APRIL 2015 Est. 1989 GENERAL MEETING JOSLYN CENTER, APRIL 13, 7PM Demonstrator Chuck McPherson In This Issue April 13 General Meeting Chuck McPherson, Demonstrator Painter of the Month March 2015 Painter of Mo/Yr Rules President’s Message 2015-2016 CVWS Nominations Field Mice Notes “Question of the Month” with Eric Wiegardt Entering his eighth year as a watercolorist, Chuck has garnered hundreds of awards for his paintings, earning triple Signature status with the National Watercolor Society, the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies and The San Diego Watercolor Society. He served as Third VP on the 2011 NWS Board and two years as the Member Shows Director on the SDWS Board, plus a concurrent three year stint as Newsletter Chair on the Board of Directors for the San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild. This intuitive artist's artwork has been called '...a unique blend of draftsman's skills and the playfulness of a mind young-at-heart.' Watercolor is his medium of choice and he paints full-time, following his passion and building a reputation. He entertains large and intimate audiences with a quick wit and a 6" brush, flamboyantly embellishing his painting with props borrowed from the crowd like lipstick and coffee ~ all giving his transparent watercolors a unique "emotion". This artist brings an open, fun and entertaining attitude to his paintings, demonstrations, workshops and classes. He also serves as a juror for art shows... Signature Memberships National Watercolor Society | August 2010 San Diego Watercolor Society | August 2011 Western Federation of Watercolor Societies | January 2015 Member News and Kudos Painter’s Corner: Cindy Mason Watercolor Instructors Life Drawing CVWS Calendar CVWS Education San Diego State University, San Diego, CA BA (with Distinction) Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA Illustration Major P.O. Box 565, Palm Desert, CA 92261 www.CVWS.org MARCH 2015 PAINTER OF THE MONTH 1st Place Sylvia Smith 2nd Place Honorable Mention Jim Nelson Maria Papia 3rd Place Bob Hannah Demonstrator’s Choice Mistice Stankiewicz Please contact Sunny Patton, Painter of the Month Chair, at 760-360-3362 for further information. Paintings entered in the event must be in place by 6:15pm, PLEASE! There are a few spots open for the April meeting...Call Sunny to reserve a spot! All CVWS show rules apply…please read them carefully at www.CVWS.org Please read the rules below and plan ahead for our May Meeting, MAY 11 “PAINTER OF THE YEAR” Judge Leo Fuchs will choose a First, Second and Honorable Mention And offer a critique for all the paintings in the exhibit. “Painter of the Month and Year” Show Rules Paintings must be original works. All your own IDEA! Not from another’s artwork or a published photo. Not from workshops, art classes or instruction, Must have been painted within the last 2 years. Cannot have been shown in a CVWS judged show. All winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd and Demonstrator’s Choice) are eligible to compete in “Painter of the Year” in May. You may bring same painting (if it has not been subsequently entered in a CVWS show) or, Another one….if NOT previously shown in a CVWS event. All winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winners including Demonstrator’s Choice) may enter Painter of the Year…HOWEVER once you have won…you may not enter a subsequent Painter of the Month for the current season. For example, if you receive a 3rd place ribbon, you may not try for a 1st or 2nd place…ONE RIBBON ONLY may be received during the current season…then you may enter Painter of the Year in May. Any questions, please call! Winner of Painter of the Year may not compete in Painter of the Month for the following year: i.e., if you win May 2007 Painter of the Year…you may not compete until after summer 2008. All paintings must have mats and be framed. (Same as Exhibition Rules) Mats and liners may be of any color. Mats must be clean and well cut. Backing must be foam core, mat board, or Masonite. No cardboard Plexiglas/Acrylic required on all paintings with a frame size larger than 16” x 20”….inside opening of frame. All CVWS show rules also apply…please read them carefully. Please contact Sunny Patton at 760-360-3362 for clarification or further information. Better to ask first! PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE What a terrific venue! We had a great turn out for our first Annual Show at The Palm Springs Air Museum. We will continue at that location next year. We are considering expanding both shows. The Plein Air show will have more space, using two of the museum’s rooms. We can bring back the Small Image Show in one room and the Plein Air Show in the other. Pat Kodet President Another consideration for 2016 might be including a wall of acrylic on canvas or mixed watermedia. We could have separate ribbons for each group, traditional entries in frames and our new wrapped canvas or wrapped boards. (Non-plexiglass wall) We have the space to do both in the Air Museum. We are a watercolor society, but using water-media, as watercolor on board with watercolor ground can be a nice way to save money on frames and broaden our buyer base. Our workshop with Mark MeHaffey was well attended. Next year will be Nicolas Simmons in January. Our workshops are providing new DVDs for our library and some of our show equipment. Hope you noticed the new mirror at our show demos. Our plein