The CRANKHANDLE July 2015 Newsletter of the Southern Peninsula Classic and Historic Car Club Inc. A00011676Y Print Post Publication PP100002657 The Crankhandle is sponsored by the Bendigo Bank Postal Address: S.P.C.& H.C.C. Inc., P.O. BOX 12, DROMANA, VIC., 3936 Website: Email: [email protected] The aim of the Club is to cater for people who have an interest in restoring, touring and displaying all types of Veteran, Vintage, and Classic cars, motorcycles, trucks and stationary engines, etc. or any piece of machinery of historical interest. The views and/or opinions expressed in CRANKHANDLE are not necessarily those held by the Committee of the SPC&HCC. The Next Generation! A new Model T, complete with Ivor Austin’s Grandchildren. What’s inside Page 3.......... President’s Report Page 6...........Behind the Scenes Page 13......................... Editorial Page 5..Annual Monster Auction Page 7 - 9.... Profile Ray Hudson Page 14............Buy Swap & Sell Page 5............... Coming Events Page 11................. Shifting Gear Back Page............. Shifting Gear Page 5.............Federation News Page 12..................Last Meeting All at the SPC&HCC wish to thank the Bendigo Bank for their ongoing financial support in the production of The Crankhandle The deadline for articles and advertisements in the next edition of the Crankhandle is the 15th of July Items received after then will be held over till the next edition. Please email copy or information to Julie Ellis-Jones: [email protected] Front Cover These are the moments. Sunday lunch, last day of the month. The invitations were sent out to one son and three step sons and their families and friends. A total of 24 gathered to sit down to a lunch and with the help of all, it turned out just great, but the afternoon was not just about lunch! The real reason for being there was out in the garage. The result of four years work. Grandsons Brenton and Aaron were about to drive the car on its very first run. My 1913 Model T ford. So far the car had only been tested in the garage, and this was also their very first turn behind the wheel - supervised, of course, by myself. The boys worked out between themselves who would go first, and swapped over. Later Aaron complained that the reverse pedal needed adjustment. It so happened that he was right. I have since replaced it. While all this was happening, my son Matthew took his family for a short run in my 1916 Model T Tourer. Grandson James, aged 3 had his first outing in a “T”. All in all it was a fantastic day for me and my family. Ivor Austin. • Quality European frames at realistic prices • Testing available, phone for appointment • Direct to the public • All work guaranteed • MIP Industrial park Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm SPECIAL PURPOSE OPTICAL Factory 14/1140 Nepean Hwy Mornington Ph: 5975 9037 Don, Andrew, Glenn The CRANKHANDLE MEETINGS General meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Dromana Community Hall, Hodgkinson St, Dromana at 7.30 pm. Melway Ref 159 G7 From Oct 1st 2015 the joining fee will be $35 The membership fee is $55 pa. EXECUTIVE President Mick Daddo Mt Eliza Vice President Michael Hurd Mt Eliza A WORD FROM YOUR PRESIDENT 9708 8703 9787 3181 Secretary: Brian Niblock Safety Beach 5981 8716 0476 264 726 Treasurer Paul Lucas Mornington 5975 7203 Bradbury, Peter Greening, Peter Kruger, Anne Pitcher, Colin Spinaze, Warwick Turner, Alan Editor: Julie Jones COMMITTEE Tootgarook 5985 2017 Balnarring 5983 5310 Mt Martha 0417 830 755 Mt Eliza 9775 2654 Tootgarook 0407 016 719 Rye 5985 5094 OTHER OFFICERS Rosebud Web Master Mark Petty Email: [email protected] Membership Officer Anne Kruger Mt Martha Library, Property & Dispatch Peter Bradbury Tootgarook 5986 4202 0405 351 335 0417 830 755 5985 2017 Club Permit Officer Ray Beagley Rosebud 0414 598 614 Safety Check Officer Tim O’Leary Rosebud 5986 8628 Club Regalia Michael Hurd Mt Eliza 9787 3181 AOMC Representative Ray Beagley Rosebud 0414 598 614 Federation Representative Peter Greening Balnarring 5983 5310 Club Photographer Ray Gardini 9787 2868 Mt Eliza NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING The July Committee Meeting will be held at “The Library”, Mornington Gardens, 98 Bungower Rd, Mornington Tuesday, July 14th at 1:30 pm Tel 5975 7203 (Paul Lucas) The winter solstice is upon us, the days are short and cold, the nights are long and some lucky members are tracking north to warmer vibes but for the rest of us, grin and bear up, the days get longer from the 22nd! Changes are happening ________ !!! Regrettably, Peter and Lorraine Greening have sold their home in Balnarring and are moving to Devon North to be closer to their daughter and family. Good news for them but not good news for us! We are losing two lovely, caring people who have devoted so much of their lives to helping others and particularly us as members of SPC&HCC. I’m lost for words on how to deal with their departure next month. Their commitment to the Club has been outstanding and is evident in how much esteem they are held by all members. There is not an event I