Paula Mishima, Administrator Education Data Management Division Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D., Administrator Career Technical Education Administration Management Office 1 Tom Torlakson State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2 WHY? WHAT? HOW? WHEN? WHO? 3 The Problem The Vision The Solution 4 The data “system” prior to 2009 included numerous disparate aggregate data collections – 125 and growing, which: ◦ Resulted in LEAs reporting variations of the same data for different programs to multiple offices within the department ◦ Was non-responsive to changing reporting requirements ◦ Was of poor quality ◦ Had no longitudinal capacity and therefore yielded little useful data to inform policy making ◦ Presumably wasted resources at local and state levels reporting and collecting data 5 To address the problem there was a vision to create a data system based on the collection of student-level data which allowed: ◦ Data submission to be centralized and streamlined, encouraging centralized, standardized data collection ◦ Increased data consistency and integrity ◦ Data at the state level to be combined in different ways to meet current and future state and federal reporting requirements ◦ Data to be maintained longitudinally, that is over space and time ◦ Fewer resources to be devoted to data collection and submission—theoretically 6 Such a system would provide LEAs: ◦ Immediate access to basic information on transferring students which helps them to better serve students ◦ Ability to update data on an ongoing basis ◦ Access to longitudinal data ◦ Reduction in aggregate reporting to the state ◦ Potential cost savings 7 Such a system would provide the STATE: ◦ Rich, quality data for accountability, research, program evaluation, resource allocation, decision making ◦ Capacity to produce new statewide reports and responded to requests for other reports ◦ A streamlined data collection and reporting system to meet state and federal requirements 8 The vision became the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Is CALPADS doing what was envisioned? 9 For LEAs: ◦ Immediate access to basic information on existing and transferring students which helps them to better serve students LEAs are beginning to rely on CALPADS for such information as English Language Acquisition Status of transferring students LEAs look to see whether students have transferred before investing dropout recovery resources LEAs receive reports on who their foster students are so they can better serve them LEAs receive reports on which students are directly certified to receive free meals under the National School Lunch Program ◦ Ability to update data on an ongoing basis Work flow can be “evened-out” 10 For LEAs: ◦ Access to longitudinal data Since data “travels” with the student, LEAs have access to students’ enrollment, program, assessment histories ◦ Reduction in aggregate reporting to the state CBEDS (SIF and PAIF), LCEN, SNOR discontinued, other new collections avoided No student data collected on statewide assessments and registration streamlined Perkins and Special Education (CASEMIS) now being transitioned to CALPADS, and once transitioned will be discontinued 11 Potential cost savings ◦ Not necessarily “cost” savings, because there is a cost to better data ◦ However, there is a clear benefit to better data, as LEAs report they better understand their data and so use it more ◦ Staff who spent time on creating aggregate reports must continue to support data collection and act as data stewards working with CALPADS staff; any time freed up can be focused on program needs ◦ AVOID the pitfall of simply turning the work over to CALPADS staff 12 For the STATE: ◦ Rich, quality data for accountability, research, program evaluation, resource allocation, decision making Now able to calculate a 4-year graduation cohort rate Now able to calculate long-term English Learners Potential to track outcomes, for example of CTE completers into college and career ◦ Capacity to produce new statewide reports and responded to requests for other reports Produced student discipline reports that affected state policy Provided data needed for the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) without a new data collection 13 For the STATE: ◦ A streamlined data collection and reporting system to meet state and federal requirements CBEDS (SIF and PAIF), LCEN, SNOR discontinued, other new collections avoided Data no longer collected on statewide assessments and registration streamlined Perkins and Special Education (CASEMIS) now being transitioned to CALPADS and once transitions, will be discontinued 14 All documents available from CALPADS Web Page: Short cut to page is: Documents under “System Documentation” 15 Throughout the remainder of the presentation the following documents will be referenced CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) ◦ Includes all standard files, data elements, and data element definitions CALPADS Code Set ◦ State Course Codes (State Group Course) ◦ CTE Pathway 16 CALPADS Valid Code Combinations ◦ CTE Pathway – CTE Industry Sector Tab ◦ Course Group Master Combo CTE Non-traditional Gender Capstone Course CALPADS Error List ◦ Input Validation Rules (IVRs) conducted on incoming data ◦ Certification Validation Rules (CVRs) conducted on data being certified CALPADS Data Guide ◦ Geared for program staff to understand how data is used ◦ CTE section: Pages 183-190 17 What is CTE? What is a CTE Course? What is a CTE Pathway? What is a Capstone Course? Where can I find more information? 