District Advisory Committee (DAC)

Board of Trustees
Shawn Judson, Ed.D.
Brynna Cadman
Douglas M. Claflin
Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
Cathline Fort
Terry Embleton
Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Services
David W. Long
Charlayne Sprague
Cecilia Solorio
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction/ Pupil Services
Mondi M. Taylor
6061 East Avenue, Etiwanda, California 91739
(909) 899-2451
FAX (909) 803-3025
District Advisory Committee (DAC)
District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC)
March 10, 2015 - 3:30 p.m.
Etiwanda Education Center
Meeting Agenda
A. Welcome – Chairperson
B. Public Comment
C. Review and Approve the January 29, 2015 Meeting Minutes
D. Discussion Related to Local Control Accountability Plan 2015-16 Draft Goals
E. Discussion Related to California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
F. Discussion Related to Consolidated Application Spring 2014-15
G. Information Items
 API – Academic Performance Index
 District Growth
 Community Forum
H. Other/Requested Discussion
Next Meeting – April 28, 2015
J. Adjournment
In accordance with section 5495.2 of the Government Code, individuals may make a request for disability related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary
aides or services, in order to participate in a public meeting. Such requests must be submitted in writing no later than 12:00 noon two business days preceding the date
of the meeting. Requests should be submitted to the attention of Shawn Judson, superintendent.