31. The concept of humans doing multiple things at a time

<2015학년도 대학수학 능력 시험의 “빈칸추론”이 우리에게 말하고 있는 구문 1>
31. <구문 1>The concept of humans doing multiple
things at a time has been studied by psychologists
since the 1920s, but the term “multitasking” didn’t
exist until the 1960s. It was used to describe computers,
not people. Back then, ten megahertz was so fast that a new
word was needed to describe a computer’s ability to quickly
perform many tasks. In retrospect, they probably made a
poor choice, for the expression “multitasking” is inherently
deceptive. <구문 2>Multitasking is about multiple tasks
alternately sharing one resource (the CPU), but in
interpreted to mean multiple tasks being done
simultaneously by one resource (a person). It was a
clever turn of phrase that’s misleading, for even computers
can process only one piece of code at a time. When
they “multitask,” they switch back and forth, alternating their
attention until both tasks are done. The speed with which
computers tackle multiple tasks that everything happens at
the same time, so comparing computers to humans can be
confusing. [3점]
① expels the myth
② feeds the illusion
③ conceals the fact
④ proves the hypothesis
⑤ blurs the conviction
<구문 1>
<KEY 1: not ~ until>
The concept of humans doing multiple things at a
time has been studied by psychologists since the
1920s, but the term “multitasking” didn’t exist until
the 1960s.
Not A until B: B가 되서야 비로소 A하다 ★B의 시점을 강조하고 있다
2]중요 포인트
1)부정어가 보이지만 부정어로 해석하지 않는다.
예] He did not realize the importance of health until he developed
2) ★<부정어 도치 주의>
Not until he developed cancer, did he realize the importance of
★어법 연계 포인트!!
-Not until Jenny came to Korea, [did she learn/ she learned]
3) It is(was)~that강조 구문과 결합
It was not until he developed cancer that he realized the
importance of health.
3]해석 포인트
◁ not ~until로 문장을 표현했다는 것은 until뒤에의 시점, 내용을 강
조하기 위해서 이다.
~but the term “multitasking” didn’t exist until the
 Multitasking 이란 용어가 1960대 나온 최근 용어이다.
<구문 2>
<KEY 2: 동명사의 의미상의 주어>
Multitasking is about multiple
tasks alternately
sharing one resource (the CPU), but in time the
context was flipped and it became interpreted to
mean multiple tasks being done simultaneously
by one resource (a person).
동명사도 원래 동사였기 때문에 의미적으로 주어를 가질 수 있다.
2]중요 포인트
1)형태: 소유격, 목적격
-I am proud of my son (my son’s) being brave.
2) 동명사 앞에 의미상의 주어가 존재 하지 않으면 그 동명사의 동작을
하는 주체는 전체 문장의 주어가 된다.
[예] I am proud of being a professor
vs. I am proud of you being a professor.
3) 주절의 동작을 하는 대상과 동명사의 동작을 하는 대상을 분리해서
봐야 한다.
~ it became interpreted to mean multiple tasks
being done simultaneously by one resource (a
 동시적으로 행해지는 것은 multiple tasks이다.
According to a renowned French scholar, the growth in the
size and complexity of human populations was the driving
force in the evolution of science. Early, small communities
had to concentrate all their physical and mental effort on
survival;their thoughts were focused on food and religion. As
communities became larger, some people had time to reflect
and debate. They found that they could understand and
predict events better if they reduced passion and prejudice,
replacing these with observation and inference. But while a
large population may have been necessary, in itself it was
not sufficient for science to germinate. <구문 3>Some
empires were big, but the rigid social control required
to hold an empire together was not beneficial to
science, just as it was not beneficial to reason. The
early nurturing and later flowering of science to support
original thought and freewheeling incentive. The rise in
commerce and the decline of authoritarian religion allowed
science to follow reason in seventeenth-century Europe.
[3점]* germinate: 싹트다, 발아하다
①prompted small communities to adopt harsh social norms
③occurred in large communities with strict hierarchical
④were solely attributed to efforts of survival in a small
⑤required a large and loosely structured, competitive
<구문 3>
<KEY 3: 과거분사 (p.p)>
Some empires were big, but the rigid social control
required to hold an empire together was not
beneficial to science, just as it was not beneficial to
명사를 수식하는 형용사의 역할을 하며 수식하는 명사와의 관계가 “수
동, 완료”의 의미를 가진다.
2]중요 포인트
분사인지 동사인지를 구분하는 것이 “절대적”으로 필요
<분사인지를 구분 하는 방법>
1)타동사 인데 목적어가 보이지 않으면 과거분사이다.
2)한 문장에는 동사 하나만 있어야 한다
2)명사와 과거 분사 사이에 [주격관대+be]동사를 넣어주면 보다 관계
가 명확해 보인다.
1)He required the candidates to fill out the form.
2)There are a few candidates required to fill out the form.
3)These fierce radicals, [built/ were built] into life as both
protectors and avengers, are potent agents of aging.
◁분사를 알아 보고 동사처럼 해석하지 않는 것에 주의한다
~but the rigid social control required to hold an
empire together was not beneficial to science ~
[오늘의 구문 독해 REVIEW]
[Drill-1] One more thing you need to do is to join a club
[is devoted/ devoted] to mathematics.
[해석 포인트]
본동사는 ‘is”이고 devoted는 club를 꾸며주는 과거분
[Drill-2] Not until the latter part of the Middle Ages [baking
began/ did baking begin] to reappear as an important profession
in the service of the nobility.
[12 수능완성]
[해석 포인트]
제빵이라는 것이 직업으로 늦게 출현했다
[Drill-3] Most of the complex problems we’ve got in this country
today are the result of thoughtless, “can-do” men [attempt/
attempting] to solve once-simple problems in careless ways that
left a mess, left nasty half- solved problems, like wounded lions, in
all our streets.
[해석 포인트]
간단했던 문제를 부주의한 방식으로 해결하려고 했던 것
은 무심하고 막무가내의 인간이었다.
[Drill-4] The robotic teddy bear Huggable, [was built/ built] as a
companion for children and the elderly, has two thousand sensors
under its fur-covered silicon skin that can measure temperature,
force and electrical fields.
[14 수특]
[해석 포인트]
본동사가 ‘has’이고 built 는 Huggable 을 수식하는
[Drill-5] Tom Reagan is knocked unconscious, so that the audience
is effectively “blacked out” as well. The rest of the scene is not
shown until Tom comes around.
[15 수능특강]
주인공인 Tom 이 먼저 정신이 돌아오고 그 이후에
장면들이 제공
 주인공과 동일화 효과 ↑
[Drill-6] The existence of fossils had been known for centuries, yet
it was not until the late 1700s and early 1800s [which/ that] their
significance as geologic tools was made evident.
화석이 지질학적 도구가 된 것은 상대적으로 최근이다
[Drill-7] Having reminded her students man times that composers
like Wagner depend on the listeners’ remembering the earlier
theme to recognize its later use, she was determined to make her
students understand that themes recur throughout a piece.[14수특]
의존하는 것은 작곡가이지만 이전의 주제를 기억하는 주
체는 청자라는 것
[Drill-9]In the method of reading instruction [was known/
known] as Whole Language, children are not taught which letter
goes with
are immersed
a book-rich
독해 지도인데 그것이 Whole Language 라는 이름으로
알려져 있다.