- san diego Item #6 DATE ISSUED: May 1, 2015 ATTENTION: Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 SUBJECT: Pacific & Broadway- Parcel 9 (block bounded by Pacific Highway, Broadway, E Street, and the rail/trolley corridor)- Design Review and Amended Centre City Development Permit I Coastal Development Permit No. 2012-23- Columbia Neighborhood of the Downtown Community Plan Area STAFF CONTACT: Scott Glazebrook, Senior Planner REQUESTED ACTION: The Real Estate Committee ("Committee") receives a presentation on the proposed amendment to Centre City Development Permit I Coastal Development Permit (CCDPICDP) No. 2012-23 for Pacific & Broadway- Parcel 9 ("Project"). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Committee recommends that Civic San Diego ("CivicSD") grants Design Review approval for CCDPICDP Amendment No. 2012-23A. SUMMARY: Bosa Development California II, Incorporated ("Applicant") is requesting approval for an amendment to CCDPICDP No. 2012-23 previously approved in 2012 for the construction of a 41-story residential mixed-use development consisting of232 residential dwelling units (DU), approximately 16K square feet (SF) of commercial space, and approximately 460 automobile parking spaces in three-and-a-half levels of subterranean parking. The proposed amendment will combine two proposed residential dwelling units into a single penthouse unit and change the approximately 3K SF common outdoor open space roof deck to a private roof deck for exclusive use of the adjacent penthouse. This application is for an amendment to a previously-approved permit and therefore will not require Preliminary Design Review. FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS: Under the Downtown Public Facilities Financing Plan, this Project will pay Development Impact Fees (DIF) to fund its fair share of new park, fire station, and traffic circulation improvements in the DCP area. The DIF increases significantly as of July 1, 2015; however, this Project is currently seeking a building permit and will pay the current DIF estimated to be $1.04M for this Project. Approval of this amendment will reduce the DIF payment for this Project by $4,361. ECONOMIC IMPACTS: It is estimated that the Project will generate approximately 724 construction jobs and 74 permanent jobs. As ofDecember 31,2014, approximately 70K 401 B Street, Suite 400, San Diego, CA 92101-4298 Phone 619-235-2200 Fax 619-236-9148 www.CivicSanDiego.com Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page 2 construction jobs and 29K permanent jobs have been generated downtown as a result of redevelopment activities. DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY PLANNING COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS: The Downtown Community Planning Council (DCPC) will review this Project at its meeting on May 13, 2015 and make a recommendation to the CivicSD Board ofDirectors ("Board"). OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS: None. DEVELOPMENT TEAM ROLE FIRM/CONTACT OWNERSHIP Property Owner/ Applicant Bosa Development California II, Inc. Richard Weir Natale Bosa (Privately Owned) Architect Chris Dikeakos Architectural Corporation Chris Dikeakos Chris Dikeakos (Privately Owned) DISCUSSION Neighborhood Context Located between the Civic/Core neighborhood and the waterfront, the Columbia neighborhood caters to visitor-serving uses including large hotels, office buildings, and high-rise residential development. Situated on the western edge of downtown, the Columbia neighborhood's distinguishing characteristic is its waterfront orientation. It is also known as home to some of San Diego's tallest buildings and has a high-rise concentration nearing the adjacent Civic/Core neighborhood's intensity. It has still evolved into a diverse neighborhood comprising residential, office, hotel, cultural and visitor related uses; and as a transit hub with the Santa Fe Depot remaining an important transportation terminal for northbound Amtrak and Coaster trains and a major transfer point for transit buses and the San Diego Trolley. Applicable DCP Goals The Columbia neighborhood offers the promise of a reinvigorated, connected waterfront; with improved waterfront connections as a major thrust in planning for the neighborhood. Activity and development is to be organized in the high-intensity inland area, a waterfront-oriented visitor-serving commercial area, and the waterfront itself, all around the neighborhood's three major boulevards- Broadway, Harbor Drive, and Pacific Highway. Two distinct yet interrelated areas within Columbia will emerge in addition to the waterfront. The high-intensity office, residential, hotel, and cultural activity inland of Pacific Highway will evolve in a largely high-rise environment; with plazas, the C Street Corridor, Santa Fe Depot, and museums contributing variety and interest to this area. A waterfront-oriented, mixed-use center is planned between Pacific Highway and the Bay, and will serve locals and visitors alike. Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page 3 The DCP Goals applicable to this project are: 3.3-G-1 5.1-G-2 6.2-G-1 Provide a range of housing opportunities suitable for urban environments and accommodating a diverse population Protect public views of the San Diego Bay by establishing view corridors which accentuate key public rights-of-way with appropriate setbacks, stepbacks, and design standards, and capture new public views where possible as waterfront sites are redeveloped Develop the Columbia neighborhood as a mixed-use district, with an energetic waterfront that serves local needs and has a regional draw, relating to both the San Diego Bay and the Civic/Core district SITE DESCRIPTION The Project site is an approximately 60K SF parcel located on the south side of Broadway between Pacific Highway and the rail/trolley corridor in the Columbia neighborhood of the DCP area. The site is flat and is currently being graded for this Project. Nearby land uses include the 43-story Electra residential tower to the east beyond the Linear Park, the proposed 45-story Pacific & Broadway - Parcel 1 residential tower to the north across Broadway, the single story Office Depot building and surface parking lot to the south, and existing mid-rise Navy office buildings to the west across Pacific Highway that will one day be redeveloped with the office and hotel developments of the Navy Broadway Complex. Other nearby land uses include office, hotel, and recreation including the first phase of the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan (NEVP). Surrounding land uses include: North: South: West: East: Surface Parking (Future Residential Condominiums) Retail Navy Facility (Future Office and Hotel) Residential Condominiums In 1992, the City of San Diego ("City") City Council approved the Amended and Restated Development Agreement (DA) between the City and Catellus Development Corporation for the future development of the properties located along the east side of Pacific Highway between E Street and Ash Street, and the majority of the properties along the west side of Kettner Boulevard between Ash Street and Broadway (including the historic Santa Fe Depot). TheDA outlines permitted land uses, densities, and design guidelines for development of the properties. The design guidelines ofthe DA, which are supplemented by the 1992 Community Plan standards, govern the development of this and all other sites covered by the DA. In 2012, prior to the expiration of the 1992 DA, the City entered into a new DA governing the remaining three undeveloped parcels within the original 1992 DA boundaries, including the subject site. The 2012 DA continues to govern the land use and development standards for this site. Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page4 The development standards for this site are defined in the DA including official policies governing the permitted uses of land, density, design, and improvement of the site; and to the extent they are consistent with the terms of the DA, the 1992 Centre City Planned District Ordinance (CCPDO), as amended through 2004, is also applicable. Specific development regulations for this site, as set forth in the 2012 DA, include that the site may be developed only for any use as long as 100% of the ground floor frontage along Broadway contain active commercial uses including office or hotel lobbies or commercial lease space. The development regulations within the DA permit: • Maximum Gross Floor Area (GFA) of515K SF • Maximum building height of 500 feet above mean sea level • View corridor setback of 50 foot at ground level along Broadway • View corridor stepback of 15 feet at a height of between 45 and 130 feet from Pacific Highway • One-half parking space perDU with no commercial parking requirement • 100% of the Broadway frontage ground floor commercial use shall contain an average depth of25 feet and average height of20 feet • Building tower above 85 feet shall not exceed a north-south building dimension of 140 feet measured in elevation drawings (not including balconies and railings). In addition to the development regulations with the DA, the Coastal Zone (CZ) overlay applies to this site. The CZ overlay district applies to lands near San Diego Bay in order to protect and enhance the quality of public access and coastal resources and development in this overlay requires approval of a Process Two CDP. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The amended Project proposes construction of a 41 story (approximately 460 feet tall) mixed-use development comprised of216 DUs, approximately 16K SF of commercial space, and approximately 290 code compliant (approximately 460 including tandem) automobile parking spaces in three levels of subterranean parking. The following is a summary ofthe Project (based on drawings dated April10, 2015): Site Area Base Minimum FAR Base Maximum FAR Maximum FAR with Amenity Bonuses Maximum FAR with Affordable Housing Bonus FAR Bonuses Proposed Proposed FAR Density Total Above Grade Gross Floor Area 60,113 SF N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A1 N/A1 N/A1 8.58 157 DUper acre 514,770 SF Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page 5 Stories/Height 41 stories/458 feet Amount of Commercial Space Amount of Office Space Housing Unit Summary Total Number of Housing Units 1 Bedroom 1 Bedroom + Den 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom + Den 3 Bedroom 3 Bedroom + Den 15,982 SF 21 6 2 1 11 7 62 9 25 Number of Units to be Demolished Number of Buildings over 45 Years Old 0 0 Inclusionary Affordable Housing Compliance Payment of Inclusionary Fee ($8.61 per SF) Estimated Payment: $3,156,254 ($14,612 perDU) Automobile Parking Residential (Required I Proposed) Affordable (Required I Proposed) Commercial (Required I Proposed) Motorcycle Parking (Required I Proposed) Bicycle Parking (Required I Proposed) Common Indoor Space Required Proposed Common Outdoor Open Space Required Proposed N/A #. Average 890 to 1,139 SF 1,121 to 1,121 SF 1,239 to 1,603 SF 1,461 to 1,948 SF 2,034 to 5,395 SF 2,179 to 2,608 SF 1,105 SF 1,121 SF 1,457 SF 1,782 SF 2,407 SF 2,447 SF 2 16 (1 per DUi/292 (464i NIA 0 210 02112 02147 NIA 4 4,177 SF NIA 4 12,254 SF Private Open Space (Balconies and Decks) Required Proposed NIA4 Pet Open Space Required Proposed NIA4 Residential Storage Assessor's Parcel Nos. Range 100%ofDU 1,391 SF 240 cubic feet perDU 533-531-03-00 Not participating in any recognized program Sustainability DA supersedes the CCPDO - maxtmum Gross Floor Area. 515,533 SF 2 · Guest parking is not required per the DA 3. Additional parking is provided in tandem configuration that does not apply towards required parking 4 · Not a requirement of the DA Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page 6 PERMITS REQUIRED • CCDP is required for new construction with Design Review approval by the CivicSD Board for developments over 50 DUs • CDP for new construction in the CZ overlay No deviations from the development standards of the DA are proposed. Per SDMC Section 112.0103, when an Applicant applies for more than one permit for a single development, the applications shall be consolidated for processing and shall be reviewed by a single decision maker. The decision maker shall act on the consolidated application at the highest level of authority for that development, and the findings required for approval of each permit shall be considered individually. The decision-maker for this Project will be the Civic San Diego President in accordance with Process Two review. DESIGN REVIEW This Project consists of a 41-story residential tower containing 216 condominium units and approximately 16K SF of ground-level commercial space located along the Project's Broadway and Pacific Highway frontages. Three levels of subterranean parking provide approximately 460 parking spaces for the development. Access to the Project's residential lobby is provided off a dead-end portion ofE Street along with vehicular access to the Project's auto-court/drop-off area, subterranean parking, and loading dock. A number of residential amenity areas are proposed, including a fitness center, a second-floor garden area and dog run, and a fourth-floor outdoor amenity/pool deck; this proposed amendment is proving to revise the previouslyapproved common outdoor roof deck at the Project's 41st floor into a private roof deck for the adjacent penthouse. A large landscaped plaza area will be created within the required 50-foot setback area adjacent to Broadway. The area is proposed to be developed with a combination of landscaping, decorative paving and seating areas, lighting, water features, and public art. Amendments The Applicant is proposing to make three changes to the previously approved CCDP/CDP No. 2012-23 that require consideration of an amendment to this Permit. These three changes are: • • • To combine the two DUs at the 41st level into a single penthouse; To increase the ceiling height ofthe penthouse to 18 feet; and, To reallocate the approximately 3K SF 41st level outdoor common roof deck to private use of the adjacent penthouse. The Project's building and site design remain as approved in 2012. Since neither the DA nor the CCPDO specifically identify a density requirement, combining the two DUs together would remain consistent with the DA and the CCPDO. Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page 7 The ceiling height within individual stories of a development is not regulated through either the CCPDO ortheDA except for the ground floor; however, overall building height is. Increasing the 41st floor from the previously approved 10 feet to 18 feet will not increase the previouslyapproved building height or exceed the maximum height as defined in the DA, and the ceiling height increase will occur completely behind the extended decorative curtain wall parapet previously approved and within the 500 feet above mean seal level height limit for the site. Neither the DA nor the CCPDO in effect at the time of the approval ofCCDP/CDP No. 2012-23 required common outdoor open space; however, the Applicant chose to provide an approximately 10,800 SF fourth level pool deck and an approximately 3K SF 41st level common open roof deck. The reallocation of the 41st level common open roof deck to the private use of the adjacent penthouse does not affect compliance with either the DA or CCPDO in effect at the time of original approval. The CCPDO does require minimum amounts of common outdoor open space for residential development, and for a development on a site of similar size to this one that minimum amount is 20% ofthe site area, or 12,023 SF. With the reallocation ofthe 41st floor common open roof deck, this Project will maintain 12,254 SF in combined fourth level pool deck and second level dog run. The Applicant originally requested approvals of these amendments through a Substantial Conformance Review. However, the staffreport and final permit both described the 41 81 floor roof deck as common open space and this area was specifically discussed in the Board's review meetings. Therefore, a formal amendment was deemed necessary. Tower Design The elliptical 41-story concrete and glass tower rises from the ground plane adjacent to Broadway Plaza and meets the sky with a substantial angled roof element. Two overlapping curvilinear building facades create a distinctive and iconic tower that is unique to downtown San Diego. Vertical metal fins extend the full height of the curved building facades, emphasizing the verticality of the oval-shaped tower. At the northwest and southeast comers, the tower's oval shape is truncated to provide substantial balcony areas for the tower's east and west facing units. Additional recessed balconies are provided on the tower's northern and southern building faces. The arrangement of the Project's balconies allow for every unit to have a substantial balcony area while maintaining the tower's sleek curved facades and singular oval form. This will be a welcome contrast to the extruded concrete slab balconies that dominate the facades of many other residential towers. The tower's curtain wall is composed entirely of glazing and painted metal mullions and fins, creating sleek and attractive building facades. The tower's clean, straight-forward aesthetic creates a distinctive and elegant architectural statement that terminates in a unique and graceful roofline. This proposed amendment application will not affect the outward appearance of the tower design. Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page 8 Podium Design The oval-shaped tower is flanked to the south by a three-story podium created by a series of curved overlapping wall planes that mimic the curvilinear faces of the tower. The vertical metal mullions of the tower are also reflected in the vertical limestone and wood fins that wrap the podium's glass street wall. Atop the podium's third floor is a large outdoor amenity/pool deck surrounded by a sweeping glass and limestone window wall reminiscent of the angled roofline at the tower top. The ground-level podium design has generous double-height retail spaces that activate both the Pacific Highway and Broadway frontages. The larger of the two retail spaces spans the entire length of the Broadway-facing ground level, with a second smaller space extending the length of the Pacific Highway frontage. Together with the landscaped Broadway Plaza, these retail spaces will significantly activate the surrounding area and create a destination worthy of the comer of Pacific Highway and Broadway. Overall, the podium is well articulated and modulated with varying building planes, street-wall heights, colors and materials. High quality materials, including beige limestone, outdoor-grade wood and significant amounts of glazing are used throughout the podium and will create a unique and attractive backdrop to the Broadway Plaza and the Pacific Highway right-of-way. This proposed amendment application will not affect the outward appearance of the podium design. Broadway Plaza The Applicant will be required to install street improvements along Broadway consistent with the requirements of the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan. These improvements include signature lighting, enhanced granite paving and a double row ofMedjool Date Palm