Learn More - DayBreak Adult Care Centers

DayBreak Executive Director Position
Empower a community to care for its elders and adults with disabilities
Position Summary:
DayBreak Adult Care Centers seeks a talented, multi-skilled Executive Director ready to roll up his/her
sleeves and be rapidly effective in managing and growing the success of our non-profit organization.
Reporting to the Board of Directors, the DayBreak Executive Director has overall strategic and operational
responsibility for staff, programs, expansion, and execution of DayBreak’s mission.
The Executive Director will:
Increase the awareness, availability, and quality of daytime adult care centers in Alameda County
Demonstrate excellence in non-profit communications, fundraising, finance, program/services
development, and organizational management
Lead a small team making a big difference for elders and adults with disabilities in local
Founded in 1993 as the Adult Day Services Network of Alameda County (ADSNAC), DayBreak is now a
well-recognized network of deeply committed, caring professionals working in an area of significant social
need. Representing a network of 13 adult day care centers across Alameda County, DayBreak serves as
portal connecting consumers and providers of adult day resources, while also educating the public about
the importance of daytime adult care services. We assist member agencies in delivering specialized health
and wellness programs and services for elders and adults with disabilities, as well as resources and
support services for family caregivers.
The DayBreak Executive Director position is a meaningful and rewarding opportunity to play a vital role in
the community system of care and safety net that protects the health and dignity of the County’s ethnically
diverse, low-income, elder and disabled populations. More info about the position and our organization is
located here: daybreakcenters.org/about/employment/
The DayBreak Executive Director will be responsible for:
Leadership: Manage day-to-day agency operations; supervise performance of a small staff
augmented with contractors and volunteers; Keep abreast of issues facing a fast-growing aging
population and harness opportunities to proactively advocate for adult day services; Provide overall
leadership in policy, program development, fiscal affairs, and external relations; Develop and
implement operational, strategic, and long-term management functions, including planning,
organizing, directing, evaluating, reporting, and recommendations to stakeholders; Develop,
maintain, and support a strong Board of Directors
Communications: Publicize and represent the organization’s point of view to member agencies,
caregivers and care constituents, health plans, governmental agencies, funders, and the
510 17 Street, #200, Oakland, CA 94612 | 510-834-8314 | Fax 510-344-6356 | www.daybreakcenters.org
public/community; Supervise implementation of targeted strategy for increasing awareness of adult
day services; Establish and strengthen mutually-beneficial working relationships and cooperative
agreements with community groups and organizations; Work with state and local collaborations to
further long-term care integration and Adult Day Services (ADS)
Fundraising: Collaborate with the Board of Directors to create a fund development plan to provide
sufficient revenue to support the strategic direction of the organization; Implement fund
development plans in accordance with ethical fundraising principles; Monitor and evaluate all
fundraising activities to ensure that fundraising goals are met
Finance: Maintain sound financial practices; Prepare annual budget and ensure that the
organization operates within the approved budget; Provide regular financial reports to the Board;
Prepare and support annual financial audits and monitoring visits
Program Development: Collaborate with the Board and member organizations to adapt current
programs and services, and/or develop programs and services responsive to the needs of ADS
consumers, caregivers, and provider members; Implement programs in accordance with program
design and funder requirements; Establish tracking and evaluation systems that allow the
organization to continually refine programs and services to deliver the highest-quality care
Qualifications and Desired Skills/Experience:
The DayBreak Executive Director will have:
A Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in public administration, communications, gerontology,
business, marketing, or a relevant field. Masters degree preferred.
Five years management experience in community-based healthcare, human services, or a relevant
field, with proven ability to effectively balance concurrent assignments and meet deadlines.
Past success in program/services development and program management; with policy, legislative,
and advocacy awareness desired as well.
Experiential knowledge of marketing, public relations, and community engagement methods,
techniques, and current best practices.
Knowledge and experience with fundraising, including demonstrated results.
Ability to collaborate well with diverse groups of people and organizations towards a common goal.
Familiarity with non-profit accounting, word processing, spreadsheet, and database software,
including ability to accurately work with statistics and numerical analysis.
Aptitude for demonstrating excellence in leadership while also evolving skills and abilities to
maximize organizational growth and success.
Salary and benefits are competitive for small nonprofits in Alameda County, and commensurate with
How to Apply:
Please email cover letter and resume to [email protected]
510 17 Street, #200, Oakland, CA 94612 | 510-834-8314 | Fax 510-344-6356 | www.daybreakcenters.org