DISCOVER GROW ACHIEVE - Creswick Neighbourhood Centre

Term 3, 2015
Winter Brochure
July 13 - September 18
creswick neighbourhood centre
Welcome to Term 3, 2015
Welcome to our Winter Brochure which will take us through till Spring. The
image on the cover is of some bellows that would have been used to supply
your fire with air and help keep you warm - let’s hope our brochure puts
some wind in your sails and motivates you to come and join us for some
warming activities!
A little about us: we are a neighbourhood house originally started by the
Creswick community in the early 1980s. We are an incorporated, not-forprofit organisation dedicated to community development, education, and
training. Governed by a volunteer Committee of Management we are funded
in part by The Department of Human Services and partly self-funded.
We are one of more than 350 neighbourhood houses in the state and over
1000 nationally. We are supported by our state peak body, ‘The Association
of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres’ and our national peak
body, ‘Australian Neighbourhood Houses & Centres Association.’
Neighbourhood Houses and Centres provide a diverse and constantly
evolving range of positive social, health, educational, and economic outcomes
for individuals, families, and communities; particularly for those experiencing
disadvantage. We are proud that our community’s neighbourhood house is
a warm and friendly place to be, where everyone is welcome.
Kim, Derek, & The Team
Creswick Neighbourhood Centre is a not-for-profit organisation governed by a volunteer Committee
of Management. Opinions expressed by tutors and trainers at the Centre may not reflect those of
Staff, Volunteers and Committee of Management.
Incorporation: A0013426B
ABN: 72 933 882 251
Postal Address:
PO Box 96, Creswick 3363
• Creswick Market every 3rd Saturday
• Community Garden
• Free computer and Internet access
• Baby capsule hire
• Colour A3 Photocopying and Printing
• Meeting, Venue/Room, and Hall Hire
• Community facilities including pizza oven
• Graffitti removal kit
How to Register for a Class
Phone, email, or drop in to put your name down for a course or workshop and
staff will remind you when payment is due one week before the scheduled
start date of a class. Refunds are available if the Centre is notified within 3
working days of the class start date. All classes and workshops at the Centre
need a minimum number of students enrolled to commence. Payment plans
can be arranged for people who may be experiencing special circumstances
and/or require extra time to pay off a course. Class dates and times change
from time to time so please make sure you register so we can keep you in
the loop.
Getting Involved
There are lots of opportunities for volunteering at the Centre including:
housekeeping, gardening, teaching, committee of management, reception,
and more. Talk to us about it - we’d love to work with you.
The Purposes of Our Association
To provide education, engagement, and volunteering opportunities to
Creswick and its community through the provision of welcoming community
spaces for all, provision of life-long learning, and support of community
connectedness and participation. To endeavour to address isolation through
equity and inclusion. To strengthen community through support of diversity
and promotion of participation. To facilitate community development and
capacity building by supporting individuals and groups. To promote programs
and processes to address locally identified needs.
Our Committee
We really appreciate our volunteers here at the Centre especially our
Committee of Management members: Jenni Sewell, Kiyoko & Glen Harris,
Jane Marriott, Ange & Steve Kuhn, Travis Smithard, Jodie Kennedy, and
Kate Moran.
Young People
Creswick Community Playgroup
Playgroup is a great opportunity to
meet other parents and children socialising is good for kids and their
grown-ups! Playgroup happens in the
Playscape and in the Hall on wetter
Thursdays 9.30 - 11.30am
In the Natural Playscape & The Hall
Gold Coin Donation - Ongoing
Register: 5345 2356
Youth Group
Young people 10 – 14 years can
hang out, create their own space and
explore ideas, play games, and create
art and music. Drinks and snacks
are provided. Places are limited so
registration is essential.
Thursdays during school term
4 – 6pm
Facilitator: Ian Kronberger
Gold Coin Donation
Phone to register: 5345 2356
Hepburn Play Day
The Playgroup Victoria Play Van and
the local Early Years Services will
be here so please join us for lots of
sensory, active, and imaginative play
as well as other fun activities including
craft, singing, and story telling.
10 September, 10am - 12pm
Info: Amy Marnica 0456 869 515
[email protected].
Book: 5345 2356
Mine Craft Camp –
Coming in Term 3
Don’t miss this one-off opportunity!
Young people aged 5 and up who
love Minecraft can join us for this two
day multiplayer session in a totally
safe environment. Minecraft is a
great educational asset, it aids those
who may not connect well socially,
and provides an opportunity for
many to feel good about themselves.
