Chimacum Middle School News April 2015 Spring Issue OUTDOOR ODYSSEY Outdoor education is a priority at Chimacum Middle School as well as a long-standing tradition. Cispus, Long Boats, and Odyssey are an experience for every student at CMS and the staff takes great pride in providing these opportunities. This year, for the 8th graders attending Odyssey Week from June 8 to June 11, we will be attending the NatureBridge facility on Lake Crescent in Olympic National Park. Located on Barnes Point, next to the Marymere Ranger Station, the facility includes several dormitories with bathrooms and showers, a dining hall, and several other buildings for focused studies. This change allows us to be centrally located on the lake and avoid having to bus daily to remote locations. We will be able to engage in learning activities right in camp with studies focused on watershed recovery and natural science. We will also include education in Native American culture and history as well as the everyday use and applications for mathematics. The staff at NatureBridge are typically certified teachers as well as experienced outdoorsmen and will lead our outdoor learning. The CMS teachers will accompany the students and support the learning activities at all times. We are excited and can’t wait for June! -John Morton, 8th grade Humanities Teacher IMPORTANT: EAGLE FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES CISPUS: One of the greatest events of 6th grade in Chimacum Middle School is going to Camp Cispus in September. Located in the gorgeous Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Camp Cispus provides great accommodations and is truly an incredible outdoor education learning opportunity! Families will be charged $175 to have their children attend Camp Cispus for three days and three nights (leaving Tuesday morning and returning Friday), but the fee does not cover all of the expenses of taking students to Cispus. Because of this we are asking 5th grade students and parents to begin fundraising activities to help all 6th grade students attend Camp Cispus in additio n to paying the $175 room and board fee. Please contact Joni Langston for more fundraising information: CHIMACUM [email protected] P.O. Box 278 LONGBOATS: This year the 7th grade field trip is to the Port Townsend Maritime Center for the Longboats outdoor program taking place at the end of May. Families are being asked to pay a $25 fee for their student that will allow kids to enjoy a week’s worth of hands-on experience with rowing and learning more about the sea. Unfortunately this fee does not cover the entire cost of this fabulous outdoor education program so we are asking 7th grade students and parents to begin fundraising activities to help pay for the additional expenses that are not covered by the base fee. Please contact Gretchen Berg for more information about either leading or participating in fundraising events: [email protected] OUTDOOR ODYSSEY: This outdoor program is truly a once in a life time trip. This June, 8th grade students have the opportunity to stay for 4 days and 3 nights at the fabulous NatureBridge facility located on Lake Crescent in the Olympic National Park. The base fee of $125 does not cover all expenses associated with this amazing activity so we are asking students and parents to begin fundraising activities to help pay for the outstanding costs involved in this outdoor education program. Please contact Debbie Berreth for more information about either leading or participating in fundraising activities for Outdoor Odyssey: [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL 91 West Valley Road Chimacum, WA 98325 PH: 360-732-4090, Ext 2 FAX: 360-732-6859 WHAT’S INSIDE? CMS Calendar of Events 8th Grade Field Trip: Engineering Discovery Day 7th Grade Field Trip: Longboats 8th Grade Field Trip: Outdoor Odyssey 8th Grade Breakfast CMS Track Schedule UPCOMING EAGLE ACTIVITIES CMS SPORTS Co-Ed MS Track 2015 Practice starts April 13th and is from 2:30 - 4:00 pm every day. Team Schedule 04/29/2015 Wed. 3:15 PM @ Crescent School 05/06/2015 Wed. 3:15 PM @ Sequim MS 05/13/2015 Wed. 3:15 PM @ Stevens MS 05/20/2015 Wed. 3:15 PM @ Crescent School 05/27/2015 Wed. 3:15 PM @ Blue Heron MS 06/02/2015 Tue. 3:15 PM @ Stevens MS Girls Basketball Awards For the White (JV) Team: Best Defense: Farryn OlsonWailand Best Offense: Rachel Matthes MVP: Madison Coffey Most Improved: Diamond Young For the Blue (Varsity) Team: Engineering Discovery Days at U of W 8th Grade Breakfast & Awards Ceremony At Engineering Discovery Days, students and faculty from all UW engineering departments share their work with students, teachers, families and the community. Both Friday and Saturday are free and open to everyone. On Friday, April 24, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, CMS 8th grade students and teachers will participate in hands-on activities that demonstrate the exciting work of UW engineers. On Friday, June 5th 8th grade students and their parents are invited to participate in a year-end activity to honor students as they graduate from middle school to begin their High School careers. From 8:00 - 9:00 am please join us in