Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VII, Central Visayas DctjED DEMHTMKTfOh FDlXAriON DIVISION OF BOHOL City of Tagbilaran March 23, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. tlL s. 2015 73rd ARAW NG KAGITINGAN AND PHILIPPINE VETERAN'S WEEK To: Education Supervisors/Division Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors/Coordinating Principals Secondary and Elementary School Heads All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to Unnumbered Regional Memorandum dated March 17, 2015 re: "73rd Araw ng Kagitingan and Philippine Veteran's Week", which is self explanatory. 2. Attention is invited on the Contest Mechanics. For inquiries contact Mr. Bonifacio N. Fostanes, Division ALS Coordinator. 3. For the information and guidance of all concerned. 4. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. /ILFREDA D. iDNGALOS, Ph.D., CESO VI Schools division Superintendent SGOD/dvd n^v^ x S****iSv ^^@tOr^fsS\ i&2r f fJSf iff&$\ (*ri^ KaiSi*l REPUBUKANGPHJPINAS EPUBLICOFTHEPf lUPPlNES f AGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SJ*REMONvJi*18 REHIYONVn,GITNANGVISAYAS w3jiP?^iF REGION VH, CENTRAL VISAYAS ^^^^^^ siZt3& Ji/}\ /^^ttP^J^^ii\ /^if isEJ^ 1 lK8m El W IIkS W X-ftsSKtJl// Sudlon,Lahug,CebuCity NjS^K^/ MEMORANDUM 73rd ARAW NG KAGITINGAN AND RHIUPPINE VETERAN'S WEEK To: Schools Division Superintendents Officers-in-Charge of Regular Divisions Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. Attached is an unnumbered Memorandum from Undersecretary Mario A. Der iquito entitled, "73rd Araw Ng Kagitingan and Philippine Veteran's Week"", with the theme: "Ipunla ang Kagitingan sa Kabataan, lhanda ang Beterano ng Kinabukasan". 2. For details, refer to the attached Memorandum. 3. For immediate dissemination. x f If Juliet a/jeruta, Ph. d. ceso v dff icer-in-Charge Offic^of the Regional Director JAJ/VGG/WY/irc ESSD Of iceof Wr f eOor(ORDir),Tel.No t.:(032)231-1433;231-1309;414-7399;414-7325;255-4542 Ff cHTechnicalAssistanceDMskm(FTAD), Tel.Nos.:(032)414-7324 Cgrr ict amUar at ajMaaagniMBtDMit oa(CLMD), TelNos.:(032)414-7323 QuaBtyAssuranceDivision(QAD),Tel.Nos.: (032)231-1071 HainanResour ceSer chpoKatDMit on(HRDD),Tel.No.:(032)25S-5B9 EdacallonSupportServicesDivision(ESSD),lei. No.:(032)254-7062 Plaaat og,PolicyandRenanhDivision(PFRD),leLNos.: (032)233-9030; 414-7065 AdministrativeMvWaa,Tel.Nos.:(032)414-7326;414-4367;414-7366;414-7322;414-4367 Ft aanceDtvblou,Tel.Nos.:(032)256-2375;253-8061;414-7321 "eSa201S:mmapaianit^ a&at,ifaaana9Htim.a9ea&at" * -7*0- T7 | Department of Education 3? Region VII, Central Visayas REPUBUKA NG PILJPINAS REPUBUC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DepED Complex, Mer alco Ave., Pasig City Tanggapan ng Pangalawang Kalihim Off iceof the Undersecretary Par tnerships and External Linkages Direcl Line Fax Website iilllllHlilll RD2015-6117 16-Mar-15 (@^32)633-7207 (@632)637-4211 MEMORANDUM To: Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Division Alternative Learning System Supervisors All Others Concerned >_ From: MARIO A. DERIQtflTO Undersecretarylor for Partnerships an andExternal Linkages Date: March 11, 2015 Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 146, s. 2014, entitled "2015 Conduct of National Observances and Commemorations of Historical Events and Related Activities", marks the 73"* Araw ng Kagitingan and the period of April 5-11 as Philippine Veterans Week with the theme: "Ipunla ang Kagitingan sa Kabataan, lhanda ang Beterano ng Kinabukasan" The commemoration aims to promote, preserve and memorialize the principles, ideals and heroic deeds of the war veterans as a means to enhance patriotism and love of country, especially among the youth. In line with this, we would like t o announce the NATIONWIDE CREATIVE PAINTING CONTEST (Enclosure 1 and 1a) and the NATIONWIDE ESSAY