air group is experiencing warmer than normal temperatures this year, but we always can find a little shade and water. Our schedule is set through May 5th. Contact Del Lunde or Nancy Whelan if you would like to be on Del’s email list. In May we will be voting for new board members for some of our positions. I want to thank all who have served on the board and especially those continuing. We have a great pool of talent in our club as well as so many generous members. Next year, I will be the past president and provide support for the new president. It is hard to believe this two year term is almost over. Check out the website: http://cvws.org for more information. Pat Kodet, President NOMINATIONS FOR 2015-2016 CVWS OFFICERS To All CVWS Members… Your CVWS Board of Directors is composed of the Executive Board (elected Officers) and the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees (appointed)… The new members to the Executive Board positions are nominated thirty (30) days prior to elections… nominations are also accepted from the floor at the April (usually) General Meeting…with the vote taking place at the May General Meeting (usually). The Nominees for the 2015-2017 Executive Board are: President Executive Vice President (filled by previous President): First Vice President (and Chair of Programs): Second Vice President (and Co-Chair of Shows): Marcia Slater Hatfield Pat Kodet Robin St. Louis Ian Cooke (Co-Chair with Traci Davis, Show Chair) The Nominees will be voted on at the May 2015 General Meeting! If you have any questions, suggestions, or if you would like to volunteer for any CVWS positions, please contact us! CVWS 2015 Nominating Committee: Diane Moore Marilyn Blitz Marcia Slater Hatfield FIELD MICE SCHEDULE FOR MARCH The remainder of our season follows: March 31 Palm Springs Air Museum They open at 10 AM. You may paint in the Museum or on the grounds. There’s plenty of subject matter. http:// www.palmspringsairmuseum.org/ There is a café, no need to lug a lunch. We have painted there in the past and also held our Art Show there. Ask if there will be a discount when you come in. The Palm Springs Air Museum is located at 745 North Gene Autry Trail 4/7 Vintage Nursery Bring a lunch. 78755 Darby Rd, Bermuda Dunes 92203 Be sure to visit their store, lots of nice items. http://vintagenursery.com/, CA 4/14 LaQuinta Old Town We usually meet near the Old Town Coffee Co. Luncheon is easy nearby at Stuft Pizza. Take Washington Street South, Go West on Calle Tampico for 2 blocks. Old Town La Quinta will be on your left-hand side 78010 Main St La Quinta, CA 92253 http://www.oldtownlaquinta.com/ 4/21 At Maggie Art’ s Home 47615 Via Montessa, La Quinta, CA 92253 phone 760-836-3936. Maggie has offered to have us to Lake La Quinta, a 288 home gated community on a 25 acre lake. Four shady parks provide views of lake, boats, mountains. Limited number of spots. Please call her to reserve, 760-836-3936 Maggie should be called directly for gate access. This is a Must! Otherwise, you can’t get in. Her location is East on Hwy 111, then right on Adams. Entry to her development is just a block an a half away. 4/28 St Garabed Armenian Church Desert, CA. Bring a lunch. http://stgarabedchurch.org/ 38905 Monterey, Palm 5/5 El Paseo Gardens Shopping Center on El Paseo http://www.thegardensonelpaseo.com/ Cabot’s Museum Plein Air by Del Lunde This is the last event scheduled this season. We would like to hear from you for any ideas for next year. Some of our past regulars have not been out. We hope we are making good choices for painting locations and really would appreciate any suggestions for next year. Call Nancy Whelan, 760-568-1723, with any ideas or comments. Nancy Whelan, Del Lunde, Field Mice Co-Chairs FEBRUARY AND MARCH QUESTION OF THE MONTH sPONTANEITY rEQUIRES A dISCIPLINED TOUCH “Power Lines” Q I hear that spontaneity or spontaneous look is quite important to fluid watercolor painting. What phenomenon does it indicate? Why is so important? What are good ways to have it in my painting? Takashi from Japan A: Takashi, Thank you for traveling all the way from Japan to my Gloucester workshop. It was a pleasure working with you. Yes, if you want a fluid, (other terms can be "fresh, dynamic, expressive, loose, bold, painterly, and direct") watercolor painting - and I believe watercolor is at its best when the intrinsic suggestive quality of watercolor is encouraged - some degree of the look of spontaneity is needed. However, as you probably have already discovered by now, a successful spontaneous look requires a disciplined touch. I think this suggestive quality, and it applies to any painting medium, engages the viewers mind much more than a detailed and full rendering can offer. In other words, the eye not told what to see, sees more. It is in this completion of the visual statement that we encourage upon our viewer that a synthesis is made between the viewer and the artist. An emotional attachment beyond mere picture making takes place and also the painting becomes richer in meaning over time. The disciplines I use to encourage such a fluid look are covered in my video series "Painting Loosely from Photographs Series." I would especially encourage you to look closely at the first one of the set "Connecting Shapes". By connecting shapes with like values, we encourage the viewer to complete the boundaries of the forms in his or her mind's eye. A little understanding of a few design concepts, such as