A manual for new friends COMING TO A NEW SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY CAN BE SCARY FOR SOME PEOPLE, EXCITING FOR OTHERS. IT CAN MAKE US NERVOUS, HAPPY, SHY, OR OUTGOING. FAMILIES, IN PARTICULAR, MAY HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT HAVING THEIR CHILDREN WITH THEM. THEY MAY NOT KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT, OR WHAT IS EXPECTED. THEY MAY BE UNFAMILIAR WITH WHAT TO DO, AND MAY WONDER HOW TO INVOLVE THEIR CHILDREN IN THIS NEW EXPERIENCE. THIS MANUAL WAS CREATED WITH NEW FAMILIES IN MIND. Let us begin with a warm welcome to you and your family… Arrive early! We want to have time to greet you, and to introduce you to our Director of Religious Exploration. If your child is particularly active, bring a book or small toy for quiet entertainment. Stuffed animals and “quiet toys” are well suited to the worship environment. Be prepared! Encourage your child to use the restroom before entering the sanctuary. Clue your child in on what the service is about. Share your Order of Service and hymnal, helping them to follow along. Even the youngest children like to “hold the book” like Mommy or Daddy. Discuss the service at home. Take time to answer questions about your child’s worship experiences. Ask questions of your own. Discuss each other’s thoughts. Encourage your child to introduce him or herself. We’re all friends here! Fellowship! Please join us for coffee and conversation, after the service. Gather as a family. Bring your children with you to light a candle of joy or concern. Hugs! Use a gentle touch – an arm around your child’s shoulder or your hand in his or hers gives reassurance and appropriate attention. Include your child in your worship preparation. Let him or her help you find the pages you’ll be turning to in the hymnal. Joy! Tell your child how happy you are that he or she is with you at Cedarhurst! Keep your child’s religious exploration activities and projects. Lift up your hearts, and the hearts of others…children do just that! Make music! Singing offers children of all ages a way to participate. Encourage them to sing or hum the hymns. Nametags! Get a nametag for every member of your family. Offering! Our children have children’s chapel offering, downstairs, during their worship time. They support various charities throughout the year. They enjoy participating in this wonderful social action, each Sunday, by passing their offering basket. Participate! Your child will learn the most about the worship experience by watching you. Questions are to be expected during worship. When your child asks a question, answer it briefly. This is less disturbing than saying “shhh”, (and it is more loving and respectful to the wonderful person that your child is.) Relax! Children wiggle! Share the hymnal, and help kids to follow along with the music. Teach your child our closing words and what they mean. Use quiet voices. Explain to your child before the service that others may not be able to hear very well if he or she talks during church. Visit the sanctuary. Show your child the chalice and point out the mantle decorations. Wait until the aisles have cleared some before leaving with your child. Teach your child that there is no need to rush to get from one place to another. eXit if necessary. Our vestibule area is equipped with a comfortable chair if you must leave with a distressed child. When things are resolved, please return. Exiting without reentering is counterproductive. You are your child’s best teacher. Call your child’s attention to the minister or worship leader, the choir, the flowers, and anything else of interest. Have children participate in religious exploration classes, and after six months, parents should consider volunteering in our religious exploration program. Zzzzzzz….only for babies!
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