WRITING CONTEST (Enclosure 2 and 2a). Travel expenses (transportation and per diem) of the winners, coaches, principals, regional ALS coordinators, and regional/division Special Events Coordinators during the awarding ceremonies shall be charged to local funds, regional/division/school PTCA, school board funds (SBF) and other sources and grants, subject to the availability and the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. The Regional Special Events Coordinator will consolidate the Division reports, and will send it to: To: Mario A. Deriquito Undersecretary for Partnerships and External Linkages Attention : Luzviminda F. Dela Rosa PDO III, OIC, Special Events Unit (SEU) Room 505, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Central Office Meralco Ave., Pasig City, 1600 For more information, please contact the Special Events Unit at telephone nos.: (02) 637 5832; 637 5834 or mobile nos.: 0919 516 4759; 0915 926 0500. For immediate dissemination. @ - @--- -@ -@ @ \\ 3rd ARAW NG KAGITINGAN AND PHILIPPINE VETERANS WEEK CONTEST MECHANICS NATIONWIDE CREATIVE PAINTING CONTEST 1. This contest is open to Out-of-School Youth (OSY) nationwide, ages 15 to 20, high school undergraduate and currently unemployed. The OSY should be included in the list of ALS-Regional/Oivision/Chapter of the Department of Education (DepEd). 2. The theme of this year's competition is "Ipunla ang Kagitingan sa Kabataan, lhanda ang Beterano ng Kinabukasan" It aims to increase awareness of the Araw Ng Kagitingan as a shining moment of courage and commitment to freedom by our WWII veterans 3. The contestant should submit two (2) similar paintings in a 20"x30" and 1 S*x20" illustration boards. Any medium can be used. Similar data should be placed in a 54 A-4 bond paper, computerized and be posted at the back of both paintings. OSY Name Division/Chapter Region Message (1 or 2 sentences only in Filipino) 4. The Philippine Flag should not be used as a background in the painting. If used as a part, it should be placed in a conspicuous place to show its importance to the art work (Please refer to Sec. 39 Prohibited Acts of RA 8491). 5. Criteria are as follows: a. b. c. Message VisualImpact Originality Total 40% 30% 30% 100% All entries must arrive in this Office not later than March 27, 2015 (Friday). Judging will begin promptly at 9:00 am on March 28, 2015 (Saturday). Each entry must be accompanied by the following requirements: a b. c. A certification from the Division ALS Coordinator that the contestant is included in the list of ALSOut of School Youth program of DepEd. Scanned image of the OSY and the ALS Division Coordinator (school ID or any valid ID); and Accomplished entry form Note: Entries with incomplete requirements will not be accepted 6. Entries should be submitted to: To: UNDERSECRETARY MARIO A. DERIQUITO For Partnerships and External Linkages Attention: MS. LUZVIMINDA F. DELA ROSA PDO III. OIC, Special Events Unit Room 505 Bonifacio Bldg , DepED Central Office DepEd Complex, Meralco'Avenue, Pasig City, 1600 7. Prizes are as follows: a. b. c. First Prize Second Prize Third Prize Cash Prize + (Medal/Trophy/Certificate) Cash Prize + (Medal/Trophy/Certificate) Cash Prize + (Medal/Trophy/Certificate) 8. The organizers (DND and DepEd) have the right to publish the entries and own the paintings 9. Previous winners in the Nationwide Creative Painting Competition, initiated and conducted by DepEdSEU, are not allowed to join in this contest. 10. The decision of trie Board of Judges is final and irrevocable. 