University of Michigan Retirees Association Tenth Annual Health Day, 2015 Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Weber's Inn 3050 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 763-5740 8:00-900 Registration and Coffee 9:00-9:10 Welcome & Introduction — Pat Butler, President UMRA 9:10-10:10 "Can You Hear Me Now" — Paul Robert Kilney PhD, Audiologist, UM Department of Otolaryngology. 10:10-10:20 Break 10:20-11:20 "Oh, My Aching Back" — Rico Paras, Physical and Occupational Therapist, UM Spine Program, will give hints on how to have a healthy back and still work in the house, in the garden and with the grandkids. 11:20-12:30 "Happy Hands Throughout Retirement" — Mary Whitehouse Barber, Occupational Therapist, who works with UM, St. Joseph and Saline Community Hospitals. She will focus on hand therapy and how to use our hands in a healthy manner. 12:30-12:50 Dining room setup 12:50-1:50 Lunch 1:50-2:50 "Improve Your Day Through Movement" — Staff from UM Recreational Sports will share information on new programs designed for our age group. Andy Boehnlein, Coordinator of Intramural Sports; Sarah Button, Coordinator of Membership, Marketing, & Sponsorship; and Ellen Dixon, Assistant Director of Fitness & Wellness. 2:50-3:50 "The Importance of Relationships" — Michele T. Leonard, Ph.D., L.P., Associate Professor-Clinical Psychology at UM, Dearborn, will cover the basics of couples’ relationships for middle/older adulthood, communication strategies for couples, and sexual health (options/concerns) and aging. 4:00 Discussion, Evaluation and End of Program Sponsored in part by a grant from MHealthy and the Office of the Associate Vice President for Human Resources Registration: Name 1st person #A _________________________ 2nd person #B _________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________ Email _________________________________________ Zip ___________________________ Phone _____________________________ Please enclose check for $16 per person, payable to UMRA. Amount enclosed ________________ Meal Selection (Indicate #A and #B): Chicken Whitefish Vegetarian Vegan Registration must be postmarked before April 21, 2015 Mail form & check to: UMRA G250 Wolverine Tower, 3003 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1281 Important‼ On Thursday, May 14, at our last meeting before the summer, President Emerita Mary Sue Coleman will join us for the program. She does not wish to give a presentation but would like to answer questions and have a discussion with the retirees. Since I will be interviewing her and leading the discussion, I would like to have questions ready from you, our retirees. So, please email me your questions, and I will group them and try to get as many answered as possible. Please do that as soon as possible. Thank you. Your President, Pat Butler [email protected]
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