Deutscher Club of Clark, Inc. 787 Featherbed Clark, New New Jersey Jersey 07066 787 FeatherbedLane Lane •• Clark, 07066 Tel: 732-574-8600 • Fax: 732-382-4177 Tel: (732) 574-8600 • Fax: (732) 382-4177 e-mail [email protected] • web E-mail: [email protected] • web: Krankenwohlfahrt/Sunshine club:Roswitha [email protected] or leave message at the Club Bank: & Mike Burkert 732-381-1164 Blood Blood Bank: Roswitha & Mike Burkert (732) 381-1164 Blood Bank: Roswitha & Mike Burkert 732-381-1164 In case of illness or death of a member, please call (908) 391-3178 Vereinsnachrichten / Club News — MAY 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Members, We had a great month of April at the Club. We welcome members to the dinners, and enjoy their company. Many thanks to Eric Zabel and Stephen Hicks for the Jazz night “New York 1948”. It was a great evening, and we look forward to the continuing theme. Come enjoy a Saturday evening at the Weinstube and see the new décor. We congratulate the Ladies Division, who recently celebrated an appreciation Dinner at the Club. The outside of the Club is coming to life with flowers and preparations for our famous summer events. Many thanks to the members who have already volunteered so much time and energy in getting the Club spruced up. Our big Spring Cleanup starts with a Kitchen Clean-up day on Tuesday, April 28th, and the outdoor Clean-up day is Saturday May 2nd. We hope to see you there. The Man and Woman of the Year will be named on Saturday, May 9th in the Hall. Please come out and show your support. The summer kicks off with the “Fahrt ins Blaue” Bus trip to Ellis Island on Sunday, May 17th, which will include a meal at a German restaurant. See the inside of the bulletin for details. May 24th is the Frühlingsfest, followed by the first Biergarten on June 5th. If you can volunteer, please let us know by emailing a note to [email protected] or by calling Carl Hagmueller or Eric Zabel, or letting any Board member know. Your volunteerism is very much appreciated and is a vital ingredient of making the Club and our events what they are. Many congratulations to Karin Glorious-Patrick, who is the recipient of the Scholarship trip to visit and study in Germany this summer. We wish her and her Family well, and look forward to hearing about her experiences. We are currently accepting applications for the next Miss Deutscher Club, which will be awarded in June at the Waldfest. Many thanks to Lexi Zabel, our current Miss Deutscher Club, and for her representation during the year. We look forward to seeing you at the Club and at the events, and please don’t forget to volunteer! Mit freundlichen Grüssen; Chris Wagner E-mail: [email protected] Cell Phone: 551-427-8117 Liebe Mitglieder, Wir erlebten einen guten Monat April im Club,begrüssten Mitglieder zu den Abendessen und freuten uns über deren Gesellschaft. Vielen Dank an Eric Zabel und Stephen Hicks für die Jazz Nacht "New York 1948". Es war ein grossartiger Abend, und wir freuen uns auf weitere ähnliche Themen. Geniessen Sie einen Samstagabend in der Weinstube und sehen Sie sich die neuesten dekorativen Ausstattungen an. Wir gratulieren der Damen Division, die vor kurzem ein Dinner zum Dank für die Unterstützung ihrer Mitglieder gab. Die Aussenseite des Clubs wurde mit Blumen verschönert und Vorbereitungen für unsere berühmten SommerVeranstaltungen werden getroffen. Vielen Dank an die Clubmitglieder, die immer viel Zeit und Energie aufbringen und sich regelmässig zur Mithilfe bereiterklären. Unser grosser Frühjahrsputz beginnt mit der Küchenreinigung am Dienstag, 28. April und das Grossreinemachen im Freien findet am Samstag, 2. Mai statt. Wir hoffen, Sie dort zu sehen. Der Mann und die Frau des Jahres werden am Samstag, 9. Mai, in der Halle bekanntgegeben. Bitte unterstützen Sie diesen Ehrenabend durch Ihre Anwesenheit. Der Sommer beginnt mit einer „Fahrt ins Blaue“-Busreise nach Ellis Island am Sonntag, 17. Mai, die eine Mahlzeit in einem deutschen Restaurant miteinschliesst. Näheres finden Sie auf den folgenden Seiten. Am 24. Mai ist das Frühlingsfest, gefolgt vom ersten