Minecraft assists in the development
of leadership skills, and is good,
safe fun. More info for parents can
be found here:
BYO laptop, lunch, drink and snacks,
and whatever else you need to be
comfortable for the day. Permission
forms will be filled in prior to the event
and bookings are necessary. If your
child is unable to bring a computer but
would really like to attend, please let
us know.
Computers, Devices & Media
This flexible class will take you to
the next level. Training will include
support to interact with social media
programs, how to safely use online
shopping and banking programs,
how to upload photos to the internet
from your phone or tablet, and how
to securely download free apps and
programs. This class is for people who
already have a basic understanding of
computers and are ready to expand
on what they know to better use
computers for work and everyday life.
Tuesdays TBC, 5 – 8pm
Tutor: Joe Henry
$130 ($105 Conc.) 6 Sessions
Safe Online Shopping
There is an online world of exciting
shopping filled with exotic goods at
bargain prices. We can buy just about
anything from anywhere without ever
leaving our homes; however for the
unwary it’s full of scams and frauds. In
this class you will learn how to check
the vendor’s legitimacy, their website
security, safe payment options,
protect your personal information and
avoid credit card fraud.
Saturday & Sunday TBC
Facilitator: Tim Sloper
Register: 5345 2356
Homework Group
Need some support with homework?
We are interested in starting a new
weekly group after school to assist
young people with the challenges of
homework, projects, and research. If
your child is studying grade 6 - year
9 and they would like to come along
please register your interest with us. If
there is a demonstrated need for this
kind of support we will endeavour to
start a homework support group.
Wednesday TBC, 5 - 7pm
Register: 5345 2356
From mainstream newspapers to specialist online
magazines, and from blogs to e-newsletters, there are
now more media outlets than at any time in history.
There are also more opportunities to participate – but if
you don’t know how to talk to media your voice will be
lost in the crowd.
This course aims to teach the basic skills needed to
talk to all types of media outlets in ways that editors,
journalists, and readers alike will easily and readily
understand. It’s about getting your message across in
the most effective way possible.
Taught by a veteran media insider, participants will
learn lots about how media really works. They will also
learn how to construct a classic ‘inverted pyramid’ press
release, and discover how this fundamental form can be
changed to suit a wide range of media outlets.
The Media And How To Talk To It is perfect for people
with a cause or an event to promote, who want to learn
more about how media operates, or who just want
to have their say online. This is a rare opportunity to
learn from one of the most experienced writers in the
Australian press.
The tutor, Andrew Masterson, has been a professional
journalist for over 30 years. He has worked for
newspapers and magazines across the country. He
was also the founding editor of Lost magazine, and has
worked as a publicist in the fields of music and science.
Currently he is a feature contributor for The Age, the
Sydney Morning Herald, Canberra Times and other
Fairfax mastheads. He also writes for Cosmos science
magazine, Slow Living magazine and award-winning
television documentary-makers, Genepool Productions.
Course materials supplied
Participants will need to bring along:
Session 1: notebook, pens
Session 2: notebook, pens, completed homework
Wednesdays August 19 & 26
$100 - 2 Sessions
Work Life
Facebook for Business
Provide First Aid (HLTAID003)
Wednesday September 9
5 - 7pm
Facilitator: Noelene Gration
Saturday September 5, 8am – 4pm
Tutor: Binky Henderson
$200 Or CPR $75
Make sure that your investment in
Facebook, all those hours of work,
pay off, or if you are starting out – start
with the knowledge you need to be
successful. Early in 2015 Facebook
made significant changes for pages. To
be successful on Facebook, you need
to understand those changes and how
to respond to them.
This nationally recognised training will
provide you with the skills needed to
respond in an emergency situation.
Students will need to complete an
online workbook – a link will be supplied
prior to the class and assistance will
be available at the Centre. You can
also contact us if you need to update
your CPR component.
Hospitality Training Package
I.T. Help!
Do you need some one-on-one
assistance to get your technology
problems solved? Assistance is
available for most I.T. questions
including ones relating to smart phones,
tablets, laptops, PCs, and including
software and hardware issues.
Mondays by appointment
Booking Essential: 5345 2356
Tutor: Matthew Drysdale
$5 for half hour
Webdesign with Wordpress
Need a website for your business?
