CITRUS VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL PTSA NON-STUDENT GUEST PASS REQUEST FORM GRAD NITE, JUNE 6, 2015 CVHS Grad Nite Guest Policy: Must be at least a high school senior and 20 or under. Only one guest per CVHS student. This form must be completed and returned at the time of the Grad Nite Ticket purchase during March & April. Please allow at least 2 weeks for processing. All guests must provide a copy of their current picture ID with this pass. CVHS student name: ____________________________________________________ Guest information: Guest name: ___________________________________________________________ Guest age/grade: ________________ ID checked: Yes _____ No _____ Address: Street:________________________________________ City:_____________ St.: ______ Zip:___________ Home phone: _____________________________ Cell phone:__________________________ Guest Statement As a guest of a Citrus Valley High School PTSA sponsored event, I understand that I am under the jurisdiction of all rules that Citrus Valley High School students MUST follow, including Dress Code. Failure to do so may be grounds for removal from this event. I further understand that I am subject to all aspects of Redlands Unified School District Policy, the California Education Code, federal, state and local law. ** Guest signature: _____________________________________ Guest parent signature: _____________________________________ (if under 18) Citrus Valley High School Student Statement: I AGREE to be responsible for my guest’s actions and adherence to Citrus Valley High School rules. Citrus Valley High School Student signature: _________________________________________ Parent Statement: I have reviewed the information provided and can be reached at the number listed below for verification purposes, I understand that three attempts will be made to reach me at the number I have provided. If personal contact cannot be made, I understand that the guest pass requested by my child will not be issued. Citrus Valley High School parent signature: _____________________________________ Citrus Valley High School parent printed name: __________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Attempt: #1 _____________________ #2 _____________________ #3 _______________________ Must be read and completed by the guest’s school administrator: 1. The guest is at least a high school senior and a copy of their current photo ID is attached to this completed form. 2. The guest name above is a student in good standing at their current high school and is recommended as a guest at this Citrus Valley High School PTSA sponsored Grad Nite event. Signature of administrator from guest’s school: ____________________________________________ Printed name of administrator: _________________________________________ Date: ___________ **NOTE: All persons making the field trip or excursion shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the PTSA, district or the state of California for injury, accident, illness or death occurring or by reason of the field trip or excursion (Education code: 35330) CITRUS VALLEY PTSA School Activities Medical Release Form 2015 GRAD NITE DISNEY CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE DATE: Saturday, June 6, 2015 departing CVHS at 11:00 a.m., returning to CVHS at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 7 **NOTE: All persons making the field trip or excursion shall be deemed to have WAIVED all claims against the PTSA, district or the state of California for injury, accident, illness or death occurring or by reason of the field trip or excursion (Education code: 35330) (Retain top portion for your information) I give my consent for: ___________________________________________________________________________ (Please print name) To leave Citrus Valley High School at approximately 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 6, 2015 And return at approximately 4:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 7 to participate in: CITRUS VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL GRAD NITE 2015 DISNEY CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE, ANAHEIM, CA Students and guests will travel by air-conditioned school bus only between CVPTSA/CVHS and Disney California Adventure THE FOLLOWING IS TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN My student has the following medical problem(s): __________________________________________ Medications my student will be bringing with them: ____________________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________________ In the event of any illness or injury, I hereby consent to whatever x-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical, dental, or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care from a licensed physician and/or surgeon as deemed necessary for the safety and welfare of my child (or the individual named above.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Emergency Contact Number(s) ________________ __________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian _________________________ Signature of event supervisor Student cell phone: ________________________________________ **All persons making the field trip or excursion shall be deemed to have WAIVED all claims against the PTSA, district or the state of California for injury, accident, illness or death occurring or by reason of the field trip or excursion (Education code: 35330) 4 5 CITRUS VALLEY PTSA 2015 GRAD NITE DISNEY CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE June 6, 2015 Student/Parent Contract I ___________________________________ have read the Dress Code requirements and Rules and Regulations for Disney California Adventure and will adhere to them during the time I leave CVHS on Saturday, June 6, 2015 and return on Sunday, June 7, 2015. I UNDERSTAND that failure to adhere to the Citrus Valley Dress Code policy and the Dress Code policy of Disney California Adventure will result in delayed or denial of admission into Grad Nite activities. I UNDERSTAND failure to comply with the Rules and Regulations WILL result in my confinement to a designated area and/or be asked to leave. In the event I am asked to leave, it will be the responsibility of my parent/guardian to pick me up at Disney California Adventure. ______________________________________ Print name ______________________________________ ____________ Signature Date ______________________________________ Student’s cell phone ______________________________________ ____________ Parent Signature (if student under 18) Date ______________________________________ Print name ______________________________________ Parent home and cell phone Dress Code The Disneyland® Resort aims to provide a fun, safe environment and an enjoyable experience for all Guests. To that end, the following are not permitted: Clothing or tattoos with obscene, lewd or offensive language, graphics or designs Clothing that could be construed as inappropriate for a family environment (e.g., string bikini tops and bottoms, G-strings, excessively torn clothing) Bare feet Weapons or accessories that appear to be weapons (e.g., bullet belts) Clothing or accessories that drag on the ground or create a potential tripping hazard Wedding dresses Sharp or pointed accessories that may cause injury Masks or makeup that could be viewed part of a costume, with the exception of special events or attire intended to identify the wearer (e.g., military uniforms, cultural attire) Dress code is subject to change without notice and will be ENFORCED!
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