Chisholm Pastoral Region Weekly Bulletin Parishes East Maitland (Est 1835) SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION YEAR B 5TH APRIL 2015 St Joseph’s Maitland (Est 1841) St John’s Maitland Sacred Heart Campbell’s Hill Holy Family Largs St Columba’s Paterson Morpeth (Est 1871) Immaculate Conception Dungog [Est 1875] St Mary’s Dungog St Patrick’s Clarence Town Gresford (Est 1892) St Helen’s East Gresford Sacred Heart Summer Hill Lochinvar (Est 1905) Beresfield (Est 1947) St Patrick’s 1st Reading: Acts 10:34, 37-43 Response: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. 2nd Reading: Colossians 3:1-4 Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Christ has become our paschal sacrifice; let us feast with joy in the Lord. Alleluia, alleluia! Gospel: John 20:1-9 Our Lady of Lourdes Rutherford (Est 1961) St Paul’s Ministers All baptised members of the community Ministry Team East Maitland, Maitland, Morpeth, Rutherford, Lochinvar, Largs, Paterson, Beresfield Fr Paul O’Neill, Parish Priest Fr Derek Garner Fr Peter Street Presbytery 4934 5783 Fr Maurie Cahill; Fr Paul Berezniuk; Fr Lex Levey, Bishop Bill Wright (Weekend Supply) Dungog, Gresford, Clarence Town & Summer Hill Fr Paul Hopper, Parish Priest 4992 1477 SEQUENCE The sequence is said or sung on this day. Christians, to the Paschal Victim offer sacrifice and praise. The sheep are ransomed by the Lamb; and Christ, the undefiled, hath sinners to his Father reconciled. Death with life contended: combat strangely ended! Life’s own Champion, slain, yet lives to reign. Tell us, Mary: say what thou didst see upon the way. The tomb the Living did enclose; I saw Christ’s glory as he rose! The angels there attesting; shroud with grave-clothes resting. Christ, my hope, has risen: he goes before you into Galilee. That Christ is truly risen from the dead we know. Victorious king, thy mercy show! Sr Maureen Rigby OP Today we Pray For Irene Dixon 0428 220 997 Jo-anne Appleby, Noel Patrick Cant, Joy Morland, Kevin O’Farrel Co-ordinator, Spiritual care of sick & aged in care or at home Co-ordinator, Dying, Bereaved & Funeral Ministry Jennie Nolan 0408 796 252 The Recently Deceased Anniversaries: Co-ordinator, ACTiv8 Team Peter Boland, Very Rev Vincent Casey, Sr Thadeus Coleman, Joyce Croker, Sr Hilary Dunn, Sr Ignatius Flanagan, Rev Patrick Hand, Sr Colette Harkin, Mary Harrigan, Sr Columba Heagney, Wilf Hornery, Diana Jordan, Waclaw Kuszelyk, Rosita Legaspi, Sr Mechtilde Needs, John Slattery, Sr Cecelia Taggart Samantha Hill, Having returned to the Father, may they rest in peace Regional Office: Louise Gilchrist, The Sick: Children’s Ministry Deanery Co-ordinator Stef Lloyd, 0422 500 429 Co-ordinator, Youth Groups Rita King, Janine Sidoti, Melissa Fenech CONTACT US Regional Office 302-304 High St Maitland 2320 PO Box 215 Maitland 2320 Hrs: Tues - Fri 9.00am to 4.30pm (closed for lunch 12.30-1.30pm) CLOSED MONDAY Ph: 4933 8918 / Fax: 4934 1227 E: [email protected] Jeanette Bailey, Barbara Bourke, Daniel Brodie, Rosario Bugna, Robin Burt, Mavis Capon, Stephen Carrall, Margaret Cook, Patrick Croke, Marion & Luke Crotty, Anthony Fitzpatrick, Valda Fletcher, Dolores Hawkins, Clare Hudson, Edith Isaacs, Mavis Jarrett (Parkes), Kevin Jeans, Archer Kemmis, Jane Lantry, Bernard Larcombe, Richard Lee, Michael Lockyer, Noni Marshall, Gary McFadden, Paddy McIntyre (Belfast), Annette Mitchell, Poasa Nili, Piotr Niszczot, Eileen Palmer, Jane Papas, Fr Ron Pickin, John Pilgrim, Jim Riordan, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Fr Jim Saunders, Dorothy (Dot) Shurey, Maureen Smith, Margaret Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, Beverly Taylor, Elijah Tibbetts, Mo Toleafoa, Jo Winkler The Recently Baptised: MADELINE JOSPHINE BRAND, MASON JON FAULKNER, SIMBA RAYMOND MAINEY, PHOEBE MARGRET MARTIN ANNIVERSARIES: NB: When placing names on envelopes for ANNIVERSARIES we ask that names and date be printed in “BLOCK LETTERS” (These can be placed on the second collection plate). If prayers are required for those who are SICK the Regional Office requires written permission. Thank you. Text in this bulletin are Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. CHISHOLM REGIONAL OFFICE EASTER CLOSURE: Good Friday Easter Monday Easter Tuesday CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Thursday 9th April Mini-Retreat and Healing Prayer will be held at 10.00am at Sacred Heart Cathedral Hamilton. Thursday 9th April 10-11.30am and Thursday 16th April 7-8.30pm Prayer will be held at 10.00am, Sacred Heart Cathedral, 841 Hunter St, Newcastle West. Mini-Retreat and Healing Prayer with Fr Terrence Kithsiri Perara, Sacred Heart Cathedral. For more information P Vino Fernando 0412060990. Saturday 11th April & Saturday 18th April Formation Program for Parish and Other Ministries (Spirituality & Faith), 9.30am St James Church, 4 Sowerby St Muswellbrook. For more information please contact Sharon Murphy on 4979 1134 or email [email protected]. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - to know Jesus and to make him known! RCIA We PRAY for Grant who will be received into the church this Easter Sunday at St Paul’s Rutherford; and Daniel - Marney’s husband, who will be received into the Church at Marney’s Baptism. This will take place on Sunday 12th April, the Sunday after Easter, during the Youth Mass. Sunday 12th April DUNGOG: St. Mary’s is hosting a special Sunday Mass, ‘Remembering Your Child’s Baptism’. We are welcoming all the parents and children who have recently had their children Baptised and those who are planning to have their child Baptised. A morning tea will follow in the church’s hall. Sunday 19th April RCIA Mass of Celebration with Neophytes 9.30am at Sacred Heart Cathedral Hamilton. Morning tea will be served after Mass. 8.00am Mass E/M Saturday ANZAC DAY 25th April 2015 This year we WE will remember them. as a nation commemorate the centenary of the Gallipoli landings by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps on the 25th of April 1915. This landing and campaign was a complete and utter disaster, with a massive amount of lives lost on both sides of the conflict. We mark this each and every year, not to glorify war, but rather to remember the evil of it, so that we may not make the same mistakes again. We must each of us as we remember the fallen of all wars and those who came home both with visible and invisible wounds, do all we can to take the love and peace of our Risen Lord to all. We must act in ways that will draw away from conflict. The best way to do this is to pray for those who persecute us. If we do this and treat all people with love we will honour the fallen and their sacrifice would not have been in vain. Lest we forget. Wednesday 6th May TWEC Mum’s Night Out 5.30pm West Wallsend Workers Club, Carrington St, West Wallsend. RSVP 30th April 4939 9601 or [email protected]. Friday 8th May ANNUAL TWEC DINNER: with Phil Glendenning will be held at 6.30pm Therry Centre, East Maitland. RSVP by 30/4 on 4939 9601 or [email protected]. VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED FOR BULLETIN PICKUP ROSTER FOR BOTH EAST MAITLAND & MORPETH. You would be required to come into the regional office ONE Friday each month to collect the bulletins and deliver them to the church. If you are able to assist please contact the office on 4933 8918. Merle McIntyre lost her brooch at the outdoors Mass at St Paul’s on Christmas Eve. It is round with a green stone in the centre and diamantes’ around the outside. It is of sentimental value and she is offering a reward. If found please contact the Parish Office on 49338918. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT Can you help with typing funeral booklets? Our parishioner who types the funeral booklets is going on leave for four weeks. We would be extremely grateful to have a ‘fill in’ typist for this period. You will be afforded training and we will provide you with templates for the booklets. You will need to have publisher software on your computer. If you can help please phone Irene on 49335962 or 0428220997. In anticipation Irene Dixon Regional Co-ordinator/Grief & Bereavement ministry. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION An executive summary of the distribution and delivery of the Blessed Sacrament Dates are: appeared in the last Chisholm Sat 11th April 5pm E/M Connection. In Sun 12th April 8am Rutherford; regards to this Fr 9.30am Paterson Paul will be conducting a brief Sat 18th April 6pm Beresfield formation session after Mass Sun 26th April 7.15am Morpeth; throughout the 6pm E/M region over the next 6.30 C/H month or so. Please Sat TBA ensure that you 8.20am Largs; bring with you your Sun TBA 8.30am E/M Booklet that was 9.30am Lochinvar previously left in church porches for ministers to collect. IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF YOU COULD PLEASE RETURN YOUR PROJECT COMPASSION BOXES/DONATIONS ASAP Happy Easter from all at Caritas Australia! Celebrate that your generosity to Project Compassion will help to empower the world’s poorest people. Your donation will support programs around the world that provide vulnerable people with the skills and opportunities they need to establish sustainable food sources for life. Thank you for supporting Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion 2015 appeal. 1800 024 413 MASS ROSTER 6TH APRIL - 11TH APRIL Mon 6th April 8.00am Mass, St Joseph’s East Maitland Tue 7th April 7.00pm Mass, St Joseph’s East Maitland Wed 8th April 5.30pm Mass, St Mary’s, Dungog 7.00pm Mass, Holy Family, Largs Thurs 9th April 7.00am Mass, St Joseph’s East Maitland 9.30am Mass, St Helen’s, East Gresford Fri 10th April 7.00am St Joseph’s East Maitland 10.00am Anointing Mass, Greenhills N.H. Sat 11th April 8.00am Mass & Reconciliation, St Joseph’s EM
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