February - What is the CRKN?

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Canadian Research Knowledge NewsBrief
February 2015 Vol 6; Number 1
In this issue
Guest Editorial
Board Meeting Recap
Financial Update
AGM 2015 ­ Save the Date
License Update
Conference Participation
Banding Task Group
CSC Meeting Recaps
Update on the Héritage
SCOAP3 Update
JVA Update
New Content Opportunities
Serials Management Sub­
Institutional Mobilization Task
Model License Task Group
CLA Update
IDSE ­ Position Update
Guest Editorial It is hard to believe that it is the middle of
February already. A new year brings a sense of
renewal, optimism and possibilities. As I'm writing
this, I'm reflecting on recent conversations with
the Board about the role CRKN might play in
assisting our members with initiating constructive
dialogue within their institutions around the
challenges in the current scholarly
communications environment and beyond. I know
that Clare has just returned from a productive
meeting at the University of Saskatchewan where
similar themes were explored.
CRKN has advanced, and continues to advance, a number of projects
under the umbrella of the IDSE project. We have nearly completed a
recruitment for a Special Projects Officer to further advance the work of
the IDSE, as articulated by Mike Ridley and Sabina Pagotto in the
Phase 1 report. In order to ensure we do not overextend CRKN's
budgetary commitments an organizational restructuring was
undertaken at the end of November redirecting resources to support
this new staff position.
Clare continues outreach activities, once again attending the SCOAP3
Governing Council and Executive Committee meetings where she was
appointed Chair of the SCOAP3 Executive Committee. She also
represented CRKN at the INKE conference engaging with Digital
Humanities Scholars who remind us of the tremendous value that the
content we license brings to the research community. In addition, she
has been working as part of the CLA eBook Task group and attended
the recent CLA Summit. Over the past year, staff have worked to meet with members face to
face at every opportunity, on campuses and at other events and to
serve as a conduit of member concerns. To deliver on the dual
objectives of advancing the IDSE project while continuing to deliver
CRKN's existing content program, we are rationalizing our activities. It
is my hope that membership will continue to see additional value from
this approach.
We have also just completed a call for nominations for the Institutional
Mobilization Task Group (IMTG), with a mandate to develop materials
to communicate, raise awareness and support the issues of
negotiation priorities on a national level, within and beyond the
university. The goal is to reinforce CRKN's negotiating position by
galvanizing support from member campuses.
CRKN has been ably supported through the participation of our
members, for example, in the Banding Task Group as they complete
their work and in the launch of the Model License Task Group. As
always, staff support strategic objectives through initiatives such as our
exciting partnership with Érudit, ongoing discussions with Canadiana
and ACUP, through attendance at OLA, and in audit and budget
Perhaps most significantly we closed 2014 having completed a
successful negotiation with Elsevier for renewal of the Science Direct
content, and the new year is off to a good start with the significant
completion of discussions for the renewal of Informa Health Care
through Taylor & Francis.
I hope that 2015 is a productive and restorative year for us all as we
face our common challenges together. ­ Ken Blonsk i Board Meeting Recap
The CRKN Board of Directors met in Ottawa on February 2, 2015 to
discuss several issues including the progress to date on license
renewals, the report of the Banding Task Group, strategic planning,
governance issues and planning for the 2015 Annual report and AGM.
Content Program
The Board received an update on the discussions with Taylor & Francis
regarding the Informa Healthcare (IHC) license renewal. Complete
details will be shared with the membership shortly following
deliberations by the Content Strategy Committee.
The Board received a summary of 2014 renewal activity and progress
against licensing objectives for the year. A schedule listing the plan for
license renewal activity in 2015, was provided highlighting the fact that
six significant licenses are up for renewal this year.
Based on the interest members expressed in the Canadiana
Newspapers project, through the survey conducted in January, the
Board directed staff to continue discussions with Canadiana. Following
the letter of agreement with Érudit the Board authorized a call for
nominations for a CRKN representative to sit on the Érudit Board in an
observer role. The Board also received an update on the
eBOUND/ACUP project, noting that two teleconferences were
scheduled with members in the next week.
Banding Task Group Report
The Board received and approved the final report of the Banding Task
Group. In addition to approving the recommendations, the Board called
for a review of the Banding system to be undertaken after concrete
experience has been gathered through implementation with one or
more vendors. They thanked the Task Group members and staff for a
job well done. The Board commented on how well received the banding
system had been at the Calgary AGM, and applauded the
thoroughness of the report. As per the recommendations of the report,
the CSC will explore opportunities for implementing the banding option
with select publishers up for renewal in 2015. The Board was also
informed that the Finance & Audit Committee is exploring the possible
application of the BTG work to CRKN's membership fees for the 2016­
2017 membership year.
