`Opt Out` Form (PDF Download)

Adventure Outlook
[email protected]
Dear Parent / Caregiver,
As part of all of our Adventure Outlook camps,
camp , we include a Christian based Life &
Values Seminar. All seminars
seminar are put together using the Schools Ministry Groups
guidelines to ensure they meet DECD standards and regulations.
The seminars run for approximately 45 minutes and encourage students to reflect upon
issues that are relevant to their lives, encourage students to think about values, they are
educational and fun. We use experiences that students have
have had on their camp to relate
to other experiences they have in life. It gives a chance for students explore values and
learn about Christian faith. The programs encourage a high level of interaction
interaction and use
a variety of presentation styles to be able to connect with students.
The seminar is not designed to promote religion, nor is the purpose to indoctrinate
students in any direction whatsoever. Rather, these seminars are designed to empower
students with a sense of personal value and self-worth,
worth, as well as encourage positive
relationships with family, friends and the school community.
If you would prefer your child to be exempted from this seminar please, complete the
form below and return it to the school prior to your camp. Students not attending the
seminar will be provided with and alternate activity organised and supervised by
school staff.
Yours sincerely,
Dave Flood
Christian Youth Camps of SA
Adventure Outlook
Please complete
lete this form and return it to the camp organiser only if you do not
want your child to attend.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Christian Life & Values Seminar ‘Opt Out’ Form
Please return to the camp organiser.
I request that __________________________
Class/ Home group ________
be exempt from attending the Christian Life & Values Seminar while on camp.
Signed: ____________________________ (Parent/Care Giver)