the Middle School Commons for breakfast (please plan to RSVP for breakfast). From 9:00 - 10:30 am we will move to the Auditorium for an awards ceremony that will recognize students with exceptional academic performance, students who have shown the most improvement in different areas, most athletic students, student leaders, students with strong citizenship, and other fun awards. We hope to see you there! Longboats May 20-22 & May 26-27, the 7th grade field trip is once again taking place at the Port Townsend Maritime Center and will focus on Longboats. This year's 7th graders have a lower number of students enrolled, so each longboat group will get an extra day out on the water. This will be a huge opportunity to get more hands on experiences rowing the boat and learning from the sea. This year we also have an intertwined theme of sea stars that is being taught through art, math, science, humanities, and movement. Everyone is getting really excited to get outside for the outdoor education program! Year-End Talent Show & Assembly On the last day of the 2014-2015 school year, June 12th, we have planned an assembly featuring students performing for other students their various talents. Please remember this is a late start/ early release day (12:15 pm) and plan accordingly. Best Defense: Jada Trafton Best Offense: Madeline Dowling Find out who is the most talented performer at the year- MVP: Madeline Dowling end assembly coming up on June 12th. Most Improved: Aurora Plunkett MARK YOUR CALENDAR! UPCOMING BAND PERFORMANCES MAY 9th 15th 16th Sequim Parade Rhody Kiddy Parade Rhody Grand Parade JUNE 3rd 6th 2 Chimacum Band Concert HS Graduation APRIL 15th Student Led Conferences—No School 24th 8th Grade Field Trip: Engineering Discovery Days @ U 0f W MAY 1st 15th 20th 21st 22nd 25th No School Late Start/Early Release at 12:15 pm Long Boats Field Trip Long Boats Field Trip Long Boats Field Trip Memorial Day—No School JUNE 5th 6th 8th 11th 12th 8th Grade Breakfast, 8:00-10:30 am High School Graduation, 1:00 pm Outdoor Odyssey Trip, departs CMS at 9:00 am Outdoor Odyssey Trip, returns to CMS at 2:00 pm Last Day of School, Late Start/Early Release at 12:15 pm 6TH GRADE SCIENCE: PLANTING TREES Our 6th graders have been learning environmental science and generating ideas for taking care of our neighborhood creek, Chimacum Creek, since 2001. Part of this environmental science learning experience is a chance for students to help out Chimacum Creek and our community and salmon by working with the North Olympic Salmon Coalition (NOSC) to plant trees along the creek. The area on either side of a creek, called the riparian zones, need a buffer from human activity and pollution. That buffer is provided by trees and shrubs. Not just any trees and shrubs, they have to be native to our area and our state because invasive plant species such as Scotch Broom, Reed Canary Grass, and Himalayan Blackberry vines will take over and choke out the native plants causing poor conditions for the salmon in our creek. Having native vegetation on the riparian zones along our creek keeps the soil from washing into the creek as well as pollutants such as fertilizer from surface runoff. Sixth graders learn about different types of pollution as well as what they can do to stop polluting our creek. Then they go out to different sections of the creek, chosen for us by NOSC and this year the Jefferson Land Trust, and begin digging holes and planting as many trees as they can. This year 6th graders planted trees in the Chimacum Commons farmland on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Planting trees helps 6th graders learn how important trees are to our creek and the salmon plus they get to go outdoors and have fun providing a community service! It's great that NOSC and the Jefferson Land Trust take time to work with our young people to give them ways to help their environment and learn ways to protect and sustain. Sixth graders will learn ways to become environmental stewards of their community when they are done with 6th grade Science. -Al González, 6th grade Science Teacher EAGLE NIGHT Were you able to attend Eagle Night on March 24th? If you were, you would see quite a variety of student work. Ms. Shea posed the question: Can you think of any career where you don't need math??? The class tried, but they still haven't come up with a single one! In fact, math is actually about a way of thinking, not simply a way to use arithmetic. In Ms. Berg's area, I was moved to read some of the personal accounts of those who were persecuted during the Holocaust. Some survived, but many, sadly died and left behind only their stories. I enjoyed many of the displays throughout the room including art work, book report displays, Science facts, and math information. There were also hands on exhibits and technology links such as Mr. Gonzalez's Star Wars vs. Star Trek blogs - did you know, for instance, that light sabers would not actually work based on the scientific principles we understand? Eighth grade families also viewed information about the Odyssey trip coming up at the end of the year and were able to get their questions answered. Thanks for taking