W hen Seconds Count P OR TFOLIO – PUBLIC S A FE T Y P UBL IC S A F E T Y | FREQUENTIS – COMM A ND A ND CONTROL CENTRE SOLU TIONS W HEN SECONDS COUNT Frequentis is a leading provider of command and control centre solutions for the police, ambulance and fire & rescue services. We unite innovative products with state-of-the-art technology and a wide-ranging service package in a comprehensive solution specially tailored to meet your specific needs. Frequentis systems impress with their total reliability and outstanding ease of use. Fast and optimal management of emergency calls and missions is our utmost priority. After all, every second counts! A FOCUS ON S A FE T Y- CRITICA L EN V IRONMENT S Frequentis is an international supplier of communication and information systems to customers in safety-critical markets. We have a long history of relevant expertise, and many years of experience with the strict safety-related requirements of control centres used by the emergency services. Our modular systems, custom-built for the specific needs of each client, support corporate safety and security, threat management and protection, civil protection, and emergency management. The emergency services operate a round-the-clock service, with the control centre playing a particularly critical role. It is the communication hub and information platform used by dispatchers as they coordinate operations, and these dispatchers rely on modern communication and information systems to support their work. Frequentis systems are exceptionally reliable, highly capable, and easy to use: after all, fast and effective management of emergency calls and operations has the highest priority. Frequentis offers a complete portfolio of control centre systems that includes voice and data communication systems, operational management software, voice recording systems, mobile data solutions, call and data management solutions, and video surveillance systems. Individual systems and technologies are designed to complement each other perfectly and can be combined to create the optimal solution for each customer. This portfolio is why customers around the world rely on our systems, including the Berlin Fire Brigade, the Metropolitan Police Service, the Norwegian Police and Fire and Health Agencies. All these clients use our systems to carry out their routine assignments, process innumerable emergency calls and organise countless emergency missions. Communication Solutions for a S afer World Milestones E x perience and K now-How THE BA SIS FOR SUCCE S SFUL PROJEC T S Frequentis unites innovative products with state-of-the-art technology and a wide-ranging service package in comprehensive solutions specially tailored to meet customer needs. Frequentis systems impress with their total reliability and ease of use. Fast and optimal management of emergency calls and missions is our utmost priority, ensuring the right information gets to the right place – anywhere, anytime! A company history stretching back over 60 years and market leadership in the field of communi cation systems for air traffic control form the basis for successful projects. We have enjoyed more than 20 years of international success in the field of command and control centre solutions. Our global network of subsidiaries empower the Frequentis Group to work all round the world. As every project is unique, we’re proud to have the broad range of expertise that allows us to precisely match each command and control system to the specific needs of our customers. Frequentis is also setting a mark for the future with its “cooperative control centres” model. In this model, control centres from different emergency services cooperate by using shared technical resources and profit from the resulting synergies. Frequentis is also represented on various standardisation committees, like EENA and NENA, where the company makes key contributions to the future of emergency calls and communication (new media, emergency calls over VoIP, eCall, etc.). Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), UK: The prestigious contract to supply the MPS in London with an integrated communications control system (ICCS) establishes Frequentis as a major player in control room solutions for the emergency services. The MPS ICCS implementation differs from traditional deployments in many ways. As well as its sheer scale, it also, for example, incorporates CCTV management facilities and operational support solutions like APLS. Frequentis is currently working on a range of new initiatives aimed at increasing the efficiency of the control room operation while lowering the total cost of the command and control environment. Police, Fire and Health Agencies, Norway: In 2007, Norway’s emergency services began the unique implementation of both a new, countrywide Motorola Dimetra TETRA network and new, consolidated control rooms. A primary reason was to guarantee a common solution across the nation that would be easily