can think of, organised for the enjoyment of us all, that they haven’t in some way either directly arranged or had a hand in running. I am so accustomed to seeing them participating, laughing, enjoying helping others and being full of enthusiasm at all our Club happenings that I simply cannot imagine Club life without them being there. And then there are the BBQs!! On top of this, Peter has been a very significant contributor in his role as a committee member including being our representative at the Federation of Vintage & Classic Vehicle Clubs Inc meetings which he regularly attended and reported on back to our committee and to members at our general meetings. On a personal note I will miss his wise advice and input on all manner of things relating to the Club. He is a person strong in his beliefs, without a puffed up ego who if he didn’t know the answer to a particular problem, could always direct me to someone who could help me. I often rang him only to have Lorraine say “ hang on a minute Mick he’s in the garage” and invariably he would be working on something concerning the cars or fixing something for one of their neighbours. Peter, I thank you for your help to me as a committee person but far more than that, all Club members want take this opportunity to thank you both for all you have done in making our Club and the camaraderie of us all so much the better for your being there. The goodwill of us all goes with you both in your new adventure. LIFE MEMBERS What a happy thing that you both jointly won The Club Geoff Anderson, Ray Beagley, Greg Cripps, Ray Gardini, Person of the Year Award in 2014, your last full year with Tony Howard, Noel Meates, Laurie Turner, Don Robinson, John Watson, Peter Bradbury Page 3 Max Caddy, Bill Glover The CRANKHANDLE us. No doubt you will have a trail of members visiting you both in the coming years and we look forward to you both visiting us when you have settled in. Car and Boat Upholstery Michael Leeden Phone 0431 880 233 1B/15 Carbine Way Mornington VIC 3931 Web: Email: [email protected] • Restoration • Modifications • Perfection WIRE & BOOST Peninsula Auto Electrical And Air Conditioning Servicing And so a new committee member _______ !!! With Peter’s departure, there is a need to urgently fill his vacancy on the committee and to that end, we have approached Brian Evans as a long time active member of the Club who had indicated a willingness to help in any constructive way, to join the committee and I am pleased to say he has accepted the invitation. It was passed unanimously at our June committee meeting and he will take his place at our July committee meeting. He will of course need to stand for re-election along with all committee members who wish to nominate for re-election at our October AGM. Welcome aboard Brian. We look forward to your participation. And to future events __________!!! The only other matters I want to touch on are a reminder of our Auction Night at the July general meeting and the Wednesday July 22nd run to Gembrook, The Motorist’s Gourmet Garage which will be a lovely drive and a fun day. Don’t forget It’s a BYO everything with great picnic grounds and BBQ area in a lovely setting right opposite David Peck’s Garage/museum. You will also notice in the August calendar that we have set Wednesday August 19th as the full day visit to Terry Dowel’s new private museum at Beaconsfield. This promises to be quite a day as Terry has a collection of some forty cars including several Cords and the only working Tucker car in the country if not the world, plus many other interesting vehicles and a mezzanine floor of memorabilia. Again it’s a BYO everything. A day not to be missed! See you all at the auction. Safe Motoring. Mick Daddo The Committee wishes to advise the members of the following permits becoming due in the next few months: July: P. Lucas; P. Greening; R. Connell; D. Turner; E. Bone; P Boulton; S. Rose; G. Anderson; McGuigan Family; B. Jones; K Buckland;; D. Meates; S. Gillard; S. Rose; C. Schwerkolt; J. Steele; August: P. Krueger; E. McPherson; I. Davies; D. Asker; B. Wilson; R. Beagley; B. Glover; P. McFarlane Adrian Proprietor Automotive Electrical & Air Conditioning Specialist Fact. 2/10 Colchester Road., Rosebud 3939 Sepember: T. Howard; P. Donnelly; S. Coombs; R. Monro; R. Beagley; C. Higgins; L. Turner; V. Gallichio; A/ Buchanan; D. Jones; C. Schwerkolt; D. Kisby; M. Jageurs; N. Meates; G. Cripps; R. Meates; B. Florrimell; The Committee wishes to welcome the following new members to the club: Keith Anderson; Dainis Balcers; Felix Ruch; Mark Parritt; Robert Armstrong Phone: 0429 033 356 Page 4 The CRANKHANDLE COMING EVENTS Federation News Please advise Conveners if you are going to attend their event, or If you need further details, times, etc. Please phone the Convenor, if you’ve already said you would attend and at the last minute cannot. REGULAR PICNIC GATHERINGS Held at McCrae Beach, off Pt Nepean to the Eastern Lighthouse and McCrae Yacht Club in The George Kiboum Park, Mel 158 K10 on the 2nd Thursday of Nov., Dec., Feb. and March only. The Briars, Nepean Highway, Mt