Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region DIVISION OF MUNTINLUPA CITY May 8, 2015 '" MEMORANDUM TO: OIC - Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Division / District Supervisors / Coordinators Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Principals and Officers - in - Charge All Concerned PhilGEPS Training for Phase 1 For the information and guidance of the field, attached is letter of Executive Director Rosa Maria Clemente, project manager, PhilGEPS, inviting BAC Chairman and Principals to the PhilGEPS Training for Phase I, the contents of which are self - explanatory. All school heads are enjoined to attend this training. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. MAURO C. D GULAN, Ed. D. OIC - Schools Division Superintendent Katihan St., Poblacion, Muntinlupa City * Telefax: 861-4953, 861-4951, 861-0566 Website: * Email: [email protected] rD1VlSKlNOF ~\lOO~ RECEIVED ~ DATE If --~-~-'-_Jt-.fl.lJ.-"""'~--TIME /.. &.t:' ,Ph} .kepablk oilile Philippi... ~ofBlldget .ad Ma.agemeDt PROCUR£Mf;N'f'SERVICE ClTV OF MUNTINL~!?A ,PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC FROCUREl\fENT SYsnM Dr. M8IJro C. Oe Gulan SUperintendent • OepEd - DMs/on of Mun.inlupa ((02) 8610567/8614953 . Attention: SAC Chairman; School Principals OearSir: Greetinss! We. are pJ!a.sed to informiYOU that the PHII.GEPS hils been benchmarked and ~ed ~ nelghbourioe countries who anvhllon having their own central /(!-prorurement system. A$ well ?hilGEPSQlfklais ..ave been Invited to prE:st=nt the PhilGEPS program a"d UpeI'ienQ! in various for a, svmpoJa and ot'ler giJtNl"lngs of wortd-renowned e Procurement ~rganlzatio.$. and practl\lcmerssueh as those fn the Uni~d St~te5, ~uth Korea and Sinppore. In aU t~"$e In~emlltJ.onaJ _.~ tb.e ~ .M the Phtfippine governmenttn glfShlne for reforms in IOVlifnment prOCU~1TI8nt were r~fJed and commended. M"tlti..Jateral dfielopmert P.wtners lik~ ~e W~rk:1 SInk {W~I and the Ailan ~ment' Sank {ADG) asknowJedge the fact that the ,hHfifPS is a \/table Instrument In the governments efforts at imP.t'Ovilli etlielenc:y In the pnxwrement fUnd:iOlf and ho, atceDted the PhItGEPS for application on ADS and WB-lunded procurement pro)e(ts. . it goes without $;lying then, t~at the PhilGEPS hII. btl." oonUfWQusly ~ sy!tem improvements lUch that from March to June tOl3. no tl'8inl"p for BIN8'. Aie.fK.iies an.qd.... ~ '. . n; weretondu.d due to thedeptoymel'ltof new tunctionalities like the GbYernrmmf of the PhliPpirJel..()ffl'tiat Mmhit,t ae""51i'y (GOP-OMR) and £-Bidding fer Goodsand CIvH Works, . ¥.' ~. .• " .. e-" we !Ire extencilnS this invitation to Y0lolf School KI\ooI$ hin Its to attend the PhilGEPS irainq for Phase 1 and all other irllS Me\N system ~opml.!lnt5 on the Pt'III6£PS $0 vou so you can rt-vlsit and familiarize yOu . with the use of the.' Pl1f!.GEPS linc keep pace withthlt ~eml UNf8do.Wfl~edlethiJ1Deped /las ISsUed ~.nt Order No. ft, S. 2008 with regaids to PhHGEPS r..stratton and pOmnsr 3nd we hope that implementation of such within the Oepfd is It is for this reason that adhered to, ~11 ___________D_a~__,__~____ =li~'I ____~v=en~u_e______~ :R~e~gio~n~__ . :~'! ____ . NCR, R-asion 3, 4A &" I--~ 49 . May 19-20, 2015' STi Colleje, P. Tuawn BlVd., ,_~:~I_________~M~a~Y=26~.