Older style websites can be clunky
and hard to manage. Using Wordpress
you can design a simple yet effective
website that won’t cost you the earth.
With no ‘hard to manage’ back end your
website can be anything from 1 page
to 55. A prep sheet will be available on
registration. Basic computer skills are
Wednesdays TBC 6-8pm
Tutor: Clay Ravin
FREE - 4 sessions
Perfect for people wanting to gain
sector. Designed to assist people
to work in bar, restaurant, café, or
gaming establishment. Receive a
combination of nationally recognised
training certificates and certificates of
attendance to build your resume and
help get you the job you want. Enrol in
one or all units:
•Safe Food Handling (SITXFSA101
Use hygienic practices for food
safety/HLTFS207S Follow basic food
safety practices) $140
•Responsible Service of Alcohol
(Accredited VCGLR) $70
•Responsible service of Gaming
(SITHGAM201) $70
•Espresso Coffee Basics $70
•Quality Customer Service $70
Dates and times TBC
RTO: Advanced Career Training
Work Life
Social & Interest
Diploma of Counselling
Drop In Group
Get the skills you need to make a
difference in the lives of others, with a
Diploma of Counselling (CHC51712).
Learn how to understand, nurture, and
respond to at-risk individuals while
developing industry-leading interpersonal
counselling techniques and therapies.
Subject to interest this course will begin
in October and run for 12 months.
Further information, including cost, on
application. 17 units of competency.
Come along to the Centre and enjoy a
cuppa and some relaxed conversation.
All are welcome. New people to the
area are especially invited. Shared
lunches are held once each month.
Tuesdays 10.30 – 11.30am
With Sue Cleveland
FREE - Ongoing
Persephone’s Bookclub
There are currently no vacancies
available in this popular interest group
who read and discuss a variety of
novels each year. Please let us know
if you are interested though and we
will put you on a waiting list.
Trainer: SmartCity Vocational College –
Registered Training Organisation
To register please call: 5345 2356
Diploma of Horticulture
Get qualified for a successful career
in horticulture management. Develop
advanced practical skills like pest
management and horticultural production
planning, while also learning the key
marketing and people management skills
you need to drive business success.
Subject to interest this course will begin
in October and run for 9 months. Further
information including cost on application.
10 Units of Competency.
4th Thursday of the month
7.30 - 8.30pm
Facilitator: Pam Hale
Annual fee + Gold Coin Donation
French Conversations
Learn and practice French ready for
your next holiday or simply for the
romance of the language.
Beginners and continuing students
can join in and learn to use common
French words and phrases and
practice the language conversationally
using one of the best books available:
“Grammaire en dialogues”. Une
classe sympathique!
Trainer: SmartCity Vocational College –
Registered Training Organisation
To register please call: 5345 2356
Job Seekers
Need some help writing or freshening
up your resume? Maybe you need
to complete an online job application
and could do with some assistance?
Contact us for one on one help with a
skilled volunteer. Confidential by and
by appointment only.
Phone to book: 5345 2356
Gold coin donation
Thursdays from August 6, 6 - 7.30pm
Tutor: Fiona Robertson
$100/$80 Conc. - 6 Sessions
This astronomy course looks closely
at our Solar System, comets,
asteroids, the heliosphere, black
holes, The Milky Way and much
more. Use a telescope to observe
practical aspects of the night sky such
as the Moon, stars, globular clusters
and more. Car-pool to the Talbot
Observatory for the final session.
Places are limited and bookings are
essential. Materials including a DVD
are provided. Contact us for a full
course outline.
Tuesdays from November 10, 7-9pm
Astronomer and owner of the Talbot
$99 – 4 sessions
Italian Language Introduction
When Dora speaks Italian in musical
tones you can smell the sumptuous
pizza, or the aroma of coffee, and
imagining yourself wandering the
streets of Rome. Learn the basics
of this passionate and beautiful
language whilst discussing food,
nature, and lifestyle the Italian way.
Fridays August 7, 6 - 7.30pm
Tutor: Doralinda Guidici
$100/$80 Conc. - 6 Sessions
Hola Español
Learn to speak basic Spanish with
Spanish teacher Lola from Madrid.
This relaxed and friendly class will
make learning enjoyable. Perfect for
travellers or simply for expanding and
exercising your mind.