Biergarten am 5. Juni. Wenn Sie mitarbeiten können, kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail an [email protected] oder telefonisch, Carl Hagmueller oder Eric Zabel, oder lassen Sie ein Vorstandsmitglied wissen. Ihre Freiwilligenarbeit wird sehr geschätzt und ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil, unseren Vereins und unsere Veranstaltungen auf diesen Stand zu bringen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Karin Glorious-Patrick, der Empfängerin des Stipendiums mit einer Reise nach Deutschland, um dort einige Wochen zu studieren. Wir wünschen ihr und ihrer Familie alles Gute und freuen uns, von ihren Erfahrungen zu hören. Wir akzeptieren derzeit Bewerbungen für die nächste Miss Deutscher Club, die im Juni während des Waldfestes gewählt wird. Vielen Dank an Lexi Zabel, unsere amtierende Miss Deutscher Club, und für ihre Representation während des vergangenen Jahres. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch im Club und auf die Ereignisse; vergessen Sie bitte nicht, sich freiwillig zu melden! Mit freundlichen Grüssen; Chris Wagner E-mail: [email protected] Cell Phone: 551-427-8117 CLUB HOURS Monday & Tuesday closed Wed. to Sat. 3:00 PM – 12:00 AM Sunday 10:30 AM – 10:00 PM Entrance to Club building and grounds is not permitted when closed DRESS CODE FOR MEMBERS AND GUESTS Casual business attire No jeans, T-shirts and sneakers We reserve the right to refuse entry Gentlemen, please remove your hats when entering the main hall The Deutscher Club provides the following e-mails for your convenience: [email protected] Messages to President, Chris Wagner [email protected] Inquiries: Open events/bands/Club events: Carl Hagmueller/Eric Zabel, (1st & 2nd VP) [email protected] Booking parties or meetings: Ewald, Mgr. [email protected] Inquiries: Barbara Oberding, Chairperson [email protected] General correspondence: Christa K. Wimmer, Club Secretary [email protected] Inquiries: Membership, dues, etc. Rick Myers, Membership Secretary [email protected] Website concerns: Erika Horling-Gravato7 BITTE UNTERSTüTZEN SIE UNSERE ANZEIGENKUNDEN • PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 3461 Route 22 East (corner of County Line Road) Branchburg, NJ 08876 Tel: 908-595-0400 Fax: 908-595-0410 Toll Free: 1-888-434-6699 e-mail: [email protected] Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Evenings & Weekends by appointment PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS AND PHONE COME AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW AND EXPANDED OFFICE! Deutsche Sprachschule Inc. Learn German High Quality Interactive Instruction for German Pre-K - 12th Grade and adults Saturday Mornings September thru May Email: [email protected] Online at: GENERAL DENTISTRY I. BADZELEWICZ-HARTL DDS., PhD. 1961 Morris Avenue B-7 Union, NJ 07083 Tel: (908) 810-0076 W. Th. S. Complimentary check-up and discount for Deutscher Club members 2 Fri 01 Sat 02 Sat 02 Sun 03 Thu 07 Fri 08 Sat 09 Sun 10 Wed 13 Thu 14 Sat 16 Sun 17 Wed 20 Thu 21 Sat 23 Sun 24 Mon 25 Thu 28 Sat 30 Programm für Mai / May Program 2015 Entertainment Committee Meeting 7:30 PM Spring Clean-up 8:00 AM Indoor and Outdoor – lots of work to be done. Please come and partcipate as much as you can. Breakfast & Lunch is served, join and make new friends! Kentucky Derby Dance with Hat Contest 7:00 PM Music: Bud Gramer & Linda • Hosts: Isolde & Michael Rozembajgier Free admission to members showing their membership card; Their guests‘ admission will be only $5.00 German Movie & Dinner 2:00 PM Kitchen opens at 12:00 PM Dinner: Rib eye Steak with Roasted Potatoes & Vegetables $16.00 5:30 PM Weisswurst Platter $8.00 Deutscher Stammtisch 7:30 PM Mother’s Day Dance 7:00 PM Music: King Edward Band • Hostess: Sigrid Pagano We honor the Woman & Man of the Year Mother’s Day Dinner 1:00 – 4:00 PM Music: Thomas Groeber • Details on page 5 The Ladies Division will present each lady with a carnation Monthly Membership Meeting 8:00 PM Seize the opportunity to volunteer for our Summer Festivals Dinner: Pork Rouladen, stuffed with Herbs $13.00 • Bauernwurst Platter $8.00 5:30 PM Armed Forces Day Dance 7:00 PM Music: Eric Baal • Hosts: John & Carol Marquardt We invite our Veterans to attend in their uniforms Fahrt ins Blaue to Ellis Island & Pilsner Brauhaus Details on page 5 Ladies Division Business Meeting 7:30 PM Program: Ron Owens • Ron tours the country giving entertainment presentations on humor and health, looking at both the light and serious issues of humor. Great feedback from those who have heard him. We encourage members and guests to come to our program and listen to Ron. His presentation will be approx. 