Toastmasters Leadership Institute District 37 – 2015-16

Toastmasters Leadership Institute
District 37 – 2015-16
Club officer training provides the knowledge and tools. Trained club officers can result in more
satisfied members, more exciting club meetings, more new members, more Distinguished Clubs and
more Distinguished Districts.
Toastmasters Manual: Training Club Leaders Item 217 rev. 10/2014
Theme: Providing the Tools to Building A Healthy Team
Goal: To Create Successful Club Officer Teams
Club Officers should attend together as teams. There will even be a reward for the club officer team
that shows the most team spirit! (*more on this below)
When Vicki Simpson, Lt. Gov. Ed. Training and Louise Nottingham, Dean of Education began
working on this first TLI of the 2015/16 year, the first question was, “How can we provide the best
training to help new club officer teams become the most successful?”
We went to Toastmasters International for the answer.
The Toastmasters website for Toastmasters Leadership Institute and Club Officer Training materials
were not just for club officer roles. The majority was for Team Building! That became our focus!
Building Successful Officer Teams.
This TLI we ask that all clubs send their newly elected club officers as a TEAM!
This means sit together, work together, talk together and plan together.
We will start the day with :
Opening Ceremony (30min)
After this brief ceremony we will go right into the first workshop.
Break (15min)
Club Officer Breakout sessions (50min)
Break (15min)
Closing Announcements
Club Officer Teams will have the chance to WIN a spirit stick and a special reserved table at each
banquet meal of the 2015 Fall District Conference!
To win attend TLI with: 5 of 7 of your club officers and show team spirit by wearing the same color or
same hat design or color or waving a club flag. Something that from the stage, the Trio and Event
planners can tell you are a team!
Judges will be Trio and Event Planners.
Toastmasters Leadership Institute
District 37 – 2015-16