Towards a theory of higher inductive types Thorsten Altenkirch1 Paolo Capriotti1 Gabe Dijkstra1 Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg2 1 University of Nottingham 2 University of Strathclyde May 20th, 2015 Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 1 / 22 Goal Our is goal is to: Define a general class of higher inductive types Akin to W-types Building upon Shulman and Lumsdaine’s semantics Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 2 / 22 Higher inductive types versus ordinary inductive types Ordinary inductive types: data T : Type where c0 : F0 T → T .. . ck : Fk T → T where every Fi : Type → Type is a (strictly positive) functor. Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 3 / 22 Higher inductive types versus ordinary inductive types Ordinary inductive types: data T : Type where c : F0 T + . . . + Fk T → T .. . where every Fi : Type → Type is a (strictly positive) functor. Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 3 / 22 Higher inductive types versus ordinary inductive types Ordinary inductive types: data T : Type where c :F T →T .. . where F : Type → Type is a (strictly positive) functor. Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 3 / 22 Higher inductive types versus ordinary inductive types Higher inductive types, e.g. the circle: data S 1 : Type where base : S 1 loop : base =S 1 base Dependencies on previous constructors Higher constructors: target of constructors not always T , but can also be an iterated path space of T . Single functor Type → Type no longer suffices Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 4 / 22 Higher inductive types versus ordinary inductive types Higher inductive types, e.g. propositional truncation: data||A|| : Type where [ ] : A → ||A|| trunc : (x y : ||A||) → x = y Dependencies on previous constructors Higher constructors: target of constructors not always T , but can also be an iterated path space of T . Single functor Type → Type no longer suffices Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 4 / 22 General framework Constructors are dependent dialgebras: data T : Type where c0 : (x : F0 T ) c1 : (x : F1 (T , c0 )) .. . → G0 (T , x) → G1 ((T , c0 ), x) ck : (x : Fk (T , c0 , . . . , ck−1 )) → Gk ((T , c0 , . . . , ck−1 ), x) We will call: Every Fi an argument functor Every Gi a target functor Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 5 / 22 General framework – example: interval The interval type: data I : Type where zero : I one : I seg : zero = one Argument functors: F0 X F1 (X , z) F2 (X , z, o) :≡ 1 :≡ 1 :≡ 1 (F0 : Type → Type) (F1 : (F0 , G0 )-alg → Type) (F2 : (F1 , G1 )-alg → Type) Target functors: R F0 → Type) (G0 : Type R (G1 : (F0 ,G1 )-alg F1 → Type) R G2 ((X , z, o), x) :≡ (z = o) (G2 : (F1 ,G1 )-alg F2 → Type) G0 (X G1 ((X , z) , x) :≡ X , x) :≡ X Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 6 / 22 General framework – example: interval The interval type: data I : Type where zero : I one : I seg : zero = one Category of elements: objects: (X : Type) × F0 X morphisms (X , x) → (Y , y ): (f : X → Y ) × (F0 f x = y ) Argument functors: F0 X F1 (X , z) F2 (X , z, o) :≡ 1 :≡ 1 :≡ 1 (F0 : Type → Type) (F1 : (F0 , G0 )-alg → Type) (F2 : (F1 , G1 )-alg → Type) Target functors: R F0 → Type) (G0 : Type R (G1 : (F0 ,G1 )-alg F1 → Type) R G2 ((X , z, o), x) :≡ (z = o) (G2 : (F1 ,G1 )-alg F2 → Type) G0 (X G1 ((X , z) , x) :≡ X , x) :≡ X Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 6 / 22 General framework Constructors are dependent dialgebras: c : (x : F X ) → G (X , x) where C : Cat F : C → Type (argument functor) R G : C F → Type (target functor) Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 7 / 22 General framework – 0-constructors 0-constructors are of the form: c : (x : F X ) → U X where C : Cat with a forgetful functor U : C → Type F : C → Type R G : C F → Type G (X , x) :≡ U X Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 8 / 22 General framework – 1-constructors 1-constructors are of the form: c : (x : F X ) → (l0 X x = r0 X x) where C : Cat with a forgetful functor U : C → Type F : C → Type R G : C F → Type l0 r0 : F → U G (X , x) :≡ (l0 X x = r0 X x) We call this G functor Eq0 Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 9 / 22 General framework – 2-constructors For 2-constructors: c : (x : F X ) → (l1 X x = r1 X x) where l0 r0 : F → U (with Eq0 (X , x) :≡ (l0 X x = r0 X x)) l1 r1 : 1 → Eq0 (with Eq1 (X , x) :≡ (l1 X x = r1 X x)) Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 10 / 22 General framework – 3-constructors For 3-constructors: c : (x : F X ) → (l2 X x = r2 X x) where l0 r0 : F → U (with Eq0 (X , x) :≡ (l0 X x = r0 X x)) l1 r1 : 1 → Eq0 (with Eq1 (X , x) :≡ (l1 X x = r1 X x)) l2 r2 : 1 → Eq1 (with Eq2 (X , x) :≡ (l2 X x = r2 X x)) Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 10 / 22 General framework – (n + 1)-constructors For (n + 1)-constructors: c : (x : F