fast Food Instinct
By: Paige Boyle
We all have a love for
fast food whether it’s because
it is easy, cheap or addicting
and delicious.
We all know it’s unhealthy but we eat it anyways. Spring sports are
coming up and coaches are
going to warn us about staying away from McDonalds or
Taco Bell. At one point we all
sneak away at lunch and grab
a quick bite before our next
class. Fast food these days
make it easy for people to afford because of value menus
and their over all cheap prices.
There is nothing
wrong with having fast food
of these questions you most
likely have an addiction to
fast food.
Start breaking these
habits by bringing a sack
lunch to school every once
in a while. If you lower your
amounts of consumption of
fast food, you’ll notice that
you’re saving money on food
and saving money on gas. If
you are giving up fast food
as a New Year’s Resolution
or trying to lose weight in the
next year, counting calories is
an important factor in trying
to give up fast food. Slowly
lower your fast food consumption to one trip or two
trips a week and then slowly
every once in a while, but
fast food everyday catches
up with us at one point in our
life whether it’s high blood
pressure or becoming obese
in our old age. Many young
children these days suffer
from obesity because of the
convenience of fast food.
Before breaking a habit you
have to answer a few questions. Do you eat at a fast
food restaurant everyday or
several times a week? Do
you stop right after school or
work because it’s easier than
going home and making dinner? Do you experience cravings at anytime of the day? If
you answer yes to at least one
lower it week by week. After
a couple weeks, you’ll have
gotten rid of fast food completely.
Comfort food is what
we turn to relieve stress, or
make us feel better after a
break up or fight. Instead of
turning to fatty foods try exercising or pick up kickboxing to relieve stress.
If you follow these
steps to breaking your addiction to fast food, you are on
your way to a healthy lifestyle. Taking the first simple
step of eliminating fast food
is a great way to get a bit
more healthy in a very easy
Dutch Company All Set to Send
People to mars and Beyond
Autumn Pancratz
We live in a time
where things are constantly
being invented, discovered
and explored. The human
race is constantly searching
for the next big thing or new
A Dutch company
One is planning to send
volunteer astronauts
mars in 2022 to
spend the rest
of their lives
there. Although
this offer is
very daunting,
it seems to be
the public considering
company has
received more
than 200,000 applications. It
costs $38 to apply, and anyone over 18 may do so.
This once in a life
time opportunity sounds
amazing, but after taking a
detailed look at the provisions and brutal habitat one is
forced to undergo, some may
realize they do not wish to
venture to mars. The journey
will consist of 7 months in a
rocket with a limited supply
of food and water.
Water will be supplied through recycled urine,
and the astronauts will be surviving off dried and canned
food. Life on mars will be
lonely and dangerous, which
is something volunteer astro-
nauts must be prepared for.
But most importantly they
must accept the fact that they
will never return to earth.
So let’s talk about
who shouldn’t apply for a
one way trip to mars; if you
were the one in the backseat
on a road trip asking every 5
minutes “Are we there yet?”
this trip is definitely not for
you. If you live a high maintenance life style, I wouldn’t
recommend going to mars either.
People who suffer
from claustrophobia will
most likely have an issue
with confined space in the
rocket and lack of carbon dioxide on the planet so staying
on earth would be a best bet
for these individuals.
If one is very into
healthfulness and wellbeing; this trip to mars is
a probably not, considering the 7 month duration in
the rocket will consist of no
showers… for anyone.
As someone who sincerely enjoys the blessing
of living on a planet that is
already colonized, starting
a new life on a planet that is
completely unfamiliar does
not appeal to me specifically, But if someone is looking for a surefire way to get
their name down in history
books, going to Mars seems
like a good route to take to
be a trailblazer. Applicants
Page 14
February 2014
Male Athlete of the Month: Nick Mahan
SW: What sport do you play?
NM: Swimming
SW: Where are you going to college?
NM: I am planning to attend Central Washington University this fall
SW: Do you plan on playing in college?
NM: yes, for fun/ to work out
SW: How long have you been playing?
NM:I wish I could say my whole life, but it’s only been two years
SW: How often do you train?
NM: 6 days a week
SW: Favorite stadium sports memory?
NM: this year on senior night against South Kitsap I was scheduled to swim the 50, which
is my favorite race. As I stepped on to the block I suddenly realized that it would be the last
time I swim in a race here at stadium. The only thought that went through my mind was that
I’d better not take anything short of first place. I am proud to say that I did win the race with a
new personal record time.
SW: Favorite after practice snack?
