Summer Vacation Homework for Class II

CLASS II (Session 2015-16)
One can learn about the immediate surroundings by observation and
interaction. Some activities are planned which include learning by observation
at home, locality and colony.
Activity 1: Visit your nearest place of worship. Collect information with the
help of questionnaire given below (a) Name of the place of worship
(b) Followers of which religion go there.
(c) Timings of the prayer.
(d) Who looks after the place?
(e) List the things you see around the place of worship.
(f) Kind of offerings given.
Activity 2: Visit a stationary shop in your neighbourhood. Make a list of
stationary items available there along with the rate list.
Name of the article
(1) Pencil
Rs 10 each
Your mother has given you Rs 100/ to buy stationary items for doing your
holiday assignments. Choose the items you require for the same. Make a list of
the things you could buy with the money in hand.
Name of the article
*If you are left with some money, what else will you buy?
*If you buy an ice-cream, chocolate etc take permission from your parents.
Activity 3: Visit a vegetable / fruit market with your parent. Do not accept any
poly bag. Take a cloth bag of your own to carry the vegetables and fruits. Make
a listFruits bought
Money spent
Vegetables bought
Money spent
*Help your mother in storing of things bought.
*Help your mother in preparation of food, laying of table, serving and cleaning
of dining table.
Activity 4: Observe the various modes of transport plying on the road. Classify
them in the groups belowFour wheeler vehicles
Two wheeler vehicles
Write the name of the vehicle, name of the company / brand and draw that
company’s LOGO.
For Example:
Activity: 5 Do some kind act/ good deed every day. Same will be discussed in
the class after vacations.
Activity: 6 Cleanliness drive
Help your mother in keeping your house clean .Do not litter your surroundings.
Write slogan / poster on the above theme. (Hindi/ English)
* Do one page English and Hindi handwriting daily. Make a separate note book
for this.
*Read story books like
1. Panchtantra
4. Jungle book
2. Champak
5. Jatak Tales
3. Bal Patrika
*Revise all the work done in the class.
Activity 7: आपके घर म कौन कौन से योहार मनाए जाते है
वाले योहार के नाम लखो और च
चपकाओ या बनाओ
येक मह ने म आने
Activity 8: अपने आस-पास म रहने वाले लोगो से मलो, उनके घरो म जो योहार
मनाए जाते है उनके नाम लखो व ् च बनाओ या चपकाओ
ु ह शाम गाय ी मं का उ*चारण करो
ओउम क, म-हमा ( ाथ/ना) याद करो
Note: Do your assignments on A4 size coloured sheets. Make a nice folder,
decorate it well & keep the assignment sheets in it.