Project Description The Ca pital Re gion Tran sportation Plan ning Agency ( CRTPA) in c oordination wit h th e Fl orida Department of Trans portation is completing a Project D evelopment an d Envir onment ( PD&E) study for a shared-use path along Coastal Highway (S.R. 30/ U.S. 98) from C.R. 37 2 (Surf Road/Mashes San ds R oad) to C.R. 59 (e ntrance into St. Marks National Wildlife R efuge). See project m ap o n the rev erse sid e. The pr oposed project is ap proximately 24 mil es in length. The proposed pr oject wi ll c onnect th e exi sting Tallahassee to St. Marks Hi storic R ailroad State Trail to th e exist ing Ochl ockonee B ay Trail, creating ov er 50 mi les of co ntinuous s hared-use path th at ca n be used f or trans portation a nd recreation. Th e pro posed p roject was th e to p ranked pro ject from the Cap ital City to the Se a Trails Master Plan adopted by the CRTPA in April 2014. T he next ph ase of th e pro ject will b e fin al design. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, income, or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact Lynn Barr at the CRTPA at (850) 891-6801 at least seven days prior to the meeting. Public Meeting The C RTPA will co nduct a p ublic m eeting to present th e Pr oject’s conceptual a lignment along Coastal Hi ghway (S. R. 30 /U.S. 98) th at was developed to minimize impacts to the surrounding natural and built environment. Attendees will have an opportunity to provide comments as well as ask questions an d disc uss the pr oject with representatives from the CRTPA a nd the consultant team, Kimley-Horn. This i nformation is be ing pr ovided to all pr operty owners who are located along the pr oject corridor as a courtesy to inform them about this project and the anticipated next phases. For more information please contact the project contacts listed below or please attend the public meeting that is announced in this flyer. Public Meeting: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Contacts Jack Kostrzewa Jon Sewell, AICP CRTPA Project Manager Kimley-Horn Project Manager (850) 891-6809 (850) 553-3500 [email protected] [email protected] Wakulla Senior Citizens Center Large Dining Room 33 Michael Drive Crawfordville, Florida 32327 + $ 61 Coastal Trail Existing Trails V U 363 £ ¤ 319 State Roads County Roads V U 30 Local Roads Cities 0 0.5 1 2 Miles S RK MA TR AIL ST. TO STATE EE A S S R OA D IL L AH TAL RIC RA TO HIS Legend End Project ST. MARKS £ ¤ 98 Ü + $ 365 + $ 59 + + $ $ 367 £ ¤ 319 SOPCHOPPY £ ¤ 98 OC HL KO 319 OC NE £ ¤ E Y BA A TR IL + $ 372 Begin Project 367A
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