CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS Dear friends in Christ, As I write this it is early in the morning on Monday after our Spring Festival. The remnants of yet another successful weekend are being swept from the parking lot, the Community Center is being cleaned, the games and booths are making their way back to storage, and the receipts are being tallied. Like all of the core committee and our volunteers, I’m exhausted. But the overwhelming emotion I am feeling is one of profound gratitude. I’m so very thankful for the gift of the people of Christ the Redeemer. Words fail to describe what a tremendous weekend we experienced as the parish came together for the 30th time to celebrate our families, our friendship and our faith. Suffice to say we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mike and Camille Havelka and all of the Spring Festival committee members, as well as our hundreds and hundreds of volunteers who made the event a great success. My thanks to all the booth workers, food servers, auction helpers, game attendants, flea market and Sweet Shop workers, Knights of Columbus, the Piece Makers, and everyone else. It was a superb job by all. And, of course, a great big thank you to all of you who came out to support us during the weekend. It was one of the more eventful Festivals in terms of logistics. Early on Saturday morning we experienced tremendous winds and driving rain for about 90 minutes. A couple of the smaller tents collapsed and there was quite a bit of debris. Fortunately the tent company made quick repairs and many volunteers were on hand to clean up (kudos to the Men’s Fellowship Group for their assistance). By noon the weather was gorgeous and we were ready for a terrific opening night – until a car accident at the corner of Huffmeister and Cypress N. Houston knocked out power in the neighborhood. Fortunately we still had daylight, and with the help of a few generators, we were able to get underway. The power came back on about an hour later and the rest of the night was just about perfect. On Sunday, the clouds kept the heat from being too oppressive and the rain held off all day, making for ideal conditions. The grounds were packed and everyone I visited with seemed to be having the time of their life. I’m always proud to be the pastor of CtR, but I’m just a little more proud on Festival weekend! Everyone contributes to the success of the Festival, whether you bought raffle tickets, or worked in the booth, or peeled potatoes, or priced items in the flea market, or poured Cokes, or baked a cake, or worked a shift in the game booth (kudos as well to the Cook family who staffed one booth the entire day on Sunday). The list goes on and on and on. Everyone is part of it and everyone contributes to the success of it. That’s Stewardship in action so thank you one and all. I'm always struck by the generosity of so many people who give of their time, talent and treasure at the Festival. A number of parishioners made extra special donations in terms of their resources and services without cost to us and that in turn helped contribute to a successful weekend. As always we are indebted to Mike and Camille, our chairpersons. It’s hard to put into words how much this couple gives to our community. They always go the extra mile and do this because of their great love of the parish and the people of our community. They will be the first to tell you it’s not just them, of course. The entire core committee gives so much. Each member or couple of the committee is responsible for a given area of the Festival and they all do their work with dedication and a May 3, 2015 love for our community. It’s a true act of Stewardship on the part of them all, most of whom have been giving back to the parish for many years. They include: James and Rose Gorney and Wayne and Debbie Ellison, Brandi Loving and Carrin Booth, who make up the Holub family barbecue that has been serving us since 1985; Tony and Beckie Croes, who oversee the auction; Dave and Dianna Perham, Rick and Lynne Boehm, Paul and Jonna Prodoehl, John and Mary Phillips, Mike and Peggy Bell, and Mike and Camille’s two children, Steven Havelka and Rachelle Havelka, as well as Cody Feagin. Steven and Cody in particular were great troubleshooters throughout the weekend. Thanks to all