Joint CSDH/SCHN & ACH Digital Humanities Conference 2015 Ottawa, Canada | June 1-3, 2015 Hide Presentations List View Session Overview Date: Monday, 01/Jun/2015 8:30am 10:00am 1a: ACCUTE and CDSH/SCHN joint session Location: Lamoureux 122 "Digital literary studies vs Digital humanities" with Dean Irvine, Jennifer Drouin, Marcello VitaliRosati and Michael E. Sinatra 1b: Named Entity Viz 1c: Architecture and Mapping 1d: Innovative Integrations Visualizing Philosopher and Topic Frequency Data Gathered from Named Entity Recognition Tools Visualizing Early Modern Lima— The Experiences of Lima as a Theater of Conversion Developing Text-to-Speech for Religious Scripture: Shiri Guru Granth Sahib Schenk, Kevin; Simpson, John; Rockwell, Geoffrey Young, Jason Richard; Laucirica, Francisco; Sinclair, Stéfan; JouveMartin, José Singh, Gurpreet; Kaur, Sandeep Location: Lamoureux 215 Extracting and Visualizing Named Entities using Interactive Streamgraphs – A Case Study on First World War Data Abi Haidar, Alaa; Yang, Bin; Ganascia, Jean-Gabriel What We Talk About When We Talk About Books: Topic Modelling Reader Responses on Social Reading Sites Location: Lamoureux 217 The Representation Is Not the Thing: Digital Methods in Art and Architectural History Langmead, Alison Moving the Mess to the Map: Studying locations and themes with messy data Location: Lamoureux 219 Disability: The Last Frontier for DH Rawluk, Kendra; Alexander, Carissa “Q i-jtb the Raven”: Taking Dirty OCR Seriously Cordell, Ryan Chown, Cameron; Keefer, Randall; Plamondon, Marc Quamen, Harvey Noel; Lang, Anouk 10:00am 10:30am Coffee Break 1: Coffee Break 10:30am 12:00pm ACCUTE/CSDH: Joint Lecture: Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, "New Media: Wonderfully Creepy" 12:00pm 1:00pm Lunch Break 1: Lunch Break 1:00pm 4:00pm LAC/CSDH: Joint Event LAC 4:00pm 4:30pm Coffee Break 2: Coffee Break 4:30pm 6:00pm 2a: Panel: A Big Data Challenge in the Humanities Location: Entrance Hall to LMX122 Location: Entrance Hall to LMX122 2b: Social Studies 2c: Games and Gaming 2d: Édition Decolonizing Digital Humanities in Africa Digital Games as a Form of CrossCultural Knowledge Translation Aiyegbusi, Titilola Babalola Wilcox, Stephen Mathew Indexicality, Visual Poetics, and the PetrArchive: A Scholarly Digital Edition of Petrarch’s Songbook Influence in the Digital Humanities: A Social Network Analysis Playing Queer: Locative Media, City Walsh, John A.; Storey, H. Wayne Space, and Game Mechanics Lettres et numérique : Engel, Maureen passerelles et précipices… Algorithmic Generation of Global Meynard, Cécile; Lebarbé, Thomas Racial, Cultural, Religious, Architectural and Linguistic Pour une version numérique de Variation l’Anthologie Palatine Location: Lamoureux 215 Location: Lamoureux 217 Location: Lamoureux 219 Location: Lamoureux 122 A Big Data Challenge in the Humanities: Twenty-eight hundred years of the European Textual Record Crane, Gregory Ralph; Robertston, Bruce; Smith, David A.; Beaulieu, Marie-Claire; Almas, Bridget Martin, Kim; Quan-Haase, Anabel DH @ Work and The Social Studies of Digital Humanities Clement, Tanya E.; Carter, Daniel Johnson, Mark Richard Bouchard, Elsa; Vitali-Rosati, Marcello; Monjour, Servanne Date: Tuesday, 02/Jun/2015 9:00am 10:30am 3a: Collaborative Development Location: Colonel By A707A 3b: Panel: The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory 3c: Digital Drama 3d: Mobile Considerations Leveraging Performance for the Digital Humanities Creating a Mobile and Augmented-Reality Scholarly Edition: Swinburne's Poems and Ballads, 1866 Location: Colonel By D207 Location: Colonel By E015 Location: Colonel By 205 Curatorial Collaboration: Gamification of a Historic Building Ogden, Mitchell Paul; Beck, Dave Laboratories of Modernity Irvine, Dean The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory: