D.A.V. MODEL SCHOOL SECTOR-IsA, CHANDIGARH SYLLABUS FOR CLASS.VII SESSION 2OL5.I6 Note : SAI exam will be from the syllabai of FAI and FA2 SA2 exam will be from the syllabai of FA3 and FA4 ENGLISH (rERMF.A. 1 Literature Reader - Practice Book F.A.2 1) - Lesson-1 Three Questions P-2 Granny's Tree Climbing L-3 The Fun They Had Unit-1 Changing Times - Unit-l Tenses Unit-2 Narration Unit-4 Subject Verb Agreement Writing Skills - Notice, Message, Dialogue Competition, Short Composition (60 words), Diary Entry, E-mail 1. Tradition against Modernity 2. Media - Impact on Teenagers. Literature - Lesson-4 Father's Help P-5 My Mother P-7 The Children's Song Reader - Unit-Z Compassionate Souls Unir3 Enterprise - Unir3 Modals Practice Book Unit-9 Punctuation Writing Skills Paragraphs - - Speech, Informal Letter. 1. Simple Living High Thinking 2. Good Deeds Reflect Good Character 3. Success Comes To Those Who Will And Dare" (TERM F.A.3 Literature Reader - - 2) Lesson-6 The Luncheon Lesson-8 The Case of The Sharp Eyed Jeweler Lesson-9 Couplets (No.2,4&8 deleted) - Unit-4 Nature - Unit-5 Clauses Practice Book and Complex Sentences Unir6 Linkers Writing Skills Article, Bio Sketch, Formal Letter, Description Writing. Global Warming 2. Nature Conservation Literature - Lesson-l0 The Undeserved Reward P-11 Bangle Sellers P-12 A Bad Dream Reader - Unit-5 Sports Unit-6 Tolerance Practice Book - Unit-7 Active and Passive Voice Unif8 Non-Finites Unit-l 0 Reading for Understanding. Unit-11 Getting Ready for class-lX Writing Skills - Message, Notice, Diary Entry Paragraphs F.A.4 - - l. Paragraphs F.A. - l. Value of Games and Sports in Life. 2. Tolerance - Need of the hour. 3. Caring for the Elderly. HINDI (rERM - 1 1) qqq 5Tf,6 - "5FI qTrI{" WO t,Z,S,q q[qxq- - "3]'rgT$I lllrt{" 1. sq-s.f, 3TT€ri, q-jqrfuo vq 5.m o-r e-q\q 2. qlq-il-46 sgr e-{rfl' (TrST, q-dcTq, mq"T a.Qr fuq ffiorefo sr"E 3. (3ffifr, or-ffio) 4. 5. or-jdq AE-{ (whirT, d.f,, GrTErf qfu, fl;I qFI{ - 5,8,'10,13,18 pT<\ q-qfq-qfr, q-r-&{rT F.A.2 3rrn-s Hrrtr - 1. qFrq qzT, [email protected]) gEfloilT z frqTq fuqE 3. 'T" A frfuq sq 4. dNITI, A$Iq 5" GtcrDT{ (3ryrs, qq-o, r&q, qrfr-fi-wT) (qR'tlTqT F.A.3 (TERM - 2) qFlq EI;I - 6,7,9,11,12 STTqNI gI'IR _ 1. nB fiw 3ilr aiq-{) i+ft \'q qf$q 2. mq"T e=Trff ({rflt, E-frTq dQr Drqr erqi 3. q-qffi, mf,IQfo 4. F.A.4 \rq sil'E{ul) qr+q fr-.m sFI llFlq - 2. 3. 4. 5. (C ercu g.<f*orur (s) orf f,etr rfirr d oilErq qq qmq +E 14,15,16,17 1fI-II{ zn-flfo6) F.A. 1 Unirl Unit-2 Unir4 F.A.2 t _ qqpr (ogsq, fg=:, e-e, q..Sftft, or-qfrril-q qrrrcr r) rrqE< qq qql;Il \rq gqrfl fr-t]_d) gETqi (eief W flqq q-qirr) ci-cior-i (swr, rs.q6, qmfi-qt{q, oftrcmk,) (qR'flqT \-q s{rfl"1) qf, +q{ (3ffio. qq 3rffim') 3r-jdq A-c-{ (qd, ft-arq, vtqTfu-o EftfrqT, ,rEfd-o' rrrEFI - 3T1{INT i. - t) qTq MATHEMATICS (rBRM - 1) Squares and Square Roots Cubes and Cube Roots Direct and Indirect Variations Profit & Loss and Discount Unit-5 Unit-7 Algebraic Identities Unirl0 Parallel Lines Unit-13 Introduction to Graphs Unir15 Statistics and Probability t) F.A.3 (rBRM - 2) Unit-3 Exponents and Radicals Unir6 Compound Interest F.A.4 UnirS Polynomials Unit-9 Linear Equations in One Variable Unit- I I Understanding Quadrilaterals Unit-L2 Construction of Quadrilaterals Unirl4 Mensuration Unit- 1 6 Rotational Symmetry SCIENCE (rERM- F.A. 1 1) Cell : Its structure and Function. 