of these fine people for their service to our community. I also want to thank our DJ, master of ceremonies and auctioneer Dan Block who, along with Briz Garcia, did a great job with the live auction. Tony and Beckie Croes do a superb job of finding items and organizing the auction, and a good auctioneer is needed to keep the bids coming. It’s three hours of nonstop auctioneering. That’s not easy on the vocal cords, but Dan is never at a loss for words! Thanks also to all who bid on and bought items in both the live and silent auctions. Special thanks to the many CtR ministries who donated the “Ministry Baskets” for the silent auction. Once again they all outdid themselves with incredibly generous and creative donations. Congratulations also to the grand prize winner of the new Chevrolet, David and Elizabeth Disser, parishioners of CtR. When I called David to tell him he won, he mentioned that he had only minutes before told his wife and daughter, “Well, we should be getting a phone call any minute telling us we won a new car.” And then sure enough, the phone rang and I told him that exact message. How is that for a wishful prognostication? Thanks to all who bought raffle tickets for a chance to win. I’m sorry that I didn’t call your name! I appreciate all who stayed after the grand prize drawing to help break down the tables and chairs. We had the largest group ever helping out and were done in record time. When we all pitch in, it doesn’t take that long. Thanks for working together. It takes a few weeks to settle all the accounts and we’ll have a full report for you soon. For now I ask that you say a prayer of thanksgiving to the Good Lord for all who made it possible, for our core committee, and for all in our community who offered their time and talent to make it happen. We are truly blessed to have a Spring Festival that does so much for the good of our parish. In other news, the calendar has turned to May and that’s always a busy month for us at CtR. We celebrated confirmation for our high school youth this past week, and next Saturday, May 9, our 2nd grade Religious Education students will make their First Holy Communion at 10 a.m. This is the second of our two First Communion groups of children, the first having done so in the fall. We congratulate them and their parents on this milestone in their faith life. I offer special thanks to our wonderful catechists and teachers who have helped prepare the children for their First Communion. I hope the children will serve as an inspiration to us all to receive with joy the great sacrament of the Lord’s Body and Blood. Please note there will be no confessions on Saturday, May 9 so that we might prepare for the Mass. Peace, Fr. Sean FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Parish Calendar Sunday, May 3 - CAM Food Drive Masses: 7, 9, 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Catholic Daughter’s Recruitment Sidewalk Final Coffee and Donuts PH 9 a.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Chapel 12:30 p.m. Adult Confirmation Class PO111 6:30 p.m. AFF Catholic Scripture Study PO111 6:45 p.m. Youth - Encounter PH Monday, May 4 7:30 a.m. Church Cleaning Church 9 a.m. Mass Chapel Noon Piece Makers PO111 7 p.m. Baptism Preparation Refresher Class PO111 7 p.m. Parent Sacrament Registration PH 7 p.m. Welcoming Committee Mtg. PO206 7 p.m. Youth Singers PO112 7:30 p.m. Allegro Ringers Music Storage Tuesday, May 5 9 a.m. Mass Chapel 9:35 a.m. Rosary Chapel 10 a.m. Journey Through Scripture - Spanish PO201 5 p.m. Chorister Rehearsal PO111 7 p.m. Catholic Daughters Subcommittee Mtg 302 7 p.m. Journey Through Scripture - English PO201 7 p.m. KofC 4th Degree Assembly Mtg CC 7 p.m. Contemporary Ensemble Church 7 p.m. Serenity Support Group PO112 7 p.m. Young Adults Group PO206,208 Wednesday, May 6 8:30 a.m. CtR Catholic School Mass Church 9:30 a.m. Familia 3 PO207 10 a.m. Catholic Scripture Study PO111 6 p.m. Reconciliation Chapel 6:45 p.m. Youth - Rise PLC Youth 7 p.m. Mass Chapel 7 p.m. Catholic Daughters Board Mtg PO212 Wed, May 6 con’t 7 p.m. Familia 7 p.m. RCIA Inquiry Meeting 7:30 p.m. BSA Troop 573 Mtg. 7:30 p.m. Respect Life Committee Mtg Thursday, May 7 9 a.m. Mass 10 a.m. Journey Through Scripture - English 11 a.m. Game Day - Seniors 6:30 p.m. Men’s ACTS Team Mtg 6:30 