An Experiment in Infrastructure Brown, Susan; Antoniuk, Jeffery; Brundin, Michael; Ilovan, Mihaela; Simpson, John; Sellmer, Megan Wrinkleface and the Social Iguana: New Perspectives on What Students Can Do Roberts-Smith, Jennifer; Cegys, Paul; Ruecker, Stan; Research Group, The INKE Digital Acting Parts: Learning and Understanding Shakespeare’s Plays Meneses, Luis; Estill, Laura; Furuta, Richard Posner, Miriam Katherine; Titarenco, Noemi; Levinson, Lindsie; Kunnathuparambil, Linta; Mi, Jane Chang Nowviskie, Bethany; Wayne, Graham Authenticity and Play in Mobile Apps Lawson, Keith M Public Heritage at Scale: Building Tools for Authoring Mobile Digital Heritage & Archaeology Experiences Watrall, Ethan 10:30am 11:00am Coffee Break 3: Coffee Break 11:00am 12:30pm 4a: Repositories and Communities 4b: Panel: Médiation et performativité 4c: Blogs and Twitter 4d: Data Digital Humanities Projects and Digital Repositories Médiation et performativité : l’auteur s’éditorialise Mylonas, Elli Vitali Rosati, Marcello; Monjour, Servanne; Tremblay-Devirieux, Julie; Routhier, Élisabeth Utilising ‘Tweet My Street’ to understand geographical nuances in support and opposition to the 2014 International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) Improving Research Data Visibility and Accessibility, for Better Data Sharing and Higher Research Profile. Mearns, Graeme William; Simmonds, Rebecca Data Stewardship in the Digital Humanities Location: Colonel By A707A Location: Colonel By 205 Iterative Prototyping of Small-Scale Experimental Digital Humanities Infrastructure Location: Colonel By A707A Hiebert, Matthew; Bowen, William; Siemens, Ray Location: Colonel By D207 Digital Humanities and 140 Characters: A uses and gratifications study of Twitter User Assessment with Emblematica Online: A Case Study of Analyzing Scholarly User Engagement with Digital Humanities Research Initiatives Quan-Haase, Anabel; Martin, Kim; McCay-Peet, Lori LGBT nation and Otaku brotherhood in Cuba. A study of two communities excluded from the Cuban national culture discourse thought their blogs GREEN, HARRIETT E; WADE, MARA; COLE, TIMOTHY; HAN, MJ Location: Colonel By E015 Webster, Peter Sapach, Sonja Christina; Rockwell, Geoffrey; Middleton, Catherine SylvaDB: A Framework for Research Productivity in the Digital Humanities de la Rosa, Javier; Brown, David Michael; Suarez, Juan Luis; SotoCorominas, Adriana Portales Machado, Yasmín Silvia; Padrón Morales, Sheila 12:30pm 2:00pm Lunch Break 2: Lunch Break 2:00pm 3:30pm 5a: Reading and Narrativity 5b: Panel: From Documents to Data 5c: Navigating Memories 5d: Canadian Archives Connecting the Dots: Integrating Modular Networks and Narrativity in Digital Scholarship. From Documents to Data Memories/Motifs, Historical Memory & the unexpected inspirations of Digital Humanities (Re)construire les archives de Gabrielle Roy Location: Colonel By 205 Robinson, Amy; Saklofske, Jon; INKE, Research Team Location: Colonel By A707A Quamen, Harvey Noel; Hjartarson, Paul; Belafi, Veronica; Johnston, Andrea; van Orden, Nicholas; Crompton, Constance; Schwartz, Michelle; McGregor, Hannah On the Value of Narratives in a Reflexive Digital Humanities Fan, Lai-Tze Location: Colonel By D207 Deblinger, Rachel Navigating through Memory Island of Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy – a demonstration of the Memory Island Technique YANG, Bin; GANASCIA, Jean-Gabriel Entre édition papier et édition augmentée : la collection Parcours numériques The Astrolabe Project Bhattacharya, Anwesha; Furuta, Richard; Castro, Filipe Vitali Rosati, Marcello; Sinatra, Michael; Beauchef, Hélène; Cavallari, Giuseppe Location: Colonel By E015 Marcotte, Sophie The Fred Wah Digital Archive: Affective Labour and Grassroots Sustainability in Digital Humanities Initiatives Fong, Deanna