In gvery conceivable manner, the famiiy is a link tq qE r past and bridge to our fatrtre, Sa let us spend Qaaltty Time together as afarnily in the present, espeeially during holidays. According to National Summer Leaming Association, students who do not participate in leaming and enrichment activities during break can lose roughly 22% of knowledge and skills they gained during the school tirne, So dear parents, here are some tips to engage your child during summer break:,, Observe a schedule - Yes, everc holidays need to be scheduled. The schedule mcy not be as rigid as the one observed &ning working days. Convey the message: Holidays do not mean days to be wasted Hotidrys nteans days of learning and doing new things. Exerejsing together - A brief walk or a brisk jog in the parkwould leave, bothyou andyour word aII set to enjoy the lohg day ahead. Outdoor activities - The cool worning before the Jtme sunforces one to stay indoors, is the ideal time to enjoy in natare and indulge in hord playing gdmes. Encourage your ward to do so. Devoting time to studies - Do ensure thnt your wsrd allocates time for studies *td does the Holiday Hamework as per the classroom instructions. Getting to know your child - Identtfy your ward's area af interest and encourage him to join a hobby elass according$l Moral o"to*. Do ensure that your ward spends some part of the dqt on a regular basis with the senior goinful| used by reading the newspaper aloud, tahing themfor awalk or other similar thoughffi activities. $haring responsibilities - Assign chores to your ward. Ygs, involve the child in domestic tasks like laying table, watering the plants, arranging study table or almirah. It would be a step towayds shari*g responsibilities. Lesson in social responsibility - Encourage your child to spare sometime every day and teach an economically deprived child. It cauld be the child of the domestic help. Strengthen the family bond - Organise family get togethers, pay them a visit or invite thetn over. Hold ,AII Friends'pmty at home. Write daily diary - TeE your child to write events of the day in the diary, especially when somethtng special - membevs of thefamtly. The time could be r happens. At the end af a busyfruitful doy, say your prayers together. Remernber - 'Thefamily that prqts together, $tays together', ; .: HOLIDAYS HOMEW_ORK- 2015 - 1. write one page of cursive writing daily. : 16 CLASS ENGLTSH - il 2. Read Children's coloumn in newspaper. 3. Learn Lesson I to 6 of Reader and Lesson I to 4 of Practice Book. 4. Write five lines on Mother's Day. 5. Read stories of your choice and learn anvone to be narrated in class. 6. Something to d; a. Girls will make any 2 charts of the following sounds - ar, ai,ou, tch, wh, ow and oa. b. Boys will make any 2 charts of the following poems -Little Pussy, The Rainbow, Wonder and The Swing. Points to remember Make charts lengthwise and the charts should be of white colour. NqlE - Make a new note book for Holidays H.W. Make a chart of computer and level its Learn Lessons 1,2 and3. l. t differentor#* During holidays go to the Traffic Park in Sector-l **t*Or.*e Traffic Rules that we should follow while crossing a road. /. During holidays go for morning walk with your parents and observe big trees around you. Collect leaves of different shapes and sizes make them dry and paste them in your notebook. Draw, colour and label Traffic Signals. Paste pictures of places in your neighbourhood and write their names. Learn and write Dictionarv words of Lesson-l to 4. 3. 4. 5. I . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MATHS Draw and colour the shapes of cube and cuboid, cong sphere and cylinder in the note book and identify the faces, vertex and edges. Cut and paste the pictures of coins valued Rs.1,2 and 5, notes Rs.10, 100, 50, 500 and 1000. Paste on a white sheet. Learn and write the tables 2 to 10. Make a model of Abacus with colour beads and sticks. Make ;;t .t urt f.o* the following (chart should be white paper). ";" 1. Weight and capacity 2. Ascending and Descending 3. Shapes 4. Fractions 5. Clock 6. Tables Do the 10 sums of Addition and 10 sums of Subtraction (2 &3 digits) HINDI qrgt frHqcm r t a vq'cd, 6'Eqwd qr gdtq