Tuesdays TBC, 6 - 7.30pm
Tutor: Lola Bauer
$100/$80 Conc. - 6 Sessions
Social & Interest
Handy Person
Boost your confidence and be more
self-sufficient. Take care of those
small annoying jobs around the home
that may have left you baffled up till
now. Avoid paying a tradesperson
for simple to do jobs such as: plaster
repairs, fixing sagging door hinges
and wobbly door handles, replace
dripping tap washers, mend torn flyscreens, change those blown downlights, and more.
Thursdays from August 6
Tutor: Tony Dam
$100/$75 Conc. 5 Sessions
Basic Car Maintenance
Keep your car ship-shape and drive
with confidence. Learn how to change
your tyres, adjust tyre air pressure,
check and add oil - how much is too
much?, change fuses, carry out jumpstarts safely, and more.
Wednesdays from August 5
Tutor: Tony Dam
$100/$75 Conc. 5 Sessions
Declutter Your Life!
Chess Club
Discuss the benefits of a clutter free
life including improved happiness
and productivity. Explore strategies
to help you get there, as well as how
to sustain a chaos free environment.
Be supported to begin this journey in
a friendly group setting.
If you are interested in learning chess
or if you can already play and you are
interested in joining with others for
social games please let us know and
we will set up a day and time. Gold
Coin Donation - Ongoing
Family History Group
Wednesdays from August 5
Tutor: Tania McMahon
$100/$75 Conc. 5 Sessions
This friendly group researches family
histories on a world-wide scale.
Thousands of names have bounced
off the walls in the computer lab
and stories of every description
have unfolded. Many resources are
available to help you start the journey
now including private research on
request. Come along for an hour or
stay for the whole session.
Sell Your Home
Your home is your most valuable
asset but achieving the price you
think it’s worth isn’t always easy. This
course will cover how to declutter
and use basic interior design skills to
prepare your house inside and out to
present it in the best possible light for
potential buyers.
Wednesdays, 10am – 4pm
Facilitator: Adele Morrison
$10 annual fee + $5 per session
Thursdays from August 6
Tutor: Tania McMahon
$100/$75 Conc. 5 Sessions
Event Management
Organising an event is a huge task –
whether it’s private, public, for profit, or
fund-raising. There’s so much to think
about and get ticked off and often it’s
those things that you didn’t consider
that can let the event down. Learn
from a professional event organiser
the skills and strategies to ensure
your event is a howling success.
Creative Writing
Come along and be assisted and
inspired to move that writer’s
block or make those steps to end
the procrastination. Explore your
spontaneity and unleash your
imagination in this fun writing class,
designed to improve your writing
skills. Bring along your workbook or
Register your interest for this course
beginning in Term 4: 5345 2356
Tutor: Nel Staite
Wednesdays TBC, 10am - 12pm
Tutor: Tracey McDonald
$30 - 5 Sessions
Creswick U3A
Learning doesn’t cease as we get
older. Live, Learn, and Enjoy!
U3A is a community organisation
run by volunteers which provides
opportunities for learning, social and
fitness activities, and community
interaction - enabling members to
keep mentally and physically active
and alert.
Creswick U3A offers a range of
interesting classes, catering for
a wide variety of interests. Some
classes are ongoing throughout
the year while others are of a short
Creswick U3A activities happen at a
variety of locations around Creswick
including the neighbourhood centre.
Creswick U3A welcomes members
over 55 years of age from the local
community and the surrounding
areas, including Clunes. If transport is
an issue or you would like to receive a
Newsletter, let us know. You can also
log on to read the newsletter online
and to find out more about us and the
other activities/classes we offer:
Enquiries phone: 0459 981 066
or visit:
Creative Mending & Alterations
Update, re-sew, re-size, or re-fit your
favourite or found vintage fashions.
Be supported to make simple repairs
or complete redesigns. Use patches,
embroidery, and a variety of stitches
including blanket stitch; and make the
most out of recycled quality fabrics or
your favourite or found piece. Some
sewing machines are available or
bring along your own along with some
lunch and any other materials you
would like to use such as: materials
for patching, cottons, buttons, doilies,
embroidery to re-use, etc.
Saturday TBC
11am – 3.30pm
Tutor: Fiona Robertson
$40 ($30 Conc.)
Art Group
Bring along your current painting
project or begin a new one. This fun
and friendly group meets weekly to
share artistic passion and always
welcomes newcomers. BYO materials
and lunch.
