Lesson One Wisdom LESSON OVERVIEW 1. Let’s Come Together 2. Let’s Worship God 3. Let’s Learn the Bible Watch Episode One Bible Story Group Chat Bible Verse Rhyme of the Day Prayer 4. Let’s Dig Deeper Game Craft Snack Cree Words of the Day LESSON CONTENT Episode Theme Children should always avoid doing things that can put them in danger. Biblical Theme Wisdom Bible Story The Wise and Foolish Builders Matthew 7:24-27 Bible Verse “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.” Proverbs 3:13 5. Let’s Go Closing Challenge Louis Says. Lesson One: Wisdom. Copyright © 2015 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Any unauthorized broadcasting, distribution, sales, public performance, copying or re-recording of this material shall constitute an infringement of copyright. For permission, contact Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. at 1295 N Service Rd, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2, Canada. This Material adapted from the popular aboriginal children’s television series entitled, “Louis Says” by Louis Says Productions Inc. Lesson One Wisdom 1. Let’s Come Together 2. Let’s Worship God 3. Let’s Learn the Bible 4. Let’s Dig Deeper 5. Let’s Go LET'S COME TOGETHER Say: It’s time to talk about Wisdom! When we use wisdom, we make better choices. Today, we are going to be learning from our friend Randy, and seeing what adventures he is up to. Then, we are going to have a story from the Bible about building a house! Let’s pretend for a minute that you are using a saw! (Pretend to use a saw) Ok, now get out a hammer and pretend to hit a nail. (Pretend to hit a nail with a hammer) Building a strong foundation for a house is hard work! By the time you go home today, you will know all about building your life on a good foundation, and how using wisdom is the best choice you can make. LET'S WORSHIP GOD Have your Louis Says Music DVD ready to go, and have some songs pre-selected for your worship time. We recommend the song, “Play Safe.” Feel free to add some music of your own if you would like to extend this time. LET'S LEARN THE BIBLE! Say: It’s time to visit Randy and Louis today and see what is happening in their community. I think there is a bear involved—that sounds like it could be scary! Let’s watch together. Louis Says Video #1: Dare to Get the Bear Have your Louis Says DVD ready to go and select Episode #1 for this lesson. Press play and enjoy. Say: I’m glad that Randy wasn’t really looking for a bear; berries are much safer. We always like hearing what Louis Says but we love to hear what God’s Word says even more! We have a great story from the Bible today about how we can build a really strong foundation. We never have to be afraid of anything that comes against us. THIS STORY IS FROM Matthew 7:24-27 ITEMS NEEDED • Hammer and nail • Piece of wood • Rock • Container of sand • Sprayer filled with water Bible Story: Build a Strong House Jesus told us this story in a book in the Bible called Matthew. It’s the story of the wise and foolish builders. Say: Have you ever seen a house being built? Jesus was sitting with a group of people and teaching them. He told them this story about two people who wanted to build two houses. They both got everything they would need to build a house. What do you think they would need to build a house? That’s right, some wood and nails, some paint and shingles, some doors and windows… they got everything they needed. Just like the supplies I have here. (Show the children the hammer, nail, piece of wood) Copyright © 2015 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. 1295 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2, Canada. All rights reserved. Page 2 Lesson One Wisdom LEADER’S TIP Divide the children into two groups. Have one group pretend to be standing in the house built on the sand. The other group is standing in the house built on the rock. Ask them to act out what will happen when the rain comes. 1. Let’s Come Together 2. Let’s Worship God 3. Let’s Learn the Bible 4. Let’s Dig Deeper 5. Let’s Go Once they had everything ready, they needed to decide where they were going to build their houses. One man was very wise and he built his house on a strong, solid rock. It took some extra work, but he hammered and built and nailed down his house on that strong, solid rock. (Hold up the rock) He was happy and he liked his house. The other man wasn’t very wise. He was foolish and he decided he wanted to build his house on the sand. It was really easy to build his house on the sand because he didn’t have to hammer through the rock or the hard, hard ground. (Show the sand) He was happy that his house was so easy to build. One day, a terrible storm came. What happens when a storm comes? There’s lightning and thunder and lots and lots of rain! (Sprinkle water on the children) The rain came down, down, down, and soon a flood started to wash everything away! The wise builder had built his house on a very solid rock and his house was dry and safe; it stood up nice and tall, even through the big storm. But the foolish man had a house that wasn’t built on a solid rock... what was his house built on? Sand! What do you think happened when it rained and the flood came? Do you think his house stood up nice and tall? No! The flood washed all the sand away and his house fell down with a huge crash! Jesus told the people that when we listen to Him and what He teaches us, keeping it in our hearts and doing what He says, we’re like the wise man who built his house on the rock. Even when storms come and we face hard situations, we’ll stand nice and strong because we’re standing on Jesus Who is our Rock. But if we don’t want to listen to Jesus and do what He teaches us to do, we’re like the foolish man who built his house on the sand. When the storms come and things get hard, we have no Rock to stand tall on and everything will come crashing down. And that’s the story Jesus told us about the wise and foolish builders. LEADER’S TIP Group Chat is where we follow up the Bible Story and Video with some questions. If you have a large group of children, consider dividing them up for this time and have some of your leaders ask the questions in smaller groups. Group Chat 1. Do you know what it means to be wise? What did the wise builder do that made him wise? Do you know what it means to be foolish? What did the foolish builder do that made him foolish? 