STUDENT / PARENT / SCHOOL AGREEMENT I have read the letter explaining the regulations to be followed at the Downingtown High School East Campus Junior Prom on April 25, 2015. I have discussed them with my son/daughter and understand that these rules must be followed. This form containing required signatures must be presented at the time the prom ticket is purchased. _______________ Parent/Guardian Name _________________ Parent Guardian Signature ________________ Student Name ________________ Student Signature _____________ Parent contact # the night of the prom DOWNINGTOWN HIGH SCHOOL EAST CAMPUS JUNIOR PROM GUEST FORM Prom Regulations 1. All guests MUST have this form completed prior to a ticket being purchased for them. 2. DEHS students are allowed to bring one guest. 3. All guests must have achieved 9th grade status and must be under 21 years of age. 4. All guests must show a picture I.D. at the door to be admitted. 5. Students and guests will be subject to all school regulations (see the Student Code of Conduct). 6. Students and guests are not permitted to leave the prom until 9:00 P.M. If you exit the building, you will not be permitted to return. 7. Students and guests are not permitted to loiter in the parking lot. 8. All school events are tobacco-free and alcohol-free. Guests of DEHS students must adhere to these policies. *********************************************************** DEHS Student Name______________________________________ GUEST INFORMATION Name: _________________________________________________________ Grade: ______ Age: ______ School District: _________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________Phone: ______________________ I, ___________________________________________________________, give permission for my child to Parent Name, please print attend the Downingtown High School East’s Prom. He/She agrees to follow all DEHS rules and regulations. ____________________________________________________________Date: ______________________ Parent’s Signature Please get the signature of principal/assistant principal of the school he or she attends: Name: ____________________________________________________Title:_________________________ Please Print March 23, 2015 Dear Downingtown East Parents/Guardians: The Junior Prom planning is under way. We are working on making this special and affordable event for our students. In addition, a portion of the Junior Prom ticket price is used as a fundraiser to help offset the ticket price of the Senior Prom next year. To help offset costs of the Junior Prom, we are asking for following donations from our Downingtown East families and local businesses. The kids have decided that they want hors d’oeurve type food, and bite sized desserts. Please note food items need to be store bought items. The execution and planning of the prom also involves creating an atmosphere of Hollywood. Luckily, the officers have already put together what they believe is a good set-up for the cafeteria and bathrooms. We have many decorations thanks to the Post Prom Committee but if you have ideas or possible decorations that you would be willing to donate, please notify us as soon as possible. We are asking you, parents of the Juniors, to volunteer to help make the Junior Prom a success (please see other side of this letter). If you can help with a donation, please email Darryl McCauley [email protected] by April 20th so that we can the coordinate the donations. Monetary donations should be sent to school to the attention of Junior Prom. Checks should be made payable to Downingtown East High School Class of 2016. We need your help! Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Junior Prom Committee FOOD/DRINK DONATIONS (ANY DONATION WOULD BE APPRECIATED): Soft Pretzel Party Trays with Dips Veggies & Dip Trays, Fruit Pretzel Nugget Platters Small Plates, Plastic Forks, Napkins Mini Water Bottles, Sodas DESSERTS/TREATS: Cookies, Brownies Wrapped Candy (Sour Patch Kids, M&Ms, Skittles, Swedish Fish) SET UP AND CLEAN UP (ANY TIME YOU COULD GIVE WOULD BE APPRECIATED): April 24 (Fri.) From 3:00 to 10:00 pm April 26 (Sun.) From 10:00 am to 12:00 noon Please contact Darryl McCauley, [email protected] by April 20th so that we can plan accordingly. Please drop off all donations on April 25 until 8:00 P.M. except the pretzel tray which can brought to the prom on Saturday. THANK YOU, THE CLASS OF 2016 Downingtown High School East Campus 50 Devon Drive • Exton, Pennsylvania 19341 • Phone: 610-363-6400 • FAX 610-903-1047 March 23, 2015 Dear Parents, Junior Prom time is fast approaching. This is probably the most exciting social event of the year for eleventh graders and it certainly is one of the most memorable. To ensure the success of the evening, I want to be certain that everyone involved understands our prom procedures and expectations. The prom, which takes place on Saturday, April 25th, is a school-sponsored event. As such, the school discipline code is in effect and any infractions will be dealt with accordingly (please see the Student Code of Conduct in the DEHS backpack on the school’s webpage). Administrators and faculty members will be present to chaperone all aspects of the prom. This year’s prom will be held in the Boyer Gymnasium from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. If students have not arrived by 8:15 p.m., parents will be contacted. Students may not leave before 9:00 p.m. Again this year we will be using a P.A.S. (Passive Alcohol Sensor) for all students entering this activity. This will ensure that our prom will be alcohol-free. Students with a positive alcohol test result will not be permitted into the dance and will receive consequences according to the DASD discipline code. Parents will be contacted, as well as a police referral. Tickets will be sold at Downingtown High School East Campus from April 7th to April 10th during all lunches. The cost of the ticket is $40.00 for a single ticket. This includes beverages, food, decorations, disc jockey, favors, and a fundraiser for the Class of 2016. No tickets will be sold after April 10th. Tickets can be purchased with a check or money order only. Make the check or money order payable to Downingtown High School East and on the memo space, please write Class of 2016. If students would like photographs, a photographer from Downingtown Sports Photography will be at the prom and students may order them online. Also, there will also be complimentary photographs. Please sign the enclosed form to indicate that you understand the guidelines set forth in this letter. If your child is bringing a date that does not attend DEHS, please have them pick up a guest form at the reception desk, library or online. Students are required to submit these form(s) when purchasing their prom tickets. Without this information, the student cannot purchase a prom ticket. Please note that prom tickets will not be sold to students with outstanding obligations. Please feel free to contact me or Mr. McCauley if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Paul E. Hurley III Principal Paul E. Hurley III Principal Darryl McCauley Junior Class Advisor Ronald Pavlick Karen Welch Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Jill Whalen Earl Burnham Assistant Principal Athletic Director
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