vks3e~ DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana. Ph. : 0161-2458740, 43 Managed by DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi Holidays Homework for Class I Hurray ! School is over, Oh! What fun Lessons finished, play begun.... Dear Parents Greetings from D.A.V. Public School Vacation is a welcome break ! Gear up and utilize this time in the best possible manner. Its time to focus on the three R’s- Rejuvenation, Relaxation and Rebounding ! During holidays help your children to form good habits such as : * Water the plants and feed the birds. * Help your child to be independent by letting him button his / her shirt, tying shoe laces and putting things in their proper places. * Indulge in physical activities, eat nutritious food to remain fit and healthy. Go ahead with some fun activities with your children..... Project Work : * To mark Environment day on 5th June, make a poster related to the same on A4 sheet (with border on all the four sides). * Make a book mark and decorate it with anything of your choice. * Learn ten new words and make a vocabulary hanging. For Project File : * Make a family tree using passport size photographs of siblings, parents and grandparents (paternal as well as maternal) and write their names also. * Create beautiful houses : (1) Draw an igloo and paste cotton on it. (2) Make a hut using match sticks / straws. * Paste cuttings of different kinds of fabric and write their names. * Draw Venn diagrams on : Airways and waterways, Landline and mobile phone. Make your child read story books and the reading material provided to develop the vocabulary and language skills. Few sheets are also being given for developing different skills. This is the opportunity to spend quantity and quality time with your children. Wishing you a wonderful and exciting vacation! Regards (Mrs.J.K.Sidhu) Principal Reading Material Confusing words Come Some Done Came Same Way away sway saw was vase where there here were which with does buy bye want but put very place palace goes every elder older maid are our went made Words commonly used Could would should beside inside outside over Income Idea queen prince princess easy busy birth outcome people birthday king daughter doctor next text earn learn owner total final help guess guest air tomorrow yesterday work word worth worship and end own often persons listen today yearn earth early oil Choose any three words and make sentence of your own : e.g. : Help - We should others. 1 ________________________________________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ Blends Bl: Blow blown blew blast blue blush blunder blunt blur Bless block blink blind blend blank blanket blaze bleed bleach blood bliss blister Tw : Twist twine twirl tweet twelve twenty twice twin twinkle Fr: Frog frame frock from frost frank front free freeze freedom tram trail traffic trap friction fraction French friend frown fruit Tr : Trace trade track t riangle train trend trick trouble truck travel treat trousers true trust tree truth trunk try Choose any three words and make sentence of your own : 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Kn - u Know known knew knee kneel knot knit knead knife knock knight knob knuckle knowledge Wr - j Wrap write writer wrote wring wrinkle wreck wrist wrong Tch - p Batch catch hatch latch match patch scratch ditch clutch witch kitchen Watch fetch bitch stitch pitch Dge - t Badge edge wedge sledge bridge dodge grudge knowledge Choose any three words and make sentence of your own : 1 ________________________________________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ ce, ci, cy - l face accident bouncy lace circus juicy race cinema spicy trace circle bicycle place city cylinder space citizen cyclone office civil force juice bounce space police mice dice bZ ie ee ea Thief sweep bleach Chief sleep preach Believe sheet teacher Belief sweet cheat Relief free steal Field greet heal Yield cheese speak Shield cheer great deer break sheer steer Choose any three words and make sentence of your own : 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Oo - Foot food Tooth mood Stood spoon Shook choose Look shoot Hood loop Good stoop Wood goose Book stool Took fool Blood flood mÅ Choose any three words and make sentence of your own : 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Gh ght Rough might caught Cough right taught Tough sight ought Enough fight bought Laugh tight fought light sought night brought plight flight bright fright Choose any three words and make sentence of your own : 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ BUBBLE DIAGRAM My Amazing Summer Vacation WORD SEARCH 1. 2. Directions : Find as many words as you can. Then write them in the spaces below. B D N U O O S P W 1) _________________________ 2) _________________________ 3) _________________________ 4) _________________________ 5) _________________________ 6) _________________________ 7) _________________________ Directions : Use the letters to form as many words as you can. You may only use each letter in the list on to form a word. M O E Y H T F S 1) _________________________ 2) _________________________ 3) _________________________ 4) _________________________ 5) _________________________ 6) _________________________ 7) _________________________ 8) _________________________ SUMMER COOL Write a word starting with each letter in SUMMER that describes the sounds. Repeat the letter ‘M’. S U M M E R o.kZekyk dk vH;kl v vk b bZ m Å ½ , ,s vks vkS va d [k x ?k M- v% p N t > ×k V B M < .k r Fk n / u i Q c Hk ; j y o 'k "k l g e {k =k K fcanq feyk dj fp=k iwjk djks o jax Hkfj, J ek=kk ds fpg~u fy[ksa o iz;ksx dhft, % v & vk & b & bZ & m & Å & ½ & , & ,s & vks & vkS & va & v% & d [k x ?k fp=k ^[k* esa fp=kdkj ls gqbZ xyfr;k¡ <w¡<dj mu ij xksyk yxkb, A fn, x, xn~;ka'k dks i<+dj fofHkUu ek=kkvksa ds 'kCn uhps fyf[k, % ,d fnu dh ckr gS A ,d cdjh iqy ij b/j ls vkbZ A ,d cdjh m/j ls vkbZ A ;g dgus yxh ------ rw dgk¡ tk jgh gS \ mlus dgk ----- eSa ijys ikj tk jgh gw¡ A vkSj rw dgk¡ tk jgh gS \ mlus dgk & eSa vius xk¡o tk jgh gw¡ A ;g dgus yxh & igys eSa ikj tkÅ¡xh A rw ihNs pyh tkuk A vk & k bZ & h Å&w ,&s 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 fdlh Hkh fgUnh lekpkj i=k ls nks dfork,¡ dkV dj fpidk,¡ A Spot the difference and colour in picture no. 2 Picture No. 1 Picture No. 2 Join the dots and colour the picture Practicing circles Connect the dots to complete and colour the picture Select the Correct Match Add Ten and Match with The Correct Number 5 10 7 6 1 4 15 14 20 15 16 17 Select the Correct Match 3 5 4+ 10 2 2+ 2 10 9+ -0 9 9 1+ 6+ 4 3+ 2 e.g. 6 + 4 and 10 - 0 -3 -5 13 -3 8 -3 -2 Make the picture beautiful by using sparkle Make the picture beautiful by pasting Colourful Bindis Paste rangoli colours in the rainbow Colour the picture by using crayons or water colour and brush Colour the picture by using crayons or water colour and brush Colour the picture by using crayons or water colour
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