p.m. CtR Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m. Adult Bible Study 7 p.m. Catholic Daughters Subcommittee Mtg 7 p.m. Parent Sacrament Registration 7 p.m. St Anne’s Board Mtg. 7 p.m. Talleres de Oración y Vida (TOV) Friday, May 8 9 a.m. Mass 10 a.m. AFF Adult Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Alive in the Spirit Saturday, May 9 - No Reconcilation 7 a.m. Men’s Fellowship 8:30 a.m. AFF Women’s Fellowship G.R.A.C.E. 10 a.m. First Communion Mass 5 p.m. Mass 6 p.m. KofC Recruitment Weekend Sunday, May 10 Masses: 7, 9, 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. KofC Recruitment Weekend - All Masses Mother’s Day Breakfast After 7 and 9 a.m. Masses 11 a.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word 12:30 p.m. Adult Confirmation Class 1 p.m. Baptisms 6:30 p.m. AFF Catholic Scripture Study PO208 PO111 CC PO201 Chapel PO201 PO111 CC PO111 301 302 PH PO113 PO201 Chapel PO111 CC PO201 PO112 Church Church Sidewalk Sidewalk PH Chapel PO111 Church PO111 Stewardship o off our Treasures Faith Direct , Our Electronic Giving Program Visit to securely enroll online by using our church code: TX150. Collections: Week of April 26, 2015 Envelopes (513) received Loose Mailed In Faith Direct (Electronic Giving) Collected: Budget: Over/(Under) Weekly $ 54,578 $ 65,309 ($10,731) $ 23,266 $ 11,980 $ 300 $ 19,032 Year to Date $ 2,874,446 $ 2,808,287 $66,159 One Faith, One Family Capital Campaign Total Pledged Total Paid to Date Total Contributing Families Total Project Cost (est.) Total Registered Households $ 6,165,091 $ 5,765,027 1,534 $11,700,000 6,205 Diocesan Service Fund (DSF) Goal $298,000 Pledged to Date $256,443 Paid to Date $166,163 Participating Families 793 Thank you for your pledge to our 2015 DSF campaign. CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS Parish Prayer List Let us keep the following people in our prayers: Sue Kuvick, Sara Aleman, Jean Carnes, Ashley Fuchs, Roque and Pate Croes, Susie Hewitt Mena, Carmen Fewell, Charlotte Rivet, Adrian Cavestany, Reynaldo Taupo, Joseph Herold, Robert Liller, Daisy Cerdena, Doris Callender, Sue Lymberopoulos, Brian Kellogg, Eddie Holik, Alfredo Bustamante Sr., Debra Hart and Family, Bruce Wild, Amara Castillo, Paige Michele Crenshaw, Jacob Bryand, James Siragusa, Kasara Rathbun, Sharon Lerner, Joe Folkers, Kristen Brazil, Kirk Colvin, Ryan Johnson, David Aleman, Murphy Gauthreaux, Janis Gauthreaux, Krystal Garcia Rathbun, Daniel S. McKey, Cindy White, Ron Andreo, Marie Ricca, Lisa Ross Smith, Ken Drilk, Daphne Kowalski, Perry Wolfe, Catherine Kaltwasser, Susie Prather, Margie Holley, Janie Krechting, Steven Able Cook, Brenda Harlan, Jacob Bryand, Ann Grant, Gloria Krancher, Terry Harper, Carole Theunissen, Rachel Wickman, Vincent Salario, Bernice Kmiec, Michael A. Muench, Jr., Terry Williams, Mark Vargas, Robbie Lee, Bobby Wotipka, Joe Pilat, Sylvia Binford, Rosiana Lee, Beth Kash Bryant, Ed Russek, Karan Mason, Kristofer Wells, Jules Rizzo, Thelma Smith, Ginger Elznek, David Taveirne, Anabelle Anzaldo, Bob and Maggie Schaefer, Elsie Forino, Smith Santos, Joseph Pomilla, Logan Mulvany, Sandra Wall, Janice Oncale, Clem Huerstel, Lucille & Ervin Dormak, Toby Smith, Alan Pichan, Marites Wente, David Hawkins, Ronnie Rodriguez, Phil Carpenter, Robin Wetmore, Rosalie Zavodny, Stephanie Moore, Mildred and Sugwsie Slaceder, Brittany Moore, Ray Waguespack, Sr., William Lewis, Sherrie Higgins, Shannon Zureich, Nancy Smalling, Lynne Tupper, Cedric French-Galan, Paul Kellog, Laurie Garcia, Lena Luzadello, Matt Zimmerman, Catherine Burnham, Jean Anderson, Wendy Marquart, Donna Jordan, Christopher Geisheker, Rose Marie Sacco, Shae Clark, Jerry Polermo, Blake Blasingim. Please keep all the sick of our parish in your prayers. If someone in your family is in need of prayer, please contact the Parish Office to have their name placed in our bulletin. We will keep the name on for two months unless otherwise notified. Prayer List for our Service Men & Women Please keep the following in your prayers as they serve our wonderful country in Afghanistan: Capt. Philip Yarborough, Jack Anthony Holland, 1st Lt. Michael Lambert, MM3 Shane Beasley, Luis A Palomino, SSgt. David Perez, PFC Andrew Clepfer, Capt. Jeff St. Amant, Capt. David Torres. Keep all our service men and women in our prayers. Visit our website for a full listing of servicemen and women at Please call the Parish Office to add the name of your loved one in the Armed Services in combat zones to our prayer list. If your soldier is back in the states, please call so we may take his/her name off this list and share your joy. May 3, 2015 Stewardship Corner The good steward lives the advice of St. John, loving in deed and in truth, rather than just talking about it. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the celebrant with the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass and Eucharistic celebrations. Interested registered parishioners must be faithful Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist, are at least 18 years of age, and are in good standing with the Church. EHMCs receive spiritual, theological and practical preparation to fulfill their roles with knowledge and reverence. Formation sessions are throughout the year and commitment for one year is suggested. Contact Anne Marie Brandt at [email protected]. Mass Intentions for the Week of May 4, 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 7 p.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. Souls in Purgatory Peter Kearney Zenaida de Guzman Samonte† John King† Heminia Boitel† Tony and Clara Dorcz†, Albin Sovolak† Eva O. Smith† Parishioners Jason Plata†, Ruby Donahue†, Alfred and Florence Kenjura† 5 p.m Veronica Garza†, Bert Reinders† Readings for the Week of May 3, 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96; Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57; Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100; Jn 15:18-21 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17 MANY THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Optimax Vision Please be sure to patronize our sponsors and thank them for advertising in our bulletin. They make the bulletin possible at no cost to Christ the Redeemer. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Vocations Corner Vocation Chalice Schedule Let us join our prayers with those of Truman and Mary Ann Davis at 5 p.m. this Saturday. Next week: Sunday, May 10: David, Linda, Todd and Robbie Watso at the 9 a.m. Mass. Liturgical Music God Bless Your Church with Strength! Today we sing a new hymn, but not a new tune! (Remember that the word hymn refers to the text.) “God Bless Your Church with Strength!” was written in 1984 by John A. Dalles, a Presbyterian minister and a prolific hymn writer. Dalles’ hymns are found in numerous hymnals, including, of course, the Presbyterian Hymnal. I found the version we sing today in “Worship, Fourth Edition,” by GIA Publishing. Dalles originally set his text to a tune by J.S. Bach, but it is not a tune that our CtR assemblies are familiar with. The Worship Hymnal sets this text to the tune DIADEMATA, which we all know. You may recognize DIADEMATA as the tune to the well-known “Crown Him with Many Crowns.” “God Bless Your Church with Strength!” is a wonderful text, and it is so appropriate for today’s Gospel! The hymn is based on the very selection from John’s Gospel that we hear today, in which Jesus tells us, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” Look at the second stanza: God, bless your Church with life! May all our branches thrive, Unblemished, wholesome, bearing fruit, Abundantly alive. From you, one Holy Vine, In freedom may we grow. Sustain us in our mission, Lord, Your love and peace to show. We sing this today as we are sent forth at the end of Mass – sent forth to fulfill our mission of showing God’s love and peace to the world. I hope you enjoy singing this beautiful new hymn. Peace and love, Bridget Kelly Wenk Youth Singers meet at the usual time this week. Choristers rehearse at the usual time this week and will sing at the First Communion Mass next Saturday. The CtR Choir will rehearse at 6:30 Thursday in Room 111. The Classics Senior parishioners 50+, couples, widows and widowers, join the Classics for fellowship at CtR! Call Ann Muench at 281-8889964 or email her at [email protected]. For our trips, contact Jude Grabert at 281-859- 0521. We will be traveling to Galveston for a harbor tour on May 6. RSVP with Jude. Liturgy Fifth Sunday of Easter This passage in John’s Gospel about the vine and the branches is one of the most beautiful in all the Gospels. It is the image of