Martha, Mel 145 F12, 4th Tuesday of every month (except Jan). Arrive about 11am at either venue and BYO everything. There’s no official convenor, so just turn up and enjoy the fellowship of people with like interests! July 2015 Tue 7th General Meeting Annual Monster Auction Night Tue 14th Committee Meeting Thur 16th Pub Run to Rosebud Hotel from 12:00 noon Wed 22nd Visit to Motorist’s Gourmet Garage Details as in last mag Cost $2.50 pp to offset operatiing costs. Tue 28th Briars Picnic BYO from 11:30 am Thur 30th Coffee Run to Flinders Bakehouse from 2:30 pm August 2015 Tue 4th General Meeting Speaker to be advised Tue 11th Committee Meeting Wed 19th We wish to thank the Federation very much for the $750 grant to buy the computer for the Club Permit Rego Scheme Management. A letter of thanks has been sent to them. It was great to see a photo of two of our past members on the front cover of Fed News. Don’t forget your entries for the Golden Oldies Tour. leaving Marong Picnic on the 30th of August. Entry FOrms are out for the Melbourne to Maffra run on the 10th of October. THe next day is the Maffra Picnic on the 11th. See me for entry forms. Volunteers are needed for Bendigo Swap as gate keepers and ticket sellers etc. The swap is on 14th and 15th of November. The next Federation meeting is the AGM of the Federation and anybody interested in running for committee will need to see me for forms. Till the next month from Peter & Lorraine Greening. Annual Monster Auction Night Tuesday July 7th at the General Meeting Get out your old tools, spare parts, old car books and magazines, in fact anything that could be of interest to fellow members and you are happy to donate to our auction night. Bring your stuff to the July GM on Tuesday 7th in a night that promises to be bigger and better than ever under the hammer of our one and only Max Caddy!!! All monies raised go to the Club coffers to pay rent and subsidise the Xmas Dinner. Remember UNSOLD ITEMS must return home with you so no junk please! Club Permit Scheme Management Info Day visit to Terry Dowel’s new 40 car museum at Beaconsfield. Depart Bunnings Mornington 9.45am BYO everything. Gold coin donation for local charity. Convenor Mick Daddo 0419 879 004 Ray Beagley is now the Club Permit Officer, and Brian Niblock is deputy officer for emergency only. Page 5 The CRANKHANDLE Behind the Scenes with Max Caddy I have just finished a load of washing, all done in a large bucket. Lorraine won’t let me place it in the washing machine. Why? You may ask. Laying under the MG trying to read the label on a rear shocker, I suddenly noticed the floor was getting colder, no, wetter. I had inadvertently knocked over a bottle of kerosene and I was wet and smelling right to the skin. The kerosene smell is so strong and of course I am out of favour ….again. Bays Auto Paints for a full range of auto paints and finishes, sanding, polishing and spray painting equipment. 10% discount on presentation of this advert. I know of a Club member (no name) who like me, is not aloud to place smelly rags etc. in the washing machine. Not to be beaten, he simply drives down to the laundromat with this load of coveted ‘rags’. No probs. 29 - 31 Yuilles Road, Mornington, 3931 P: (03) 5976 3881 F: (03) 5976 3882 Continuing on the MG; I removed the drivers seat to enable me to add some packing to hopefully help alleviate some of my back pain and found seven dollars in gold coins. The question ‘begs’: if you did find a considerable amount of money in a purchased vehicle, would you return it our just say nothing. If the vehicle is legally yours, who owns the contents? E.M.S. I remember a Auto Upholsterer in Bulleen, who had coins all over the carpeted workshop floor. The proprietor stated throughout the year, they fell on the floor as repairs were undertaken. Every Christmas they raked them up, cashed them in and purchased beer and goodies for the Festive Season. My Son told me of an acquaintance who operated a carpet and upholstery cleaning business. When he saw a coin or note, he quickly vacuumed it up, later emptying the bag in private. Some interesting trivia. I note the new MX5 presently being built in Hiroshima has joined ‘Weight Watchers’. Even the wheel studs have been considered, reducing them from five to four on each wheel and extensive use of aluminium throughout the build. I was greatly impressed with our 14 year old guest speaker at the last general meeting. His knowledge and enthusiasm for his Go Kart was enlightening and portrayed in a very articulate way. I would have liked my Grandchildren to have heard him speak. A couple of new cars on the block: Prop: Rob. Scott-Howath TAX RETURNS SIMPLE $85 COMPLEX $132 SMALL BUSINESS A SPECIALITY BOOKEEPING SERVICE Phone: (03) 5975 3908 Mobile: 0439 100 879 Page 6 The CRANKHANDLE John Watson has imported a beautiful Ford from Canada. Apparently an extremely rare vehicle, namely a 54 Ford Monarch, Lucerne Sun Valley. Glass top, two tone green and only 74,000 miles on the clock. I was very impressed. John also had a lovely little red Subaru Brumby Utility for sale at the front of his now