18 Perkins IV defines a threshold level of CTE as 1. offer a sequence of courses that; a. provides individuals with coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions; b. provides technical skill proficiency, an industryrecognized credential, a certificate, or an associate degree; and c. may include prerequisite courses (other than a remedial course) that meet the requirements of this subparagraph; and 2. include competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of an industry, including entrepreneurship, of an individual. (Sec. [3][5]) 19 Provides technical skill proficiency Leads to an industry recognized credentials, certificate or associate degree 20 Provides competency-based learning that provides: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 21 Academic knowledge Higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills Work attitudes and general employability skills Technical skills and occupation-specific skills Knowledge of all aspects of an industry CTE Local Course State Course Code CTE Local Course* State Course Code* CTE Local Course State Course Code CTE Local Course* State Course Code* CA CTE Pathway CA CTE Pathway Industry Sector or Federal Career Cluster *Is a Capstone Course 22 All CTE courses must be: ◦ Taught by an appropriately credentialed teacher ◦ A minimum of 150 hours or 1 year of instruction ◦ Meet CTE state course code definition defined in CALPADS Code Set Each local CTE courses must map to state course code (codes 4000-5999) 23 Program staff should ensure local CTE courses are correctly mapped to state course codes Mapping local courses to state courses: ◦ Is not the responsibility of CALPADS staff ◦ Should be reviewed annually CALPADS staff should inform program staff when there are changes to state course codes or descriptions 24 A sequence of CTE courses create a CTE pathway There are California approved CTE pathways CTE pathways can be found in the CALPADS Code Set 25 A sequence: Consists of: ◦ Not less than two full-year CTE courses with a combined duration of not less than 300 hours, or ◦ A single, multiple-hour course which provides sequential units of instruction and has a duration of not less than 300 hours; Is coherent, meaning that the sequence may only include those CTE courses with objectives, and content that have a clear, and direct relationship to the occupation(s) or career targeted by the program; Includes sufficient introductory and concentration CTE courses to provide students with the instruction necessary to develop the skill and knowledge levels required for employment and postsecondary education or training (State Plan page 224) 26 Information and Communication Technologies (Industry Sector - INF) Software and Systems Development (CTE Pathway - 174) Exploring Computer Science* (4634) Robotic Technologies* (4647) Programming for Solving Applied Problems* (4619) (capstone course) *CTE Non-Traditional Gender - Female 27 A capstone course is the last course in a planned sequence of courses or pathway necessary for employment in an identified occupation 28 You can find information on these items… In this document… By looking for these Code Set Names or under these Valid Code Combination tabs… Local Course Code Local system n/a State Course Code CALPADS Code Set Course Group State You will find this information… n/a • All CTE course codes and names • Definition for each course Capstone Course Valid Code Combinations Course Group • Master Combo tab For each state course code, whether it is a capstone course CA CTE Pathway CALPADS Code Set Federal Industry Sector Valid Code Combinations Career Technical • Education Pathway • • CTE Pathway – CTE Industry • Sector tab All Pathway codes and names Definition for each pathway All Industry Sector codes and names The industry sector for each pathway (being updated) 29 Excerpt from the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations, Course Group Master Combos tab Course Group State Code Course Group State Name 4631 Database Design and SQL Programming 4632 Digital Literacy 4633 Computer Repair and Support 4634 Exploring Computer Science 30 CTE Industry Sector Code CTE Industry Sector Name CTE Pathway Code CTE NonTraditional Gender INF Information and Communication Technologies 174 Female INF Information and Communication Technologies 170 INF Information and Communication Technologies 170 Female INF Information and Communication Technologies 174 Female Content CTE Area Capstone Category Content Area Course Assignment Category Assignment Indicator Code Name Yes Yes 40 Career Technical Education 40 Career Technical Education 40 Career Technical Education 40 Career Technical Education More information on CTE Standards for all Industry Sectors is located here: 31 CALPADS 101 ◦ An overview of what CALPADS collects and how How does CALPADS collect CTE data? ◦ Participants ◦ Concentrators ◦ Completers How is CALPADS data used for Perkins reporting? 