Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VII, Central Visayas \ BOHOL DIVISION OF BOHOL City of Tagbilaran March 16, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 117 s.2015 2015 PRINCIPAL'S TEST To: Education Program Supervisors/Coordinators, District Supervisors/Coordinating Principals School Heads of Elementary/ Secondary Schools 1. Enclosed are copies of Regional Memorandum No. 165 and 158, s. 2015 and DepEd Memorandum No. 158, s. 2015 which are all self-explanatory. 2. To ensure smooth submission of application documents, Coordinating Principal of each distr ict would submit to the office the list of applicants following the sample format: No. School/Distr ict Name Remarks: *NewTaker *Retake 3. For further inquiries, please contact Mr. Desiderio V. Deligero, Chief- School Governance and Operations attel. no. 501-7550. 4. For your guidance and immediate dissemination. WILFREDA D. B0NGALOS, Ph.D. <f& Schools Division Superintendent CPG Sports Complex, CPG Ave., Tagbilaran Cit y, Bohol TelNos.: (038) 412-4938; (038) 411-2544; (038) 411-2720 / (038) 501-7550 Telefax: (038) 501-7550 email add: 3! **"'' REPUBLKA NG PUJPENAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON VH, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION VII, CENTRAL VISAYAS Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City MAR ? 3 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM NO. 1 65 ' s-2015 EXTENSION OF THE SCHEDULE OF SUBMISSION OF REPORTS re: 2015 PRINCIPAL'S TEST To: Schools Division/City Superintendents/OIC's Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concer ned With reference to DepED Memorandum No. 18, s.2015 dated March 10, 2015 on the conduct of 2015 Principal's Test, please be informed that this office is extending the due dates for the submission ofthe following repor ts. From Activity To Complete ListofField Personnel to be involved in March 13,2015 Apr il 10,2015 theConductofTest ApplicationsandRegistrations(SDOs) March20,2015 Mar ch31,2015 CompleteListofTestTakersf romSDOtoRO Apr il6,2015 Complete ListofTestTakers(ROstoNEAPCO)March27,2015 Apr il 10,2015 For further inquiries, please contact Dr. Marcial P. Degamo, Chief, QAD at tel. no. (032) 2311071. Immediate dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired. JULIET A. JERUTAtTh. D. Director III Of icer-in-Charge f JAJ/MPD/rhcabotaje QAD Regional Dir ector's Of ice: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Telef f ax 414-7399; 414-7325; Asst Regional Dir ect or's Of ice Telefax: (032) 255-1542; f Field Eff ectiveness Division: (032)414-7324; Curr iculum Lear ning Materials Division (032)414-7323; QualityAssurance andAccountability Division: (032) 231-1071; Resource Mobilization and Special Programs and Projects Division: (032) 254-7062; Tr aining and Development Division: (032) 255-5239 loc. 112; Planning, Policy and Research Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administrative Division: (032) 414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366414-4367; Budget and Finance Division: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 'Website: http:-H-www.depedr " Em 2015: XamptOaa ap0 A~ <&,,MMnaqutanaQ ahat' @***@** REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JU & tW % @ Region VII, Central Visayas Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City f^ ^e REGIONAL MEMORANDUMI NO. 1 58 s. 2015 WiP | 2015 PRINCIPAL'S TEST To : Schools Division/City Superintendents/OlCs Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 18, s. 2015 dated March 10, 2015, the Depar tment of Education (DepED) through the "National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), shall administer simultaneously the 2015 Principal's Test on June 21, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. For DepEd Region VII, the Regional Testing Center is in Lahug Elementary School, Lahug, Cebu City. 2. The following are the deadlines and guidelines in the f iling and processing of application forms in DepED Region VII: a. The deadline f or filing the application form and registration fee of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) to the respective Schools Division Offices (SDOs) which shall be responsible in evaluating and processing the application forms to determine the qualifications and eligibility of the applicants shall be on or before March 20,2015; b. The deadline f or submission of the f inal list of applicants and complete application form in bunch at the Regional Off ice shall be on or before March 24, 2015. Please email the soft copy to Rosa H. Cabotaje thru email address vaiig tih" > , , QAD Testing r-Amvlinafnr fnlinwino the samnle format below: 2015Principal'sTest Division No. Name 1 Assissi,Xavi H. Brighi .Pwnx M. T Bogo City Bogo Citv Remarks *NewTaker *Rctake NewTaker Retake Preparedby: Division Testing Coordinator Approved: 3. For more information and guidance, attached is DepFd Memorandum No. 18, s. 2015 dated March 1.0, 2015 entitled "2015 Principal's Test ", which is self-explanatory. 