Last Minute Outfitting Materials? Ports of Services Italy • Spain • UK • Greece • Singapore • Australia DELIVERY IN 12 - 36 HOURS w.r.t. time of order and local availability IMO Certified Product Portfolio Adhesives for Carpet Installation Adhesives for Vinyl Flooring Installation Self-Leveling Cement Agents Contact Cement Adhesives Carpet Heat Bond Tapes Carpet Protection Films PVC Protection Films Carpet Underlay More info at Key Elements of Success Today’s highly demanding Cruise Ship Operations necessitate Owners and Managers to have fast access to all Sources globally, for which long-experienced and reliable Associates are the key elements to a successful and punctual delivery onboard. is a global Leading Supplier of Outfitting Consumables’ Materials, engaging a network of Service Stations at the most frequent Cruise Ships’ Destination Ports, in Europe and Asia, establishing well-proven local facilities in situe, to be able to respond to last-minute requests 24/7/365... The backbone and driving gear of is derived from a long experience at the Marine and Luxury Yacht Services, taking up a vast range of simple to complicated service provision. • a Single Contact Center Globally: fast response necessitates that RFQ has been received on time. For that so, has established a unique Centralized System of RFQ reception, analysis and distribution to the Service Centers. That shall ascertain that Customers can send the RFQ fast, and can distribute at the same timeframe ([email protected]). • Multiple Service Stations: engaging a network of Service Stations in Europe and Asia provides the possibility for a global service scope 24/7. Scope of Operations Globally • A well experienced Service Team: Manpower competence is a key element for a successful service provision. All request are received and acknowledged through a centralized RFQ system which analyzes the items under request and derives the appropriate List of Materials to be supplied at each case. Daily Ship Supply is a standard process globally. Thousands RFQ Forms are filled in by the Cruise Ships’ Crew, a number of them are assigned as Purchase Orders... though this is a standard means of operation! • What about if you need fast and prompt delivery last minute? • Sources of Supplies: with a very specific material portfolio, focuses into sourcing Products by Makers/Factories directly, ascertaining Material Availability at all times, and competitive pricing. • What about if a Riding Team is attending onboard, Works have to be completed at the next port of call prior to departure, and Passengers have to attend the Area of Works prior to Cruise Ship departure? All products supplied are well-proven, and expected to be listed already into the Safety Material List of the Vessels. Please visit the category of Products for further overview. • What about if the Cruise Ship Crew needs to rectify a situation onboard undisputedly at the next port of call, prior to departure? • the “Hermes” Delivery Team: delivering globally is also a traditional process by sea/air or even by road freight. Delivering last-minute requests on time is a competence, and our scope of work. has established a dedicated Division at each Service Station which is ready to respond/collect/transport/deliver at the specified timeframe of availability! is the ultimate Solution Provider for this case! Technic al Specific ations/C ou ntry Carpet Adhesiv e Italy Vinyl Fl ooring Produc t Code Related Docume (click ntatio n to dow nload) Contac t Cem Solution ent Adhesiv e ECO 170 MSDS cal Speci Spain MAPEI fication s ECO V4 MSDS Techni SP FBR cal Speci n s CONTAC T K01 MSDS Techni Techni cal Speci UK fication s ECO V4 MSDS Techni SP FBR cal Speci s n ad) cal Speci CONTAC T K01 MSDS Techni n nload) F44 MSDS fication s Techni ore s CONTAC T K01 MSDS Techni fication s 2000s MSDS Techni n s CONTAC T K01 MSDS Techni Techni F44 MSDS cal Speci nload) n ROBERT S Rolls of 20m Rolls of 50m OCKW ELLS MA RINE UK Width of 0.6m, 0.8 m, 1.2m Rolls of 100 Ru n M Len gth s -170 MSDS cal Speci fication s CONTAC T K01 MSDS Techni SPEC MSS MSDS cal Speci fication S Rolls of 20m Rolls of 50m DECKRE TE LATE X MSDS cal Speci fication s Techni OCKW ELLS MA RINE UK Width of 0.6m, 0.8 m, 1.2m Rolls of 100 Ru n M Len gth BALL & YOUN G UK Rolls of 1.37m x 11 Ru Techni n.M. cal Speci fication s VESCOM 1000 MSDS cal Speci fication ROBERT S Rolls of 20m Rolls of 50m Techni s Comin BALL & YOUN G UK Rolls of 1.37m x 11 Ru Techni n.M. cal Speci fication s ROBERT Techni TEHNY fication s BALL & YOUN G UK Rolls of 1.37m x 11 Ru Techni n.M. cal Speci fication s MURA Techni HENKEL fication cal Speci to dow SPEC MSS MSDS cal Speci fication F BALL s OCKW ELLS MA RINE UK Width of 0.6m, 0.8 m, 1.2m Rolls of 100 Ru n M Len gth UZIN NC fication g Soon … OCKW ELLS MA RINE UK Width of 0.6m, 0.8 m, 1.2m Rolls of 100 Ru n M Len gth Comin BALL & YOUN G UK Rolls of 1.37m x 11 Ru Techni n.M. cal Speci fication s g Soon * produc ts at th e time of RFQ may va ry w.r.t … . volum e and tim eline to deliver y! Global Contact Details Email: info@cr uisingc Global or Tel: +1 (786) 32 Follow 9 5456 Us: @cr uisingc Visit th or e URL: ners uisingc orners.c om Do you need last minute IMO materials? MURA Techni s F BALL F3 MSDS cal Speci fication Techni Produc t Code Related Docume (click ntatio ROBERT S Rolls of 20m Rolls of 50m Techni Techni s lia s HENKEL fication cal Speci Produc t Code Related Docume (click ntatio Austra VS 45 MSDS cal Speci fication fication ULTRAP LAN EC O MSDS cal Speci fication s s ngcorne Carpet Underla y MAPEI MAPEI fication Matrix w.cruisi N ECO UZIN KE cal Speci nload) MSDS HENKEL fication line: ww BALL & YOUN G UK Rolls of 1.37m x 11 Ru Techni n.M. cal Speci fication s ULTRAP LA Techni s 2000s MSDS cal Speci to dow s UZIN KE Techni Singap MAPEI fication cal Speci to dow OCKW ELLS MA RINE UK Width of 0.6m, 0.8 m, 1.2m Rolls of 100 Ru n M Len gth F BALL cal Speci Produc t Code Related Docume (click ntatio ROBERT S Rolls of 20m Rolls of 50m F3 MSDS Techni Greece VS 45 MSDS cal Speci fication Techni s F BALL Carpet & Vinyl Protec tion Film s MAPEI Techni cal Speci Produc t Code Related Docume ntatio downlo s HENKEL fication cal Speci (click to ULTRAP LAN EC O MSDS cal Speci fication s fication s MAPEI roduct Visit On Heat Bo nd Tapes MAPEI MAPEI ECO 170 MSDS URL P Carpet HENKEL fication cal Speci Produc t Code Related Docume (click ntatio nload) Wallco verin Adhesiv g e MAPEI Techni to dow Cemen ting Agent Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 (786) 329 5567 …CruisingCorners can do it!!!
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