NM: Mcdonalds with the team!
Nick Mahan is the captain of the swim team and is set
to represent Stadium at districts on the relay teams.
Seahawks Dominate Super Bowl 48 Seahawks Quick Facts
By Mark Harris
Congratulations to
the Seattle Seahawks, the Super Bowl 48 champions. The
Seahawks beat the Denver
Broncos by a score of 43-8.
This game was never close
and showed that they were
the best team in the NFL.
Before the game began, this was a highly anticipated Super Bowl. The Seattle Seahawks had the number
one ranked defense in points
yards allowed
Broncos were
number one in
points scored
per game and
yards gained
per game, and
their quarterback, Peyton Manning threw
for the most touchdowns in
a single season (55) and the
most yards (5,477). On paper
the game looked like it was
going to be very even, although many thought that the
Broncos were the favorites.
But once the game
started, the Seahawks dominated every aspect of the
game. On the first snap, the
Broncos messed up on the
snap and it ended up as a
safety. The Seahawks then
By Tai Jackson
went on to score two field
goals on consecutive drives
to lead 8-0 by the end of the
first quarter. A Peyton Manning interception to Kam
Chancellor resulted in a
one yard touchdown run for
Marshawn Lynch. Later in
the second quarter, a tipped
pass from Peyton Manning
was intercepted by Seahawks
linebacker Malcolm Smith,
who ran it back for a 69 yard
manage to get a touchdown
and a two-point conversion,
but at that point the game
was already decided. The Seahawks added on to the lead
with a Russell Wilson touchdown pass to Doug Baldwin
in the fourth quarter. Linebacker Malcolm Smith was
awarded the game MVP.
So when the dust settled on the 2013 NFL season,
the Seattle Seahawks ended
up winning
Super Bowl.
The most
accomplishment of the
Seahawks is
that their defense held
the Denver
Broncos to
only eight
touchdown. At the half, it points, especially since the
was clear that the Seahawks Denver Broncos were statiswere probably going to be on tically the best offense of all
the favorable side of a blow- time. Limiting the Broncos
that much has people pro
The second claiming this defense as the
half was just as good for the best ever. After many tough
Seahawks. On the kickoff games, the Seahawks proved
Percy Harvin ran back the they were the best team in
Kick for the score. Near the the league, and they couldn’t
end of the third quarter, Rus- have done it in any more of a
sell Wilson threw a 23 yard spectacular way.
touchdown to wide receiver
Jermaine Kearse, making the
score 36-0. The Broncos did
A: Seahawk Blue, Navy
Lately all you have Blue, neon Green, and White
heard on every television
show or news channel is Q: Who designed the Seattle
about our awesome Se- Seahawks logo?
A: NFL in house design team
That’s because the
Seattle hawks have been kill- Q: Who is the mascot for the
ing it on the field, winning Seahawks?
game after game as they show A: Blitz the Hawk
their love and appreciation
for their fans and their beau- Q: How many seats are in the
tiful city. However, are there stadium?
any fans out there who wish A: 67,000
to know a little more about
their beloved team, maybe Q: When was Century Link
being able to talk about top- stadium built?
ics other than just their fa- A: 2000-2002
vorite players? Well here are
some cool new questions and Q: What numbers have been
answers I found that I think retired by the Seahawks?
will be a great way to catch A: 12 Fans (12th Man)
up on your Seahawk trivia! 80 Steve Largent
Have fun and make sure to
vote Hawks!!
Q: What players from the
Seahawks are in the Football
Q: Who is the special teams Hall Of Fame?
coach for the Seahawks?
A: 1995 Steve Largent, CorA: Brian Schneider
tez Kennedy, Walter Jones.
Q: Who’s the head coach for
the Seahawks?
A: Pete Carroll
Q; Who was the Seahhawks
first coach?
A: Jack Patera
Q: Who is the defensive Q: When was the Seahawks
coach for the Seahawks?
first season?
A: Dann Quinn
A: 1976
Q: Who owns the Seahawks? Q: Who won SUper Bowl
A: Paul Allen
Q: What are the team colors? A: Seahawks.
February 2014
Page 15
Female Athlete of the Month: Shaya Murray
SW: What sport do you play?
SM: Basketball and track and field
SW: Where are you going to college?
SM: I haven’t decided yet, but I have a few in mind like
University of Oregon, Central Washington, and Arizona
SW: Do you plan on playing in college?
SM: Yes
SW: How long have you been playing?
SM: Basketball, 7 years and track and field for 5 years.
SW: How often do you train?