Marie; Fitzpatrick, Ryan; Dodd, Janey First steps in integrating diverse data sources to tell a fuller story of the treatment of Japanese Canadians in WW2 Arneil, Stewart; Martin, Holmes 3:30pm 3:45pm Coffee Break 4: Coffee Break 3:45pm 5:15pm 6a: Theory 6b: Panel: Digital Cultural Heritage 6c: Text Analysis Traditions 6d: Working with Poetry Art as Device / Criticism as Computation: What Russian Formalism Has to Say about the Digital Humanities Digital Cultural Heritage Reproducing Text: Observations from a Pre-Digital Humanitie Immersive Data Environments: 3D Visualizations of Phonemic Data Location: Colonel By A707A Location: Colonel By 205 Worthey, Glen Location: Colonel By A707A Nelson, Brent; Harkema, Craig; O'Donnell, Daniel Location: Colonel By D207 Powell, Daniel Characteristic Curve: Reinterpreting Early Analytics Location: Colonel By E015 Plamondon, Marc Schooling Donald Allen: Re- L'éditorialisation et la frontière entre le réel et l'imaginaire Vitali Rosati, Marcello; Monjour, Servanne Towards a Quantum Digital Humanities Glass, Grant Rockwell, Geoffrey; Sinclair, Stéfan Locating Mid-Century American Poetry Networks Exploring Cryptography: Issues for Chinn, Lisa; Croxall, Brian; Koeser, Digital Humanities Rebecca Sutton; Young, Kevin DuPont, Quinn Semantic Notations: On Building "Belfast Group Poetry _Networks_ " Croxall, Brian; Sutton Koeser, Rebecca 5:30pm 7:00pm Award Plenary: CSDH/SCHN Outstanding Achievement: Chad Gaffield 7:30pm 9:00pm Reception: at the Royal Oaks pub (on campus): 161 Laurier Avenue East Location: Colonel By C03 Date: Wednesday, 03/Jun/2015 8:30am 10:00am Digital Demos 1: Digital Demonstrations Digital Demos 2: Digital Demonstrations The VAT: Video Analysis at Scale TAPoR 3.0 Location: Louis-Pasteur 154 Location: Louis-Pasteur 155 Kuhn, Virginia; Craig, Alan; Simeone, Michael; Marini, Luigi; Wong, Mona; Bock, Rodriguez-Arenas, Omar Isidro; Schenk, Kevin; Radzikowska, Milena; Dave; Satheesan, Sandeep Ranaweera, Kamal; Sinclair, Stéfan; McKellar, Mark; Rockwell, Geoffrey Work with CWRC Brown, Susan; Antoniuk, Jeffery; Brundin, Michael; Ilovan, Mihaela; Simpson, John Voyant Tools 2.0: The New, The Neat and the Gnarly Sinclair, Stéfan; Rockwell, Geoffrey; Sinatra, Michael; Vitali Rosati, Marcello The Big Red Book: A Demonstration of Serendipitous Tool for Augmenting Knowledge (STAK) Greenspan, Brian; Li, Jiayu; Martin, Kim; Mould, David; Quan-Haase, Anabel “Everything on Paper Will Be Used Against Me: Quantifying Kissinger” Kaufman, Micki Advocacy by Design Boggs, Jeremy; Lindblad, Purdom; Nowviskie, Bethany; Glendon, Ivey; Goff, Lisa; Team, Take Back the Archive The Open Syllabus Project - Using Overview to search, analyze, and visualize a collection of 2 million college syllabi Modernist Commons McClure, David; Karaganis, Joe; Tenen, Dennis; Stray, Jonathan; Karlsson, Jonas; Hooper, Adam Irvine, Dean; Jensen, Graham; Stanley, Alan; Banks, Nigel Game of Writing (GWrit) Topic Words in Context (TWiC) McKellar, Mark Pearse; Rockwell, Geoffrey; Ranaweera, Kamal; In, Aiden; Ru'Aini, Melania; Graves, Roger; Graves, Heather; Rodriguez-Arenas, Omar Armoza, Jonathan Ilan; Sinclair, Stéfan Power Up Your DH with Compute Canada Simpson, John Edward Shout-Out for the Humanities": A student contest sponsored by 4Humanities Martin, Kim 10:00am 10:15am Coffee Break 5: Coffee Break 10:15am 11:45am 7a: Text Patterns Location: Louis Pasteur 154/155 Location: Colonel By C03 7b: Panel: Les éditions critiques en contexte numérique 7c: Global Horizons Location: Louis-Pasteur 155 Location: Louis-Pasteur 154 Making Sense of Abundance: Opportunity and Challenges Across Les éditions critiques en contexte numérique Three Web Archive Case Studies Milligan, Ian Police Officer-Involved Homicide Database Project RedHD: Open, Collective, and Multilingual Work Dynamics