Tuesdays Ongoing, 11.30am – 3pm
Artist: Pam Worswick
$5 Per session - Ongoing
Crafty Women
Share ideas and know-how in this
clever crafty group, open to all forms
of craft. Newcomers are always
welcome. Bring along some lunch and
your current project.
Alternate Mondays - Ongoing
10am – 2pm, $2 per session
Painting with Watercolours
A class for the beginner or more advanced
student. Demonstrations and individual
assistance, followed by class critique.
BYO materials. A suggested materials
list will be available on enrolment.
Session 1. Tuesdays from July 28
Session 2. Tuesdays from August 25
3.30 - 5.30pm
Art Teacher: Lynn Buddenbaum
$100 - 4 sessions
Crafting On the Go
Can’t get to daytime classes or groups?
Finding it difficult to set aside time to do
your favourite thing? Join this new group
for: great ideas, ‘making’ companionship,
and sharing skills. Suitable projects
include sewing, stitching, knitting, craft,
crochet, and whatever else hits the spot!
Sewing machines are available. Men
with nimble fingers or wanting to learn
are most welcome. The group will meet
monthly initially. BYO Materials.
4th Wednesday of the month 7 - 9.00pm
Facilitator: Trish Stannus
$5 per session
Upholster a Chair
In this fun DIY workshop you can
upholster a dining chair, piano stool
,or simple accent chair. You will learn
skills and upholstering tips including
how to re-web, cut and attach foam,
and correctly remove and reupholster
your piece with new or recycled fabric.
Skills taught in the session will be
tailored to suit the style of chair you
are working with. You will gain an
understanding of the tools and skills
needed to tackle similar projects at
home. This class will suit beginners
and those with no previous upholstery
experience. Materials supplied include
any webbing, foam, and dacron
needed as well as tools to use on the
day. BYO chair and fabric; however
fabric is available for pre-order, let us
know if you are interested. Bring along
some lunch.
Sunday September 13, 11am – 4pm
Teacher: Andy Hemming –
The Upholstery House Victoria.
Life Drawing
For the beginner or more advanced
student. Draw using nude life models
in a series of short poses followed
by a long pose for a more finished
drawing. Short demonstrations and
individual assistance will be provided.
BYO materials although
paper can be purchased from the
instructor. A suggested materials list
will be available on enrolment.
Session 1. Tuesdays from July 28
Session 2. Tuesdays from August 25
Art Teacher: Lyn Buddenbaum
$100 - 4 sessions
Seido Karate
Fitness & Health
A family style karate designed for
all levels of fitness. Self defence is
practiced alongside karate training.
Karate not only improves fitness but
improves concentration, discipline,
and self-peace.
Improve stability, increase muscle
strength and tone, strengthen the
‘core muscles’ of your body, improve
balance, and much more. Pilates is
suitable for everyone from beginners
to advanced.
Fridays 9.30 - 10.30am
Instructor: Kelly Korb
$10 ($8 Conc.) - Ongoing
Mondays August 3, - 6-6.45pm
$60 ($48 Conc.) 6 Sessions
Fridays from August 7, 12.15-1pm
$60 ($48 Conc.) 6 Sessions
Tutor: Margaret Lord
Simply Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness is becoming recognised
as one of the most powerful selfhelp tools for enhancing physical
and mental health and wellbeing.
Mindfulness is a simple skill; learn
how and experience the benefits for
yourself including:
• Relieve an anxious, worrying, or obsessive mind
• Release physical/mental tension and relax deeply
• Enhance stress management and coping skills
• Sleep better
• Improve clarity of mind and gain a sense of calm, ease, and contentment!
Staying Strong
Improve balance and agility, increase
joint flexibility, and general fitness for
health. Regular exercise assists you
to avoid diabetes and improves bone
density - all in a fun and friendly class
for men and women. Wear comfortable
Wednesdays TBA
Instructor: Roberta Rice
$3 per session
Walking Group
This easy paced, friendly walking
group meets twice weekly to take in the
sites of Creswick. Wear comfortable
walking shoes, weather appropriate
clothing, and bring a water bottle.
FREE Come and try class:
Thursday October 29, 5.30 - 6.45pm
Regular classes: Thursdays from November 5
5.30 - 6.45pm
Tutor: Jane Southwell
$85 ($75 Conc.) 6 Sessions
Tuesdays & Thursdays 8.30am
Meet Cnr of Albert and South Streets
Fitness & Health
Music & Dance
Boot Camp
Intro to Impro
Increase fitness, strength, and general
health; and get in shape for summer.