sold Factory. A very tempting 4WD machine. I looked, I hesitated, then regretably, yet satisfactorily, turned away. Vin Gallichio has imported a 54 Ford Custom Tudor with only 24,000 miles on the clock. Completely original car inside and out. Original paint, Sandlewood tan. The boot/trunk when opened, came packed and I mean packed, with trophies won over the years. Each one wrapped in bubble wrap. Hard to estimate just how many, could be as many as 30-40. And finally .. Have you checked your garage/shed for something Auto to bring along to the Auction being held at our next meeting? Bring along some money too. It is usually a fun night – be there or be square. So enjoy, happy, happy and healthy days ahead. Max Xxoo (for the girls) Profile - Ray Hudson I had the pleasure this week to be invited to meet Ray in his wonderful workshop. Along with Max Caddy we enjoyed a great coffee from the Italian Coffee Machine! Ray explained to us, after a life of fast machines of all types and now in semi-retirement, he registered a clever company logo “The Slow Lane” depicted by a snail decked out in customs racing helmet and a “four exhaust” tail section!!! (see logo) DARREN McGRATH Proprietor Ray and Wendy have been very successful entrants in the RACV “Fly the Flag” tours. This year they won a top award with the Fiat Abarth as featured on the front cover and a couple of years back a similar award for their Fiat “Topolino” which is bright red and yellow. More of Ray’s life of motoring etc as follows in his own words.. - MUFFLER AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS TOWBARS AND SHOCKERS Fact. 2/5 Newington Ave., Rosebud 3939 Phone: (03) 5981 2299 “I have been married to Wendy for 43 great years. We have had 3 children together, 2 girls and a boy. I have been lucky - Wendy is a car person and has supported me while I have been restoring cars and when I was younger building race cars and boats etc. I have from childhood had an interest in cars. My father was a really good mechanic with a huge range of experience and I earned my first 10 bob at 13 years of age putting a timing chain into an E93 Ford Prefect under my dad’s supervision.. I started an engine reconditioning business and after many hard years Page 7 The CRANKHANDLE Profile - Ray Hudson bought our first Cam Grinder. I could see that was the way to go and started Crow Cams and although the reconditioning business was successful and had 30 or so employees, it was sold off and we concentrated on the cam business. It grew fast and by the mid 1990’s was by far the biggest supplier of cams to the aftermarket in Australia. I did a hand shake deal with Gibson Motor Sport and supplied race cams only for their team and did the development for them from the last of the Nissan GTR days until after they stopped racing. We did a few other teams at different times including teams like HRT and Garry Rogers Racing. In the touring cars I designed and made cams for cars that won the then Bathurst Race 7 times and one year had 7 cars in the first 10 places. Although I liked the touring cars, I preferred drag racing. There have been 8 world records set in drag racing outside of the USA and Crow Cams was involved in the cam design of them all. I still make cam masters and do design work for people like Victor Bray, John Zappia and Peter Kapiris. In Door Slammer, which is a blown alcohol class, my cams ran the fist 7 second pass, the first 6 second pass and the first 5 second pass in that class - all by John Zappia. Even I can’t believe the development and power people can now get out of these engines and how fast these cars go. We even helped make the car that was the first Automatic car to run a 5 second pass for the quarter mile. The car was a small block Chev and could run to 100 mph in 60 feet and only take less than 1 second for the 60 foot mark. Apart from the racing side we also made all the XR8 and GT Falcon cams for Tickford, then FPV. We started in 1998 and I designed the 220 kx AU Ford cam but also made the 200 kw and TE50 cams. Then the BA quad cam engine came along and with 4 cams per engine we had to get another larger factory and 4 more cam grinders just for that job and from 2003 to 2011 we made around 60,000 cams plus for the Fords and did not have one single warranty return. I had built the cam grinders to be fully computer controlled and invented a computerized checking system that allowed 100% quality control. This was so rigorous that every cam was individually numbered and the readings from the cam was recorded. I read the number off a BA BF BG cam and even today look it up and would know what machine made it on what day and all the tolerances and size it had been ground to. We saved 3600 separate readings around every lobe and journal and the readings are to a millionth of a metre accuracy. The machine I made to do this was built on a 2 ton granite slab for stability and the thermal properties of Granite are good so the machine can be accurate over a temperature range of a normal day. Not all cars are designed well or made well but I like them all and believe a sample of all the