11. Winners will be notified through call and they will be awarded at Ml Samat Shrine, Bataan on April 9, 2015. CONTEST MECHANICS: CREATIVE PAINTING COMPETITION Enclosure No. la DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - SPECIAL EVENTS UNIT 73rd Araw ng Kagitingan and Philippine Veterans Week Theme: "Ipunla ang Kagitingan sa Kabataan, lhanda ang Beterano ng Kinabukasan" E N T RY FO RM NATIONWIDE CREATIVE PAINTING COMPETITION OSYINFORMATION NameofOSY/Contestant(Surname,GivenName,M.I) Age Tel&CellphoneNo(s). E-mailAddress/FacebookAccount OSYChapter(Region/Division) SignatureoftheContestant Gender DateofBirth COACH/ CHAPERONE INFORMATION NameofCoach/Chaperone(Surname,GivenName,M.I) Tel&CellphoneNo(s). E-MailAddress(es)/FacebookAccount Designation RelationtotheCandidate Age D Coach a Chaperone/Parent SignatureofCoach/Chaperone We certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. CONTESTANT Signature over printed name COACH Signature over printed name Endorsed by: DIVISION ALS COORDINATOR Signature over print ed name Gender ^Republic of tljf ijpljilimmies department of Cbucation DepEd MEMORANDUM No. 146 , s. 2014 23 DEC 2014 2015 CONDUCT OF NATIONAL OBSERVANCES AND COMMEMORATIONS OF HISTORICAL EVENTS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretar ies Bureau Directors Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units Regional Directors Schools Division Super intendents Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 23, entitled Creating a Steering Committee on National Observances, the Chairperson of the National Histor ical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) as Chair, the representatives of the Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), and the Department of Tour ism (DOT) as members were tasked to take charge of the 2015 Conduct of National Observances and Commemorations of Historical Events and Related Activities, in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations. 2. The activities aim to: a. raise the level of histor ical/cultural awareness and consciousness of the elementary pupils and secondary students relative to the signif icance of the national commemorations; b. instill in their minds the greatness of the Filipino race, the legacy of their national heroes, and the ideals of their nationhood; and c. reawaken the Filipino people, especially the youth, of their responsibility and patr iotic commitment to truly demonstrate the spirit of heroism, patriotism, nationalism, unity and national identity. 3. This Memorandum shall serve as a guide to all public and pr ivate schools nationwide to carry out meaningful activities integrated in related subject areas such as: Sibika at Kultura, Heograpiya, Kasaysayan at Sining (HEKASI), Araling Panlipunan, Values Education or Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (BP), Music, Arts, Physical Educat ion and Health (MAPEH), Filipino, and English during classroom discussions or school programs/events. 4. Enclosed is the list of national observances, commemorations, and related activities to be conducted and implemented. 5. Programs and activities to be conducted/undertaken during the abovementioned national observances and commemorations will be announced in a separate Memorandum. S~} rSL 28 wwv.dcncd.fiov.9h DepEd Complex. Meralco Avenue. Pasin Citv 1600 ^633-7208/633-7228/632-1301 @ 6301876/037-6209 @ 6. For more information, all concerned may contact the Special Events Unit (SEU), Room 505, Bonifacio Building, Depar tment of Education Central Office (DepEd CO), DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, at telephone nos.: (02) 637-5832; (02) 637-5834, or mobile phone nos.: 0919-516-4759; 0906-261-5255. 7. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. BR. ARMIN A. LUISTRO FSC Secretary Encl.: As stated Reference: DepF-d Memorandum: No. 43, s. 2014 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: BUREAUS AND OFFICES Learning Area, SIBIKA AT KULTURA CELEBRATIONS AND FESTIVALS PUPILS SCHOOLS STUDENTS SMA. DM '2015 National Observances and Commemorations 0813-Occember 17. 