Take part in a range of circuit style
exercises structured to suit your
fitness level and be supported to
replace body fat with muscle. When
undertaking a new activity it’s always
a good idea to check with your GP
Tuesdays 6.15 – 7.15pm
Wednesdays 5.30 - 6.30pm
From July 28
Trainer: Brendan - Rescue Me Fitness
$85 - 8 sessions
Hatha Yoga
For people new to vocal impro, or
those wanting to dip in further, this
is an interactive workshop for adults
who can hold a tune and want to
experience a variety of vocal impro
techniques. Using musical elements,
playfulness, and imagination, we’ll
develop a musical vocabulary to
create compelling vocal works.
Whether rich in harmony or leaning to
more experimental styles, participants
will explore the fun and mystery of
spontaneously co-creating vocal
music. Light snack provided. BYO
comfy clothes, flat shoes and a blanket
Sunday August 16, 1:00 - 17.30 pm
Tutor: Helen Davey
Cost: $ 55/ $50
Yoga promotes physical, mental
and emotional health, aids stress
concentration and general fitness.
Yoga can help prevent injury and
improves flexibility, promotes positive
thinking, and assists relaxation. This
class is suitable for both beginners
and advanced students. Exercise and
relax with an experienced teacher
in a friendly class. Bring a rug
and wear comfortable clothes.
Jam Sessions in the Hall
welcome singers and musicians of all
skill levels and musical tastes. Bring
your instrument of choice including
your voice and join in these free
flowing, fun sessions. Audience also
Registration is not necessary – just
come along.
Mondays from August 3, 7 – 8pm
$60 ($48 Conc.) 6 Sessions
Fridays August 7, 11am - 12pm
$60 ($48 Conc.) 6 Sessions
Tutor: Margaret Lord
Fridays 6.30 – 8.30pm
Organiser: Rex Ludovici
Gold Coin Donation - Ongoing
Tips for Singing Well
This is a workshop for people wanting
to improve their vocal technique in a
supportive environment. We’ll work
on breath control, vocal resonance,
volume and projection, and tackle
increasing strength in the wobbly
spots. So we can practice the skills in
context, we’ll apply what we’ve learnt
to a handful of well known songs
throughout the session. Pre requisites:
ability to hold a tune. (Reading
music notation is not necessary).
Supplementary notes and light snack
provided. BYO notepad and pen,
comfy clothes, and a blanket.
Sunday August 2, 1 - 5.30pm
Tutor: Helen Davey
Cost: $55 /$50 Conc.
Burlesque Intro
Raise an eyebrow, perfect a cheeky
pout and have some belly laughs in
this provocative and fun orientated
introduction to classic burlesque style
dancing. This class is for people of
all ages and body types who are
willing to learn to put their best foot
forward. Rock some simple moves
including using your burlesque face
to tell a story, whilst thrusting your hip
like a true professional. The second
workshop will finish with a short and
simple dance routine you can practice
at home. Bring along long gloves and
a feather boa and, of course, your
sense of humour.
Saturdays from November 7
11 - 12.30pm
Teacher: Kerry Carmen
$75/60 Conc.- 2 sessions
Live-well Carbon Reduction Group
A group of like-minded people calculate their
carbon footprint and then work together
to help achieve carbon reduction goals.
Demonstrations will cover topics such as
draft proofing your house and the sharing
economy. Members are also welcome
to attend carbon reduction workshops in
Melbourne (and possibly Ballarat) for free
on topics such as greening your super and
choosing a solar power provider. The group
will meet monthly for six months to help each
other reach their carbon reduction targets.
Register your preferred meeting day and
time and we can organise a start date from
Facilitator: Hayley Shipp-Tink
Gold Coin Donation
Introduction to Natural Beekeeping
Natural Beekeeping regards the wellbeing of
bees as no less important than the honey
they yield. Natural beekeeping is in tune with
nature, and can be simple, low cost, and low
effort. Natural Beekeeping suits both small
scale backyard beekeeping and commercial
beekeeping. This workshop will cover the
theory and practical side of keeping bees
and is designed to help beginners keep
bees naturally and with confidence. Learn
about the bees themselves and how to work
with them and best provide for their needs.
Discover the three most popular hive types,
Langstroth, Warre, and Kenyan; be exposed
to beekeeping boxes, equipment, and tools;
and see a demonstration of typical hive
manipulations and, of course, taste some
honey! Bring along lunch, notebook and
pen, and wear weather appropriate clothing.