32 CALPADS is a longitudinal data system Data “connected” by non-personally identifiable identifiers ◦ Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) – assigned by CALPADS ◦ Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) – assigned by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Data can be submitted 24/7 (except during maintenance periods) 33 During “submission” periods CALPADS “snapshots” the data and provides reports for LEAs to certify Fall (October – March) Census Counts End-of-Year (EOY) (Mid May – Early September) Cumulative Counts Fall 1 Fall 2 EOY 1 EOY 2 Enrollment Graduates Dropouts English Learners LCFF Unduplicated Course Enrollments HQT Staff Assignments Student Course Completion Program Participation Title 1 Services 34 CTE EOY 3 EOY 4 Discipline Waivers Data are generally extracted from local student information systems (SIS) into one of 13 standard files listed below and submitted to CALPADS Data are submitted on an ongoing basis or during Fall or EOY submission windows Data may also be submitted online File descriptions can be found in the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) Student files Course files Staff files Student Enrollment (SENR) Student Information (SINF) Student Program (SPRG) Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) Student Discipline (SDIS) Student Waiver (SWAV) Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) Course Section Enrollment (CSRE) Course Section Completion (CSRC) Student Course Section Enrollment (SCSE) Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) Staff Demographics (SDEM) Staff Assignment (SASS) 35 Basic student information is submitted in these files generally on an ongoing basis Student Enrollment (SENR) SSID District School Start Date Exit Date Exit Reason Enrollment Type Grade Level Student Information (SNIF) SSID Ethnicity Race Date of Birth Address Student Program (SPRG) SSID Program eligibility or participation (Special Education, Migrant, Free or Reduced Price Meal, Homeless, Partnership Academy etc.) Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) SSID English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) Primary Language *Full listing of elements collected in each file and their definitions can be found in the CALPADS File Specifications located here: 36 The course data are submitted in the Fall for course enrollment and at the End-of-Year for course completion Course Section Enrollment (CRSE) Course Section Completion (CRSC) Student Course Section Enrollment (SCSE) Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) State Course Code (Course Group State) SSID (CTE: 4000-5999) Course Section ID Course Section ID Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) Student Credits Attempted Course Section Instructional Level Student Credits Earned UC-CSU Approved Indicator Student Course Final Grades HQT Competency Education Service (English Language Services) Course Content Code (9.10) CTE Technical Prep Course Indicator (9.12) Course Section Instructional Level Code (9.19) Education Funding Source Code (9.26) *Full listingProgram of elements collected in each file and their definitions can be found in the CALPADS File Specifications located Provider here: CTE Course Section Code (9.27) 37 CTE-Related “Course Attributes”: Course Content Code (9.10) ◦ Only one code (154) - allows Non-CTE numbered courses to “count” as a CTE course in a pathway CTE Technical Prep Course Indicator (9.12) Course Section Instructional Level Code (9.19) Education Program Funding Source Code (9.26) ◦ No longer necessary ◦ Allows LEA to indicate if student is also receiving college credit ◦ Only one code (113) - indicates course is or was provided by California Partnership Academy program CTE Course Section Provider Code (9.27) ◦ Describes the entity providing a CTE course: (1)ROC/P, or (2) district ◦ Required for CTE courses (Fatal errors CRSE0133 or CRSC0133 will trigger) 38 CTE course data are required for students even if the courses are taken through ROC/Ps ROC/Ps cannot submit data to CALPADS; LEAs must obtain the data from ROC/Ps and submit the data to CALPADS Refer to CALPADS Data Guide (page 187) for instructions on how to submit this data to CALPADS 39 The CTE concentrator and completer data are submitted in the SCTE file at the end of the year as part of the EOY 1submission along with course completion data Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) Academic Year ID SSID CTE Pathway Code CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID *Full listing of elements collected in each file and their definitions can be found in the CALPADS File Specifications located here: 40 Academic Year ID (11.06) ◦ Represents the academic year being reported (e.g. for this EOY 1 it will be 2014-15) SSID (11.07) CTE Pathway Code (11.13) ◦ 3-digit code – see Career Technical Education Pathway code set CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID (11.14) ◦ The academic year in which the student