X ) → (ln X x = rn X x) where l0 r0 : F → U (with Eq0 (X , x) :≡ (l0 X x = r0 X x)) l1 r1 : 1 → Eq0 (with Eq1 (X , x) :≡ (l1 X x = r1 X x)) l2 r2 : 1 → Eq1 (with Eq2 (X , x) :≡ (l2 X x = r2 X x)) .. . ln rn : 1 → Eqn−1 .. . (with Eqn (X , x) :≡ (ln X x = rn X x)) Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 10 / 22 Strict positivity – ordinary inductive types We can’t allow any argument functor: it has to be strictly positive: data Term : Type where lam : (Term → Term) → Term Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 11 / 22 Strict positivity – higher inductive types We can’t allow any argument functor: it has to be strictly positive: data InitialField : Type where 0 : InitialField 1 : InitialField _+_ : InitialField → InitialField → InitialField _∗_ : InitialField → InitialField → InitialField .. . _−1 : (x : InitialField ) → (x = 0 → ⊥) → InitialField .. . InitialField does not exist: _−1 is not strictly positive Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 12 / 22 Type-containers Strictly positive functors Type → Type: containers Shapes S : Type Positions T : S → Type JS C PK0 : C → Type JS C PK0 X :≡ (s : S) × (P s → X ) JS C PK1 : (X → Y ) → JS C PK0 X → JS C PK0 Y JS C PK1 f (s, t) :≡ (s, f ◦ t) Example: constA X = JA C (λa.0)K0 X = A × (0 → X ) =A Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 13 / 22 C-containers Strictly positive functors C → Type: C-containers (or familially representable) Shapes S : Type Positions T : S → |C| JS C PK0 : C → Type JS C PK0 X :≡ (s : S) × C (P s, X ) JS C PK1 : C (X , Y ) → JS C PK0 X → JS C PK0 Y JS C PK1 f (s, t) :≡ (s, f ◦ t) Example (assuming 0 : |C| is initial): constA X = JA C (λa.0)K0 X = A × C (0, X ) =A Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 14 / 22 C-container morphisms Data for higher constructors requires natural transformations Natural transformations between containers: container morphisms: For containers S C P and T C Q, container morphisms are: (f : S → T ) × (g : (a : S) → C (Q (f a), P a)) Container morphisms are complete: Each container morphism gives rise to a natural transformation and vice versa Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 15 / 22 Expressivity of containers Data for constructors can be given using containers and container morphisms: Argument functors are given as containers Forgetful functors Ui : (Fi , Gi )-alg → Type can be given as containers if there exist Li a Ui Data for Eqn functors are given as container morphisms Eqn functors can be given as containers if we have (n + 1)-HITs Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 16 / 22 Simplified approach to 1-HITs In practice, constructor arguments rarely seem to refer to previous constructors. We can identify a class of 1-HITs where we have: 0-constructors which do not depend on other constructors 1-constructors which may only depend on 0-constructors in the targets No dependencies between the 1-constructors Examples: circle, suspension, truncation Non-example: hub-spokes version of the torus Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 17 / 22 Simplified approach to 1-HITs If we have: F0 : Type → Type with U0 : (F0 , G0 )-alg → Type F1 : (F0 , G0 )-alg → Type such that F1 = F10 ◦ U0 . . . where F10 : Type → Type then F1 → U0 ' F10 → F0∗ where F0∗ is the free monad of F0 . This approach has been fully formalised in Agda. Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 18 / 22 Coherence We can use C-containers to internalise the theory We still need to be able to talk about the categories of dependent dialgebras Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 19 / 22 Coherence – Category of dependent dialgebras Given C a category with functors F : C → Type and G : can consider the category of dialgebras (F , G )-alg: R C F → Type, we objects: (X : |C|) × (θ : (x : F X ) → G (X , x)) morphisms (X , θ) → (Y , ρ): (f : C (X , Y )) × (comm : (x : F X ) → G (f , refl ) (θ x) = ρ (F f x)) Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 20 / 22 Coherence We can use C-containers to internalise the theory We still need to be able to talk about the categories of dependent dialgebras Design choices: Define the categories with strict equality and possibly lose some expressivity (e.g. the torus) Work with appropriately defined (∞, 1)-categories and deal with the coherence issues, that increase with the number of constructors Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 21 / 22 Conclusions Higher inductive types are sequences of dependent dialgebras C-containers allow us to formalise the data needed to define constructors A simplified approach to 1-HITs has been successfully formalised Coherence problems increase with the number of constructors We can work in a type theory with strict equality and avoid coherence problems but we lose some expressivity Towards a theory of HITs May 20th, 2015 22 / 22
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