Strategic Planning
The Board received a report on CRKN's progress against the objectives
of the 2013­2016 Strategic Plan and was well satisfied with results of
the team towards meeting the objectives. They also debated if there
was a need for a new strategic plan given that there is much yet to be
achieved towards the current objectives. The best approach and timing
to extend or renew the strategic plan, and whether or not the IDSE
project might provide a useful bridge to a new plan were discussed. The Board had a productive discussion on IDSE and the ongoing
significance of the project to address current issues within member
Minor changes were made to CRKN's Operating Credit Facility Policy
and Leaves of Absence Policy (to expressly list all leaves mandated by
Ontario's Employment Standards Act), while the Salary Administration
Policy was significantly rewritten based on the recommendations of the
Human Resources Review undertaken during the summer of 2014.
A decision was taken to temporarily suspend the work of the
Stakeholder Engagement Committee, pending additional work on
the IDSE project. The Terms of Reference of the Institutional
Mobilization Task Group were approved.
Annual Report
The Board discussed the format and timing of the production of the
Annual Report, and endorsed an electronic­only annual report going
forwards, potentially including simplified financial statements. CRKN's
audited financial statements, in their current format, will continue to be
produced, maintained and shared on the CRKN website.
Annual General Meeting
Work continues with CARL to the plan joint meetings in Ottawa in
October 2015. Discussions are underway to identify if there are
opportunities to hold any events at member libraries in and around
Ottawa, and what participation might be arranged for Ottawa
stakeholders (e.g. Granting Councils, other Digital Infrastructure
organizations and AUCC).
Other matters The Board received a financial report indicating that the organization is
ahead of budget for overall operations to the end of December, 2015
and that CRKN expects to finish the year ahead of budget (while still in
a planned deficit position). An audit plan was approved for the 2014­
2015 fiscal year, along with another 5­year extension for the audit
agreement with Deloitte. The Board also endorsed principles underlying
the preparation of CRKN's 2015­16 budget.
A brief update was shared on CRKN's Risk Management plan, and the
Board wanted to ensure that CRKN's standing committees understood
their roles with respect to managing risks.
The Board was advised about work at the Executive and Finance &
Audit Committees with respect to Associate Membership fees, and
provided some useful suggestions as to other aspects that a policy
might consider.
The minutes of the October 6th, October 7th and December 1st
meetings are now available.
Financial Update On February 17th, CRKN transmitted its quarterly financial update to
members providing information on the foreign exchange project, budget
and membership fees, and various administrative topics, including
CRKN's anticipated invoicing schedule. A copy can be found on the
AGM 2015 ­ Save the Date The CRKN 2015 AGM will be held at the Ottawa Marriott Hotel on
October 20­22, 2015 in conjunction with the Canadian Association of
Research Libraries' fall meeting. If you have ideas for stand­alone
sessions, workshops, lightning talks or panels, please contact us.
License Update With the exception of Informa Healthcare and ARTstor Digital Library,
all 2014 renewals were completed prior to December 31, 2014.
Updated license profiles have been posted to the LIM and updated title
lists, where applicable, are forthcoming. A summary of 2014 license
renewal outcomes has been posted to the 2014 License Renewals
For 2015, renewals have been divided into four categories, which reflect
the complexity of each renewal, as well as the license termination
date. Details of which licenses are up for renewal and information on
the renewal process is available on the 2015 Renewals Page.
The Content Strategy Committee would like to extend thanks to all
CRKN members who have participated in the license renewal surveys
thus far. The input and feedback members have provided will be
invaluable for the Content Strategy Committee during the renewal
process. The final deadline for survey responses is Friday, February
13. Feedback from the renewal surveys will be shared on the LIM once
results have been compiled. Thanks to all who have taken the time to
participate in this important part of the license renewal process.
Conference Participation From January 28 to 30, CRKN staff attended the 2015 Ontario Library
Association Super Conference. The licensing team met with many of
the vendors with licenses up for renewal in 2015 in order to discuss the
upcoming renewal and to establish preliminary timelines and proposal
expectations. Staff also had the opportunity to attend various sessions
and informally meet with CRKN members.
Banding Task Group The Banding Task Group has completed its final report, which was
presented to the Board of Directors on February 2, 2015. The Board
has approved the report, including all recommendations. The report is
currently being translated and will be posted to the LIM by mid­
February. A notification will be sent to the listserv when the report is
available. CSC Meeting recaps ­ November and
January meetings
The Content Strategy Committee met in Ottawa on November 12 and
13, 2014. The CSC welcomed a new member, Pam Jacobs, and
discussed various updates on upcoming renewals, including Elsevier
and other ongoing licensing work. The group also worked on the
planning process for the 2015 license renewal cycle, heard updates on:
a SCOAP3 teleconference; the work of the Banding Task Group; the
implementation of the Content Development Task Group
recommendations; risk assessment; and reviewed the nominations for
the Model License Task Group.