pruning that is meant to teach us about how kind and loving God is toward us. When I was first married and living in western Massachusetts, I worked as a seamstress at a Trappist monastery. The Trappist monks live an extremely ascetical life and observe silence. They only speak to pray and in necessary situations. Most days, they speak aloud not a word, except to pray. In this particular monastery, their work was cultivating apple trees and growing berries and fruit they would turn into preserves. In the course of the years I worked there, I would observe one of the older monks whose specialty was pruning the apple trees. There were hundreds of them and he spent all day out there deciding which branches were the ones that should be “pruned” in order to make the tree more capable of producing good fruit. He was their expert “pruner.” A machine couldn’t do that. He had to look over the tree and decide what was best for the tree, then prune the tree. I used to walk out there some afternoons while he was working and watch him. One day, I said to him, “You must be able to do a lot of praying and feel very close to God when you’re working out in the peace and quiet of this orchard.” He stopped and, I remember the moment well, a tear crept into his eye as he said, “Oh, indeed I do. I love these trees and I know them well. I always think of John’s Gospel when Jesus talks about the fact that he is the vine and we are the branches, and that the Father prunes away the branches that are in the way. And while I’m pruning I say to the Lord, ‘Thanks for doing that to me. You have pruned me, and shaped me, and helped me become what I never could have become without you. I’m not perfect, and I know I need more pruning, but you are always there to make me more into your image.’ The Lord has done wonderful things for me, and I’d be nowhere without Him.” I’ve never forgotten that, and this Gospel passage has meant more to me because of it. It’s about the goodness of God, the love of God, for each of us. I hope that you and I can be more conscious of that, and thank God like that monk did. Even if there are some sufferings in our life, God can turn them into something helpful, something hopeful. God is always taking care of us, pruning us and shaping us more and more into His own image. Now and then we should turn to God and say, “Thank you for taking such good care of me, in ways I don’t even realize. You’ve been good to me, and I’d be nowhere without you.” Easter joy be with you, Carol Moses CtR on the Web To learn about our different ministries and for all the latest CtR information, check us out online at CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS Religious Education 2015-16 Registration (Pre-K 3 through 7th grade) Online registration for 2015-16 is open for everyone. Visit Volunteer/Student Registration for VBS 2015 Mt. Everest Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power Registration for volunteers (for those entering 8th grade or above) is now open. Online registration for participants is now open at Participants can be 3 years must be potty trained -through entering 5th grade in the fall of 2015. Space is limited. Cost is $30 per child. Contact Jill Dimiceli, Coordinator of R.E. and VBS, at [email protected] for information. Registration forms are also in the Parish Office. Registration for Catholic Faith Camp (CFC) Catholic Faith Camp (formerly Catholic Children's Camp) will be held July 20-24. Registration for volunteers (for those entering 8th grade or above) and participants is now open online. CFC is a week of activities ending with Mass on Friday. CFC is open to elementary children entering 3rd grade through entering 6th grade in the fall of 2015. 