r yr6 r t + r*'+ frq rrq rcrfr err{, SF[-B(R qtpr {fi* qa qtr r fr€ E1q,,6rM r.d Blh ys} E+ wr frcsr ftR+r o iir qR{q c{ it3*E fu+ BiR i{T{r fr{ arnfrr t €{@T SIIftIT 6' I-FT tF'rcq{ FFITSII 9T6_ 2 Rt 6q tFTI 1Il-€ ITIFTil € IITEIRUT TIII|I ]T ITIGITI . rlTqr q r rfre q Er6{ t {d+ o fr Erd, dq eftwd, fr o eRk{ v*., gce mirr . $TIqt 3{rqRt r frrt, qqq, + fu{ ftqo,eilr qil, frq T{il + fr" t1;ilr51 r{r $rtr qre crf,rqrd ES I { 21 ircE qdr e qn q'tr ffie, qrd + frq fch'sr€ crE Ht eiR fr{+r Art & Craft to 11 VIVA colours & Craft book Page 5 (pasting) Step by Step Book Page No.2 G.K. and D.S. - Revise the work done in the Class. D.A-V SEN.SEC.PU B'Llc'SSHtrSL'pKL WsI L-04 CLOTHES frorn the shaded boxes' Frnd the narnes of tO clothes in the wsrd grid' Start tne ha$.be*n dc*s f<rr Y*lr' *Less tl tH.lLs) U ult' V u r{l t a *hirt r v f I & & m **ar{ S o G k s s f v c$a{ n u s p k I i n w X s a t I s a g. iacket ve$t' r & b t v r v c \f s$eks 'p o r a t{ t q k e $*l's{9 k !t g t s \f g $ ,glSV€s $ ql fa g s t t frg*k k m h IJ r t a ki-lrta h s i F dis 1j + iy il *- a-*L- rrtsls ;,-**-t*' , d'i 1 i "- . .i ili .. ! r/$:ih l\'1"* i . -,-.:.,------. la, '3x * g t. r it "T'" f ':- *- -q, e ii f.: ir lr:rttf I ly G t*w {i}$th*$,'Y*iut *n {rffit Lft*-=]*r, " Fit;s.&€e d€eigrl..*$ isfi tfs€ df$'F.s s t'rs d>(}rr:*rpl*te tt"'Sm' iiiii '"r' \ Fill i* 3{*xr *trass tim.etable"hese" efio frt*ndcy Tuesday Wednesdcy Thursday Fridcy Suf urdnY ln a r+eek, I:*w mariy p**cds d$ y*u'I:rave"f*r: h{aths EVS Exrgtrish Srarwing kfusie $ames i urs :t*ffi ffi ffifumH$w$$Sffi *Th* rninul* hanci *f- th*s* two clocks h*s falii:r:r *f{. Can 5*u gtlfls$ thc tisl*? rt ir t,12 ,l roi l. t r "g .e r' 3^ 4, !'l l L__...,,** -''#' Ssme #t*gic tfCords Ir-1 Plesse, Sorry, Thsnk you I f" Use som e..magic words :atian. and camplete I thris : i Neha: CooA nrorning, Mother. Mothei': .. ..i l\jeha. Witl you have toast and jam? Neha: Yes, Moi;her. I will. Sahi{: Nehe, ......pass the butter, Father: Neha, your sleeve is in the butter dish. Neha: I am (takes her arm off the table). 2. r?tcfsfi eacft sifrr*fisn fo a suifa&fe expressfon. # #Su* I am ssrry # Pleas* Yc;l want tc ask yeL$r teacher a question. }tuu bre*k .l a. silp ,l Hxcuse me TFrank you You want to bon"uw a pencil. Y*q rcceive a birthday 6OSts H*BITg fr)*,' It \*./ J} ftaye good ftabifs? Fuf a fic* nrar* {-1J *" against the most suitable answer. *o you Foi- I I how tong do you *ut.n TV every day? i Less than an hour. L_j One to.two hours. r--'I L-J More than two hours. [f ]nly on Sundays. How often do you play outdoors? r-*j Two to three times a week. il Every day. After finishing h*newsrk, wfi*re da you put yow b*oks and notebooks? r-{1r*T I*""J wneie I was working. LJ o* my desk [J fn rny schnsl bi'g. H*w d* ycu enter the sehosl bus? ll L--i stand in a queue. il Run and get in first. n push your way in. What do you ds with a tcffee wr*pper? tl L*j ftrrow it on ttre flaor. f put tt in the dustbin. -. I il 3. 't44dfs 'fi' agwlnst#e g#sd fte*rb and'B' agafnsf tlie *ad cnes. T*-l i i latKtng L .".J --1r.. r.r ' wnrle eating. i'*i'-'"t tt It S,hutting doors softly. f-*i L- i Biting our nails. l"-l LJ -t?dying our rooril eve_ry rr"iorning. I--l Shoirting while playing gaffies" .li pt*w itoutside. 'E{*-e-d, ftq vrq frr qT-E** eo6sfr :* et uryopfr ffi trEr Efr fu{ q * rer * ,f f 'jr.p f t. ,t/ *f lf f . r. il {. "fl I t""q.'t y I -tr,.{ l{ { t ll' ,+ .r! J -i I { 1f\ l\.\ ffiT'Tr#T R qqi- qr sB-tr \||'a $rq€ | ai* qr Eitw d, i q-rq q'Ff,ie S I q'q{ + A I {&tu} *7- *7" qH wffi .t' qffiffif ffiffi . * @ w #t ffir Ynl Ert, T* qq)#rr M * **-imr, f,sffi, qr& strR ftffixrffi*ffi t* w,ffi- -RR, r s{,+s*tqrqel d$*ry-qqqqe* # asffi, qrffi snR r ws$T @*- w{,[ "--ffiffi -* -WW -w'"$wT 'W "w W *;:': qrffrT * I ftffi. ffiT fr qqi" qr s&q' ** +{f o :' qlr d?I *, fr qts ffiffi* Sr t w t et r q€Eqry'{#l ww ffi'-,ryg,{ tqq-} ll fu w * a- qffiffi': *t-enr, Ed, qg{ffi q{tr' # ffir rffiF =n& eirfr ,f qt, $* ryq 's* * ftrs xrq + B-€* ${*m ffi qt'im{ q& sfr w'gryaeis't # r weffis.k kftRq WFIT **@w'-""-" f1-{T --@--ffiffi **@:- w W # i.l'Schl r i ** *srt, E$ftd, qlRd s'# q@q, *{;E ";\p'Y iw*-"-# --b** ,, r
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