Issue #3 April 16, 2015 SECULAR COLORADO Hub | HOC | BA | FFRF | SA | SVC Another Newsletter Addition The 6th group to join this collaboration, the Secular Volunteer Corps (SVC), started as the Hub’s Community Service Committee. Read about SVC elsewhere in this issue, and consider joining in at one of their many events. If you would like your secular group to join this newsletter, contact a leader from one of the groups described in these pages. Inside 2 - Humanists of Colorado 3 - Boulder Atheists 4 - Secular Hub 5 - Freedom From Religion Foundation, Denver Chapter 6 - Sunday Assembly 7 - Secular Volunteer Corps Features AHA Convention in Denver Before the next issue of this newsletter arrives, the biggest event of the year will land in downtown Denver. The 74th annual conference of the American Humanist Association will take place May 7 - 10 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in downtown Denver. This is a once-in-a decade opportunity to get excited about the secular and humanist movements. Physicist Lawrence Krauss (above left) will receive an award as the 2015 Humanist of the Year. Author and radio host Kelly Carlin (above right) will deliver the keynote speech. No doubt she will mention her father George once or twice. The event is also listed as the 4th annual Colorado Secular Conference, although the AHA has done the vast majority of the organization for this one. Special promotions are in place for Colorado residents, including one-day tickets at reduced prices. See details at Register online at, or call 1-800-837-3792. 8 -9 - Upcoming Events 1 Issue #3 April 16, 2015 HUMANISTS OF COLORADO Yuri’s Night Out of This World Sorry, we couldn’t think up a better headline on short notice. At Yuri’s Night this year, the old Futurama episode starting the evening was ignored in favor of good conversation. Our warmup speaker, Randy Bancroft, snuck in a talk about the size of the universe under the guise of “Metrics and Astronomy” Our featured speaker, Michael Endl, a planet hunter from Vienna, Austria by way of Austin, Texas, captivated the audience for an hour, then took questions for another hour at the bar across the street. He explained the two main techniques used for finding planets (radial velocity and transits), said that our solar system is unusual in not having planets sized between Earth and Neptune, and said that planets are ubiquitous. It might even be that all stars have planets - who knew! AHA Conference The May 2015 monthly meeting of the Humanists of Colorado will coincide with the national conference of the American Humanist Association. They have been doing this for 74 years, and know their way around a conference. Register online at, or call 1-800-837-3792. Yes, it seems like we have a conference every year in Colorado - and we do, the Colorado Secular Conference. (Actually, the AHA conference is listed as a joint conference, although the AHA has done the bulk of the planning.) But this is a national-level conference, four days of nationallyand-internationally-known speakers, new faces in the audience from out of town, everything spiffed up a bit from our statewide conferences. An option at the conference is to attend a “Secular Tour” of Colorado, which finishes at the Secular Hub in the late afternoon. This takes place on the second Sunday of the month, our usual HOC meeting day. We are planning to persuade one of the speakers from the conference to attend the tour, and give a talk at the Hub on behalf of the HOC that evening. Unfortunately, we do not have have somebody lined up at the time of writing. (There are weeks left, we’ll line up somebody.) This will probably mean no potluck, but instead pizza slices or similar. Watch the HOC meetup for more info! One special note: any conference attendee from Colorado will receive a year’s membership in the HOC, free! Humanist Discussion Group Not much to say, besides that last month was our largest discussion group ever, at 19 people, for the topic “Secular Morality”. Thanks to everyone, especially our organizer, Greg. 2 Issue #3 April 16, 2015 BOULDER ATHEISTS Who We Are The Boulder Atheists is a allvolunteer organization that relies on its members to plan, organize, and realize activities for our community members. Please forward suggestions to info at or post them to the Ideas section or Message Board on our Meetup group. Boulder Atheists is a non-profit organization registered with the State of Colorado. Membership Membership in the Boulder Atheists is open to anyone who identifies with a non-theist, naturalistic world view. Dues are $30 per year. You can now contribute through PayPal. Alternately, you can forward a check to our mailing address at: Boulder Atheists P.O. Box 21365 Boulder, CO 80308 Contact our treasurer, or come to our next meeting to pay dues or to donate