Summer 2 newsletter 2015 - Daresbury Primary School

Daresbury Primary School
Summer 2
Headteacher News
Hello and welcome back after the Whit holidays – I hope
you all had a lovely week off, whatever you did.
This final half term is really going to fly by as we have lots
of activities planned. As I write this, the staff are busy
organising a whole range of things for their classes and
their new planning and information should be updated on
the school website class pages very soon. Your children will
also be bringing home updated information sheets on How
to Help your child at home and other useful information.
Staff News
Julie Hooten, our cook, is back after a period of illness and
we would like to thank Judith Twigg for covering her role.
Samantha Dean is to finish for her maternity leave in July
and we are currently seeking someone to cover her role as
1:1 support for a named child in school. Natalie Viggers will
shortly be completing her qualification as a teacher and will
leave Daresbury at the end of the year. We wish her every
success for her future in the profession and thank her for
all her hard work with Class 4. Your children will soon be
bringing home a letter notifying parents of our classes for
2015/16. Parents should note that this information has
been circulated as soon as possible following the deadlines
for staff resignations etc. Children in both Y2 and Y5 will
continue to be split across 2 classes. Parents please note
that this IS NOT a case of ‘keeping children back’ and pupils
in both classes will access the curriculum for their year
Pupil News
Well done again to Thomas Hampson, Y1, for being the
third lucky winner of the Reading Raffle. Keep on
encouraging the children to read and comment in their
records – we have seen a marked improvement in the
children’s attitudes to their reading and books. ☺
Curriculum News
If you can spare any time and don’t mind going through the
DBS (CRB) process, we are also still looking for volunteers
to do reading activities with children in school. We want to
thank all those volunteers who have already come forward,
Anne & Steve Kirkbride, Anne Windridge, Helen Shaw and
Heather Baskeyfield – you are already making a difference!
Our end of year reports have now been changed to reflect
our new assessment and hope you will find these as
informative (if not more so) than our previous end of year
reports. The Parental Engagement Group have seen them
and made positive comments. Reports should be coming
home with the children on Friday 10th July, 2015.
Medicines in School
Please can I remind parents that we should only be asked
to administer medicines which need administering 4 times
a day. There is a form available on the website which needs
completing prior to the medicine coming into school and
being stored in the office. There are a number of forms
which need completing by school staff and so it can take
some time to do this, even when you have already
completed the original form at home. I apologise but this is
a Halton requirement.
Water Bottles
Please make sure your child has a named water bottle filled
with water (no juice) in school daily.
As you are aware, we try to ensure that each class has
access to the baking area on a termly basis and I know how
much the children love this opportunity. We do, however,
have to ask for contributions towards the cost of the
ingredients and have kept this at £2.00 for some time with
school making up the difference in costs. Most recently we
are finding that very few contributions are coming into
school and we are unable to continue to sustain the high
level of subsidy that has been needed recently from the
school budget. I do feel that it would be a shame if we had
to start cutting back on this area and so would encourage
parents to send in their contributions to allow this to
continue. Thank you.
Telephone: 01925 740309
Sun Awareness
At this time of year we usually start to get some lovely days
(we hope!) with sunshine. Can I ask that parents please put
suncream on pupils before school and make sure they have
a cap or hat to wear outdoors. As lunchtime is now
staggered the children are not outside for longer than 35
minutes but the sun’s rays can be strong at midday and we
do not want children to be at risk of burning. Unfortunately
we are not allowed to apply suncream to children ourselves
or indeed have children applying suncream themselves in
school as this gets terribly messy and they often end up
with it in eyes, hair and all over clothes and each other!
Please make sure you apply it at home before school. Also
please can you ensure that children wear socks, even if
they are wearing sandals for school. This is part of our
uniform. Thank you.
As in all schools, parking at the starts and ends of the day
can be a nightmare. Please be aware that our PCSOs do
regularly attend and will ticket anyone parking illegally.