Saturday & Sunday 8/9 August
10am - 4.30pm
Natural Beekeeper: Warwick Bone
$150 - 2 Sessions
Basketry - Make a functional
coiled basket
Our Environment
Use natural materials such as
cordyline, bulrushes, and lomandra
to coil a functional basket. Coiling is
a technique that involves wrapping or
stitching an active element around a
passive core. Basketry is an ancient
craft that is relevant in contemporary
life as it allows makers to experience
the satisfaction of creating something
because making baskets adds value
to a wide range of natural materials
that are currently under utilised in
our gardens. Jodie Goldring is a
sculptor and art teacher who has a
broad range of creative experiences
to share. Please bring an apron, thick
thread or cordage, scissors, large
eyed needles, embellishments, and
some lunch.
Weave a Garden Fence
Use waste from pruning the garden
to weave a decorative yet functional
fence. Materials such as willow and
fruit tree will be used in a group activity
to create a fence in the garden using
one of the most ancient construction
techniques known. Create a movable
barrier that could be used as a gate
or part of an animal pen and develop
the skills needed to make one at
home - the fence constructed by the
group will remain for the community
of Creswick to enjoy! Jodie Goldring
is a sculptor and art teacher who has
a broad range of creative experiences
to share. Please bring secateurs,
lunch, and any prunings from your
own garden to experiment with.
Saturday September 12, 10am-4pm
Tutor: Jodie Goldring
$80 ($65 Conc)
Saturday August 15, 10am - 4pm
Tutor: Jodie Goldring
$80 ($65 Conc.)
Natural Skin-care Products
Learn how to make your own skincare
products at home from pure and
natural household items. Make a
soothing moisturiser, luscious lip
balm, and gentle body scrub to take
home. Save money making your own
products or gifts for your family and be
confident of the safe ingredients used.
All ingredients and jars are provided
as well as recipes so you can make
more at home. Bring along an apron
or wear old clothes as this is a ‘handson’ class.
Summer Pruning
Learn to summer prune fruit trees,
berries, and vines. This introductory
workshop will cover theory and
practical pruning and includes an
informative demonstration. Bring your
lunch, tools, and gloves; and wear
sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing.
Sunday November 22, 10am–2pm
Tutor: Gael Shannon
Saturday TBC
10 – 12.30pm
Tutor: Dora Berenyi
$35 + Mateirals fee $10
Chainsaw Operation & Maintenance
Edible Wild Plants Walk
Learn to an industry standard from
a professional instructor all aspects
of chainsaw operation, chainsaw
selection, maintenance and cross cut
techniques, OH&S, operator safety,
maintaining and sharpening your
saw, and environmental concerns.
For the absolute beginner through to
the casual user wishing to upgrade
their skills. Clear your block and
collect your own wood for winter. This
workshop combines both theory and
practical application. Bring along your
chainsaw if you have one, lunch, and
wear weather appropriate clothing.
Participants must wear steel cap
Enjoy a leisurely stroll through the
back streets, lanes, and gardens
of Creswick in search of edible wild
plants. You might be surprised to
discover edible and tasty plants
growing right under your feet that
in the past you have destroyed or
ignored. Discuss the culinary and
medicinal uses of a variety of wild
plants or weeds and get tips on where
to look to find them all year round as
well as learning about which ones to
avoid. Once you’ve collected a variety
of wild plants enjoy a demonstration
and tasting of how these plants can
be used in your kitchen.
Sunday August 16, 11am – 2pm
Tutor: Alexis Pitsopoulos
$40/$30 Conc.
August 22 & 23, 8.30am – 4.30pm
Tutor: Ralf Boyke
$160/$115 Conc. - 2 Sessions
Soap Making Magic
Learn how to make your own natural
and gorgeously scented aromatherapy
soaps to enjoy at home or give as
fantastic gifts. In this fun, hands-on
session you will learn how to create
soap from natural ingredients, use
essential oils to enhance fragrance,
and take home your wonderful
creations to enjoy! Bring along a clean
milk carton (not UHT), apron, rubber
gloves and safety glasses, and wear
closed-toed shoes. As we are working
with caustic soda, this workshop is
only suitable for ages 18 and up.