Priani, Ernesto; Galina, Isabel; Ortega, Elika; Peña, Miriam The HTRC Extracted Features Dataset Remaking the Atlas, Unmaking the World: Towards a Cultural Atlas of Global Blackness Organisciak, Peter; Auvil, Loretta; Bhattacharyya, Sayan; Downie, J. Stephen Lunch Break 3: Lunch Break 1:15pm 2:45pm 8a: Early Modern Considerations Location: Colonel By C03 Location: Louis-Pasteur 285 Sinatra, Michael E.; Harel, Simon; Dyens, Ollivier; Aimeur, Esma; Camlot, Brown, David Michael; Suarez, Juan Jason; Guédon, Jean-Claude; StLuis; Soto-Corominas, Adriana Amand, Isabelle Paris, Brittany Suzanne; Pasquetto, Irene; Pierre, Jennifer; Sands, Ashley; Currie, Morgan 11:45am 1:15pm 10 Million Spanish Books: A Dynamic Networks Approach to Understanding the Diffusion of Spanish Texts 7d: #gamergate, Feminism and Digitally Constituted Communities (CSDH/SCHN & CGSA Joint Session) Risam, Roopika 8b: Panel: Transactive Memory Keepers Database 8c: Evolving Pedagogies 8d: Text Viz An Agile, Robust Partnership Model for DH Training Textplot: Visualizing the thematic structure of texts and corpora Location: Louis-Pasteur 155 Location: Louis-Pasteur 285 Location: Louis-Pasteur 154 Preliminaries Project: The Social Network of the Duke of Lerma Suarez, Juan Luis; Brown, David Michael; de la Rosa, Javier; SotoCorominas, Adriana DREaM: Distant Reading Early Modernity The Kanata Indigenous Performance, New and Digital Media Art Project and the Transactive Memory Keepers Database Nagam, Julie; Igloliorte, Heather; Taunton, Carla Wittek, Stephen; Sinclair, Stefan; Milner, Matthew eMOP’s Printers and Publishers: Toward Crafting an Early Modern Print Database Siemens, Raymond George First Year English as a DH Course van Orden, M. Nicholas The Pedagogical Hermeneutics of Humanities 100: or, How to Teach DH in a Liberal Arts Context (with Archival Materials) Jakacki, Diane Katherine; Faull, Katherine Mary Christy, Matthew; Grumbach, Elizabeth; Mandell, Laura McClure, David William Why We Are Designing Hardware Peripherals for Text Analysis Ruecker, Stan; Erwin, Kim; Scaletsky, Celso; Meyer, Guilherme; Lin, Xinli; Jernegan, Elizabeth; Dias, Júlia “Everything on Paper Will Be Used Against Me: Quantifying Kissinger” Kaufman, Micki 2:45pm 3:00pm Coffee Break 6: Coffee Break 3:00pm 4:30pm 9a: CCA and CSDH/SCHN joint session 9b: Tracing Ideas and Events Location: Louis Pasteur 154/155 Location: Colonel By C03 Round-table on "Open Access Awareness: What Scholars Need to Know" with John Willinsly, Martin Eve, Heather Morrison, Andrea Whiteley Chaired by Michael E. Sinatra Location: Louis-Pasteur 154 Millican to Ferguson: Digital Representations of Activists Discourse Then and Now Taylor, Toniesha 9c: Consuming Culture Location: Louis-Pasteur 155 9d: Big Data Location: Louis-Pasteur 285 Decomposing the Human Clustering-based Development Index with Respect to Interestingness Measure for Music Linguistic Pattern Exploration: Application to French Classic Woolhouse, Matthew Harold; Barone, The Business of Culture: A SingleSubject Community Dutta, Nandita; Mcarthur, Bennett Wicking Ideas Budac, Andrea; Rockwell, Geoffrey; Palmer, Zachary; Budac, Robert; Ruecker, Stan Michael; Rogers, Nick Literature Plotting Television Narrative Shapes BOUKHALED, Mohamed Amine; Frontini, Francesca; Bourgne, Gauvain; Ganascia, Jean-gabriel McDonald, Jarom Bullipedia: lessons from StackOverflow's reputation system Jiménez-Mavillard, Antonio; Suárez, Juan Luis The Politics of Macroanalysis Tersigni, Elisa Reading Algorithms: Critical Approaches to the Computational Mediation of Humanities Resources Roe, Glenn; Olsen, Mark 4:45pm 5:30pm AGM: Annual General Meeting 5:30pm 6:45pm Keynote: Amy Earhart: DH Futures: Conflict, Power, and Public Knowledge Location: Colonel By C03 Location: Colonel By C03
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