ATT Web Info May [Read-Only]

All courses operate in the last week of May. Day trips are Tuesday 26th May – Thursday 28th May inclusive.
There are 3 options for excursions‐
• Big Trips – Polland Trip is a new addition from the September Letter. Some places still available on big trips
• 3Days – A couple of trips offer the opportunity for students to attend for all 3 days
• Day Trip– Students choose 5 options in order of Full payment can be made by cash or cheque on the following dates from 0815 – 0840 • Fridays 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March
• Thursday 2nd April OR
by Credit/Debit Card to the school office on 0131 339 6823 (please avoid calling between 8‐9am and 12‐2pm)
preference. We will endeavour to give their first 3 choices
Parents/Guardians should select courses with their son/daughter by Friday 16th January.
Students will be given their allocated courses through Tutor Group by Friday 13th February. This will contain the total cost due.
Student choices cannot be changed so please choose carefully.
Staff retain the right to choose students they wish to take on their trips. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Craigmount High School’ and should have ‘ATT2015, students name, tutor group’ written on the reverse. No financial concessions can be given.
This document will contain all updates ‐ costs, clothing, meeting places, transport, lunch arrangements etc. Please refer to it throughout the year.
Choices link
This link will open in a new window where you MUST input student details and trip choices for ATT2015. All trips must be registered using the online form.
Bookings close on FRIDAY 16TH JANUARY 2015
Travel by mini‐coach to Manchester staying in half board accommodation. The trip includes two days professional football coaching, a visit to Old Trafford plus evening activities. Tuesday to Thursday inclusive.
Leader – Mr Hendrie
Meet at CHS 0800 Tues 26th May 2015
Arrive back CHS 2000 Thurs 28th May 2015
Swim and snorkel in the warm blue Mediterranean waters; explore the enchanting villages and shops; learn to sail amongst the Greek Islands; visit the Acropolis; sleep out on deck under the stars (or in your cabin). The cost including return flights to Edinburgh, 7 days aboard the boat, including all meals and berthing dues, will be £810.
Leader – Mr MCCOLL
Meet Sun 24th May 0515 Edinburgh Airport Check‐in.
Collect Sun 301st May 1630 Edinburgh Arrivals. ALTON TOWERS
The Alton Towers will be a 3 day trip. On Tuesday we will stop at Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Wednesday and Thursday will be at Alton Towers. Accommodation is in the Moat House Hotel in Stoke‐On‐Trent. This will include breakfast and evening meals in the hotel. There will be night time activities which will be confirmed at a later date. Leader – Mr Gray (Maths)
Meet at CHS 0615 Tues 26th May 2015
Arrive back CHS 2330 Thurs 28th May 2015
Bring snack & lunch £, Dinner/Breakfast provided.
Students have a fun packed week ahead of them! We kick off the week with the most scenic train journey in Europe, travelling across what is now famously known as the ’Harry Potter Viaduct’. We will be travelling to Eigg on a chartered ferry from Arisaig whilst on the lookout for whales/dolphins. Our accommodation will be at the Glebe Hostel which is fully furnished. Other events for the week include a day trip to the Island of Rum to visit Kinloch Castle, walking deep into the Massacre Cave on Eigg as well as trying your hand at archery and kayaking. We have various scenic walks around the island as well as opportunities to play on the beach and paddle in the sea.
Leader – Mr Cheyne
Total cost ‐ £230
Dates –
Group 1, 24‐28 May 2015
Group 2, 28 May – 1 June 2015
Few places remain!
Krakow was an important centre for Jewish faith until the devastating effects of WWII. Students will bear witness to the incredible stories of Jewish life throughout the Holocaust in Krakow. Visits to pre‐
war and wartime Jewish Ghettos, coupled with a moving trip to the nearby Auschwitz Birkenau
Concentration Camp will leave students with an unforgettable experience that will live with them forever. Only open to S2 and S3 students. Leader – Mrs Moore
Set in an idyllic riverside location, this PGL owned and managed centre has its own private beach and is bordered by vineyards and the beautiful River Cèze. Students will stay in purpose‐built chalets in shaded areas of the PGL adventure site. Activities include Canoeing the Ardeche gorge, Archery, Climbing, Raft Building, Mountain Biking and a High Ropes Course. You’ll come back with memories to last a lifetime! Dates Sat 23rd – Sat 30th May 2015
Passports/EHIC’s to Mr Jardine by 21st May.