different cars should be and need to be conserved and saved from the scrap heap. I have had some really quick road cars in my life - a 1968 Chev Camaro with an alloy 480 cubic inch big block was a 10 second street legal car I had for 10 years. It could run 0 to 200 kmph in the 10 seconds. I am not sure what the top speed would be. It would have to be a braver man than me to find out. I now have a few smaller cars - a 1950 Fiat Toppolino is my favourite car but the 1963 Fiat Abarth is also good, Page 8 The CRANKHANDLE though even when new these cars were not particularly reliable and certainly not fast but I still like them. I also have a 1970 Mustang and a 1968 Cooper “S” and am working to finish a 1964 Galaxie Convertible that has been a work in progress for 15 years now and I hope to have this finished this year. I have a small factory in Dromana and although I do not work a full day any more, I am there most days working on either my cars or friends’ cars or other projects I have. The workshop is reasonably well equipped. I have a CNC Milling machine and a lathe and make a lot of parts and do repairs on my various projects. To me, this is a perfect retirement. Things you see in New York Everyone talks about it! The future is electric cars that can fuel up in the street. Trouble is you haven’t seen it in Australia. Well...... it is happening in Central Park New York. As we were walking down a small feeder road into Manhatten proper, there must have been 50 power stations, fueling up electric cars! You put your money in the box, like a parking meter, and away you go. We were so keen to get these pics that we didn’t see the makes of the cars with the exception of a “Volt” which got David excited, until we kept walking to discover them to be quite common in New York! Ed.. At the Smithsonian US Postal Museum we did a search on stamps with a car theme and were lucky enough to find these specimins. Ed. Page 9 The CRANKHANDLE The Committee want the membership to be aware of our “Supa Dupa” (or should that be Super Dooper - but I digress) Club Metal badges that are currently in stock and ready to adorn your club vehicle. These badges have been made to a high standard and well worth the $30. Contact Michael Hurd Tel 9787 3181 (before its too late). CLUB MERCHANDISE For Sale to Members Metal Car Badges Reversable Vests * Floppy Hats Lapel Badges New Name Tags Replacement Name Tags Cloth Badges Windcheaters* Metal Car Badge Reversable Vest Windcheater Floppy Hat $30.00 $15.00 $ 7.00 $15.00 $ 7.00 $ 3.50 $25.00 $30.00 * Special Price Items All these items may be purchased from Michael Hurd ~ Tel.: 9787 3181 The weather, thankfully, stayed reasonable fine, and I thought the crowd was down in numbers compared to previous years. I wish to thank Peter Greening (who was unable to attend), for making all of the arrangements for this event, everything went very smoothy. I saw Brian Niblock later in the morning, I suspect he was checking up on the acting convenor. Thankyou to all members and visitors who attended , and those who assisted me during the day. CLUB PERMIT HANDBOOK The AOMC Club Permit handbook is currently being updated to reflect the latest changes to the club permit scheme. The latest Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) can be downloaded from the AOMC website, printed off and placed as an insert into the existing handbook (yellow cover 2011 edition). A revised version of the handbook will be published as soon as details are confirmed. AOMC’s website is Ray Beagley (Acting Convenor) Attendees: Red Hill Show 28th March, 2015 Although the day started with overcast and showers, didn’t deter 13 Club members and their vehicles from attending. We had 2 extra vehicles join us, John McQuay in his 1925 Bentley Roadster and Rod Hanson in his 1922 Bentley Roadster, to complete the impressive line up in what turned out to be an enjoyable event. Roger Howes in his magnificent 1964 Studebaker Cruiser won the Red Hill Show President’s award. Greg Hocking & Cindy Taylor David Baud Len & Betty Stampton Phill Hill Roger Howes Murray & Ian Grierson John & Shirley Steele Brian Crocker Michael Hurd Mick Daddo Tony & Shirley Howard Chris Higgins Anne & George Robertson Ray Beagley Jenny & David Ryan John McQuay Rod Hanson Page 10 1948 Morris 8/40 1913 Model T 1977 Rolls Royce 1979 Holden HZ 1964 Studebaker Cruiser 1981 Mercedes Benz 1973 Leyland P76 1968 MGB 1928 Ford A 1978 ROlls Royce 1949 Mercury 1962 Austin A90 Visitors 1925 Bentley 1922 Bentley The CRANKHANDLE An old man, a boy and a donkey were going to town. The boy rode on the donkey and the old man walked. As they went along they passed some people who remarked: “What a shame, the old man is walking and the boy is riding.” The man and boy thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions. Later they passed some people who remarked: “What a shame, he makes that little boy walk.” So they then decided they’d both walk! Soon they passed some more people who remarked “They’re really stupid to walk when they have a decent donkey to ride.” So, they both rode the donkey. Now they passed some people