8:00 PM Railroader’s Video & Dinner approx. 6:30 PM Reservations required No Dance Music Casual dinners available • Weinstube will be closed Frühlingsfest / Spring Festival 12:00 – 6:00 PM Music: The Spitzbuam • Hosts: Carl Hagmueller & Eric Zabel Details on Page 5 Clark Memorial Day Parade • Clubhouse is closed Participants meet at Club no later than 9:00 AM / Details on page 6 Dinner: 5:30 PM Tiroler Knödel (Bread Dumpling with Bacon, Ham, Onion & Mushroom Sauce) $12.00 Knackwurst Platter $8.00 Frau Maier-Tanz • Music: Bud Gramer & Linda 7:00 PM Hostess: Gretel Cenegy The Weinstube is open Saturdays from 5:00 PM to 12:00 AM Casual atmosphere, selection of popular wines, & spirits Bar menu until 10:00 PM / Gemütlichkeit & background music Vorschau für Juni 2015 / Preview for June 2015 Fri 05 Biergarten • Music: Paul Belanich • BMW Automobile Show Sat 06 Don Bitterlich Sat 13 Maria & John Sat 20 No Dance Sun 21 Waldfest • Music: Bernie’s Orchestra Sat 27 Eric Baal 3 KLUBNACHRICHTEN / CLUB NEWS † We mourn the passing of our members Werner Schmidt • Ed Fallheier • James Gillich and our former longtime member, Marion Huber Our deepest sympathy to their families We extend our heartfelt sorrow to Pete Birle for the loss of his mother, Mary We wish all of our members who are sick a speedy recovery Our thoughts are with you 2015 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES THE SUMMER FESTIVAL SEASON IS ALREADY HERE! Please be reminded that Annual Membership Dues should have been paid by March 31, 2015. There is now a late fee as of April 1, 2015 The annual membership dues are now with late fees applied: Regular members: $80.00 + $10.00 late fee Senior members: $70.00 + $10.00 late fee must have attained the age of 72 and been a member for 25 consecutive years Married couples: $145.00 per couple + $10.00 late fee Many thanks to the members who have already paid their dues. Rick Myers, Membership Secretary Please consider volunteering to help out at some of the events, especially if asked. Our first events are the Frühlingsfest on Sunday, May 24th, and the first Biergarten is on Friday, June 5th. Several changes have been made to extend our offerings and to make things run smoother, but your help is needed to make it work! The time spent as a volunteer is a great way to get involved with the Club, meet other members, make new friends, and is normally very rewarding. Please consider volunteering and contact THANK YOU, STEPHEN HICKS! LADIES DIVISION NEWS Our talented decorator, Stephen, works tirelessly to enhance many occasions with the appropriate decoration. The “1948 New York Night” was outstanding, with everyone attending having to pass through the “border control” of “Officer” Hicks, and only then, admittance was granted. Of course, everyone was trying to dress in the style of those days long gone and the band put on a “really good show” – it was a fun evening! But, it does not stop here! Check out the Weinstube and view Stephen’s contributions of three stuffed animal heads high up on the wall! He not only donated them, but he also climbed on the tall ladder and hung them up, as well as the six small antlers which were donated by Rosmarie Geertsma, for which we say “thank you” also! Stephen, we gratefully appreciate your talent and dedication to keeping our Club deutsch! Thank you from the bottom of our heart! The Ladies Division will once again be holding their annual Flea Market at the August Sommerfest. This year, however, we will not be accepting donations until June 1st, no exceptions. As in the