2015EndYearMemo - Penn Manor Blogs

Starry Night Penn Manor Prom
May 15, 2015
5:00 – 10:00 pm
Lancaster Marriott
Prom tickets will be on sale from Friday, April 10th through Monday, April 20th. Sales will take
place in the auditorium lobby before school starting at 7:00 am, and after school until 3:45 pm.
Absolutely no sales will occur after these dates!
Cost: $55.00 for a PM senior. $60 for any guests. That includes the buffet meal, and the cost of
parking in the King Street garage that directly connects to the Marriott lobby.
Dinner will include: Garden Salad, Buffet choices of Tuscan Chicken Breast or Top Round of
Beef, with whipped mashed potatoes, butter pouched green beans, rolls and butter, and assorted
desserts. Anyone with specific dietary needs must inform us at the time of ticket purchase.
Plan to arrive after 5:00, but you must arrive before dinner begins at 6:00. Dancing to follow.
Senior Class Trip
Friday, May 29th
$40 per person
Cost includes: Admission to both parks, and school bus transportation.
(Students may not drive themselves.)
Plan to load onto the busses by 7:45 am, so that we can depart by 8 am.
We will load the busses at Dorney at 7pm for the return trip home.
What to bring: comfortable shoes, swimsuit & towel for water park, sunscreen, spending money
for renting a locker and meals/drinks throughout the day. We cannot be responsible for any
lost/stolen items or electronics – please plan accordingly!
To reserve your spot – return the bottom of this form, with payment in an envelope with your
name on it. Drop it off at the main office or to a class advisor no later than Friday, May 1st.
STUDENT NAME: _____________________________________ Block 1 Teacher: _____________
*You will receive a PM Field Trip Form once we receive your reservation and payment.
____$40 payment enclosed (If by check, payable to “PMHS –Class of 2015”