~2~7.~2~O~1~S______~______CU ___ ~O~tQ_u_e_um __a_·~~____ Please accOlnplilh t~ ~tt;l(J1ed confirmation form which reQuire a list of '(Our piilrtidPants. AlsO found. ther;in are the wfffJiPQAdlAi €liter; Of the ttalniRf. :rrail'lines are to ~ held for two i2) clays at desigflated venues, Tralnlnl fee is Ph~2.400.QO _ _ 0 V~n indusiveof a training kit, lunch and snacks. Please make check payment 10r t e iilccount Iv: __~_ fCL$OJutjJa. 10£. for inquiries anciior (;lartftcatlon. Pf$Ise conta(t the training secretariat by .-mail at [email protected] csalen@>,: or by .tel. at (02) 721<4714, or you may contact eBlack&oai'ds SOh.:ticns at (02) 861· 5280 or 8615245. ' ~~s ~It 19PP!)rt "Aftg ()qtlff9 Thank! and regards. • • MQt:uvIIid"r €6NFfR:~TION ~ODE iI: NTS NCRBT f)S.;1015 [ I RepubUe of tDe Philiw,iaes Depart_at (If Budget aDd MsDsgement J"HfLGJ!.PS ~ PROCURfMENT SERVICE ., MTE. ~ (Ol)721~724/6&188S0 "'5''P11 ,....." •.-out the ~"" ~""'lf"!!~~ '" ~~ ttOme speW". of partidpants) and fax III . . . . .,TrattdnO SeaeIIuiat at (oZ) 7214724/ (02) 6618850 '-ANeIBMAIION EORM CllldIGlNTrIMlt farfiRllBntmllt InIiIiM) .......... note tItet lSon~.PirtltServe . . .l Government ~nUty: 1uIG~ . . 'TYI'lt Of ..... _ .1 Region~ D NGA 0 (if! 0 GOtt 0 Q)nIad: PfQun: suc 0 lGU [J Ottutrs T•• No. partlc:lplmts DetaIls! RrstName Middle Initial Tel. No LutName I Mobilerco. FuNo. I I MobI!eNo PosItIon j ! 1 I ~ I I I I ! I ! I I ] Notc:. . . 1. Any resthedlliins/cancellation of slot/s mDuld be made ,t .$I'woddn!!dlvs before the trail'li".,. "ch@d·,1P tOWll~t" costs. ReQuested by; - ---".. ... -, .. -,"'::,- ~- Iolllll••• '.e. ~.~.-.r-'--' of. ."............ ~ yal I • . un; Mz.t2HU:QQQ I!"!!',".~!,Z:'; •• Uf" "'.. ,fXJlJI'f"" ~ Ph.KiEPS Tralni... Statement of Account No; : Statement Date: PieiIH til-out the form ~~ Ind faxm JllationMlntining 5ca'etariat at (02) 72147:2J' ':r (02) 66188~!) No. ef Att.andeeli :- T' ....... --Ti-~-ll)-In9-_.~->-. -_-:----~:......".~-~'- ",,-'<:...;"-o:t----,I, 'T \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....I....._ _ _ _ _ i,...----~---:---::"' ---~.--- . [).?,poSit P!lment oOly to; I I Atcount Number: 100 .- ..- . - - r.,; ii;. J\OU','I.' i~')I( '" £!l~i It''','',f t<,. ".;' lJ\- {' ; / .,, , " I '\ \, * ,,~t ,<.I; ~ ~, ttai,:"lg:'" . •... : ~( P:~3setak ATT(NDA"'... It-_ _ _ _ _- -___,._... _ j <, J ' 1i',: '.l'~,l' ~., p(' / \ 'lle. ;:\,l;J,O,'d1Isstatement ("~f' 1,;,,,,(:, .. ~ t ~ ,..-~1ST ", <;'..:!.,' ,_,in • v. u:' iJE1QflHhe '\ : ~~'ft.Icl.o1A'jtO"lftd NON.. U/k O!'i..·~~\oo! ...\ ,... , ,'<,c ... PLEASE ATT ~. ;'::1 f:l! any iil£illi'tflliellte. \ 1)1: t.'