2. Micro-Organism 3. Combustion 1. The 4. Force and Pressure 5. Pollution of Air F.A.2 F.A.3 l. Friction 2. Electric current and its chemical effects 3. Sources ofenergy 4. Earth quake 5. Conservation of plants and animals (TERM - 2) 1. Metals and Non-metals 2. Crop production 3. Stars and Solar System 4. Synthetic fibres & plastics 5. Sound F.A.4 1. Refraction & dispersion of light 2. Human eye 3. Pollution of water 4. Reproduction in animals 5. Reaching the age of adolescence (TERMF.A. I Geography: History: Civics: F.4.2 Geography: History: Civics: F.A.3 Geography: 1) Chap-1 Resources: Utilization and Development Chap-2 NaturalResources: Land, Soil & Water. Chap-8 The Modern Period. Chap-9 Establishment of company Rule in India. Chap-15 Role of the Constitution Chap-16 Indian Secularism Chap-3 Natural Resources : Vegetation & Wildlife Chap-10 Colonialism : Rural and Tribal Societies. Chap- 1 I The First War of Indian Independence I 857 Chap-l7 The Union Government Chap-18 The Union Legislature (rERM - 2) Chap- Mineral and Energy Resources Chap-5 Agriculture History: Chap-l2Impact of British Rule in India F.A.4 Civics: Geography: History: Civics: Chap-19 The Union Executive Chap-2l The Judiciary Chap-6 Manufacturin g Industries Chap-7 Human Resources Chap-13 The Nationalist Movement Chap-l4 India Marches towards Independence Chap-2l Safeguarding the Marginal ized Chap-22 Social Justice and The Marginalized. SANSKRIT F.A. 1 (TERM- 1) (Eq-{qTfr 1,2 Tq miE)-<, orqfft q ftta.fu) qrfilT1 Fr6Esq) q;-rT, trcrT, sEr, q-ft, fu-1 ilqsq T. EPI, 3r\ (qldf E-fiTR) n) qrd - - ffi - - ftfl'il n 'I1, *icqT-(ffi) -lt30ech vrB - s{ {iflq ml fl;r F.A.2 BamR-o qrzrrr rq=rr yq q-{-+qrl qrd - s t o a-f, (qrJ*q q-gqq - Ig<TFI sq-{tfr) @rfllT1 $qsql - qqq, raq, rrd, cnqq, trr ftiln Ergsq - L rafl, 1T, qd (qdi d-fiTR\ t) (enr+ivft eq q qq) 2. tq, GI, TI, \eqr (frTq-ft) 30 so ezn nB - €d gq Xq qfU ql 3TtqNI - - rD"r{cF @-r qizpr z6-t q t t - FrI (q.mr + EfiqI fu{fu An (wt, * d"* oq) Hzn) Grj, qq, ffi: oTE, elr, tsq. B-q qrrNr dqsq gq (ffiq - q[Tq sq-q{ fr-amRo F.A.3 {f,fl gq i{qrE +sqq (rERM - 2) qrd r,z (Eo-+nft \'q m)Elq, mTqfft c Rrtzrfu) qrt, 6dI, sEr, r-ft, fu.{ qr+.qrT1 $<sv) ilgsq T, .]I, Eq, 3rI Frqi E-fiTR) i) - - - ffi - li@T-(ffi)-1t30i?F F.A.4 frr'ft t rrfu - s{ r+[q o-I EFI fuxqrRn ot-rq {qfl Tq q-a-deq srd - s t o f,-6 (qri*q e-gE@I - qSTFr s-q-{tfr) qrfiql fti-e6sq1 - qqq, q-6il, vrd, si-qE, ffi frrrir q qEsq - 1. rar, q, qd (qTd c-mTit t) z. tq, EI, g\, lnq (ere-M - dq q qe) tsr-(ffi) -sot50ecn' rIB - 4d 1'q y $l$ srrrrcI o'fr-6 oT sFT (qrffir t Tftqr fuTfu d6) ?D-r e-etir o] Era (61, @q 3il-i eTE) - ar5, eg, ffi: erts, en, sq, sq rfimf - f,q-sq Tq Ee-.{q qrqq B.rqd fu-rrcrRo rqfl \'q E-qK AE-qI TERM TERM COMPUTER SCIENCE - 1 - 2 Chapterc 1,2,3 Chapters 4,5,6 TERM _ 1 D.A'v. anthem, Alankars, Tal Jhaptal, Teental, Bhajan, patriotic Song, TERM _ 2 Parts of Tal &Laya Festival Song, Tal chartal, Musical Terms, verna, Alankar (Definition) TERM - 1 TERM _ 2 MORAL EDUCATION gId1H10d?5 9T6 11 * rS T6 TERM _ 1 TERM _ 2 Still Life in Pencil Shading (page No.l) Still Life in Monochrome (page No.3) Still Life in Oil Pastel Colours (page No.2) still Life using both water and oil pastel colours (page No.5) Flower Study using Oil Pastel (page No.7) Tree Study in Pencil Shading (page No.l l) Tree Study using Oil Pastel (page Nos. 12,13,14) Bird Study (Page Nos. 1 6, 17,lg,lg,20) Animal Study (Page Nos.20,21,22,23) Human Study (Page Nos.27,2g,29,30) Composition (Page Nos.39,4 I ) Collage Making (Page No.43) Poster Making
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