SM: Everyday
SW: Favorite Stadium sports memory?
SM: When I broke my personal record at districts for the
triple jump. I jumped 35.7 feet.
SW: Favorite after practice snack?
SM: Goldfish
Wrestling Continues
to Turn a Corner
Shaya Murray has been on the Lady Tigers basketball
team for all four of her years at Stadium
Boys Basketball Wins League
Matt Gunn
The Stadium High School with only one game to play. celebration. It was very fun
men’s basketball team just The team only suffered a few and loud. Shout out to the
Stadium’s wrestling goals for the program consist completed one of the more losses but earned two key Stadium fans for being so
program is a work in prog- of a five to seven year plan. A remarkable season in recent wins over rivals Bellarmine, supportive and loud cheering
ress. Steve Haase is making five to seven year plan means memory as the stormed to in which were very close your team on.
a big effort in trying to make that in five to seven year’s he their first Narrows League games. But when we faced In spite of the great seathe program what is should was to have a team consisted title in more than 20 years. up with Yelm high school the son, there were some difficult losses but since they
be. Many of his goals are of 40 to 50 wrestlers with all It was a sold start to
were non-league games it
consisted into a five to seven of them to make grades. Also finish performance as
did not hurt their league
year plan. The program has wants all of them to be comleague lead, it was
improved significantly from mitted.
But despite some of
what it was. Many wrestlers
From the very
their few losses the guys
standout from this year’s The wrestling pro- stayed positive and alteam, many of them are un- gram has improved signifi- beginning of the season,
ways worked harder and
derclassmen. Haase wanted cantly since Haase was hired.
kept their eye on their
to change many things from A lot of his wrestlers have that Stadium had the
first title in years.. Talkprevious Stadium wrestling better attitudes; they coning to some of the playculture.
form to the rules of common in the league and that
ers practice is long and is
sense. This year’s wrestlers they could be the
returna struggle every day, but
Coach Haase wanted get what he is saying whether
they said it only makes
to change many of the things it is learning a new move or ing frontline of Malik
them better and they realthat were taught from previ- a better way to setup a takely identify what it is they
ous years. Three main points down. Their work mentality Brown, and Bobby
need to work on the most.
that he wanted to fix when he is better than last years. Many Moorehead, the only
By doing this boys
first started out coaching are: wrestlers standout on the
fixed all of their little
general attitude, wrestling team and all of them are ba- up with some guard
holes and are now a solid
technique and culture of los- sically underclassmen. Trey
team. Center Malik Maing. Haase wants his wres- Caldwell in the 106 weight of Mark Galanesi and
yeaux said of the team’s
tlers to be on time and be class, Alex Newberg in 126 Eric Tuttle proved to
Malik Mayeaux (30) and Lucious Brown
accomplishments, “If felt
committed. Haase says, “In but has been out because of
great winning league after
past years, Stadium hasn’t a hand injury, Connor Davis on top in the league as Narrows League.
wildso long. I feel like I was a
been getting taught proper in 132 out because of illness,
part of something special
technique, a good positive James Norton in 138, Jared card.
The boys clinched second time we took the win, during my senior year.”
work ethic.” But last year Rowe in 138 and many more. the
with a 9-2 record along with the league cham- Next up League and
was a learning curve for him.
pionship. It was a back and Districts.
They brought him in at the Haase says that this
forth with Lucious Brown
end of the school year two year for him has been a lot
years ago. He basically came more fun. Goal setting is key. go for many short term goals. getting the game winning
in blind. He had after school He likes this year’s group Many of them want to make basket and a drive with less
workouts for next year’s sea- because they set their goals it to the Dome in there junior than 2 seconds in the game.
son but very few attended. past just being able to wear or senior year. “Don’t give it It was a raucous affair as the
team cut down the nets in
Some of Haase’s long term a varsity jersey. They don’t up, Don’t stop.”
Donavan Castro-Mesa
Page 16
February 2013
The 12’s Celebrate a Championship
Thumbs up from Super Bowl
MVP Malcom Smith
Beast Mode
launches Skittles
into the crowd.
More than 700,000
fans jammed
Seattle streets to
celebrate with the
Evan Little and Anup Chamrajnagar
prepare for the parade.
Derrick Coleman
bundled up in the 20
degree weather
Tyler Myers, Alex Milne
joined Evan Little in Seattle
Seahawks owner Paul Allen waves to
Brannon Ronia
Lakewood native
and Super Bowl
hero amps up the
Russell Wilsom
thanks the 12’s.