who shamed them by saying: “How awful to put such a load on a poor donkey.” The boy and the man figured they were probably right, so they decide to carry the donkey. As they crossed the bridge, they lost their grip on the donkey and he fell into the river and drowned. The moral of the story? If you try to please everyone, you might as well kiss your Ass goodbye! Shifting Gear Ian Potter Museum, Federation Square, June 2015 A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor’s office. “Is it true,” she wanted to know, “that the medication you prescribed has to be taken for the rest of my life?” “’Yes, I’m afraid so,”’ the doctor told her. There was a moment of silence before the senior lady replied, “I’m wondering, then, just how serious is my condition because this prescription is marked ‘NO REFILLS’.. A major new exhibition at the Ian Potter Museum, Federation Square, Shifting Gear: Design, Innovation and the Australian Car presented the history and design of cars made in Australia. Holden highlighted various stages of concept cars, design and ultimate finished product. As a first ever major exhibition of Australian car design, it takes visitors on a journey of discovery at the beginning of automobiles to the very epitome of today’s cars. Alongside the car display, Holden presented its design archives by showing sketches, illustrations, photos, car engines, racing trophies and the original ‘Holden Lion’ plaster maquette for the exhibition. On the Gallery Floor online;; Shifting Gear: Design, Innovation and the Australian Car – NGV brochure, 2015. GM Holden produced an impressive hot rod concept car, EFIJY, in 2005. A beast of a machine, it graced the ground floor entrance to the exhibition. An array of vehicles included Holden’s first concept, the sleek 1969 Hurricane. The high-performance 1970 Torana GTR-X; an Austin 7Ace; Falcon XA Coupe; Tarrant 2-seater roadster; Chamberlain, and a Molina Monza to name but a few on display. Other cars included The Buick Avenir, awarded ‘Best Concept Vehicle 2015’ shown with a horse drawn vehicle. Found under a peppercorn tree in the 1980s is an incredible unrestored 1934 Ford Ute. The two-fold uses were travelling to church on Sundays, then back onto farm work the next day. Cars of yesteryear also managed to come to grief. The amazing Maybach Mark 1 with a dent but remained driveable! A veritable feast to satiate any car enthusiasts’ pasVeteran, Vintage, Classic, sion! American, English, European, “The exhibition features some very important cars in Holden’s design hisand any Modern Vehicle tory and demonstrates how forward-thinking our designers have always Full Workshop been, and that is something still at large today,” GM Australia Design Director Richard Ferlazzo stated. “Our current design team includes some of the most talented people I have ever worked with, and we are all lookAutomotive repairs and ing forward to playing a significant role in the future of GM Australia design servicing to all makes here in Melbourne,” he concluded. The Shifting Gear exhibition is on at and models NGV Australia at Federation Square until July 12. For more information visit BEAGLE BOYS AUTOMOTIVE Tim O’Leary, Proprietor 1/1 Newington Avenue, Rosebud, 3939 Tel: 5986 8628 Words and photos by Anne Kruger See Page for accompanying Photos Page 11 The CRANKHANDLE Last Meeting At the June general meeting, about 85 members enjoyed a presentation on go-kart racing from Tim O’Leary (proprietor of Beagle Boys Automotive – see ad page 11) and his 14 year old champion racer son Tyler. Tim and Tyler, clearly a strong father/son team, proudly showed their new Italian 125cc 2-stroke go-kart. Its top speed is about 120 kph!! Imagine how speed might feel with the air rushing past your body, the noise & G-forces and your backside 100 mm above the bitumen!! Tyler standing with his proud dad, Tim O’Leary Tyler, a confident articulate young man, told the group about his racing career over the past seven yearsincluding spills and wins. It’s no surprise that he often races the sons of V8 supercar drivers. With much help from his pit-crew, manager and chauffer ( i.e. Tim), Tyler has raced interstate and overseas. Tyler fielded questions from the audience and cracked a few jokes including one about his generous “treasurer”. Very early next morning, Tim and Tyler were to hit the road northwards to Warwick Qld for a national race meeting. Congratulations to Tyler ( & Tim) on your racing career to date and best wishes for many wins in the future from us all at this car club. Photos by Anne Kruger, text by Warwick Spinaze. Letter to the Editor A friend of mine (Bob Showers) is endeavouring to raise interest in the Vicroads/TAC organisations to the potential dangers to frail, injured, or incapacitated persons travelling as front seat passengers in current model motor cars. He is attempting to build up a case file of incidences where such folk have sustained injury when that particular air bag is activated. If there are Club members who have had such an experience or have reliable knowledge of such an event, would they please contact me, either