to the Boulder Atheists. The Boulder Atheists is a community of atheists, secular humanists, agnostics, scientific naturalists, rationalists, freethinkers, Brights, and other non-theists in Northern Colorado. Members of the group live in Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Lafayette, Broomfield, Superior and surrounding communities in the greater Denver-Boulder metropolitan area. The group is a diverse mix of conscientious individuals including business professionals, parents, teachers and students, entrepreneurs, and retired individuals who seek to live ethical and moral lives using evidence-based reasoning and science. As a group, the Boulder Atheists wish to promote the understanding and acceptance of atheism with public education, good deeds and public activities. Although we welcome members who wish to discuss the subject of non-theism, our main goal is activism and community.. People often ask: "Why does one join a group like the Boulder Atheists? In other words, why take the last step in the journey of understanding the material Universe and our place in it and publicly admit you are an atheist?" Our answer is that you will understand why we are involved when your child comes home from a public school with a religious article or idea they received from their teacher. You will also understand when you are a member of a "State" organization such as the military or a federal, state, or local government department and are forced to participate in denominational prayers. When you observe the human rights violations and discrimination that take place around the world when there is no separation of religion and government, then you will know why this group is here. Another question that people ask is, "Why use the word, 'Atheist'? Why not something less provocative such as secular humanist, materialist, Brights, or rationalist." No matter what name we use, fundamentalist religious groups and others will denigrate us for our world view. Atheists describes us: people who do not believe in gods or supernatural forces. One of our goals is to remove the stigma from the word "atheist" and to make it acceptable within a society full of religious prejudices. 3 Issue #3 April 16, 2015 SECULAR HUB AHA Convention Volunteering at the Hub It is a little-known fact that the Secular Hub, like the HOC, is a chapter of the American Humanist Association. Keep in mind that the AHA convention this year will be in Denver, May 7-10! From the earliest days of the Hub (already more than two years ago, wow!) it was recognized that a large number of volunteers would be needed to maintain the Hub’s active lifestyle without burning anybody out. To that end, we held an organizational meeting for volunteers in our second month, collecting dozens of names, who were to be either Hub openers or Hub helpers. Hub Volunteering Please note that the word “volunteer” has two meanings at the Hub. Secular Volunteer Corps This is a suburbanization within the Hub that organizes volunteering opportunities for Hub members and, increasingly, members of other secular groups. These volunteering opportunities take place outside the Hub, typically at an existing charitable organization or on a special-event day. Before the volunteer effort got cranked up though, the initiative dissipated. Groups at the Hub were given permission to open for themselves, and other reasons for volunteers deemphasized. Two years later, the need for more Hub volunteers is obvious to everybody, especially the Board members who do everything from arranging chairs to shopping at CostCo, from running the vacuum to answering emails. This time, we have a secret weapon: a new Volunteer Coordinator, Ashley N, a real goodsend. (There, another word coined on behalf of the secular movement) Ashley will be holding two Volunteer Callouts at the Hub, on April 23 and April 26. See the last pages of this newsletter for more information. If you have always wanted to help out at the Hub, but you don’t feel you are ready to become a Board member or start up a regular event or anything so dramatic, stop by at one of these Volunteer Callouts. There are opportunities large and small to be useful. Hub Volunteers These are Hub members who volunteer at the Hub itself, helping with Hub activities. A new organizational initiative for Hub volunteers is being led by Ashley N. Look for more info elsewhere in this issue. 