HERE. - SFG Ministry

SFG Bible School Application for Admission 2015
Personal Information
First name: ___________________________________ Last name: ____________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________ City: __________________ State: ___________ Zip: _________
Home Phone: _____________________ Mobile Phone: ______________________ Date of birth: ___________________
E-mail: _______________________________ Marital status: _____________ Primary Language: ___________________
Will you have a problem understanding English, Ukrainian, Russian lectures? If so, elaborate: ______________________
Physical disabilities, illnesses or allergies?
No If yes, please explain:__________________________________
Number of years in the US: ________ Will you have your own vehicle when in school? ___________________________
Additional Contact Information (if applicable)
Father’s name: _____________________________________ Phone number: __________________________________
Mother’s name: ____________________________________ Phone number: __________________________________
Spiritual Information
When did you receive Jesus as your personal Savior? _______________________________________________________
When were you baptized in water? _____________________________________________________________________
When have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? __________________________________________________________
Have you read the whole Bible already?
How many times? ___________
On a scale of 1-5 rate the following:
Knowledge of the Bible: _________ Prayer life: _________ Preaching experience: __________ Outreach: ___________ _
Do you play any instruments, if so which ones: ____________________________________________________________
Do you enjoy singing? ________ Rate your singing abilities on a scale of 1-5: ______________
Church Information
Name of the church that you attend: ___________________________________ Denomination: ____________________
Address: ___________________________________ City: ____________________ State: ___________ Zip: __________
Phone #: _________________________ Web-site: _____________________________ Are you a member: ___________
Are you involved in any ministry? __________ If so, what exactly? ____________________________________________
Pastor’s recommendation
Pastor’s name: ___________________________________________ Phone #: __________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________
Professional/Education Information
What schools/colleges have you attended (inc. high school)?
Currently Enrolled?
Are you currently employed? _________ Title/Occupation: __________________________________________________
What languages do you speak? ________________________________________________________________________
List your skills and talents that can be useful during studying in school: ________________________________________
____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Background Information
Are you free from any addictions and/or witchcraft involvement? ____________________________________________
If so, please elaborate: _______________________________________________________________________________
Missionary Information
What missionary trips did you participate in?
Do you have the opportunity/desire to go on a missionary trip after Bible School? _______________________________
________________________________________________ Long term or short term? ____________________________
Why did you decide to go to SFG Bible School?
Duration of study: 8 weeks (June 7th – August 8th). Tuition includes housing and food throughout this time. Tuition: $900
I certify that all of the information and statements on this application are complete and accurate to the best of my
I have read all rules and regulations of Slavic Full Gospel School (on the following page) and I agree to abide by them.
In the case that my application is denied, I will receive a full refund. However, if I decide not to come to school after the
first week of class I will receive no refund (exceptions may be made for extreme circumstances).
I understand that school is not able to pay for medical expenses in case of sickness or emergency.
Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________
Please return by May 17th :
This application
Copy of drivers license, if you plan on using your own car
At the least, a $50 payment (make checks payable to: UPC, memo: SFG Bible School). Full balance due on June 7
Send applications to: 2508 Crusaders Way Lexington, KY 40509
Applications sent after May 17th must include a $50 late fee
Contact information
Vladimir Pankiv – (859) 539-9005
Victor Kalinyuk – (859) 489-6820
School will be at:
1101 Brannon Rd.
Nicholasville, KY 40356