Meet Sat 23rd May 1745 Edinburgh Airport Check‐in.
Collect Sat 30th May 1945 Edinburgh Arrivals.‐gb/school‐trips/secondary‐
Travel by coach to London staying three nights’ bed and breakfast in a central London hotel with en‐suite facilities. Evening meals also included‐ in central London restaurants. Visits to ten‐pin bowling, the making of the Harry Potter‐ Warner Bros Studio Tour, a walking tour of London sights, a trip on the London Eye, a boat trip on the Thames and shopping in Covent Garden. Two West End theatre shows are also included. Itinerary is subject to change.
Leader – Miss Lawson
Meet at CHS 0645 Mon 26th May 2015
Arrive back 1800 CHS Thurs 28th May 2015
Get your paints, pallets, pens and pencils at the ready. Students will have the opportunity to work on their own pieces whether they be still life, landscapes, portraits or abstracts. This activity will be held at Craigmount.
This can be selected for 1, 2 or 3 days.
Organiser – Dr Kelso
0900 – 1500 in the art department
Learn how to look after your skin, nails and hair. Students will be given a workshop on applying a range of products to create their own individual look.
This activity will be held at Craigmount.
Organiser – Mrs Polland
Meet in Drama Dept. 1000‐1500
Bring any make‐up you wish, a towel, lunch & refreshments. BEYONCE WORKSHOP
Have you ever wanted to dance like Beyonce??? In this activity students create dances replicating this world famous pop and dance icon. Students should bring water, dance attire (or comfortable clothing) and a packed lunch.
This activity will be held at Craigmount.
Meet in the CHS dance studio at 0940
Bring lunch, comfy clothes, jazz shoes if you have them and water.
New in ATT2014
“Snooker is a game of simple shots played to perfection.” Joe Davies
The Manse Club in Corstorphine is the venue for this popular activity. Students can play recreational or competitive games against one another. A 147 gets a prize!
Leader – Mr Sherry
Meet at Manse Club, Manse Rd at 1000
Session will finish at 1500. BIG ZUMBA CHEER
This course will give students the opportunity to participate in the following workshops –
Black Diamonds Cheerleading
Simon says Dance
Zumba Jenni
This activity will be held at Craigmount.
Day Trip
Organiser – Miss Pia Cost ‐ FREE
Canoeing and Kayaking on the Union Canal. This is a one day excursion from the Bridge 8 hub to Fountain Park or Ratho basin.
No previous experience needed and all equipment and transport is provided! Just bring your lunch.
Leader – Mr Laurie
Meet at CHS 0915, returning 1530.
Change of clothes, towel, packed lunch, water.
Tennis Scotland coaches will provide expert coaching to guide students through the tricks of the tennis trade! Matches will be recreational or competitive and no previous tennis experience is necessary. Tennis will be held at St. Margaret’s Park, Corstorphine. Organiser – Mr Owens
Meet at St.Margarets Pk courts at 0945 finishing at 1500 bring lunch and water.
CRAZY SNOWSPORTS Adventure Golf – Snowsports – Adventure Golf
Snow Factor (formerly SNO!Zone) is the real snow
experience where you can ski and snowboard on
fresh snow...indoors…instruction given! Surrounded
by tiki huts, palm trees and exotic plants, Paradise
Island creates a fun atmosphere for a round of
Adventure Golf!
Leader– Mr Stewart Bring lunch, appropriate skiwear and locker £ (ski wear can be hired at additional cost.) Ski’s, boots and poles included. Meet at CHS 0945 on Tues 26th May. Returning to CHS 1600
Students will be given opportunities to create their very own greetings cards. Birthday, Anniversary, Thank‐You, Congratulations on passing your exam cards, etc etc! will be created using a wide range of craft materials. This activity will be held at Craigmount.