past, all donations should be clean, not broken and if there are parts to it, all parts should be included. The festival is August 9th. All donations must be brought in by August 2nd (one week before the festival). No donations will be accepted after that date to give the ladies a chance to price our treasures. Your adherence to the above would be very much appreciated. Thank you. 1st Vice President Carl Hagmueller or 2nd Vice President Eric Zabel at [email protected] DEUTSCHER CLUB GIFTS AND SOUVENIRS No need to wait for the festivals anymore! Items also available at the monthly membership meetings Order forms are available at the bar 4 Gretel Cenegy, President MOTHERS DAY DINNER BUFFET Sunday, May 10, 2015 • 1:00 to 400 PM Gala Anniversary Concert SONGFEST 2015 Farmer's Market Salad Buffet Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 4:00 PM Holy Spirit Church 971Suburban Road, Union Cesar Salad, Greek Salad, Assorted Special Salads, Soup, Cheese Board and more... HOT BUFFET Seafood Crepes, Beef Burgundy, Sauerbraten, Chicken Hunter Style..... Carving Station and more Assorted Dessert, Coffee and Tea Adults $ 40.00 • Children $ 18.00 Featuring… Schwäbischer Sängerbund Mixed Chorus Celebrating their 130th Anniversary Music Director: Gregory Scimé And Sängerchor Newark Men’s Chorus Celebrating their 90th Anniversary Music Director: Markus Grae-Hauck Please sign up at the bar on or before May 6th Advance Tickets @20 per person At Concert Box Office $25 per person Students & Children under 18 – FREE FAHRT INS BLAUE SUNDAY, MAY 17TH 2015 Advance Ticket Sales from all Chorus Members Deutscher Club of Clark (732) 574-8600 Frederic’s Jewelers, 1083 Raritan Rd., Clark (732) 388-8889 Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Transportation to and from Deutscher Club Ferry ride to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Audio Tour of Statue of Liberty and Fort Hood Guided Tour of Ellis Island Wurstplatter and Bier at the Pilsnerhaus Biergarten Tickets by phone: Edda at (908) 687-3357 or [email protected] Allen (908) 687-2322 Cost per member: $65.00 • Non-member $75.00 (Includes all transportation, admissions and food) MEMBERS NEEDED TO VOLUNTEER FOR ADMISSION DUTY Bus departs Deutscher Club parking lot at 10:00 AM and returns at 7:00 PM Sign up for the trip is required FRÜHLINGSFEST, SUNDAY, MAY 24, 2015 Our trustees are looking for members to volunteer for 2-hour shifts on Saturday evenings to collect admission to our dances. Sign-up sheets are placed on the large bulletin board in the lobby. Please choose a date that is convenient for you. Shifts are from 5:00 to 7:00 PM and from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Rosmarie Geertsma is the contact person for May & June Thank you, we appreciate your support! Gates open 10:00 AM • Food Stands 11:30 AM Music from 1:00-6:00 PM Music: Die Spitzbuam Admission $5.00/person • Free parking Open to the public Sauerbraten • Roasted Chicken • Leberkäse Pork Sandwiches • Potato Pancakes Bratwurst • Bauernwurst • Hamburgers • Hot Dogs German & domestic Beers, Wines & Spirits No outside food, beverages or pets permitted SKATABEND Card Players meet every Wednesday at 7 PM SCHWÄBISCHER SÄNGERBUND Rehearsal every Wednesday at 8 PM MISS DEUTSCHER CLUB OF CLARK All unmarried ladies between the ages of 16 and 25, who are daughters or granddaughters of a member, are eligible. Ask Club Manager Ewald for applications. Selection and crowning will take place on June 21, 2015 (Waldfest). Candidates need to be present for interview! Application deadline: June 14, 2015 ENZIAN SKI CLUB meets every 1st Thursday of the month SÄNGER CHOR NEWARK Rehearsal every Friday at 8:30 PM 5 WE WELCOMED 28 NEW MEMBERS ON APRIL 23, 2015 Desiree Bouchat • Patricia Brown • Charles Brown Lauren Dickert • George Driza • Kurt Ebler Ryan Feeley • John Fuller • Denise Gallagher Roger Gallagher • George Germek • Kevin Greco Agnes Hagmueller • Terence Hanrahan George Harbt •Carolyn Hirdt • Tony Intartaglio Peter Kennedy • Monika Korte • Pete LaMaster Kathy LaMaster • Ed Lewandoski • Jennifer Morgan • Edward Nowak •Kenneth