supported and would also facilitate tight interconnection between the control room and the mobile communications network. Frequentis is responsible for the delivery of the control rooms, where citizens can now contact the emergency services via telephone, SMS or email. The PSAP operators use advanced TETRA functionality, such as group SDS messages, to call out and control field-based resources. Saxony Regional Police & Fire Brigade, Germany: In 2009, the Free State of Saxony contracted Frequentis AG to provide and operate a countrywide control centre system for its Security Authorities and Organisations (BOS). This is one of our most important public safety projects because of the size and complexity of the control centre system, but also because of the multiplicity of different BOS users and their differing technical and tactical needs. Operational management includes delivery and installation of the IT systems and provision of operating personnel. Solution Portfolio FREQUENTIS PRODUC T S A ND SOLU TIONS – RELI A BLE , INNOVATI V E , E A S Y-TO - USE > INTEGR ATED COMMUNICATION CONTROL Frequentis systems offer a scalable and technically-efficient public safety platform with a modular architecture. The product line provides the essential functionality required for a structured and efficient public safety response, including: > > > > > Emergency call reception and processing Integrating communications with responding resources Incident recording Alarm status management Geographic information system (GIS) data visualisation With Frequentis, your control centre environment is based on the operational flow of your centre and in line with NENA/EENA i3. We structure the centre exactly as you want it (as a single, standalone centre or a virtual centre within an entire ESInet), creating an emergency operational setup on YOUR terms. > CA LL M A N AGEMENT Frequentis offers a professional call centre and contact management solution to ensure efficient call management. It’s designed specifically for emergency operations and follows the NENA i3 blueprint for NG9-1-1/1-1-2. The solution can be fully integrated with command and control solutions. It ensures calls are automatically forwarded to the correct employee and that all important call information is saved. Frequentis also offers an innovative way of handling calls. The screen layout provides immediate access to all the functions necessary for taking and processing calls. The solution also allows the call taker to manage voice, video and other data (e.g. SMS, web-based data and data from other external sources) from assorted communication devices. > COMM A ND A ND CONTROL (CA D) Frequentis offers modular command and control centre systems (computer aided dispatching systems) that provide all the necessary mission control functions: reception of emergency calls, mission recording, mission scheduling, alarm management, mission control and management. Additional support is offered through intelligent and extensible services, covering such aspects as resource proposals, action plans and much more. The systems are adapted to meet the customer’s specific needs and can be structured according to organisational responsibility (e.g. call taker, dispatcher or administrator). Incidents and resources can be represented visually with the help of geographic information systems. Standardised interfaces allow connections with supplementary systems, such as danger detection systems or automatic vehicle location systems. Frequentis systems offer a scalable and technically-efficient ta Da n Ma m age en t I n t eg r a t ed C ( V oic omm un ica e Co t io mm un n C ic a t io on t ro n) l Ca Integr ated command & control centre solutions Ma din g ll R ec g em or na en t TV C om m a n d an dC (C o m p u o t er A id e CC dD is nt ro l (C AD pa tc ) hi n g) Di al git Ra dio /LTE Mob i le Da ta efficient Public Safety platform with a modular architecture Integr ated command & control centre solutions > DIGITA L R A DIO/ LTE Digital trunked radio and LTE are becoming increasingly important in the public safety sector as the networks replace ageing analogue radio infrastructures. Frequentis command and control centre systems are ready for the new technology. They are equipped with specific interfaces for digital trunked radio and support such functionality as group calls, dynamic grouping and data services. Frequentis is also active in a working group focussing on gateways to deliver TETRA functionality within an LTE network. Such activities ensure our solutions are future proof. Frequentis is itself a pioneer in the field of digital trunked radio. We have a proven track record in connecting TETRA systems to existing systems from well-known providers, and have already implemented several such projects. > MOBILE DATA Rapid access to information is a critical need in many mission situations. Mobile data appli cations provide the perfect solution, allowing relief units on-site access – via mobile