!~, ! I ---------- T~,f,' JI c ·11i, T-·' '.} I r"'l '\"'-fl'.61~·; ',< ,'t.i:' I : j II -Inc .1_"" k ;, t... f',. ~--.-.. ·.ii¥j::~t at least ~ ':;;;;" ......- ~ill,befOfe \'(.tl-' trai"j j" ). '" IACOO'Jllt !'lumber: East West:Bank 121302000684 j • _ _ _ '. I,. ;., ;it:'J~eattar:1- I e8hvJtBoards Solutions, Inc. y" , •._ i 3, To ensurfi'll'Oo: 'r~~:\,~} 1 Account Nam..: "'~J".~ ~~L__~._ f ~". J'll. ,...,.. \ It i02} 461-: .i; )iQl ;,.,i'(;;,~ . • .... ,' 0.._ . I '(tiP' (>;nilTIillJ(f .:~,i' 1£' • f'fr'; [ ...,.. J' ..,. ·'I"'.:r ')'aiJli!\g Um::;.r~' J;. i '..,.)' ~ 1r ~ 1..;"" t,o,O'J 12):4724 i ~·:.1' .•~·I ( ') ":~li t ;~ ?II.!!"':'; till-i.;o a",hiyl1ihf IT. l(l~" < • ((;;;'..':i.'lon FQ!'!' ,;ne-;:t of!r .! .:o.QA) .. " 'I. ;:"CH! ....iIl.iM .~i1~ I t8M)-SMwU"'d~~,ta'dfQ~8rllndJ\witnl't\l"'.OOl.8ltdiafges} " .:.....~;., •. J •• eBWUvarClsSOklions,lnt. P4:;oolmt ~ ',rttrer: 2~.I.'''')f330 • 3b.&Mk ;i lMCI if ':!!, h1\. I" i~fIIIIm>;" Wat'j(·W~.F. ~"': .•'l-.V, ~':t!lkT~ OIargesj ACCOU!lti'~ ;,;. ~kS!HJr. Soll,it~" Inc !f:~ (,:::am. [Iej)' ·,'!O ':1(111'. "Y. "est 5IlnK Ai;i(f"l1': J ..,;r.;:l'1jh..:411, gilfW!tJfllCOfi pid••it!lf o!':!}, ~er:;' N ~ \~(; .; i Q&iilR.,,:,,· ~(ln 1.:CO.IM<i ~ to ~ ~ (AdlAa to rn~\ .;.1 A ,. F\" J • :::.,,,. AP4Yment \/j)I')t/ REGlSTRAlI.O~J. '* AO::tlIJIt - ADA) \1i1d r.o ; t ",' : CAl':;' l\i,:"df'''€' zlotl; ft. til;? traWl",) ," .I.~~;at'-:ll.,~(~ki& 5mys t);!ftlre tll,= udln!ng stOO<!",'Ie) ( t"i" cf ': ':J!.\Ht I!:'",,, ~, J I ,.~" od1 ;0', \). ~ ·"""~t!~j~~:t 1L.14124i (U:LJ 56~; • ~~ 'Il ')I;( nlIme &Comrmatioo Cede ~i'!I'l;iie ~y'lg fax to EBSSl , j.' .1; • ~ ~ f- Via ~. 'II, ~!:.t5i~an L I ' t"i' " ij.:::t\:rr.ol~::n rilfil' (<It iI;ast 5 dayS b«QI'C thQ training sclledUle) ,.jI.: 15~dAo:OOnt. ~~\ .~nt:t .9', •• ~ Jif .!o wi; ',~ ~'ml M I fiji; stmL.b !leItt_ • c f.i ,I i .1'.;1 i" • I', "'!'; 'I'ttt1lh\~ ".; Jilllru"lb.:!r (/1 p'u1l(1~1'" ,-""im.\I)., '1, ,I! ~ ,-li 'If' . 5.70,.,.,< ,>,Hil'fHtI., l..k"';l~ ~f'!fi\se do not "'" _lbus!retry tic:let! UQb your ttiIfV3tion and iChIdule Ilrl! ~:qnftln@l! \:r_ -,'r\~tx"" It,I,' " c f : .! - .17jj;:tirn.: iOJ::iJOO mil re fe~ to yoor affice 3-4 ~ f)@fore It1e tnllfltng. it:. Y"U may call ESBSl Offire I :;iFf;! l.." 1214724/ (02) 661-{if;SIi T&:;;, ~ ~;;:;, :~} 001·5280; --" 0_ . . . - .. t .. tOO} 861-52~5 JPleln lAc,lObl titat ConrD'matkM'! I~~lt:"!: ~ ~r; t:i.",. !"~)I't'~~: '.~ -". . -~-ri~ie -. ~: ........ - ,._, -_... ", ''---f1ayli20,201S-! 1....J • ~ '~-. '1' . -,- .! ._, ; t18:'30am-05;OO~rn . t· pm'-r---' ~tay 2fr~~, 2015 r~l.IiUC am 05;00 ---'-40 slots ~ ;~::;;aule and veiiuelocatiOn may be chaoged ~odlng on the number Of parbdpaots cor·fil1rr~ RepabHe ortb, f'IliIippines Depart~.t of'Budlet aad PRlLCEPS, PROCUREMrU\lT SERVICE PhiIGEPS Buyotc Training Program of Activitie8 .. --- ------------- ------------------- ----------------- --------------------
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