2014/12-22 (Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 146, s. 2014) 2015 HISTORICAL/NATIONAL CELEBRATIONS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES PROGRAMS NationalObservances Commemor ation ofthe 73' Araw ng Kagitingan and PhilippineVet eransWeek Commemor ationofthe117"PhilippineIndependence DayCelebration Commemorationofthe2015NationalHeroesDay Commemor ationofthe152" BirthAnniversaryof AndresBonifacio Commemorationofthe119*"Anniversaryofthe MartyrdomofOr.JoseRizal OtherHistorical/NationalCelebrations Commemorationofthe116"Anniversaryofthe InaugurationOftheFirstPhilippineRepublic AdoptionConsciousnessCelebration Commemorationofthe143@Anniversaryofthe MartyrdomofGOMBURZA Commemor ationofthe29"EDSAPeoplePower Revolution Commemor ationofthe164'"BirthAnniversaryof PacianoRizal 117"NationalFlagDayCelebration Commemor ation of the 150" Birth Anniversary of GalicanoApacible Commemorationofthe116"HistoricSiegeofBalerand 13lnPhilippine-SpanishFriendshipDay Commemorationofthe200"8irthAnniversaryof ApolinarioDelaCruz(HermanoPuli) Commemorationofthe151"BirthAnniversaryof ApolinarioMabini Commemorationofthe137"BirthAnniversaryof PresidentManuelLQuezon Commemorationofthe117"OpeningofMalolos Conar ess CommemorationoftheA3"1Anniversaryofthe DeclarationofMartialLaw Commemorationofthe150'"BirthAnniversaryofGen. MiguelMalvar 2015ConsumerWelfareMonth DATE | LEGALBASIS April5-11 @ PresidentialProclamationNo466,s.1989;and @ ExecutiveOrderNo 203.s.1987 @ PresidentialProclamationNo.110,s 1963;and @ PresidentialProclamationNo.28,s.1962 August25 @ RepublicActNo.9492,s.2007;and @ ActNo 3827,s.1931 November30 @ AdministrativeOrderNo.27,s.2012 June12 December30 @ PresidentialProclamationNo.126,s.2001 January23 @ PresidentialProclamationNo 533,s.2013 @ PresidentialProclamationNo.523,s.2012 February7 @ ProclamationNo.72,s.1993 February17 PresidentialProclamationNo.204,s.2002 February22-25 @ PresidentialProclamationNo.1224.s.20O7 March9 @ PresidentialProclamationNo.1737,s.2009 May28 June25 @ PresidentialProclamationNo374.s 1965 AdministrativeOrderNo.23,s.2011 June30 @ PresidentialProclamationNo 1696,s.2008 @ RepublicActNo.9187.s.2002 July22 j@ AdministrativeOrderNo23,s.2011 July23 @ AdministrativeOrderNo.33,s.2012 @ PresidentialProclamationNo.361.s.2000 August19 @ RepublicActNo.6741,s.1988 September15 j- PresidentialProclamationNo.246.s.2011 September23 !@ AdministrativeOrderNo.30,2012 i@ PresidentialProclamationNo.1081,s.1972 September27 :- AdministrativeOrderNo.23.s2011 October @ PresidentialProclamationNo.1098.s 1997;and @ RepublicActNo.7394,s.1992 Commemor ationofthe71"LeyteGulfLanding October20 @ AdministrativeOrderNo.108.s.1994 OtherPrograms/projects/eventsthatmaybedirectedby @ AdministrativeOrderNo.23.2011 thePresidentandtheNationalSteeringCommitteefor NationalObservances RelatedActivities ProjectWATCH.(WeAdvocateTimeConsciousness June-December 1@ PresidentialProclamationNo 1782.s2009 andHonesty) Search for the Pambansang Gawad Sa Ulirang June-December Anationwidesearchfortheoutstandingstudentsintheir Kabataan achievements and contributions in their school and community. 2015KabisigPhilippine Government Expoand Trade June The activity features the Government agencies and Fair private organizations' profiles, service facilities, programs,prot ects,productsandaccomplishments HistoricalandCulturalFestivalofExcellence September- IAnationwidecontesttobeheld inconnectionwiththe December ;Rizal Day. Bonifacio Day,MabiniDay. HermanoPule. !andMiguelMalvarCelebration. ! 2015NationalMusicCompetitionsforYoungArtists @ PresidentialProclamationNo.25.s.1998 SummitandSeminarWorkshop-ProperImplementation Sept-Nov. ;> RepublicAct8491,s 1998 oftheFlaqandHeraldicCodeofthePhil. 53@NationalRizalYouth LeadershipInstitute(NRVLI) December Aconferenceforstudentleadersfrompublicandprivate Conference schoolsandcolleqes/universitiesnationwide '
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