completed the pathway (must equal Academic Year ID) 41 Where can I find more information on the files, the data elements collected in the files, and the definitions of the data elements? CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) 42 Participants (non-Concentrators) Concentrators Completers 43 “Participants” in CALPADS is the ENTIRE universe of CTE students: ◦ Non-concentrator participants ◦ Concentrator participants ◦ Completer participants 44 45 Assuming Course Completion data have been submitted, nothing “extra” because, CALPADS simply “counts” all students who have completed a CTE course and who is not a concentrator or completer What is important is that, The LEA has reviewed local CTE courses to ensure they meet state course definition Local CTE courses have been mapped accurately into State Course Codes LEA has reviewed population of course attributes Review of local courses to ensure content meets course definition and accurate mapping to state course codes is THE KEY! 46 Since CALPADS has student demographic data, CALPADS can aggregate all participant data by various demographics required for federal reporting such as: ◦ Race/ethnicity ◦ Gender ◦ Pregnant and Parenting ◦ etc. 47 To certify participant data, program staff should review report 3.12 – Career Technical Education Participants; LEA then certifies Level 1 and Level 2 48 Staff may use supporting report 3.13 Career Technical Education Participant – Student List to review the data 49 A CTE concentrator is a student who has: Completed 50 percent of a planned program sequence (in hours or credits) and is enrolled in the next course of a state-recognized CTE pathway. Example: In a two course sequence, only students who have completed two courses should be reported as a concentrator (this student is also a completer) In a three or four course sequence, students who have completed two courses should be reported as concentrators All concentrators are also considered participants 50 51 52 To be counted as a concentrator in CALPADS, a student: ◦ MUST be included in the Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) file with a CTE pathway code ◦ MUST be included in the Student Course Completion (SCSC) file as completing a CTE course in that specified pathway ◦ MUST NOT have CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID populated 53 A completer is a student who has successfully completed the capstone course in a CTE sequence (pathway) with a grade of C or better A completer may exit the program for employment or continue enrollment in the program to prepare for higher level employment or advanced education in the same career path 54 To be counted as a completer in CALPADS, a student: ◦ MUST be included in the Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) file with a CTE pathway code ◦ MUST be included in the Student Course Completion (SCSC) file as taking a CTE course in that specified pathway ◦ AND MUST have CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID populated ◦ Beginning in 2015-16, CALPADS will also check that the completer has completed the capstone course in their reported pathway 55 CALPADS recognizes a concentrator by the existence of a pathway code for the student CALPADS recognizes a completer by the existence of a CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID for the student 56 Therefore, LEAs must maintain the pathway and CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID in their local student information ◦ NOTE: If a student has multiple pathways, the LEA may submit multiple records representing each pathway LEAs must then submit this data in the Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) file during the EOY 1 submission 57 To help ensure data quality CALPADS has a number of Certification Validation Rules (CVRs) that trigger when submitted data does not meet certain rules 58 LEAs may only submit completers in the academic year the student completed a pathway ◦ For example, in the 2014-15 submission, the completion year must be 2014-15 ◦ IF Academic Year ID does not equal CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID, the following fatal error will trigger: SCTE0242 Invalid CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID for Academic Year ◦ Data cannot be submitted until fixed ◦ Since CALPADS maintains data longitudinally, any pathways completed in prior years are maintained in the system 59 A new CVR effective in EOY 1 2014-15 will trigger when any student with a CTE pathway has not completed at least one CTE course in that pathway in that academic year Submitted data must be amended in order for LEA to certify EOY 1 60 New CVR in 2015-16 will trigger when a student reported as a completer in the SCTE file has not completed a capstone course in that year ◦ NOTE: Current Valid Code Combinations document indicates the capstone courses for information purposes to be used to trigger the CVR in 2015-16 61 Data submitted in the SCTE file is displayed in certification reports To certify, program staff should review report, ◦ 3.14 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway To help validate the data use supporting report, ◦ 