4. For further inquiries, please contact Dr. Marcial P. Degamo, Chief, QAD at tei. no. (032)231 -1071. 5. Immediate dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired. Jt*%*A|Rj5Li5AOIt- '3-' @ *"? *1 /fV/fz- JULIET A. JERUTA, Ph.D. Director III Off icer-in" Char8e lAcpuliltt of tfje fJljilippnes @cpartntent of @t catton 1 0 HAR 2015 DepEd MEMORANDUM No. J3 , s. 2015 2015 PRINCIPAL'S TEST To: Bureau Directors Regional Directors Regional Secretary, ARMM Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. The Department of Education (DepEd), through the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), shall administer the 2015 Principal's Test on June 21, 2015. The examination shall serve as a mechanism for selecting competent school heads in the public education sector. 2. The Principal's Test is open to all aspirants for Principal I position as required under DepEd Order No. 97, s. 2011 entitled Revised Guidelines on the Allocation and Reclassification ofSchool Heads Positions. 3. The following are the criteria in evaluating the qualifications and eligibility of the applicants who will take the test: a. Experience of at least any of the following: one year as head teacher, two years as teacher-in-charge, two years as master teacher, or five years as teacher 111; b. Forty hours of relevant trainings (with attachments) certified by the school School Division Office (SDO); c. A performance rating of Very Satisfactory (VS) for the last two years (with attachments), certified by the Regional Office (RO) and SDO; and d. Certification of no pending administrative case. 4. The Principal's Test will cover the following topics anchored on DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2010 entitled National Adoption and Implementation of the National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads and Enhanced Basic Education Program: a. b. c. d. School Leadership; Instructional Leadership; Creating Student-Centered Learning Climate; Human Resource Management and Professional Development; e. Parent Involvement and Community Partnership; f. School Management and Operations; g. Personal and Professional Attributes and Interpersonal Effectiveness; and h 9.1 st Centurv Managerial and Leadership Skills. @._@., @ ,@@ @@@,,@@ ,@@@ Pstsia r;,v 1600 ? 633-7208/633-7228/632-1365 ^636-4876/637-6209 ^ w* 5. The test shall be held simultaneously in all identif ied regional testing centers (RTCs) in all regions on June 21, 2015 with a time allocation of four hours, starting from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. 6. The following are the guidelines in the filing and processing of application forms: a. The ROs are advised to disseminate the template of the standardized application form (copy enclosed) to the SDOs for reproduction. Application forms are not for sale; b. All aspirants shall secure a copy of the application form from their respective SDOs and shall file the duly accomplished form at the SDO where the applicant belongs; c. Aspirants shall submit the application form and registration fee at their respective SDOs on or before March 20, 2015; d. The SDOs shall be responsible' m evaluating and processing the application forms to determine the qualifications and eligibility of the applicants; e. All ROs shall submit the complete list of examinees to NEAP CO through email address at [email protected] on or before March 27, 2015; f. There shall be no extension in the deadline of filing of application forms at the SDOs, as well as in the transmittal of the complete list of examinees per SDO to NEAP Central Office (CO); g. All examinees from Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) can file their application forms and take the examination in any of the following ROs: IX, X, XI, XII, and Caraga; h. The identified examination venues will be announced through DepEd i. Advisory; and DepEd CO, RO and SDOs are not authorized to conduct review sessions for this examination. 7. The registration fee and guidelines in the transfer of funds to NEAP CO are as follows: a. The registration fee is Five Hundred Pesos (P 500.00). The amount will be utilized for the var ious expenses relative to the following: > management and administration of the test (example: production of test booklets, production of scannable answer sheets, automated generation and processing of the results, airfreight and handling fees of scannable answer sheets and test booklets), development and production of Examiners Manual, certificates of rating; > communications, supplies and materials, lodging, meals, and transportation expenses of the teams from NEAP CO; > professional fees and honoraria of personnel from CO, ROs, and SDOs involved in the conduct of the tests, including pre-work and postwork; and > quality assurance, item analysis, among others. b. The registration fee shall be collected by the SDO cashier or any off icial collecting officer in the SDO. Each examinee shall be issued a corresponding official receipt by the collecting off icer; c. The total collection shall be transferred by the SDO to the RO. After which, the RO will transfer the total collection to NEAP CO three days after receipt of the billing statement from the latter. An official receipt will be issued by the NEAP CO upon submission of evidence of transfer of funds by the RO; and d. The ROs shall submit a financial report seven days after the conduct ol the examination. 