the time to support your students and share in what they are learning. -Beth Clifford, Counselor, Chimacum Schools WASHINGTON D.C. FIELD TRIP Ten Chimacum 7th-9th graders got to spend their spring break this year in Washington DC. During their trip they visited Colonial Williamsburg and Historic Jamestown, Virginia. They also spent several days touring the Nation's Capitol, taking in as many experiences as possible. Some highlights of their trip was the opportunity to visit several of the Smithsonian Museums, travel to the top of the Washington Monument, learn from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and pay their respects at Arlington National Cemetery and the many memorials and monuments throughout the city. It was five days of fast-paced and fun travel and learning. These ten students repeatedly expressed gratitude for those who helped them earn their way there through their fundraising endeavors. They truly felt their hard work was worth it! Any Chimacum students who are currently in the 6th - 11th grades are invited to be a part of the 2016 Spring Break trip. The sooner students sign up, the more time they have to earn money to pay for this experience. Information packets are available in the middle school office, or contact Gretchen Berg: [email protected] This is not a school-sponsored trip. 3 CISPUS: CHOOSE-A-THON Outdoor Education is so important to our sixth graders that most participated in a fundraiser to ensure Cispus continues for future fifth graders. To help pay for the increased fuel costs and the room and board of our wonderful high school counselors who volunteer their time, sixth graders collected pledges from family, friends and community members. The Choose-a-thon fundraiser was a resounding success as students raised $2300.00 and enjoyed PE enrichment. Their commitment and service was even more impressive because they continued to fund-raise after they attended Cispus in order to pay the deficit between the fees families pay and the true cost of the program. The sixth grade team is grateful for the generous donation of ice cream from our local Port Hadlock QFC! Thanks Mr. Diedrichs! Participants enjoyed an ice cream celebration after their efforts. Thanks also to enthusiastic and dedicated volunteer, Val Corden, for supervising the soccer portion of the Choose-a-thon! Sixth grader and We Act Club member, Amyiah Fisher, was so determined to help make sure Cispus continued that she wrote a letter about the need to save Cispus. The Port Ludlow Garden Club w as so im pr essed by her m oving letter that they made a very generous donation to outdoor education. Thanks to our community for all your support! -Joni Langston, 6th grade Humanities Teacher Alone we are smart. Together we are brilliant! WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? We Act Club Year of Empowerment We Day is April 23rd. We are excited and have been very busy earning our way to this Seattle Event. You can't buy a ticket to We Day you have to earn it through service! We Day is the movement of our time, empowering a generation of young global citizens through an inspirational event and a year-long educational initiative. This event will take place at Seattle’s Key Arena. What have we been doing to earn our way? This year we have collected hundreds of pounds of food for our local food bank, we have procured donations for Chimacum's outdoor education program and we are raising money to purchase 100 goats for families in Haiti through the alternative income pillar together with Free The Children. We have raised enough money to purchase 40 goat so far. We also have kids individually out in our community doing good things to help people. We recently started reading the book ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens’ by Sean Covey, this is a book to give teens the tools to make better choices when facing the challenging issues they face and direct them toward positive living. Want to be a part of this great movement? Kids, parents and teachers are welcome and encouraged to participate. We meet every Wednesday in room 604 at the Middle School and after school every other Friday. When we join together WE can make a difference in our communities and our world. Follow us on Facebook Chimacum Change or email us at [email protected]. Learn more about We Day at Highly Capable Program Update It's been an exciting year for our HiCap students! Just recently HiCap students participated in two amazing activities: The Young Writer's Conference at Peninsula College in Port Angeles and Destination ImagiNation, a Washington state tournament that focuses on teaching the creative process: from Imagination to Innovation. Another opportunity that is coming up soon for HiCap students is Engineering Discovery Days on Friday, April 24th at the University of Washington. HiCap families are encouraged to meet and discuss these activities as well as other opportunities at our District HiCap Parent Meeting, Thursday May 28th at 5:00 pm, location TBD. Please contact Jamie Jensen for more information about the Highly Capable Program: [email protected] 4
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