3.15 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Student List Resolve any errors and then Certify Level 1 and Level 2 62 To certify CTE data, review report 3.14 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway 63 The data LEAs certify reflected in these CALPADS certification reports: ◦ 3.12 – Career Technical Education Participants – Count Disaggregated ◦ 3.14 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway Will be used by CDE to Meet Perkins E1 reporting Data are rolled up into Industry Sectors and reported in federal Career Clusters Data are also aggregated into various subgroups using demographic data already in CALPADS 64 A new CALPADS report will be created for 2015-16 that reflects the same CALPADS data consistent with how data is reported for Perkins E1 ◦ Data rolled up by Industry Sectors ◦ Counts of students completing non-traditional CTE courses 65 Some courses are traditionally taken by one gender In the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document, the Course Group Master Combo tab indicates which courses are non-traditional for either male or female New reports for 2015-16 will show this data 66 Federal Industry Sectors are displayed in CTEPathway – CTE Industry Sector tab of Valid Code Combinations document CTE Pathway Name CTE Industry Sector Code Media Support and Services INF Networking Programming and Systems Development Software and Systems Development INF 67 INF INF CTE Industry Sector Name Information and Communication Technologies Information and Communication Technologies Information and Communication Technologies Information and Communication Technologies First Academic Last Year Academic Effective Year Effective 1990-1991 2012-2013 1990-1991 1990-1991 2012-2013 1990-1991 Perkins E2 collects outcomes for CTE completer graduates six months following graduation CALPADS will implement a new “Fall 3” collection (collected in Fall 2016-2017, reporting on 2015-2016 graduates) In “Fall 3” LEAs would report outcomes for CTE completers who graduated in the prior year ◦ Outcome code set would include responses such as 68 Military Employed Advanced Training (postsecondary) None of these Not reported CDE will begin developing requirements for the new collection in the next few months CDE has informed the student information system (SIS) vendor community and will solicit input during the requirements and design phases 69 *Red Indicates data used for Perkins reporting 2014-15 Perkins Cohort 2015-16 Perkins Cohort 2016-17 Perkins Cohort Parallel Collection CALPADS CALPADS CALPADS E1 2014-15 participants, concentrators, completers collected in CALPADS 2014-15 EOY 1 (June-Sept 2015) 2015-16 participants concentrators, completers collected in CALPADS 2015-16 EOY 1 (June-Sept 2016) 2016-17 participants, concentrators, completers collected in CALPADS 2016-17 EOY 1 (June-Sept 2017) PDS Same Data collected in PDS 70 PDS discontinued PDS discontinued *Red indicates used for Perkins reporting 2014-15 Perkins Cohort 2015-16 Perkins Cohort 2016-17 Perkins Cohort Parallel Collection CALPADS CALPADS CALPADS No data collected E2 Outcome data for 2015-16 completers collected in CALPADS 2016-17 Fall 3 (Dec 2016 – Mar 2017) Outcome data for 2015-16 completers collected in CALPADS 2017-18 Fall 3 (Dec 2017 – Mar 2018) PDS Outcome data for 2014-15 completers collected in PDS (Jan 2016) 71 Outcome data for 2015-16 completers collected in PDS PDS discontinued 2013-14 CALPADS vs PDS In 2013-14 there were 347 Perkins-funded districts ◦ 278 Perkins-funded districts submitted CTE concentrator/completer data to CALPADS ◦ 69 of them submitted NO concentrators or completers to CALPADS NOTE: CDE recognizes the shortened window for EOY in 2013-14 impacted the ability of some LEAs to certify EOY 1 Analysis of participant data shows the numbers getting close between 2011-12 – 2013-14 72 Cert102 – No CTE Concentrator or Completer Data means no SCTE data were submitted for the school – current a warning New CVR in 2014-15 – FATAL error if LEA is receiving funding and does not submit concentrator and completer data for 2014-15 73 All LEAs that offer CTE courses should submit CTE data because ◦ It is required for schools receiving Perkins funding ◦ It is very likely to be included in new state accountability measure 50 LEAs that were NOT Perkins-funded submitted concentrator and completer data – this is okay! 74 Should Non-Perkins Schools report CTE Data? CDE has been directed by the State Board of Education (SBE) to develop a new statewide accountability system that uses “multiple measures” The College and Career Indicator (CCI) is one component of the proposed accountability system and will include multiple ways for schools to demonstrate that their students are well prepared for college or career One proposed measure in the CCI is the completion of a CTE pathway All LEAs providing CTE courses are highly encouraged to submit CTE data through the SCTE File in 2014-15, as it is likely that such data will be used in the new accountability system 75 QUESTIONS?? 76 Paula Mishima [email protected] Carolyn Zachary [email protected] 77 78
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