wireless networks or digital radio – to hazardous waste databases, building blueprints or name lists. Frequentis has developed a series of applications for commercial terminals (iOS, Android) for important data and voice usage scenarios. These demonstrate the benefits public safety organisations can capture through mobile access to relevant information and applications. > CC T V Surveillance of buildings (gates, access points) and public places (platforms, intersections, tunnels, pedestrian zones) becomes more important every day. Together with its partners, Frequentis offers suitable video surveillance systems that can be fully integrated into new or existing dispatch systems. > RECORDING Frequentis offers a powerful, scalable and modular voice and data recorder. This solution makes it possible to record and archive a variety of different communication channels (analogue radio, digital radio, telephone etc.) in a standardised fashion. The recording solution can be tightly integrated with both Frequentis and third-party solutions, such as command and control centres or telephone systems. > DATA M A N AGEMENT Rapid access to a wide range of information (hazardous materials databases, current weather information, name lists etc.) is of ever increasing importance for mission control. Frequentis offers appropriate solutions for management of data and statistics. These support sharing of both historical and real-time data and statistics among all stakeholders. Integration of heterogeneous databases and data import from external sources are just two of the many relevant services we offer. Services W e bring it all together CONSULTING & PROJECT SERVICE S LIFECYCLE SUPPORT & MAINTENANCE Frequentis offers innovative and complete solutions that are individually tailored to meet the customer’s exact requirements. This includes a comprehensive service portfolio and professional support for all phases of a project. Frequentis takes the same lifecycle approach to the delivery of services as it does with products. We work with you to define, plan and activate your service level agreement. Our services managers then organise, manage and continuously improve your Frequentis services. Services offered: > Project & quality management > Consulting and design > Infrastructure setup >On-site installation and start-up > Training > Control centre operation > Safety audits Frequentis incorporates its many years of experience and proven know-how in five different service modules: > Service level management > Incident management >Repair logistics > Problem management >Operational support services Service support tools: > Technical support interfaces > Secure remote access Selected References PROV EN E X PER TISE ME TROP OLITA N P OLICE Service (SCOTL A ND YA RD LONDON) / UK > Largest command and control centre in Europe with three main command centres, two sub centres and 30 outlying centres. > 600 working positions and 60,000 cameras across London. > Enhancements for the Olympic Games in summer 2012. NOR W EGI A N P OLICE , FIRE A ND HE A LTH AGENCIE S / NOR WAY > Integrated communication and control system (ICCS) with over 700 working positions across more than 300 control rooms in Norway. > “Nødnett” project includes a new TETRA network with countrywide rollout. ZURICH S chutz & Rettung / S W IT ZERL A ND > Largest emergency call centre in Switzerland located at Zurich airport. > The 19 available working positions and a further 14 emergency working positions can together process up to 1,900 calls each hour. EMERGENCY NE T WORK PHILIPPINE S > Nationwide emergency call command and control centre network consisting of 16 emergency call centres and implementing a standardised “General Emergency Number” (117). Frequentis is the solution provider. S A XON Y REGION A L P OLICE & FIRE BRIGA DE / GERM A N Y > New command and control centre technology with 18 BOS command and control centres. > Involves 11 police stations, five integrated regional command and control centres for the fire and ambulance services, and two training and reference systems. > 340 operator positions and over 300 dispatcher positions. PUBLISHING INFORMATION Editor: FREQUENTIS AG Photos/Illustrations: cdc|brandcreation, Frequentis AG, Getty Images, Image Industry / Erich Hussmann, Punchstock, Istockphoto, Bigstock, Carniel, Das Fotoarchiv, Wemuun Aabø / Politidirektoratet Technical specifications and requirements are correct at the time of going to press, but may change without prior notice as our products and services are continually updated. Frequentis has endeavoured to ensure that the information in this document is, to the best of its knowledge, correct, but does not accept any liability whatsoever for any error or omission. FREQUENTIS AG HEADQUARTERS Innovationsstraße 1 1100 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43/1/811 50-0 Fax: +43/1/811 50-5009 www.frequentis.com 35_PS_BU_Folder_0513
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