Organiser – Mrs Hawkins
09.30 – 15.00
In the fabric room Bring lunch which will be at 1215
Why not spend a day at the bottom of the sea? Dive into the deep at Deep Sea World with our huge sharks, Stella our stingray, tropical fish and much much more! See the wonders of the deep with our fascinating Sand Tiger sharks, our conger eels and a myriad of marine life as you walk underwater through the UK’s longest underwater tunnel. Rail travel from South Gyle to North Queensferry included.
Organiser – Miss Croll
Meet at South Gyle train station at 0915. Returning to South Gyle by 1530 where students will be dismissed.
Have you ever wondered how earth was formed? Harry Potter style magic meets the latest in science interpretation with the opening of Scotland's Time Lords, Our Dynamic Earth's biggest ever redevelopment. Students experience a full tour, dome show and workshop in this five star science attraction.
Organiser – Mr Harkins
Meet at CHS 0830 returning at 1530 on Tues 26th May. Bring bus fares, lunch, snack £.
Get to know your home town, visit some interesting city sights. In the past trips have included Gorgie Farm, Edinburgh Castle, Water of Leith walkway, Art Galleries, Arthurs Seat ranger tour and a guided tour of the Royal Mile. Students should bring lunch. Transport will be by tram, train or bus!
Day Trip Organiser – Mrs Hourigan
Cost ‐ £6
The zoo is a Scottish charity whose mission is to connect people to nature and safeguard species from extinction. Students will experience input from the Education Centre, tour the zoo and visit the giant panda enclosure.
Students should meet at the entrance to the zoo on their allocated day.
Organiser – Mrs Batty
Meet at Edinburgh Zoo entrance hall at 1000 on Wed 27th May. Students will be dismissed from the zoo at 1415. Bring a packed lunch.
Come climb at Europe's largest indoor climbing arena. Even if you've never climbed before or if you're a seasoned expert, you can scale hundreds of routes, boulder and abseil.
All specialist equipment and transport provided.
Organiser – Mrs Jack
Meet at CHS 0945 returning at 1500
Bring lunch, clean trainers and comfortable clothing.
Learn some basic first aid skills – you never know when they be useful! A certificate is awarded at the end of the day to show that all participants should be able to save a life. This activity will be held at Craigmount.
Organiser – Mr Ridland
0945 meet in SfL base. This course will finish at 1445. Students should bring lunch and snacks.
A fun filled day full of your favourite sport –
football! Coaching will be from Scottish Football Association (SFA) staff here at Craigmount HS astro‐turf.
No previous experience needed. Organiser – Mr Beattie
Meet at 0945 in PE, students should bring lunch, water, indoor and outdoor sports wear. This course will finish around 1500
This is second year we have had Foxlake on our programme. Last year the feedback from this activity was superb!
In a purpose built outdoor venue students will experience cable pulley ringos, the fox fall ropes course and disc golf through the woods.
Organiser – Mrs Blair
Wed/Thurs Meet at CHS Rm 1/67 Maths 0815 returning at 1545
Bring lunch, drinks, snacks, change of clothes including a towel + trainers + swimwear for under the wetsuit which is provided.
New in ATT2014
You will have the excellent opportunity to watch a film in French– with English subtitles. We will then all sit down to a languages themed lunch where you can try some authentic European food. This activity will be held at Craigmount. Students may wish to book all three film days.
Organiser – Miss Paton
Meet on Tues at 0930 in Modern Languages. Finishing at 1500. Bring £3 for lunch which will be provided. INCLUDES
A day where you can play favourite board games as well as learning some new games and puzzles eg Othelo, Rush Hour, Connect 4, Tactix, Tangrams and Chess.
This activity will be held at Craigmount.
Day Trip
Organiser – Mrs Durie
Cost – FREE
You will have the excellent opportunity to watch a film in German– with English subtitles. We will then all sit down to a languages themed lunch where you can try some authentic European food. This activity will be held at Craigmount. Students may wish to book all three film days.
Organiser – Miss Paton
Meet on Tues at 0930 in Modern Languages. Finishing at 1500. Bring £3 for lunch which will be provided. INCLUDES AUTHENTIC EUROPEAN FOOD!
An opportunity to visit the amazing Glasgow Science Centre. View a film in the IMAX cinema, figure out where we are in relation to the stars and get to grips with some hands‐on stuff in the science mall.