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. $25 per child - includes a T-shirt and snack We have a separate class for children of volunteers who are too young to participate - 4 years of age to entering 2nd grade in the fall of 2015. Register at Space is limited. Contact Amy Palmisano at [email protected] to volunteer, or Jill Dimiceli, Coordinator of R.E. and CFC, at [email protected]. Registration forms also in Parish Office. First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Information and Registration Meeting for 2015-16 Parents of children entering 2nd-5th grade are invited to learn about the sacrament preparation process and register their children for the celebration of the First Reconciliation and First Eucharist during the fall 2015 or spring 2016. Children must be baptized in the Catholic faith and have had formal Religious Education for one year prior. Join us from 7-8:30 p.m. tomorrow OR Thursday, May 7 in the Parish Hall. CtR Catholic Men's Fellowship Men of the parish are invited to join them in their next discussion from 7-8:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 9 in the Parish Office, Room 111. Come and join us as we build our faith and share fellowship. Contact John Huston at 713-962-5927 or Brian Caravantes at 281-433-4528. G.R.A.C.E. – Women’s Prayer Group (Growing Relationships in A Christian Environment) All ladies of CtR are invited to join our faith-sharing community, G.R.A.C.E., at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 9 in the Parish Office, Room 217. Contact Fredna Kilcommins at 281 -304-0717 or [email protected] or Nadia Matt at 713-825 -2732 or [email protected]. May 3, 2015 CtR Catholic School Apply for 2015-16! We’re are filling up quickly. We have opened additional classrooms for most grade levels for the 2015-16 school year. Apply at You can set up a tour at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. Contact the school at 281469-8440. Substitute Teachers Needed CtR School would love to add more teachers to our substitute list. If you are interested, please submit your resume to Sue Robenolt in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Catholic Schools Office at [email protected]. Applications are currently being accepted for before and after school care substitutes for the 2015-16 school year. Anyone interested should visit for a support staff application and background check. Also, submit it to Jennifer Soliman, 2nd grade teacher, at [email protected]. Sacraments CtRCS would like to send a warm Congratulations to all the children making their First Holy Communion and confirmation. You are in our prayers! Youth Ministry CtRYM News CtRYM travel mug sale this weekend after all Masses. Support our youth mission trips and summer camps! Registration for 2015-16 for Rise and Encounter is open at High School Encounter: Sunday, May 3. Join us 6:45-8:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Doors open for dinner at 6:10 p.m. Teen Leaders: Teen Leader applications for Rise next year are available online. Forms must be turned into the Youth Ministry Office by Friday, May 15. Senior Banquet: All graduating seniors are invited to join us for the 5 p.m. Mass on Sunday, May 17 followed by dinner. Register online at Middle School Rise: Wednesday, May 6. Join us from 6:45-8:15 p.m. in the Youth Room. Becoming One With God Prayer Group - Spring It's spring and Jesus is risen! Our new prayer group will meet at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday from May 12 through June 23. We will be experiencing many prayer forms and sharing about them throughout our time together. We will be using music, art, nature, meditation, the rosary and Scripture. Our last meeting will be a culmination of all these prayer forms in the liturgy of the Mass and constant prayer within our real and very busy lives. Come join us and learn how all these can bring us into unity with our God! Contact Fr. Orrin Halepeska, [email protected], or Margaret Carnicle, Director of Family Life, [email protected], today if you’re interested so we can have materials for all who come! FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS May 3, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; My spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” Luke 1:46 1:46--47 Mary plays a prominent role in the Tradition of the Catholic faith. Learn what Catholics believe about Mary. Become Catholic with the Rite of Christian Initiation If you are not baptized or are baptized in a Christian faith and are considering becoming Catholic, join us for answers about Mary and other questions about the Catholic faith. Inquiry sessions are 7 7--8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays Sessions for adults and children Contact Julie Cook, Coordinator, or Deacon Jack Alexander, Director, at 281 281--469 469--5533 or [email protected].
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