Global Day of Action on Military Spending 13th April 2015 How would you spend £38 billion? Fight wars or tackle climate change? Fund arms companies or fund hospitals? The UK’s military spending in 2014 was £38 billion – the sixth highest in the world. The government protects the military budget, while subjecting vital public services to drastic spending cuts. Redirecting the cost of the Trident nuclear weapons system alone could prevent many of the key public sector cuts in the UK. The UK government spends £700m a year helping arms companies to promote weapons sales to foreign buyers, including dictatorships. The UK government currently spends 25 times more on researching weapons than on researching renewable energy. High military spending makes the world a more dangerous place. It diverts resources from being spent on tackling real challenges such as relieving poverty, improving health, and protecting the environment. Join the call for a shift in priorities from military spending towards social and environmental needs – which will build a safer world for all. no replacement of Trident, the UK’s nuclear weapons system. redirecting support from the arms industry towards renewable energy. This will help tackle climate change, a huge cause of human insecurity, and create more and better jobs for skilled engineers. new thinking involving citizens and government to create a clear programme of action for spending, research and investment to build sustainable, common security. Take action on 13th April Take part in a common action and hold a ballot inviting people to Give peace a budget Find out more Tweet #demilitarize Supporting organisations and groups: Action AWE, Article 36, Bangor & Ynys Môn Peace & Justice/ Heddwch a Chyfiawnder Bangor & Ynys Môn, North Wales, Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases, Campaign Against Arms Trade, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), CND Cymru, Columban Justice Peace & Integrity of Creation, Conscience, Drone Wars UK, Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre, Faslane Peace Camp, Fellowship of Reconciliation (England), Friends of Lebanon, Global Justice Now, Greater Manchester and District CND, Green Christian, Green Party, Kingston Peace Council/CND, Medact, Movement for the Abolition of War, Merseyside CND, Musicians without Borders, National Justice and Peace Network, Network for Peace, Northern Friends Peace Board, Nuclear Consulting Group, Pax Christi, Quaker Peace & Social Witness, Radical Statistics, Scientists for Global Responsibility, Scrap Trident Coalition, Scottish WILPF, South Somerset Peace Group, Stop the War Coalition, Student Christian Movement, Trident Ploughshares, War on Want, War Resisters International, Woodcraft Folk, Wool Against Weapons, Yorkshire CND
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