trees. One row of trees is located within the required 50-foot setback area established by the DA. The developer is proposing to develop the plaza area with landscaping, including trees and raised planting areas, active and passive water features, enhanced paving, and seating areas. These improvements will provide an attractive and activated public gathering space at this important location. This proposed amendment application will not affect the appearance of the Broadway Plaza design. Project Lighting A gentle wash of lighting is proposed at the tower top that will accentuate the curved crown element. Lighting elements will be carefully integrated into the architecture to avoid excessive light spill and shield light sources from direct view. Careful and integrated lighting is also proposed at the podium and Broadway Plaza areas that will accentuate vertical elements of the street wall design, provide illumination for landscape and public art elements, and enhance public safety. All lighting will be designed in a manner to avoid glare and light trespass. This proposed amendment will not affect the appearance of the lighting design. Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page 9 Linear Park Interface The Project proposes a visual connection to the adjacent linear park with the construction of a colonnade-like structure and appropriate landscaping that provides desired security for the Project's lobby entrance and auto court while maintaining views into the development and down theE Street corridor. A physical connection between the Project and the linear park is proposed at the south end of the site at the extension of E Street to the east. Public Art Obligation This Project is subject to the Bosa Public Art Master Plan ("Master Plan"), which fulfills an obligation under the DA for seven parcels located along Pacific Highway, Kettner Boulevard, Broadway, and E Street between Ash and F streets. Under the Master Plan, the developer is required to expend one percent of the base building costs and land value for design, fabrication, and installation of public art for this Project. To satisfy this requirement the current proposal is to provide a significant public art element in the Broadway Plaza area. This proposed amendment application will not affect the public art obligation. Design Issues and Considerations Outdoor Common Open Space -Is the Project providing an appropriate amount of outdoor common open space for the residents? CCDP The purpose and intent of a CCDP is to administer and ensure compliance with the CCPDO, DCP, Centre City Streetscape Manual, and any policies or guidelines adopted by the City of San Diego to implement the DCP. Findings In order to grant approval of a CCDP, the following finding must be made: 1. The proposed development is consistent with the DCP, CCPDO, LDC, and all other adopted plans and policies ofthe City ofSan Diego pertaining to the CCPD. The proposed development is consistent with the DCP, CCPDO, LDC, and all other adopted plans and policies of the City of San Diego pertaining to the CCPD as the development advances the goals and objectives of the DCP and CCPD by: • • • Adding the range of downtown housing opportunities; Contributing to the vision of downtown as a major residential neighborhood; Increasing the downtown residential population; Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page 10 • • Protecting public views of the San Diego Bay by conforming to public view corridor development standards; and, Developing the Columbia neighborhood as a mixed-use district, with an energetic waterfront that serves local needs and has a regional draw, relating to both the San Diego Bay and the Civic/Core district. In addition, with approval of the amendment to CCDP/CDP No. 2012-23, this Project will be consistent with the requirements of the LDC and CCPDO. The Project is located within the CZ and requires approval of a COP. The purpose of the COP procedure is to establish a City review process for coastal development that is consistent with the Local Coastal Program, the California Coastal Act of 1976 (Public Resources Code section 30000, et seq.) and the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 5.5., Chapter 8, Subchapter 2, Article 17. The process requires staff to mail a notice of the proposed development to all property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the site. The CDP is a Process Two application that is an administrative review and decision by staff after the Project is granted Design Review approval by the Board. During the public review period, any member of the public can appeal the decision regarding approval of the COP, in which case the Project will be scheduled for a public hearing before the Planning Commission for a final decision. Findings In order to grant approval of a COP, the