Transport will be provided students should bring a packed lunch.
Day Trip
Organiser – Miss Herkes
Cost – £22
Guitar making is making its debut in our 2015 programme. Places will be limited for this exciting course. Students will be given the opportunity over the 3 days to build a bass or electric guitar kit, finish it to their liking and attempt to tune it ahead of future gigs!
This activity will be held at Craigmount.
3 Day Course
Organiser – Mr Kimber Cost – £100
(advertised as GRAVITY TRAMPOLINE)
Ryze Edinburgh is something new that will have you bouncing off the walls, landing in foam pits, flying through the air, slam‐dunking and much much more! This venue is expected to reopen ahead of ATT2015 following a licensing issue. Transport is included. Bring a packed lunch.
Organiser – Mrs Allan
Meet at CHS Tues/Wed at 0945 returning at 1600. Meet at CHS Thurs at 1015 returning at 1600
Honey Pot Arts and Crafts Studio is the premier destination in Edinburgh, for all ages to experience a range of arts and craft activities. Work with glass, metal, ceramics, pottery and paint to create your very own masterpiece. Organiser – Mrs McCallum
Meet at CHS 0945 returning at 1500
Bring lunch and comfortable clothing.
Students will learn to trot, trek, ride and groom. An introduction to stable management will also feature during the visit to Lasswade Stables. Transport and helmets are provided.
Organiser – Mrs Jones
Students should meet in FCT at 0915 returning to CHS around 1500. Bring lunch, waterproofs and suitable horse riding clothing. i ‐ CYCLE
Using your own or one of our mountain bikes this trip allows you to enjoy a cycle ride to South Queensferry
through Dalmeny Estate. There will be time to marvel at the Forth Bridge, eat ice‐cream and skim stones on the shores of The Firth of Forth.
Organiser – Mrs Campbell
Tues/Thurs ‐Meet CHS 0900 returning at 1530
Bikes and helmets can be provided, students should bring ice‐cream money and a rucksack containing their lunch. Appropriate clothing depending on weather. New in ATT2014
Knitting , needle work and cross‐stitch are taught in this creative class.
Students will have the opportunity to make their own masterpiece.
This activity will be held at Craigmount.
Organiser – Mrs Hawkins
09.30 – 15.00
In the fabric room at CHS
Bring lunch which will be at 1215
East Lothian boast some of the best links golf in the world! Students will play a round at Kilspindie
GC, Gullane GC and North Berwick GC.
Students should have a bag of clubs, golf shoes and appropriate golf wear. Experience of playing and golf etiquette is desirable. This can be selected for 1, 2 or 3 days
Organiser – Mr Lynch
Cost ‐ £ 15/day
Dates Tues 26th – Thurs 28th May 2015
This is a great opportunity for students to engage in ballet. No previous experience necessary. Staff at the Manor School of Ballet will accommodate all students making for a fun and exciting day at their Hampton Studios, Roseburn.
Students should bring water, ballet attire (or comfortable clothing) and a packed lunch.
Day Trip Organiser – Mr Pye
Cost ‐ £12
New in ATT2014
Can you bowl a half strike, a strike and a turkey or do you need the bumpers up?? This trip combines ten pin bowling, lunch and a choice of movies at the Fountain Park Complex. Organiser – Mr Emery
Meet at CHS at 0900 returning around 1500. Coach travel and lunch is included.
Students will learn the technique of tapping on pressure points, which can be used to relieve stresses, traumas or performance blocks. Once learned it can be used anytime, anywhere for anything that’s bothering you. Day Trip Organiser – Mrs Morrison
Cost ‐FREE
Students will be given a tour of the National rugby stadium, including home and away dressing room, the tunnel, gym and store.
Students should bring rugby kit and lunch as they will return to Craigmount for a practical rugby session with SRU development officers.
Organiser – Mr Harkins
Meet at CHS 0830 returning at 1530 on Tues 26th
May. Bring bus fares, lunch, water, boots, gum shield, 2 sets of rugby kit, towel, £4.‐
You will have the excellent opportunity to watch a film in a Spanish– with English subtitles. We will then all sit down to a languages themed lunch where you can try some authentic European food. This activity will be held at Craigmount. Students may wish to book all three film days.
