Eurasian Community House, 139 Ceylon Road, S 429744 Restaurant | Bar | Catering | Bakery Dear Patrons, Bon Dia! We are glad to be of service to you! Here every dish is freshly cooked, it will thus take about 15 to 20 minutes for the food to be served, and your kind understanding is greatly appreciated. In the meantime you can view the Eurasian galleries located at the 1st and 4th levels. I hope that you can pay a visit to learn more about the rich Eurasian culture and traditions. Also, we will serve complimentary fish (tamban) keropok accompanied with our signature sambal belachan while we cook up a storm for you. Our dining style is communal, so each portion serves 2 -3 Should you need a better understanding of our food or require any special dietary needs, please feel free to ask for me and, I will be glad to attend to you. We also provide catering for events and functions; do feel free to ask any of our staff for our catering menu. The restaurant and the Multi-Purpose Hall above are available for bookings. I hope you have a pleasant meal, thank you for your patronage and hope to see you again! Sincerely, Quentin Pereira “Skinny Chef” For functions and event enquiries, drop us a mail at [email protected] STARTERS FRIED DEVILLED WINGS 12.00 MEATY CUTLET 10.00 SHEPERD’S PIE 10.00 CHICKEN NUGGETS 10.00 CRISPY PORK LUNCHEON 7.00 FRIED CHICKEN LUNCHEON 7.00 KEROPOK Small / Medium 3.00 /4.00 SALT FISH PICKLE Bottle 12.80 RICE STEAMED RICE (Unlimited) 1.50 CORNED BEEF FRIED RICE 6.80 SAMBAL FRIED RICE 6.80 Add Egg 1.00 A hint of spiciness Medium hot Get ready your cold drink! MEAT CURRY DEBAL Chicken / Ox – Tail Tim Soup Pork Ribs and Salted Vegetable Soup This fiery curry, mad e w ith ch ili, on ion, g inger an d blended mus tard s eed , g lorified with bacon b on es, chicken cocktails, pota toes, ca bbage a nd cucumber. A Devilish ly ad dictive d ish . Your p alettes will than k you! This S oup is made from pork b ones s tewed with b lack beans, sa lted vegetab le and q uartered toma toes. Pa ir it w ith our samba l b ela cha n for a perfect combo! 16.80 Chicken 18.80 / Ox-Tail 22.80 GALINHIA KELUAK CURRY CHICKEN Keluak Curry Chicken CURRY MOERU Chicken / Beef / Lamb This th ick an d da rk curry, gets its color from the kelua k (Black Nu t) its elf. A combination of ch icken and p ork, b lended i n an arra y of herbs and sp ices with tama rin d for that ex quisite tas te. You’ re in for a gastronomic experien ce! Traditiona l In dia n curry, mad e with chili, on ion, ginger and a b len d of ou r very own s pices. Served with a choice of ch icken, beef or lamb rib s w ith pota toes, toma toes a nd sliced green ch ilies. 18.80 17.80 CURRY SEKU Dry Curry (Chicken / Beef) DALCHA KRISTANG Eurasian Lentils Curry – Lamb Ribs A very th ick an d d ry cu rry, ma de from c h ili, onions, ginger and a s pecia l b lend of our very own s pices with pota to cu bes. This mild cu rry made by boilin g lamb ribs till tender, with lentils a nd sliced ga rlic, onion, ginger a nd blended sp ices. Served w ith carrots, pota toes a nd poached eggs. 17.80 18.80 SEYBAK Braised Pork and Pigs Ears Salad This sala d of bra is ed pork is traditiona lly made with pig’s ears, which lends a lov ely crun ch. G reat with a glass of beer or tw o! (Five is okay too) . CURRY CAPTAIN CHICKEN This curry is made from b len d ed fresh red chilies, ginger and ga rlic. Chines e s au s ages (lap ch eong), bacon b ones an d chicken are u sed and topped with fresh ly squ eezed lime j uice. 15.80 16.80 FRIED BEEF STEAK An all-time favorite! Beef slices are marinated and fried with lots of onion rings and soya sauce. It is then cooked till tender and served with fried potato wedges and tomatoes. 15.80 A hint of spiciness Medium hot Get ready your cold drink! MEAT PORKU SEMUR Pork Smore KRISTANG Stew Kristang Style (Chicken / Beef) Pork is marinated and stewed with sp ices and blend ed onions, g inger an d garlic. Th is thick trad itional s tew is served with ca rrots and p otatoes, a dded with a dash of vinega r. A typ ical E ura sia n d ish marina ted th en stewed with spices and on ions. Th is consommé stew is served w ith pota toes, ca rrots and ca bbage . 