2. In the video we watched today, was Randy going to do something that was foolish? Why would it be foolish to go get a bear fang from a bear by yourself? Would you ever do something foolish like that? 3. Have you ever done anything that is foolish or unsafe or dangerous? What did you do? Why is it better to do wise things? 4. In the Bible story, we heard that the wise builder built his house on a rock. Who is like a Rock in our lives? 5. How do we show Jesus that we want Him to be our Rock so that we can stand tall? We listen to what He says, we obey our parents, and we make wise choices. BIBLE VERSE “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.” Proverbs 3:13 Bible Verse Select Bible Verse #1 on the DVD. Watch the Bible Verse segment with the children. Follow the instructions that Randy gives in the episode to help the children learn the verse. Pause the episode as directed, follow Copyright © 2015 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. 1295 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2, Canada. All rights reserved. Page 3 Lesson One Wisdom 1. Let’s Come Together 2. Let’s Worship God 3. Let’s Learn the Bible 4. Let’s Dig Deeper 5. Let’s Go the instructions given, then restart the video when the children can say the verse together. Watch the segment before your class time so that you are familiar with the activity. LEADER’S TIP The Rhyme of the Day is a great activity for younger children. Teach them the rhyme and have them say it together! Rhyme of the Day “Foolish means not being smart” (shake your head “no”) “But I’ll be wise” (point at your temple) “If I have Jesus in my heart!” (Draw a heart shape on your chest) Prayer Say: “God, thank You for each one of these children sitting here right now. Thank You for helping us make wise choices, choices that keep us safe. Help us stand tall on a solid rock. Help us to know when a choice is wise or foolish, and to choose the best way. We love You. Amen.” LET'S DIG DEEPER! Game: Bear Hunt Take the children on a “bear hunt.” Remind the children that tracking bears in real life is very dangerous, but doing it for pretend is safe and fun! First, have all the children practice their sneaking skills—tiptoeing, whispering, and being as quiet as possible... Then, have the children each pretend to be a bear—roaring and clawing and being as loud as possible! “Just for pretend” bear hunts are fun! CRAFT SUPPLIES • Sand, rock, and house printable • Construction paper • Scissors • Crayons • Glue Craft: Build a Strong House 1. Have the children colour the sand, rock, and house. 2. When they are done colouring, have them cut out the sand, rock, and house. 3. Have them glue the sand on one side of a piece of construction paper, and the rock on the other side, leaving room for the house near the top. 4. Have them glue the house on top of the rock. 5. Write “Jesus is our Rock” on the top or bottom of the page. 6. As they’re working, go over the story again and talk about how the house on the rock stood nice and tall, and the house on the sand fell down. Ask them, “How should we build the house on the rock? How should we build the house on the sand?” Remind them that we can build our lives on the Rock and stand strong for Jesus. SNACK INGREDIENTS • Toast • Cinnamon and sugar • Bananas • Raisins Snack: Bear Faces Sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on the toast (or untoasted bread if you prefer) and have the children place two banana slices on the top sides of the bread for ears and one in the middle for a snout. Add two raisins as eyes and one on the middle banana as a little, black nose. Enjoy the tasty, bear-ific snack! Copyright © 2015 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. 1295 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2, Canada. All rights reserved. Page 4 Lesson One Wisdom Teddy Muskokanis Muskwa 1. Let’s Come Together 2. Let’s Worship God 3. Let’s Learn the Bible 4. Let’s Dig Deeper 5. Let’s Go Cree Words of the Day Today’s Cree words are: Teddy Muskokanis (teddy bear) Muskwa (bear) Have the children do the activity sheet provided. LET'S GO Closing Challenge LEADER’S TIP During the challenge, pick a child to wear the Louis Says cape. Encourage the children to be like Super Randy! Say: Today, we have learned about being wise, and how important it is to build our lives on a strong foundation. That foundation is Jesus. You can build your life on Him and when the storms come, He will help you to stand strong. This week, your challenge is to be WISE! Every time you have a choice to make, ask yourself, “Is this the WISE choice?” Say it with me, “Is this the WISE choice?” (children repeat) Next week, you can share with us all the wise things you did. Have a great week, and remember to listen to what GOD’S WORD SAYS! Colouring Sheet If you have time in class you can do the colouring sheet together, or send it home with the children to remind them what they learned this week. Copyright © 2015 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. 1295 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2, Canada. All rights reserved. Page 5 LEADER'S NOTES Copyright © 2015 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. 1295 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2, Canada. All rights reserved. Page 6 MATT 7:24-27 Copyright © 2015 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. 1295 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2, Canada. All rights reserved. JESUS IS THE ROCK LESSON ONE M _ _ K _ _ CREE WORDS ACTIVITY SHEET M _ S _ _ _ _ N _ _ Fill in the blanks! We are looking for the Cree words for the following English words: Teddy Bear Bear T _ _ D _ Copyright © 2015 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. 1295 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2, Canada. All rights reserved. LESSON ONE Bible Story The Wise and Foolish Builders Matthew 7:24-27 Bible Verse “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.” Proverbs 3:13 Copyright © 2015 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. 1295 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2, Canada. All rights reserved.
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