Circle Your Calendar! DeKalb County Government’s 1st Gathering for Retired Employees :KHQ 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU 7LPH DP²DP WR²%UHDNIDVW ²3URJUDP :KHUH *DWKHUWRULXP Let’s Have Breakfast!! /HJLVODWLYH&HQWHU 10DLQ6WUHHW 6\FDPRUH,/ 0DSRIWKH6\FDPRUH&DPSXV ZZGHNDOEFRXQW\RUJ RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Please share your email with us as all future correspondence will only be sent electronically! :KLOH<RX UH+HUH'HFRUDWHGSXPSNLQVZLOOEHGLVSOD\HGRQWKH &RXUWKRXVHODZQGXULQJWKHWK$QQXDO3XPSNLQ)HVWLYDO due on October 1, 2015 by emailing: [email protected] Or )HHOIUHHWRVKDUHWKLVLQYLWDWLRQZLWKRWKHU'H.DOE&RXQW\5HWLUHHV by calling Lisa Sanderson at 815-895-1639 h DeKalb County Administration 200 N. Main street ❖ Sycamore. IL 60178-1431 ❖ Phone:(815)895-7125 ❖ Fax: (815)895-7187 ❖ April 22,2015 To All DeKalb County Retirees: Let's have breakfast! As a retired employee from DeKalb County Government, we would like to invite you to our first ever "Breakfast Gathering" for retirees. This free event will be an opportunity to get re-acquainted with former co-workers, to share old stories from your work days, and to catch up on the latest ways to enhance your retirement enjoyment. This event will be held on Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 8:30am in the Legislative Center in Sycamore. This mailing is the only planned mass distribution that we are sending to retired employees. We do not have a comprehensive up-to-date list of current addresses for retired employees, so we reached out to IMRF and asked them for assistance with a mailing list of our former employees who are currently receiving IMRP pension checks. However, because of privacy issues, we are required to use an IMRF approved mailing service to actually send out this information and as such, none of the mailing addresses are kept or recorded for fiiture use. Consequently, all future contacts by us to you will only be done electronically. Therefore, if you want to receive information from us, such as this retiree "Breakfast Gathering", it is imperative that you provide us your email address. If you know of retirees who do not use email, but would enjoy this type of event, please feel free to share this communication with them. Please make your reservation by October 1,2015 by sending an email to the address below or by calling Lisa Sanderson at the phone number below. I hope many of you will be able to join us for this inaugural event. Even if you cannot attend this "Breakfast Gathering", I would encourage you to share your email address with us so that we can contact you for future events. Sincerely, Gary H. Hanson County Administrator Please note that advanced reservations are required! Email: [email protected] Call: 815-895-1639 (Lisa Sanderson)
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