I am also aware of a couple of incidents of careless driving
where children have narrowly missed being hit on the
pavements as cars have parked or carried out U turns.
Please drive carefully and slowly around the school vicinity.
The Police have asked me to let parents know that they
have issued some tickets now and will continue to do so.
Governing Body News
Attendance, Punctuality & Absence
We are really proud of our high levels of attendance and
wish to maintain this, or even improve on it. We would ask
parents to ensure their children are always on time for
school and lead in with the rest of their class from the
playground. If your child is late and arrives after the class
have gone into school, please bring them to the office, sign
them in and leave the school staff to take them to their
classrooms. All parents will be contacted if their child’s
attendance is starting to give us cause for concern. It is
important that children are in school as much as possible.
The school’s Full Governing Body will be reconstituting at
its Summer Term meeting on 4th June. This is a national
requirement. The new Governing Body will have 11
members including the Headteacher, a staff governor, an
LA governor and 2 parent governors. The remaining 6
governors will all be co-opted governors. Due to terms of
office ending and a resignation we should be able to
reconstitute easily. The two parent governors will be Mr
Mike Sherwin and Mr Alastair Teague. Mrs Jenny Grimes
and Mrs Hilary Watts will both change from being parent
governors and become co-opted governors. We also have a
new co-opted governor, Mrs Anne Windridge. After the
summer term meeting in June we will update the website
to reflect the changes.
The School Website –
Pupil Activity
All details of Leave of Absence procedures are on the
website and requests for holidays will only be granted in
the exceptional cases listed in the policy. Parents should
also remember that children do tend to tell their friends or
teachers when they are going away too! In these
circumstances the absence will be recorded as
unauthorised, even if you ring to say they are ill!
As you know School now has an active Twitter account – so
please follow us! Check out our latest news on
@Daresburyschool. Thank you to those parents and
grandparents who have already tweeted!
Team Points
Congratulations to Cheshire Cats for another win last half
term. The children were rewarded with a non-uniform day!
Telephone: 01925 740309
Information for Parents
Can I remind parents that we have a parents’ suggestion box
on the little table in the entrance area? Please fill in any ideas
you may have and add them to the box – it is checked
Please also remember that every Wednesday you have the
opportunity to come into school between 3:15pm and
3:45pm to see your child’s work and teachers are available for
a chat then too. We just ask you to remember that they have
to attend a staff meeting at 3:45pm ☺
The new Rounders Club for Y4,5 and 6 pupils has now started
on a Monday evening.
Reading Records / Home School Diaries
Huge thanks to the PTA who are supporting school in
purchasing new Home School Diaries for both KS1 and KS2
ready for use in the new academic year.
Pupil Activity
Further Improvements to the school
Over the Summer holidays we will be having some work
to create a new entrance to school by Mrs Clarke’s office.
This will have a hatch through to the office, along with a
signing in area. We also hope to have a second hatch
installed internally so that no visitors will enter the main
office, where money and personal information is stored.
Unfortunately not all of our bids have been successful.
We hope to be able to improve the infant toilets by the
hall and possibly the outdoor KS1 toilets at some point in
the Autumn Term but this will very much depend on the
total cost of the new entrance. I will continue to seek
funding for improvements to the Junior toilets.
I am still awaiting the outcomes of our lottery funding to
have the old sandpit removed and a lovely hexagonal
gazebo built in its place. This will provide some more
seating, a shaded area and also significantly improve that
area of the field. I will let you know how we get on!
And Finally……
This half term we have included an updated date list for
the last few weeks and a copy of this will be placed on
the website. We will be issuing a new full year list to
accompany our next newsletter which will be issued after
the summer holidays.
We are also hoping to issue a new Home School
Agreement following discussions involving staff,
governors and our Parental Engagement Group. This
should be coming home in the next couple of weeks and
will be included in our new Home School Diaries too.
Mrs Roberts & Staff
If you have any suggestions for future newsletters or other comments to make, please complete this slip and return it to
Telephone: 01925 740309