The CSC also met via teleconference on January 21, 2015 to review a
summary of 2014 license renewals and discuss various updates on
ongoing licensing work. Read more. Update on the Héritage Collection
Over 27 million images have now been scanned, and 21 million of
these are now online at the Héritage Discovery Portal. Finding aids
have been transcribed for 74 collections, and Canadiana is working on
linking the meta data from the transcription with the actual scanned
images to which they relate. The Heritage Premium service is
expected to be launched by mid­year and CRKN members who
participated in the project will be notified when it is ready.
CRKN has billed its members over $1.8M to date ­ and has advanced
all of those funds to Canadiana to reimburse costs incurred to advance
the Heritage Project to November 2014. CRKN plans to bill and collect
the final $30,268 for the project from several CRKN members in May
2015. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=a758ac01­2e26­4474­a98e­cc4e2bc19f9f&c=&ch=
SCOAP3 Update The SCOAP3 Governing Council met in December 2014 to review
progress of the first year of operation. Clare Appavoo represented
Canada on behalf of CRKN. Highlights of the review included the launch
of the repository in January 2014 with more than 4200 articles
published over the course of the year. Participation also grew over the
year from 19 to 43 signed MOU's representing 40 countries and 3 Inter­
governmental Organizations. An API was developed to facilitate
research on a national repository. A Forum was held via web
conference in November to provide stakeholders an introduction to the
services and an update on progress. CERN Director General, Dr. Rolf Heuer addressed the Governing
Council stating his satisfaction with progress towards sustainability
with increasing participation and the publishing output. He reinforced
the ongoing commitment of CERN to the project. A discussion was
held regarding the sustainability strategy to be pursued over the next
two years. Clare also sits on the Executive Committee for SCOAP3 and during the
GC meeting was appointed Chair of the EC for 2015.
JVA Update Presentations on the Journal Value Analytics (JVA) Tool were made at
the Calgary AGM and the last Finance and Audit Committee meeting.
During these presentations, members were asked for feedback on the
tool's development.
CRKN staff have begun working on the next
version of the tool, exploring the incorporation of
some of the suggestions with the 2014 data. More
information will follow on the CRKN listservs. New Content Opportunities As a part of the implementation of the Content Development Task
Group (CDTG)'s recommendations, CRKN has now posted to the
website standardized forms for the submission of potential content
opportunities. There are two forms: one for vendors/suppliers (on the
Working with CRKN page) and one for members (on the New Content
Opportunities page). Due to a busy renewal year, CRKN is not in a position to conduct in­
depth evaluations of content or undertake new negotiations during
2015, but if submissions are received, they will be filed for future
consideration. More information on the process is available on the New Content
Opportunities page on the LIM, as well as in the CDTG's final report
(log­in required). http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=a758ac01­2e26­4474­a98e­cc4e2bc19f9f&c=&ch=
Serials Management Sub­Committee The SMSC is currently checking the lists for link resolvers. The
progress of the work can be seen on the LIM profiles for each licence,
as well as the SMSC page (member access only). New updated
targets will gradually appear in your link resolvers, as the providers of
these software solutions update their databases.
For more information, be sure to consult the listserv.
Institutional Mobilization Task Group (IMTG)
CRKN has now completed its call for nominations for the Institutional
Mobilization Task Group (IMTG). Members will recall that the
impetus for this task group was a Member Resolution made during the
Calgary AGM. The Board agreed that it would be best to leverage the
knowledge of the community in delivering to the two key action items
contained in that Member Resolution:
Provide background materials to members on the current
licensing environment and economic challenges, for members to
utilize in internal engagement on these issues; and,
Prepare a communication campaign to address the Canadian
and International University community, granting agencies and
government on strategy for addressing these issues and the
potential impact, to be ready for approval by the members at the
2015 AGM
The objective of the IMTG is to develop materials for members to utilize
in communications with their internal stakeholders on the issues of
negotiation priorities and to develop a communications campaign to
raise awareness and support, on a national level, within and beyond
the university.
The Board will be finalizing the composition of the IMTG at their March
9th teleconference. Model License Task Group The MLTG has held its inaugural meeting and work is proceeding as
planned. There is now a dedicated MLTG page on the LIM which will be
updated with relevant information as needed.
The members of the MLTG are:
Christine Hiller, Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI) ­
Scott Gillies, University of Guelph
Harriet Rykse, Western University
Carol Stephenson, Wilfrid Laurier University
Kumiko Vézina, Concordia University
Patti Wilson, University of the Fraser Valley
CLA Update
Clare Appavoo joined the CLA Executive Committee on January 31,
2015, together with 40 other representatives from library associations
across Canada to discuss the recent CLA Executive published
concept paper ­ Canadian Library Association: A Proposed New Vision
for our National Association.
The concept was received with interest by the attending associations
and agreement was reached to explore the concept further in
preparation for a further discussion with associations and CLA
Staff Update Recruitment is underway for the new position of Special Projects
Officer ­ IDSE. The application deadline was February 13. Shortlisting
and interviews will begin soon.
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