8. The RD shall designate two regional coordinators who will be responsible in overseeing and supervising the preparation and the actual administration of the test at the regional level. The name of the regional coordinator-designate and the f ield personnel (roving off icer,, proctor, school principal, among others) who will be involved in the test administration, as well as the identified RTCs shall be submitted to NEAP CO not later than March 13, 2015. 9. To ensure the orderly conduct and integr ity of the examination, the NEAP CO personnel and staff have crafted the following guidelines for strict compliance of the RTCs: a. assign only 24 examinees in every testing room; b. assign one supervising examiner for every f ive testing rooms; c. d. e. f. allocate one examiner per testing room; assign only three roving proctors per testing center; provide one medical off icer/personnel per testing center; provide three janitors to ensure clean testing rooms and restrooms before, during, and after the test; g. assign two security guards for security purposes; h. provide a secured spacious area for test booklet distr ibution and retrieval; i. ensure that all testing rooms are well-lighted and well-ventilated; j. avoid the use of children's desks as examination chairs; k. avoid selecting the testing rooms across or r ight beside a restroom; 1. laboratory rooms shall not be used as testing rooms; m. coordinate with local power supplier to spare the testing center for any eventual brownout; n. publish in conspicuous locations the list of examinees (printed in font size 20, typed double-spaced, arranged alphabetically, and spread across four bulletin boards at two meters apart to avoid crowding); and o. mount vicinity maps and directional signages for the convenience of examinees. 10. For more information, all concerned may contact Ms. Maria Elena B. Deacosta or Mr. Adison Lozano. National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), Department of Education Central Office (DepEd CO), DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone no.: (02) 633-7237 or at telefax no.: (02) 633-9455. 11. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. BR. ARMIN A. Jr tJISTRO FSC Secretary Encl.: As stated References: DepEd Order: (No. 97, s. 201 1) DepEd Memorandum: Nos. 132, s. 2013 and (97, s. 2009} To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: EXAMINATIONS OFFICIALS PROMOTIONS Madel: 2015 Principal's Test Corrected Feb 27 0074-Februarv 3, 2015/2-13/2-27/3-2/3-5/3-9 QUALIFICATIONS TESTS WORKSHOPS [i I rhis iTeacherlli form is not\for \ jc.i^l sale. Syrarsi Reproduction is I DMaieDFemale allowed. Please print in | legal D Single size paper D MaiTied (8.5"x 14" Pwidowed ). ( Pothers (Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 18, s. 2015> Department of Education National Educators Academy of the Philippines APPLICATION FOR PRINCIPAL'S TEST H REGION 2x2 picture (with signature at the back) APPLICANT NUMBER DIVISION ('lease read the application requirements in the attached DepEd Memo. DO NOTAPPLY IF NOTQUALIFIED. Write legibly using black ink. All applications must be filed personally by the applicant. Ifsubmitted information was proven inaccurate or falsified, applicant is automatically disqualified to take the exam. 1 NAME (Middle Name) (First Name) (Surname) IJAffOh'BTRTHlr am7*'/>wy7T'AGK TgHNDER GHNDER __ | L3_Miile. j CIVIL STATUS PKRMANENt"ADDRESS: MOBU.E NUMBER TEUiPHONli NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS DepKct Employee Number CURRENT POSITION NAME OF SCHOOL AND ADDRESS M;XP(}RIBNCK_ [ Must meet any ofthe fallowing: ' @iLHP^d Teacher {at f i year) \ L lTcacher-ln-Char e (,>t 2y> ar e) I RELEVANT TRAININGS ATTENDED Inclusive Dates Number ofYears Name ofSchool and Address Inclusive Dates Number of Hours Organizer ! 1. Rating Per iod (mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy) Evaluator's Name j Rating Received DOutstanding LJ Very Siitisfactory I@1 Outstanding L-J Very Satisfactory _ I liercbv declare that the information provided in this form is true and correct t o the best of my knowledge and belief. Date Accomplished Signature over Printed Name ofApplicant THIS PORTION IS FOR THK EVALUATOR AT THE SCHOOLS DIVISION Ul-fu.b. I@1 Paid Registration Fee (attach off icial receipt in the Exam Permit) ACTION TAKEN: UliASON: __ _ SIGNATURK OF [-VALUATOR OVh'R PRINTED NAME AND POSITION ========C1IT THIS PORTION===== Department of Education Nat ional EducatorsAcademyofthe Philippines Principal's Test EXAM PERMIT (Middle Nome) 1 I 1. This lixam Permit with attached official receipt 2. l,c;i<! pcncil/s No. 1 or 2 and eraser 3. Valid DepF.D issued ID 2x2 picture {with signature at the back) | I i
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