Bald Hill-Creswick Landcare
Do you live on land that has weed,
salinity, or erosion problems? Or maybe
you just want to plant trees? Activities
and projects occur throughout the
year at various locations and are
publicised in the Creswick District
News. Non-members are welcome.
Contact:Tony Thake on 5334 6406
or Carmel Roads 0400 049 670
Sunday September 13, 11am – 2pm
$50/$40 Conc. + $25 Materials fee
Tutor: Ally Bauer - Delicious Whimsy
Bloke’s Cooking
Food & Garden
Are you lost in the kitchen, sick of
expensive take away, restricted to
costly recipes? Liberate yourself into
the sensory world of man food. Learn
the basic methods of cooking through
an informal series of three hands-on
practical demonstrations allowing
you to confidently utilize budget
ingredients, specials, and markdowns
to create quick and healthy mouthwatering meals. Enjoy the food you’ve
prepared in a shared dinner. Places
are limited.
Creswick Community Garden
Get involved in a group who meet
to share skills and experiences
in growing food from the shared
community garden. The garden
provides an opportunity to learn
about propagation, planting out, and
looking after your crop. If you plan
your garden right, you can enjoy the
fruits of your labour without having
to spend hours tending it. Maintain a
community bed, or just come down
to discuss and learn. Workshops are
held the third Saturday of every month
at the Creswick Market from 10.30am.
Workshops this term will cover soil
health and successful composting.
Wednesdays from August 26, 5 - 8pm
Chef: Derek Raffin
$7 per session, 3 Sessions
Sourdough Bread Making and
Pizza Lunch Workshop
8am each Saturday
Phone for details: 5345 2356
Home bakers can make their own
tasty sourdough. Learn how to make
a wild yeast leaven starter, mix dough,
knead, shape, and then bake loaves.
Learn some professional tips along
the way including how to test baked
loaves for readiness. Hand-out notes
are provided. Bring along a bread
tin, or cake tin if you don’t have one,
you will make a loaf to taste during
class and take a loaf home to bake
and enjoy later; 2 x large jars with
screw on lids; a pen; a tea towel; and
because you will also make and enjoy
a pizza for lunch, any additional pizza
toppings you fancy; and of course your favourite apron.
Cheese Making for Beginners
Want to learn how to make beautiful
Camembert at home? Come along to
this friendly easy to follow workshop.
Take home some cheese to impress
your family and to enjoy later. Bring
along an apron and some lunch.
Sunday August 23, 10.30am – 4pm
Tutor: Jane Cox
$100 All materials included
Always wanted your own small flock
of hens? Learn all aspects of their
care, feeding and breeding, housing
and history, diseases, and other
heartaches. Includes class notes.
Bring along your lunch.
Sunday September 6, 10am – 3pm
$55 + $15 Materials fee
Tutor: Apprentice Baker,
Rachel Dixon
Sunday TBC, 10.30am – 4.30pm
Tutor: Linda Marold
$65/$50 Conc.
Introduction to Permaculture Weekend
This weekend course gives participants an
introductory experience of permaculture.
It’s a great way to decide whether you want
to do a full Permaculture Design Course which we certainly recommend! On Friday
night, we eat together while we meet each
other, watch an inspirational video and learn
a little about the history of permaculture.
On Day One, we learn about the ethics
and design principles that underpin
permaculture. We also visit one or two local
sites to see how people have implemented
permaculture design. On Day Two, we learn
more about permaculture design tools and
techniques, and play around with some
‘mud map’ designing as a group. There are
many different permaculture solutions that
can be applied to any property, so we’re not
searching for a ‘perfect’ design - rather, a
few workable ideas. It’s exciting how quickly
you can understand and apply permaculture
design. Time permitting, we may also review
some practical strategies commonly seen
on permaculture properties. Completing the
Introduction to Permaculture is a great way
to start your exploration of permaculture by
doing something focussed and practical - in
the company of like-minded enthusiasts.
Permaculture books will be for sale, and you
are encouraged to bring any of your own
books, site plans, etc that you might like to
show others. Participants get the most out
of the course by coming to the full weekend.
Friday night is a potluck dinner; which means
we all bring along some food to share. Bring
lunch for Saturday and Sunday and wear
weather appropriate clothing.
July 31, August 1, 2
Tutor: Steve Burns
Next Markets:
July 18
August 15
September 19
Creswick Neighbourhood Centre
19-21 Victoria Street, Creswick
Monday - Friday
9.30am - 4.30pm
[email protected]
(03) 5345 2356