4 Issue #3 I’m sure you have encountered a conversation with family, friends, or someone else who has religious leanings and they may state that “America is a Christian Nation”. On this page we continue the reprinting of some excerpts from the FFRF national website that can help you dispel that myth. -Claudette StPierre Isn’t American law based on the Ten Commandments? Not at all! The first four Commandments are religious edicts having nothing to do with law or ethical behavior. Only three (homicide, theft, and perjury) are relevant to American law, and have existed in cultures long before Moses. If Americans honored the commandment against “coveting,” free enterprise would collapse! The Supreme Court has ruled that posting the Ten Commandments in public schools is unconstitutional. Our secular laws, based on the human principle of “justice for all,” provide protection against crimes, and our civil government enforces them through a secular criminal justice system. April 16, 2015 FFRF - Denver Chapter The First Amendment deals with “Congress.” Can’t states make their own religious policies? Under the “due process” clause of the 14th Amendment (ratified in 1868), the entire Bill of Rights applies to the states. No governor, mayor, sheriff, public school employee, or other public official may violate the human rights embodied in the Constitution. The government at all levels must respect the separation of church and state. Most state constitutions, in fact, contain language that is even stricter than the First Amendment, prohibiting the state from setting up a ministry, using tax dollars to promote religion, or interfering with freedom of conscience. What about “One nation under God” and “In God We Trust?” The words, “under God,” did not appear in the Pledge of Allegiance until 1954, when Congress, under McCarthyism, inserted them. Likewise, “In God We Trust” was absent from paper currency before 1956. It appeared on some coins earlier, as did other sundry phrases, such as “Mind Your Business.” The official U.S. motto, chosen by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, is E Pluribus Unum (“Of Many, One”), celebrating plurality, not theocracy. —————————————————————————America has never been a Christian nation. We are a free nation. Anne Gaylor, president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, points out: “There can be no religious freedom without the freedom to dissent.” 5 Issue #3 April 16, 2015 SUNDAY ASSEMBLY Sunday Assembly Denver is a community of people who meet for a church-like service without religion. It's a place to go to listen to great music, learn from intelligent speakers (like TED talks), and meet other people in your community. PLEASE NOTE: NEW LOCATION We are happy and excited to invite you to join us this month at our new (and bigger) home at Swallow Hill Music's "Daniels Hall" on 71 East Yale Avenue, Denver, CO 80210 (Corner of Broadway and Yale Ave). Laughter: It enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain which are all good things. Our guest speaker is comedian Jeff Free who will help us explore the things that make us laugh. We will also celebrate with songs to sing along to (or not) with live music from Pale Blue, plus songs from the Sunday Assembly Choir, inspirational readings, and other fun bits. Sunday, April 19th, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Our Story The Sunday Assembly started on a car journey to Bath, England when two comedians, Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans, realized that they wanted to do something that had all the best bits of church, but without the religion, and awesome pop songs. The first version of this was on January 6th 2013, and though they weren’t expecting many people, the entire place was full. At the next Assembly there were 300. Then they had to go to two services a day. And then it went viral. Now there are dozens of Assemblies across the world. It is the most exciting thing in the world. People across the world were drawn to our simple values, clear message and excellent mission. • We are a godless congregation that celebrates life. • We have an awesome motto: Live Better, Help Often, and Wonder More. • A super mission: to try to help everyone find and fulfill their full potential. • An awesome vision: a godless congregation in every town city, or village that wants one. We are dedicated to helping the people who attend, and the folks in the wider community, to make the most of this one life that we know we have. We harness fun and joy and wonder to build communities and to help others 6 Issue #3 Edited by Richard Berg April 16, 2015 SECULAR VOLUNTEER CORPS Hub Volunteering Please note that the word “volunteer” has two meanings at the Hub. Secular Volunteer Corps This is a suburbanization within the Hub that organizes volunteering opportunities for Hub members and, increasingly, members of other secular groups. These volunteering opportunities take place outside the Hub, typically at an existing charitable organization or on a special-event day. Hub Volunteers These are Hub members who volunteer at the Hub itself, helping with Hub activities. A new organizational initiative for Hub volunteers is being led by Ashley N. Look for more info