following findings must be made: 1. The proposed coastal development will not encroach upon any existing physical accessway that is legally used by the public or any proposed public accessway identified in a Local Coastal Program land use plan; and, the proposed coastal development will enhance and protect public views to and along the ocean and other scenic coastal areas as specified in the Local Coastal Program land use plan; The Project does not encroach on any existing public access way. The Project will maintain the required view corridors on E Street and provide a 50-foot setback and open space plaza area adjacent to Broadway. The Broadway Plaza will augment the existing physical access ways to the San Diego Bay along Broadway through the provision of enhanced public improvements that will draw pedestrians westward from the Martin Luther King Promenade/Linear Park. Real Estate Committee Meeting ofMay 6, 2015 Page 11 2. The proposed coastal development will not adversely affect environmentally-sensitive lands; The Project site is a paved at-grade parking lot. No environmentally sensitive lands exist on the site or will be impacted by construction of the project. 3. The proposed coastal development is in conformity with the certified Local Coastal Program land use plan and complies with all regulations ofthe certified Implementation Program; and The Project complies with the 1992 DA and 1992 CCPDO which were certified by the California Coastal Commission. 4. For every CDP issuedfor any coastal development between the nearest public road and the sea or the shoreline ofany body ofwater located within the Coastal Overlay Zone the coastal development is in conformity with the public access and public recreation policies ofChapter 3 ofthe California Coastal Act. The Project is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Development downtown is covered under the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the San Diego DCP, CCPDO, and 1oth Amendment to the Centre City Redevelopment Plan, certified by the Former Redevelopment Agency ("Former Agency") on March 14, 2006 (Resolution R04001) and subsequent addenda to the FEIR certified by the Former Agency on August 3, 2007 (Former Agency Resolution R-04193), April21, 2010 (Former Agency Resolutions R-04508 and R-04510), August 3, 2010 (Former Agency Resolution R-04544) and certified by the City Council on February 12, 2014 (City Council Resolution R-308724). The FEIR is a "Program EIR" prepared in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15168. An FEIR Consistency Evaluation ("Evaluation") was be prepared in accordance with suggested best practices outlined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15168 in 2012. The Evaluation concluded that the environmental impacts of the project were adequately addressed in the FEIR and the Project is within the scope of the development program described in the FEIR; therefore no further environmental documentation is be required under CEQA. Real Estate Committee Meeting of May 6, 2015 Page 12 CONCLUSION Since the proposed changes to the Project are minor and the Project remains consistent with the DA and applicable CCPDO, staff recommends that the Committee recommend to the Board approval ofthe amended Project. Seni:::~ Brad Richter Assistant Vice President, Planning Attachments: A- Applicant's Request To Amend CCDP/CDP No. 2012-23 Basic Concept/Schematic Drawings dated April I 0, 2015 S:\Glazebrook\DEVREV\Cdps\2012-23A COP Pacific & Broadway Amendment- Parce19\Review Meetings\CSD Real Estate Committee\201223A_I 50506_COP_REC_Pacific&Broadway-Parce19_Designreview .Docx. CHRIS DIKEAKOS ARCHITECTS INC. April9, 2015 Civic San Diego 401 B Street, Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92101-4298 Attn: Mr. Scott Glazebrook, Senior Planner, Planning Department Re: Lot 9, Pacific and Broadway, San Diego- request for Development Permit to amend Penthouse In approved 41 storey Residential Building Dear Sir, We are providing the following narrative as part of our Development Permit application. The revision is a request to revise the Penthouse level of the previously approved development as follows: 1. To combine the two existing units at Level 41 into a single Penthouse unit; 2. To amend the 2,857 s.f. Roof Deck from Public to Private use for the Penthouse; 3. To Increase the ceiling height in the Penthouse Uving area to 18'-0"; None of the proposed changes will have any effect on the exterior of the building nor will they compromise the open public space required per Zoning. Per: Chris Dikeakos, Architect AIBC, AlA Ca. Lie. No. C28024 Managing Principal Chrls Dikeakos Architects Inc. T 604 291 2660 F 604 291 2667 212-3989 HENNING DR BURNABY BC VSC 6N5 ATTACHMENT A [email protected] WWW.DIKEAKOS.COM
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