16.80 15.80 ROS BEFE Pot Roast Beef BABI ASSAM Pork Tamarind Curry An all-time favorite! Beef knu ckle is marina ted with pota to, ca rrots an d b utton mu shroom and thickened with sau ce and for th e p erfect pot roas t. Succu lent pig trotters in fu sed with on ions, fresh turmeric, lemongra s s, tamarin d pu lp, d ried ch ilies birth ing a m ild rich curry . 16.80 17.80 ROASTED PORKU Roasted Pork Belly AMBILLA KACANG Long Beans Ambilla Curry (Beef / Pork Ribs) Meat is marina ted an d s low oven roas ted w ith sp ices and b lended h erb s. Th e p ork is cra ckling s kin s ide with a j uicy fles h bu rs ting with flavor on th e ins id e. Served w ith p ickle d cabb age a nd carrots. Thick curry is served w ith lots of long bea ns and blended i n an arra y of herbs a nd sp ices with tamarind. 16.80 17.80 OXTAIL STEW PORKU TAMBREYNO Pork Sambal Traditiona l th ick s tew served with pota toes, carrots and of cours e, the tend er Ox-Tail. 22.80 Thinly s liced p ork fried with our s pecia l groun d pa ste (rempa h) w ith d ried ch ilies ca ndlenu ts and lime ju ice. Sinfully delicious 15.80 FENG This tra ditiona l mild cu rry is m ade w ith fin ely d iced pork, p ork liver and pork h eart. A very Eura sia n d ish with a lot of history to it. Not for the fa in t h earted but tota lly worth the try! VINDALOO (Pork / Chicken / Beef) This tra ditiona l recip e s ails from Goa. Made with fresh loca l h erb s a nd s pices s erved with pota toes a nd vin egar. 16.80 16.80 A hint of spiciness Medium hot Get ready your cold drink! SEAFOOD CAMBARANG CURRY NANAS Pineapple Prawn Curry CHUAN – CHUAN Fried Fish in Ginger Sauce Large prawn s in a combina tion of sweet and sour curry cooked w ith fresh sweet pin eapp le. A recipe handed d own from genera tion s. Fish fillet is marinated and frie d; an excellent blend of sweet and sour sauce is poure d a top with slices of ginger , onion and chilies. 18.80 16.80 SINGGANG SERANI Pacific Dory Fillet in Singgang Sauce Cambrang / Peci Bostador Thick Coconut based Curry (Prawn / Fish) The Eurasian version of this w atery cu rry is reinvented us ing pa cific d ory fillet with th e sauce thicken ed. Cooked w ith local h erb s topp ed w ith s lices of ch ilies, garlic an d onions. A th ick coconu t b ased -dis h in a lu sciou s u nion w ith sliced green ch ilies an d a blen d of fresh loca l h erb s. A must try! 15.80 16.80 CAMBARANG CHILI GARAM Prawn Chili Garam CURRY MOOLIE Moolie’s Curry – Prawn / Fish Fresh la rge prawn s fried with chili pas te an d sa lt. I t’s simply d eliciou s! A mus t try! 18.80 Thick coconu t b ased curry, w i th th e eggplan t’s skin peeled away allow ing the fru it to abs orb the cu rry, melting with every mou th ful. 22.80 SAMBAL PETAI Petai in Chili Paste (Prawn / Fish) CURRY PERMENTA Pepper Curry – Prawn / Fish Chilies are ground with onions and belachan, then fried to make the sambal with the petai. This p epp ery-bas ed cu rry mad e with blend ing h erb s and s pices with eggplan t a nd okra. 16.80 17.80 RETU TINTA CHOKA Black Ink Calamari The name of thi s d ish is comes from the color s quid’s natu ra l ink. Mad e w ith on ions, ch ilies an d garlic. Truly an ex otic flavor! 16.80 A hint of spiciness BAKED FISH FILLET Fish fillet is marina ted, wra pp ed in b anan a lea f an d baked w ith ou r b lend of loca l herb s . An au thentic cooking meth od from the good ol’ times 15.80 Medium hot Get ready your cold drink! VEGETABLES PATCHRI Fried Eggplant Eggplants are ha lved and scored an d marina ted with pepp er and sa lt and fried to p erfection. Topp ed w ith our sp ecial sweet and sp icy s a uce. 7.00 TUMERIC CABBAGE Sliced cab bage is fried w ith on ion s, garlic, mus tard seed s a nd tu rmeric powd er. 7.00 MIXED VEGETABLES (Baked / Stir Fried) Broccoli, cauliflower, ca rrots a nd cabbage are s tir fried / ba ked w ith ch eese w ith garlic and oyster sauce. FRETU KANGKONG Fried Water Spinach Sliced ch ilies, on ions, toma toes and garlic a re stir fried with sambal bela chan an d ka ngkong. The Euras ian vers ion of fried ka ngkong. 