Crusader Youth Football and Cheer Club

Crusader Youth Football and Cheer
2015 Registration Form
FEE: $75 per child due with registra on form
Par cipant Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Address/City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________________________________________
Address/City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________________________________
Phone: (h) _________________ (c)__________________
Text Messages OK?
Other ways of contac ng you: ________________________________________________________________________
E mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Grade for the 2015-2016 School Year: _______________
School: _______________________________________
Date of Birth: ___________________________________
Approx .Height ______________ Weight ____________
Have you played football before? _________ If so, for whom? ___________________________________________
Volunteer: The Crusader Youth Club is run by a board of parent volunteers. The inaugural season takes extra work and
ort. In order to make the season the best possible experience for your son and/or daughter, we welcome any and all help
you can provide to the club. Please complete the informa on below if you are interested in volunteering this season:
Concessions (home games only)
Field set-up and take-down (home games only)
Club leadership
Corporate Sponsorship/Dona on
Coaching (Cheer or Football)
“Team Mom/Dad” role (communica on)
Fundraiser Organiza on
Name and Contact Phone/Email: _____________________________________________________________________________
I am interested in volunteering in the following other way: _________________________________________________________
Please complete this form make check payable to
“Crusader Youth Football Club” and mail to:
Andy Riegler
1359 Lakeshore Drive
Muskegon, MI 49441
2015 F
Complete the registra on informa on and mail to the address shown on Page 1, along with your payment (do not
send cash). Football players should include a copy of their birth cer cate as well.
WHEN DOES THE SEASON START? The season will start with Meet & Greet on Thursday, July 23 at 6 p.m. at MCC High
School. Meet your head coach, assistant coaches, teammates, and board members. You will receive a packet of
informa on from the board, as well as prac ce days and mes from your coaches, so it is important to a end.
Football players will begin the required 10 hours of condi oning the rst week of August (exact dated TBD).
Cheerleaders will begin prac ce the rst week of August as well.
Dynamites (3rd and 4th Grade): Football players are 3rd and 4th graders who are not older than 10 before August 1, 2015.
Weight limit of 115 pounds (30 pound overage allowed to be an x player, max. weight 145 pounds). Cheerleaders are 3rd and 4th
Pee Wees (5th and 6th Grade): Football players are 5th and 6th graders who are not older than 12 before August 1, 2015.
Weight limit of 140 pounds (no overage limits). Cheerleaders are 5th and 6th graders.
Par cipa on: My child has permission to par cipate in the Crusader Youth Football and Cheer program. I understand that
football is a full contact sport; therefore, I absolve the club, o cers, and coaches from the responsibility of injuries which may
occur during the season. I also agree to provide my child with the highest quality protec ve equipment and to provide my
child frequent monitoring by a quali ed health care professional as to provide for their safe inclusion into league ac vi es. I
realize that my health insurance will cover any medical bills associated with playing football for Crusader Youth Football Club.
Uniform: Football players will be issued game pants, a game jersey, and a helmet. Cheerleaders will be issued a uniform and
warm-up. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to properly care for the uniform issued to them by the Mona Shores
Youth Club. The parent/guardian will reimburse the club for any lost or damaged uniforms or warm-ups at replacement cost of
Acknowledgement: I have read and completed this form, and hereby agree with all its provisions and cer fy that all
informa on provided is true and accurate. I agree to the terms and condi ons of Par cipa on and Uniform as stated above.
Furthermore, by signing this I give permission to the Mona Shores Youth Club to use my child’s picture in any publica ons.
Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________
Today’s Date: __________________________________________________________________________________________