No. 05 Principal: Mr. Joseph Kelly. M.Ed., B.Ed.St., B.Econ., Dip.T., MACE, MACEL. Fax: 9782 2656 Tel: 9782 2999 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday, 22 April 2015 Important Dates Wednesday 22 April Tiger PAW program Year 5&6 Saturday, 25 April ANZAC Day public holiday Monday, 27 April Curriculum Day Friday, 1 May Free Dress & Subway Lunch Day District Cross Country PFA Disco Above: Students attending the first Tiger PAW program last week. The Richmond Football club, in association with the South East Melbourne Medicare Local (SEMML), have invited Cranbourne South Primary School to participate in a Tiger P.A.W - Physical Activity and Wellbeing program in 2015. The Tiger P.A.W program consists of one school based workshop held last week and one off site activity held today at Casey RACE in Cranbourne East. Tiger P.A.W focuses on the key areas of; Physical Activity and Fundamental Movement, Nutrition, Diversity and Discrimination, and Resilience. Welcome Back! Welcome back to Term Two. We are already off to a flying start with lots of exciting events coming up at our school. Please check the ‘Important Dates’ opposite and keep an eye out for upcoming news in Contact. Australian Early Development Census (AEDC), A Special message for parents of children in their first year of school (Foundation students) Between May and July this year, our school will be taking part in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). This is nationwide census of early childhood development and helps our school and community Book Club Due back Friday 30 April understand how children are developing before they start school, what is being done well, and what can be improved. The AEDC is an Australian Government initiative run by the Department of Education and Training. Parents will soon receive a letter for more information and the permission form. Curriculum Day Each year government schools are provided with four student-free days for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development, and student assessment and reporting purposes. One of these days was the day before students started this year. Our next curriculum day is next Monday, 27 April. Students are not required at school this day. School Disco The Parents and Friends Association is delighted to announce an upcoming disco for all students. This will be held on Friday, 1 May. Tuesday , 5 May Mother’s Day Raffle tickets due back Wednesday , 6 May Mother’s Day Stall Mother’s Day Raffle Drawn Tuesday, 12 –14 May NAPLAN testing - Year 3 & 5 Wednesday,13 May School Council Meeting 6:30pm Friday, 15 May Life Ed program begins Notices with further details were sent home Monday, 20 April. Mother’s Day Raffle Raffle ticket books were sent home on Thursday, 16 April for the PFA’s Mother’s Day Raffle, to raise funds for our school. All ticket books are due back on Tuesday, 5 May with the raffle to be drawn on Wednesday, 6 May. More ticket books are available at the office if you sell out. Tickets are only $1 each with some fantastic prizes - see page 3 for details. Curriculum Day Monday 27 April ‘You Can Do It’ Student of the Week A Message From The Principal Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome back to Term 2! I hope everyone had a happy and relaxing time ready for the very busy term ahead. As you know, I was on long service leave during Term 1. Therefore I’d like to thank most sincerely Mrs. Elene Archbold for the excellent job she did as acting principal in my absence. Elene’s very friendly and “can do” attitude is a real asset to our school. Schools are very busy and vibrant places that rely heavily not only on the hard work and good will of all staff but also the support of parents. I sincerely thank all those parents who, in all sorts of ways, demonstrate their genuine and friendly support to the school. It’s greatly appreciated. This week’s key to success: ... Congratulations to the following children who have demonstrated our “You Can Do It” keys to success: Getting Along, Confidence, Organisation, Persistence and Resilience. MAC Week 1 3 Izabella Balaj Riley Palling 4 Noah East Elijah Adams 11 Jackson Close Shaun Smith 12 Skye Peckham Natalie Currie 13 Jaiden Smith Tahna Minty 14 Hayden Smith Alyx Trevaskis 15 Lucas Neck Emma Furlong 16 Rori McRae Lachlan Doig 17 Olivia BohmannRobbins Caitlyn Haigh 18 Ruby Guy Emalee Gordon 19 Lachlan Miller Darcy Stiles Harkin 20 Liane Deysel Lilly McCubbin 21 Diesel Rich Zoe Varapodio 22 Tatiana Pearce Abbey McDonald Perf Arts Mattea Hunt Ella Henry Vis Arts Callen Hamer-Pia Cole Murfitt PE Jolie Brown Chyler White Reading Discovery Jaiden Smith Noah O’Neil Spanish Ruby Guy Charlie Poulton Term 2 will be a busy term for staff and students. Activities include: Tiger PAW program; District & Divisional Cross Country; Mother’s Day Stall; NAPLAN testing; Life Ed program; PFA Disco; Education Week; Parent-Teacher Meetings and much more. Please check our website and the Important Dates published in Contact. Special message for parents of children in their first year of school (Foundation students): Please read the notice regarding the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. JOE KELLY (Principal) Week 2 Above: Our Student Welfare Worker Ms Christie Every Tuesday and Friday lunch breaks, our students have the option to attend lunch-time activities in MAC-7. The program is coordinated by our Student Welfare Worker Ms Christie Humble. It’s a fantastic program which provides children with opportunities to read, draw and play games with their friends or other students in a quiet and happy environment. Parking Issues Please exercise patience, courtesy, common-sense and obey the traffic/ parking rules at all times. Please DO NOT park in the Staff Carpark or block driveways. Please note that the police, Vic Roads and the City of Casey Officers frequently patrol this area. Lively Learning Class Trophies Class trophies will be awarded based on behaviour, organisation, skill and great team work . PE MAC 22 Blue 240 Vis Arts MAC 11 Red 200 Perf Arts MAC 3 Yellow 180 Spanish MAC 19 Green 140 Our overall “You Can Do It” Student of the Week CONTACT is the school’s official newsletter and is published fortnightly. A copy is sent home with the eldest child in the family. You can view or download a copy of our newsletters from our website. Week 1 - Diesel Rich Week 2- Lachlan Doig Congratulations The School website contains a wealth of information. You can obtain all newsletters and notices and find answers to questions by the links provided. Changed your details lately? If you have changed you address, phone number or contact details over the holidays please let the school know in case we need to contact you. Free Dress Day & Lunch Day Our first Free Dress Day/ Subway Lunch Day is Friday, 1 May Order forms have been sent home. A Gold Coin donation is requested for the free dress day. Proceeds raised are used to support our Social Service Program overseen by the Junior School Council. Before & After School Care Coordinator: Claire Weissenfeld Phone: 0422 009 078 Hours: 6:30am-8:45am & 3:30pm6:30pm Activities include: Art/craft. Music/ drama, sports/games and cooking are offered to children based around their interests and individual needs. Children are provided breakfast in the morning and a fresh platter of seasonal fruit and a second healthy snack. To find out more or register/ make bookings please go to or call 1300 105 343. New Smoking Bans Now Apply Under an amendment to government legislation, smoking will be banned within four metres of an entrance to all primary and secondary schools in Victoria, and within the school grounds from 13 April 2015. Council officers will be patrolling all schools and have the authority to issue an on-the-spot $147 penalty. Our Life Ed program begins on 13 May. The program is conducted by Life Education Australia which is the largest, independent, Australian, health and drug education provider for school children aged 5-13 years. The primary school program consists of 13 curriculum based modules focusing on issues around food and nutrition, personal safety, physical activity, cyber safety, safety with medicine and legal drugs; tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. Please check the notice sent home yesterday for more information. A free Parent Information Session will be held here at the school at 9:30am on
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