by phone on 5986 2511, or by e-mail, [email protected]. I will then pass them onto Bob for what I believe is a very important matter. It is worth noting that guidelines to this effect are already in place in the UK. I have already made my submission based on our own family experience, hence further case studies would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks. Kevin Poulton. We wish all of our members and their families who have not been enjoying the best of health lately, a speedy recovery and return to good health. Members are not named for privacy reasons and also we do not want to cause offense by failing to mention someone by name. Page 12 The CRANKHANDLE Editorial As Douglas Macarthur said, “I have returned” - from the US any way. Now this is not a boast or anything like that, but our 14 day holiday was on the go all the time. We travelled on the new Dreamliner (Boeing 787) - what a plane. If you haven’t seen the Youtube clip of its near vertical take off then you’ve missed something special. The plane was quiet, roomy (even in cattle class) and just modern and fresh. I had a window seat. You don’t have those little plastic blinds to slide down anymore. There is an electronic control that controls the darkness of the window now! - Sort of like polaroid glasses. Pretty special. Landing in Newark NY, we went on the monorail to the outside of the airport. Onto the train to Pennsylvania Station. Caught cabs for $10 a pop. Bought tickets for the tourist buses (Grayline), went on the subway, had a ride on trike taxis and of course the horse and carriage rides around central park. Then there was the walking. I reckon David and I are and inch shorter. Despite the modern aspects of New York and in particular Manhatten, there are buildings and other reminders of times gone by. We saw the neatest garage signs probably from the 30’s still hanging off the side of a building. We saw parking lots where they stack the cars vertically on hoists! We are sure New Yorkers invented the car horn because they are really good at it. The cars were everywhere, but despite that, we saw no bingles. Well that is not completely true. There are hundreds of buses. Maybe more. These buses go down these narrow’ish roads like it is a 3 lane highway. One such bus took the corner while a Post Office Truck was on the corner double parked. David reckoned if they haven’t hit, it was a finger gauge job. No yelling or screaming about the accident though and I guess that was because both the drivers didn’t own their vehicles. Did you know that there are no petrol stations uptown or downtown Manhatten. We saw a station in Harlem, and there is another on the extreme west side, but the tour guy said that people have to get their petrol in Brooklyn, New Jersey, Queens or anywhere other than Manhattan. If you ran out of petrol on the island, that would be a real problem. I dont know if they have an RACV over there. We went to the Smithsonian of American History. In the front foyer was a carriage from the late 1700’s - it was original untouched and in perfect order. Unbelievable. The quality of the displays at the museum were terrific. Not over done, but spot on - including the maniquins which were so well prepared - White in colour, including their clothing and so life like. They must have borrowed the technology from Madame Tusseauds on 42nd street! While we were in NY, it was Memorial day (well actually the whole week was a celebration) Imagine our Anzac overdosed on steroids and you may get close. Girls, you should have seen the Marines - I saw one black soldier and he was a mountain. The Atlantic fleet had come in for the celebrations, but all we saw was the Guided Missile Cruiser USS San Antonio - that was enough. The ship was tied up to the dock and was GUARDED. BIG TIME. There were marines on the gates, police in cars, Navy Sailors all armed with BIG guns. No BB guns here. It was the real deal. At any rate enough about men in uniform, but I think you get the picture. It was interesting in Manhatten. We were walking in the crowds just behind a Naval Officer of some rank. 5 sailors were walking towards them in the crowd and when they crossed paths, the sailors all saluted simultaneously. The Officer barely acknowledged them but the discipline was amazing. I know I am rambling about everything but cars and the Crankhandle but I have seen some great things. On Cranky things, you will notice a distinct lack of advertising from last month. RACV have pulled the pin as has Autobarn. Do you know of any potential advertiser who would like to be part of our great Newsletter. Let Treas Paul know. In the meantime Happy Motoring Julie (The Rambler) J. C. ELECTRONICS 22 YEARS LOCAL EXPERIENCE John Weir 404 Eastbourne Road, Rosebud West Television, Computer, Antenna Installation & Sales All Audio, Caravan & Trailer wiring PS. We came back to the house being demolished which is good., but we cant get any of our cars out of the Garage. Poor Ruby! This Club is a member of the FEDERATION of VINTAGE, Home Theatre systems, Etc. VETERAN & CLASSIC VEHICLE 0406 536 948 CLUBS Inc. (Vic) and [email protected] Repairs to All Makes and Models THE ASSOCIATION OF MOTORING CLUBS Inc Page 13 The CRANKHANDLE BUY, SWAP OR SELL Members may submit notices of items they wish to BUY, SWAP or SELL at no charge (2 issues only). Non Members (not commercial) shall be charged $10.00 for seven lines, max. two issues only. Club Permit eligible vehicles only. Commercial advertising enquiries should be addressed to: The Treasurer, S.P.C. & H.C.C., PO Box 12, Dromana, Vic., 3936. Government regulations require that the registration, engIne or chassis number of the vehicle MUST be included in all “FOR SALE” advertisements. NOTIFY THE EDITOR ONCE YOUR ARTICLE HAS BEEN SOLD OR THE ADVERT. IS NO LONGER REQUIRED Wanted For Sale Boat trailer for 10ft tinnie Contact. Paul Lucas. 5975 7203 or [email protected] Quantity 2 brand new Lucas “D” tail lamps as on early Holden utes and others, Chrome For Sale 1962 “S” Series Valiant Manual, Original Registration, Original Floor Mats, Very Good Interior, Unrestored, Sage Green. 132,000 Miles Quick sale due to health reasons. $17,500.00 Contact: Neville (Burwood East) Tel: 9803 3796 Mob: 0408 587 943 Looking to recoup cost $90.00 each Geoff Bartlett, Tootgarook 5985 7739, 0419 547 823. For Sale For Sale Steel Luggage Roof Rack 48” x 48” Gutter Mount. EC Price: $80 1989 Toyota Cresida - 2 Owners 178,000 Kms, 4 new tyres, sunroof, silver in colour Reg TPW 227 RWC Price $3,500 Speedo Cable New 6 foot; illman, Vogue, EC Cost $70 will sell for $40 Camper Trailer - Single person 6’ x 4’ x 5’ H.D. Canvas, Bed, Cabinet, Toilet (unused), 9’ x 6’ rear awning, Toolbox. A must see. EC Price: $1,500 Contact Geoff Anderson 5986 4929 For Sale Evernew POP Top 17’ 6” Caravan Double Island bed, level rides, Torino towing mirrors, ratchet jockey wheel, porta potti, new light truck tyres, van cover, all cutlery, crockery, pots, pans & kitchen utensils, 3 way fridge, kettle, jug, vac, cleaner, toaster, iron, radio, LCD, television & aerial, rollout awning & sunshade, outdoor matting, many other extras, electric brakes. Simplicity independent suspension. Excellent Condition $13,000 Contact Don Robinson Tel: 5971 0272 For Sale 1959 ROVER 90 ESN: 610800924 Chassis No: 611800304 Speedo Reading : 97,000 miles [ 2nd time around? ] Rego: GUB 902 Colour: Cream with green interior. Car is complete and engine working. Previously belonged to owner’s grandfather who twice sold the car and twice bought back. At some time fitted with gas but now petrol only. Ken Burrows has sighted this vehicle and can give any interested person, a good run down on the car. Basically in need of TLC. Some rust at bottom of the doors. Dash needs refurbish but woodwork basically undamaged. No sign of accident damage. All panels fit nicely. Price: $2000 ono Contact: Robert Alexander 5975-6199 Commercial Advertising Rates for The Crankhandle (11 Editions) Men’s Red Repco Holden SS bike 26” 28 speed gears Price: $100 B & W 1/4 page. $110 1/3 page. $160 1/2 page. $180 Ladies mauve Gracecross 26” 15 speed gears Price: $80 Contact: Graeme Hind 5985 3054 0409 184 830 Page 14 Colour (Back Page) 1/2 page. $330 Full page. $660 DARIBIN TYRE & SERVICE CENTRE now home to CARS OF FRANCE WE CAN NOT ONLY LOOK AFTER YOUR CLASSIC FRENCH CAR, BUT HAVE THE EXPERTISE AND EQUIPMENT TO SERVICE YOUR OTHER MAKES AND MODELS AS WELL. NOTE NEW ADDRESS AND PHONE NO’S. Ph: 03 9499 7522 or 03 9499 2478 170 Grange Road, Alphington Vic. 3078 Melway: 31 B8 Fax: 03 9499 7844 CITROEN, RENAULT & PEUGEOT Service - Full & Part Restoration - Proxia & Sagem Diagnostic Equipment - Sphere Re-gas - Change-over Starter Motors, Alternators & Hydraulic Components - Spare Parts New & Used - Licensed Vehicle Tester RWC - Less 10% off labour for SPHC & HCC Members See Darren Hodgson and staff for all STOP .... AND GO, TO your auto service needs, from what makes it GO ... to what makes it STOP. They’ll even give you a 12 month or 20,000 km guarantee on parts and labour. Call and talk to Darren at: ABS MORNINGTON 53 Tyabb Road, Mornington, Vic., 3931 Phone: (03) 5973 6855 Fax: (03) 5973 6344 Email [email protected] OR check the ABS website: TOTAL SERVICE SOLUTIONS (Club members, 10% discount on presentation of this advertisement) F T Superior Exhaust Pty. Ltd. (Inc. in Vic) A.C.N. 006 933 366 A.B.N. 88 006 933 366 trading as • • • • ASTFI CAR CARE Robert Sharples, Proprietor Standard, custom and performance exhausts systems Complete brake and suspension service Full vehicle servicing Licensed Roadworthy Tester Call in and see Rob and the boys for prompt attention and expert advice: 49 Tyabb Road, Mornington, 3931 Mel. Ref: 145 G3 Phone: (03) 5975 8788 Fax: (03) 5975 0867 At a time when warmth, compassion, gentleness and understanding mean so much WHITE LADY FUNERALS is there for you. 24 hours a day, every day of the year Thinking of planning ahead? WHITE LADY FUNERALS Guardian Pre-paid funeral plans available. Call for a no obligation appointment. Rosebud : 03 5982 3400 Mornington : 03 5975 9292 AFDA Member Pictures as taken at the Ian Potter Museum, Federation Square
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