March 18, 2015 - What is the CRKN?

March 18, 2015
The Content Strategy Committee met via teleconference on March 18, 2015. The CSC
reviewed a summary of the 2015 license renewals surveys and discussed various
updates on ongoing licensing work.
Todd Mundle, Benoit Séguin, Christine Hiller, Tony Horava, Louis Houle, Elaine MacInnis,
Jo Anne Newyear Ramirez, Pamela Jacobs, Lisa Petrachenko, Peter Webster
Management Report
C. Appavoo shared an update on the conferences CRKN has attended since the last
meeting and the ongoing work within the organisation.
2015 License Renewals
CRKN staff shared a summary of the renewal surveys and discussed the renewal
objectives for this year. The survey results are shared with the membership on the
following LIM page (restricted for members). Proposals from vendors are due to CRKN
by March 18, and each proposal will be summarized and presented for discussion in the
next CSC meeting.
Collection Budgets – Data Gathering
CSC discussed about the gathering of collection budget data to better understand the
members’ financial reality. CSC members volunteered to contact their colleagues in the
various regions to gather this information. The information will be provided to CRKN
before the June CSC meeting.
SCOAP³ Sustainability
C. Appavoo shared an update on the SCOAP³ Sustainability planning. Two members of
the CSC volunteered to help provide comment on a SWOT analysis of the project.
Model License Task Group – update
A verbal update was provided by C. Hiller on the second meeting held on March 17. The
group has a work-plan in place, and is embarking on the first step of its plan, namely
the review and analysis of other model license examples in the industry (other consortia
licenses, vendor licenses, etc.). Its next meeting will be focused on preparing an
engagement survey for the CRKN membership, to collect feedback regarding
shortcomings and strengths of the current model license and to gather input on
recommended improvements directly from members. It is expected that the survey
would be issued in late April or early May.
Content Development Task Group – Submissions to date
CRKN staff shared an update on the submissions made through the vendors’ and
members’ forms. Members will be surveyed on new possible license opportunities to
pursue. Feedback from committee members was gathered and follow-up will be made
Ongoing licensing work
The CSC members discussed updates on the ongoing negotiations/offers with the
following providers/resources:
Taylor & Francis - Informa Healthcare
CRKN staff shared the result of the new offer submitted to members. The license
is currently being drafted and the invoice will be coming soon.
The final agreement is now signed. Joint presentations on the partnership will be
made at the Érudit annual assembly of the publishers, the LIBER conference and
at the CALJ meeting during Congress.
eBOUND-ACUP update
An update was shared on the offer results received from the members, the
ongoing discussions with eBOUND-ACUP, and the work with Scholars Portal to
finalize licenses. Once the licenses and invoicing are complete, an update will be
shared with the membership on the next steps. – Newspapers
CRKN staff shared an update on the ongoing discussions with Canadiana on the
possible newspapers digitization project.
Feedback from committee members was gathered regarding all of the above and followup will be made accordingly.