Day Trip
Organiser – Miss Paton
Cost ‐ FREE
A one day session full of different sports. Try your hand at some of your favourite sports as well as new sports that you haven’t experienced before. Prepare to be transformed from a sports player to a ‘Sportstar Superstar’.
New in ATT2014
Organiser – Mr Beattie
Meet at 0945 in PE, students should bring lunch, water, indoor and outdoor sports wear. This course will finish around 1500
Students will hit the waves at exotic Pease Bay, North Berwick and Dunbar beaches. They will be taught how to ride the waves lying and standing on surf boards. Transport, buoyancy aids, wet suits, gloves and shoes are provided. Students should bring lunch/snacks.
This can be selected for 1, 2 or 3 days
Organiser – Mr Jardine
Cost ‐ £32/day
New in ATT2014
Students will be given a tour of the Hearts stadium on Gorgie Road. Time can be spent enjoying the trophy room. Following the tour, students may go to Riccarton training ground to enjoy a training session with Hearts coaching staff!
Organiser – Mr Stewart
Students should meet at Tynecastle Pk, McLeod Street at 1030. Students will be dismissed from CHS around 1430. Wear Sports clothing, bring bus fares and lunch.
Students will be given a tour of the Hibs stadium at Easter Road. Time can be spent enjoying the trophy room. Following the tour students may go to the Hibs training centre at East Mains to enjoy a training session with Hibs coaching staff!
Organiser – Mr Stewart
Meet at CHS at 0900. Bring bus fares, lunch and wear appropriate sports gear. Returning to CHS to be dismissed around 1430.
Ride the 10m high Storm Chasers, Thunder and Lightning, with their amazing twisting twin flumes then test your strength and endurance in the Tsunami wave pool. Get drenched under the huge tipping bucket. Then glide along the ice in the afternoon!
Organiser – Mr Macaulay
Tues/Wed Meet at CHS 0845 returning at 1545
Bring lunch, swim wear, towel.
What better time to come and marvel at the new Forth Crossing as well as visit the Traffic Scotland Control Centre at South Queensferry. Bridge engineers will give students the opportunity to understand the complexities of building the worlds longest 3 tower bridge! Day Trip
Organiser – Mrs Durie
Cost – £8
Students will be taught how to measure, mix and create tray bakes using a variety of techniques, ingredients and equipment. Ovens, trays and ingredients will be provided. Students require creativity and enthusiasm. This activity will be held at Craigmount.
Organiser – Mrs Al‐Dujali
Meet in FCT at 0900 this course will finish at 1500. Students should bring lunch.
New in ATT2014
A variety of consoles, games and challenges will meet students on this day long gaming bonanza. Students may bring their own games/consoles if they wish. This activity will be held at Craigmount.
Organiser – Mr Allan
Meet in room 2/33 at 0900, this course will finish around 1515. Students should bring lunch and snacks. WATERSKIING
Students will learn to water ski (and ringo!) at Town Loch in the beautiful surroundings of Townhill Country Park, near Dunfermline. The national watrerski centre offers outstanding facilities including 2 state of the art world class boats. Transport, buoyancy aids, wet suits and helmets are provided. Students should bring lunch/snacks.
Organiser – Mr Higgins
Wed/Thurs Meet CHS at 0830 returning at 1600. Bring a packed lunch, towel, change of clothes. WEST END EXTRAVAGANZA
This is a dance extravaganza where students will learn and perform dances from their favourite west end shows. Chicago, Billy Elliot, Wicked and Dirty Dancing’s showstoppers to name a few.
Students should bring water, dance attire (or comfortable clothing) and a packed lunch.
Organiser – Mr Pye
Meet in the CHS dance studio at 0945
Bring lunch, comfy clothes, jazz shoes if you have them and water.
New in ATT2014
This is a two activity day at Xtreme, Newbridge. Students will drive high performance go‐karts indoors and play in an outdoor laser combat game.
Transport and all safety equipment is provided. Organiser – Mr Sansom
Meet at CHS 0845 returning at 1530 Bring lunch, wear old clothes/trainers and snack £. Complete and return indemnity statement signed to Mr Sansom.