elsewhere in this issue. Upcoming Events See the back pages for more information on: Arbor Day, April 18th (looking pretty full right now) Spring Riversweep, April 25th (looking pretty full right now) The Secular Volunteer Corps is an outgrowth of the Secular Hub. It began life as the Hub’s Community Service Committee, the brainchild of Chauncey W., as a realization of part of the Hub’s motto, “Community, Reason, Altruism”. In existence for over two years, now, but only recently rebranded as the Secular Volunteer Corps (whose abbreviation SVC is also a common abbreviation for the word “Service’ - nice, huh?), the SVC is currently led by Scot S. Besides organizing about two volunteer events in the Denver area per month, the group sponsors a pancake breakfast every three months, and holds collections at the Hub of donatable goods like school supplies and coats. The SVC has also “adopted” Downing Street in front of the Hub, holding a cleanup event every two months. In fact, the one-year anniversary of the Downing Street Cleanup will be held in May. If you have not yet joined in, please consider doing so this time. It would be great to take a huge group photo afterwards. The SVC is an outlet for people who like to help with their hands on, rather than donating money, geared towards nonchurch-goers, but with an emphasis on companionship among volunteers. We needed this; let’s make it something special, together. 7 Issue #3 Edited by Richard Berg April 16, 2015 SECULAR COLORADO Events More Events Details in Online Calendar Details in Online Calendar Thursday, April 16 Friday, April 24 12:30 PM - BA: Lunch at 3 Margaritas, Boulder 7:00 PM - BA: Dinner in Lafayette 4:00 PM - BA, Coffee at Vic’s Coffee, Boulder Saturday, April 25 6:30 PM - Hub, Movie: “Caddyshack” at 7 8:30 AM - SVC: Spring RiverSweep Volunteer Event. Saturday, April 18 8:00 AM - SVC: Arbor Day Tree Planting 6:00 PM - Secular Singles: Happy Hour at Finley’s Pub, Pearl Street, Denver Sunday, April 19 10:00 AM - Hub: Coffee and Community 12:00 PM - SA - April Sunday Assembly Service, Swallow Hill Music, 71 East Yale Street, Denver Monday, April 20 6:30 PM - Freethinkers in AA, at the Hub Tuesday, April 21 9:00 AM - Hub: Work/Study at the Hub Wednesday, April 23 Sunday, April 26 10:00 AM - Hub: Coffee and Community, 12:15 PM - BA: Monthly membership meeting at Boulder Public Library 1:00 PM - Hub: Calling All Volunteers! Learn how you can help the Hub. 2:15 PM - BA: Lunch at the Med on Walnut Monday, April 27 5:30 PM - HUB: Social Hour Southeast at Darcy’s Bistro and Pub 6:30 PM - Freethinkers in AA, at the Hub Tuesday, April 28 9:00 AM - Hub: Work/Study at the Hub 7:00 PM - Hub: Calling All Volunteers! Learn how you can help the Hub. Thursday, April 30 Thursday, April 23 4:00 PM - BA, Coffee at Vic’s Coffee, Boulder 12:30 PM - BA: Lunch at 3 Margaritas, Boulder 6:30 PM - Hub, Movie Night, TBD 4:00 PM - BA, Coffee at Vic’s Coffee, Boulder 6:30 PM - Hub, Movie: “Trance” at 7 12:30 PM - BA: Lunch at 3 Margaritas, Boulder Saturday, May 2 11:45 - Secular Singles, Botanic Gardens 8 Issue #3 Edited by Richard Berg April 16, 2015 SECULAR COLORADO Yet More Events Yet More Events Details in Online Calendar Details in Online Calendar Sunday, May 3 Saturday, May 9 10:00 AM - Hub: Coffee and Community, Pancake Breakfast Edition: We HEART Logan (Benefit for a member’s medical costs). All Day: American Humanists Association National Conference, Hyatt-Grand Hotel, 1750 Welton Street, Denver 6:30 PM - HOC: Discussion Group, “The Believing Brain” by Michael Shermer 4:30 PM - Secular Singles, Rooftop Patio at Amato’s Monday, May 4 Sunday, May 10 6:30 PM - Freethinkers in AA, at the Hub All Day: American Humanists Association National Conference, Hyatt-Grand Hotel, 1750 Welton Street, Denver Tuesday, May 5 9:00 AM - Hub: Work/Study at the Hub 6:00 PM - Hub: Open Board Meeting Thursday, May 7 All Day: American Humanists Association National Conference, Hyatt-Grand Hotel, 1750 Welton Street, Denver 12:30 PM - BA: Lunch at 3 Margaritas, Boulder 10:00 AM - Hub: Coffee and Community, 1:00 PM - Hub: Party Games at the Hub 6:00 PM - HOC: May monthly meeting, TBD Monday, May 11 6:30 PM - Freethinkers in AA, at the Hub Tuesday, May 12 4:00 PM - BA, Coffee at Vic’s Coffee, Boulder 9:00 AM - Hub: Work/Study at the Hub 6:30 PM - Hub, Movie Night, TBD Thursday, May 14 Friday, May 8 12:30 PM - BA: Lunch at 3 Margaritas, Boulder All Day: American Humanists Association National Conference, Hyatt-Grand Hotel, 1750 Welton Street, Denver 4:00 PM - BA, Coffee at Vic’s Coffee, Boulder 7:30 PM -Hub: Hub Jam! Collaborative music at the Secular Hub Sunday, May 17 6:30 PM - Hub, Movie Night, TBD 10:00 AM - Hub: Coffee and Community, Monday, May 18 6:30 PM - Freethinkers in AA, at the Hub 9
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