those covered in this series, can be very helpful in getting the look you want. I remember your paintings being very strong and that you are well on your way in this direction. Keep your brush wet! Eric To submit a question, send us an email at [email protected] noting in the subject line "Question of the Month". Ask your question in the body of the email and add your first name and state/country or just state/country. WELCOME NEW CVWS MEMBER Carol Bennett, Ft. Wayne, Indiana MEMBER NEWS AND KUDOS Pat Kodet was on hand to demonstrate to a large group at the Annual Show, in an Airplane hangar! Kathleen Scoggin with her Demonstration painting, Done in a similar style of her Best in Show winner, “Nuit Fleur.” Watercolors and Airplanes . Why Not? New member,Marie Laurent Burdick had two paintings (“Going Postal” and Ready-Set-Row!”) accepted into the juried Valley Watercolor Society Annual Exhibit at the new San Fernando Valley Arts and Cultural Center in Tarzana. Cindy Mason had 2 paintings, “Budgie Buddies” and “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies”, juried into the same show. The show runs from April 14 through May 2, 2015. Robin St. Louis is spearheading a Palm Desert Middle School Art Mentoring Program's Show at the Rancho Mirage Library. The show will be called, "The Art of Mentoring" and it will be in the Children's Section of the RM library from April 15- May 28. The reception will be on Wednesday, April 15 from 6-7 PM. The artists will be present along with the mentors, and we will have simple refreshments. She would love it if members of CVWS and the public would like to attend. Do not miss the 99 Bucks art event and major fundraiser for the Palm Springs Art Museum's Artists Council ! Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 4:30pm-6:30pm at the Grand Ballroom of the Riviera Hotel in Palm Springs, 700 canvases painted by artists and celebrities will be displayed; each 5" x 7" original art piece selling for $99 !.The name of the creator is a secret until the canvas is purchased ! You can preview the gallery exhibit at: fineartamerica.com/profiles/99-bucks.html PAINTER'S CORNER Featured Member CINDY MASON I started my art journey in 2006 after retiring from a career at a major aerospace company as a Financial Planning Manager. To say that the transition from left to right brain thinking was difficult and frustrating would be an understatement! During the first four years my art was mostly representational and reflected the use of more traditional techniques. I moved to Palm Desert in 2010 and was fortunate to connect with some incredible women in the Coachella Valley Watercolor Society. The lessons I’ve learned and the encouragement I’ve received from these women has enabled me to be much more free and to explore combining experimental and traditional techniques in my art. CVWS WATERCOLOR INSTRUCTORS Richard Brian (760) 568-5460, e-mail [email protected] Pat Cole (760) 345-1655 Kathy Dunham (760) 771-6367 e-mail: [email protected] Suzanne Greenberg (760) 568-3297, e-mail [email protected] Moira Johannessen (760) 322-2523, e-mail: [email protected] Pat Kodet (760) 610-1516 e-mail [email protected] Diane Morgan (760) 902-8855, e-mail: [email protected] for schedule www.dianemorganpaints.com Sonja Price Ravet (760) 837-1854 Connie Zane (775) 846-9719 NEED INSPIRATION ? Call Alicia Siegler at (760) 289-7300 for information to reserve a DVD. ahead of the General Meeting. Life Drawing Life Drawing Session Portola Community Center(45480 Portola) 9AM-12noon. Bring your own supplies, there is no instruction, just a great opportunity to practice your drawing. we have a clothed model and you use whatever media you like as long as you are careful to clean up your space. The model is paid $60 and that is divided among the participants accordingly. New dates for sessions: We are now meeting on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month instead of the 1st and 4th. This change was because of a conflict with another group at the center. The next session will be April 10. Any questions? email Mimi at [email protected] Mimi Gregov, Life Drawing Co-chair 2014-15 CALENDAR April 2 Board Meeting, Portola Community Center, 9:30 am. April 13 General Meeting, Chuck McPherson, Demonstrator, Joslyn Center, 7:00pm, Palm Desert May 7 Last Board Meeting, Pot Luck Welcome for new Board members, Portola Community Center, 9:30 am May 11 Last General Meeting, Painter of the Year, Judge TBA, Joslyn Center, 7:00 pm. If you know of a member who, for whatever reason, could use some “cheering up” please contact Gloria Mucciolo (760) 7710166, our “Sunshine” chair-person, and she will see that an appropriate card is sent. Her email address is [email protected] CVWS Officers 2014-2015 President: Executive Vice President 1st VP (Programs) 2nd VP (Shows) 3rd VP (Publicity) Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Sec. (Newsletter) Pat Kodet Diane Moore Kathleen Scoggin Sue Elle Traci Davis Cindy Mason Connie Collins Nancy Rizzardi Marilyn Blitz Monthly News? Announcements? Brags? Or Letters to the Editor? The CVWS Newsletter is published 8 months of the year, from October to May. Members news will always be included … if you send it . Email the Editor by the 25th of the month to be included in the next month’s issue. [email protected] P.O. Box 565, Palm Desert, CA 92261 General Meeting March 9, 7:00PM , Joslyn Center
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