7.00 BREDU CHAP CHYE Traditional Mixed Vegetables Chap c hye mean ing mix ed veg etab les. Th is d ish is done ju st like the P era naka ns, using lily bu ds, wood fungus, glas s vermicelli, b ean curd sh eets, cab bage, carrots a nd tu rn ips. 8.00 9.00 FRETU BENDI Fried Okra REMPAH BREDU Mixed Vegetables & Tofu Fresh Lad ies fingers are th ickly s liced and fried w ith mustard s eed, cu rry lea ves, dried ch ilies an d turmeric. A mus t try for fans of okra. Kangkong a nd sweet potatoes added to th is mild coconu t curry made w ith fresh herbs and sp ices. 8.00 SAMBAL TERONG Spicy Fried Eggplant Eggplants are cut and fried w ith ou r s pecia l sambal made of chilies, on ion s, d ried prawns an d b ela chan . 7.00 8.00 FOLER CEBOLA CUNG TAUKWA Fried Spring Onions with Bean Curd Strips of fried bea n curd are stir fried with a p as te of blended onions, ga rlic, g inger a nd s alted soya bea ns. Spring on ion s a re add ed to ta s te. 7.00 FRIED BEAN SPROUT SAMBAL NANAS CUNG PIPINEO Pineapple and Cucumber Sambal Bean sp rou t is stir- fried with g arlic and sa lted mackerel fis h. Topped with strips of chives and carrots. A refresh ing sa la d, made w ith pin eapp le, cu cumber, onions and ch ilies, d ressed with ou r s igna ture sambal. 9.00 6.00 A hint of spiciness Medium hot Get ready your cold drink! DESSERTS SUGEE CAKE BANANA FRITTERS Truly Eurasian, th is cake is homemade, with b utter, almond s an d s emolina flou r. L aced with marzipan and laced w ith fond an t icing . Fried ba nana s a re served w ith our own mix of gu la melaka sa uce. 8.80 5.00 PULUT HITAM SAGO GULA MELAKA Sago pea rls a re m ixed with coconu t milk, gu la melaka and s erved with sha ved ice. 3.80 Bla ck glu tin ous rice is bo iled with coconut milk a nd rock sugar 3.80 ICED CHENDOL GRASS JELLY WITH SEA COCONUT An all-time favorite, ch end ol, kid ney b eans, attap chee an d gra ss j elly served w ith sha ved ice. Cubes of gras s j elly mixed with sea coconu t an d served with shaved ice . 3.80 3.80 BUBUR TERIGU White wheat is boiled w ith rock suga r, g ula melaka and fresh cocon ut milk CAKES Cake of the Day 3.80 6.00 RICH CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH VANILLA ICE CREAM Rich, da rk an d moist ch ocola te ca ke w ith va nilla ice cream on th e s id e – An a ll- tim e irres istib le class ic! 6.00 A hint of spiciness Medium hot Get ready your cold drink! BEVERAGE SOFT DRINKS Coke Coke Zero Sprite Iced Lemon Tea 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Orange Orange + Carrot Pineapple Apple Watermelon Lemonade Water + Cucumber 4.50 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 JUICES 3.50 3.50 3.50 HOT DRINKS Coffee Tea Espresso Hot Chocolate 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 CIDERS Brothers Original Brothers Toffee Apple Brothers Wild Berry Brothers Strawberry Bittersweet Apple 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 SPARKLING WINE Chandon Brut Classic WINES Pure Blonde Draft Casa Santos Lima Portuga (Tinto / Branco) Half Pint Jug Tower 5.50 25.00 70.00 100.00 Tiger Heineken Guinness Stout Erdinger Erdinger Dunkel 7.00 8.00 9.00 14.00 14.00 PREMIUM LIQUOR Gold Label (Btl) Black Label (Btl) Absolut Vodka (Btl) Glass 170.00 140.00 120.00 12.00 HOUSE POUR Jack Daniels (btl) Sauza Tequila (btl) Glass Glass Bottle 15.00 50.00 Casal Garcia Vinho Verde Bottled Beers FRESHLY SQUEEZED JUICES Cranberry Lime Juice Fruit Punch BEERS 120.00 120.00 10.00 Glass Bottle 14.00 50.00 Marquês dos Vales Selecta (Tinto / Branco) 60.00 Quinta de Porrais (Tinto / Branco) 60.00 Esporão Reserva Tinto Branco 70.00 Vinho Periquita Tinto 80.00 80.00 Quinta da Aveleda Vinho Verde 80.00 EURASIAN SPECIALS PRE-ORDERS ONLY Here at , we want you to have the best dining experience. If you have a favorite dish you would like us to prepare which is not on the menu, drop us a line and we can talk further to fix you that experience! Pre-order(s) to be made 2 days in advance prior to your dinner. Call us at 6348 0327 for your orders! Roasted Leg of Lamb $160++ Serves 15 Eurasian Longevity Noodles $48++ Serves 12 Roasted Chicken $50++ Serves 6 – 8 Pork Knuckles Serves 3 – 4 $48++
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