Rumzie • Ann Uray Alp Uray • Jordan Wyatt • Richard Zabel We look forward to working together and making new friends KARL KUMMER SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION We invite students who are continuing German studies when leaving High School to take part in the Karl Kummer Scholarship Competition. Students who are currently enrolled in a College / University and are taking German may also apply. Parents or grandparents must be members of the Deutscher Club of Clark, Inc. For information please contact Barbara Oberding at [email protected] or Manager Ewald Hollinger at (732) 574-8600. Application deadline- May 15, 2015 CLARK MEMORIAL DAY PARADE On Monday, May 25th, the Township of Clark will again host its patriotic Memorial Day Parade to coincide with its Annual Memorial Day Services, honoring Clark’s Fallen Heroes, beginning at 9:30 AM. Club members, who would like to participate, meet at the Clubhouse no later than 9:00 AM and car pool to the assigned assembly area. Dress code: At the Vorstand meeting, we voted by consensus to march in Lederhosen and Dirndl. Marchers should either wear Dirndl / Lederhosen or a white shirt with navy skirt / navy trousers, dark shoes. Please sign up at the bar, and include your phone number with your name so we are able to contact you in case of inclement weather 6 CONGRATULATIONS! The Foundation/Scholarship Committee has successfully selected a winner for our summer study in Germany. After serious discussion and evaluation, the committee has awarded this wonderful study program to Karin Glorius-Patrick, a senior at Watchung Hills Regional HS, the daughter of James and Annette. Annette is a parttime waitress at the DC, and comes for special affairs and very busy occasions. Karin is a super candidate for this award: she attended the Union Sprachschule for 10 years; danced as a Bavarian Folkdancer; is working on her Girl Scout Gold Award (equivalent to the boys Eagle Scout Award). At the High School, she took German up to German 4 and has been accepted at numerous colleges in the US, but would like to attend a German University, if accepted. From the applications which we received, she was our unanimous candidate and we are sure she will make us proud as a representative of the DC. Barbara Oberding GERMAN HERITAGE COUNCIL OF NJ In 2015, the German Heritage Council of NJ will again offer several scholarships in amounts ranging from $500 to $1,000. Once again, we are also awarding a special scholarship to an exceptionally qualified candidate, in an amount greater than $1,000, in memory of our former chairman Ted Hierl. This is to honor his more than 20 years of outstanding leadership in the German Heritage Council of NJ. We urge all organizations to make this information available immediately to all applicable students. Please check our website for the application form and requirements. Forms are also available from our Club office. Application and all support material must be postmarked no later than June 1, 2015 and addressed to: German Heritage Council of NJ, 36 Kay Road, Yardville, NJ 08620 Party Time! DEUTSCHER CLUB BLOOD DRIVE NEWS Have your bridal or baby showers, birthday and anniversary parties, graduations, even weddings at our Club. Contact our manager, Ewald, at [email protected] or call the clubhouse at (732) 574-8600 Looking for a gift? How about a Gift Certificate for dinner at the Club? ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS Entering the kitchen is not permitted during business hours. Manager and wait staff are available in the dining room and will be happy to assist you. Thank you for your cooperation Enjoy your dinner among members and friends! DINING ROOM AND RESERVATIONS Dinners are served from 5:30 to 8:00 PM Thursdays 5:30 to 9:00 PM Fridays • 6:00 to 9:00 PM Saturdays Fish & German dinners on Fridays Shellfish added on the last Friday of each month If you are dining with a larger group, reservations are recommended (732) 574-8600 Our last Blood Drive was Saturday, March 21. The Community Blood (CBS) was the new collection agency and ran a very smooth day of collection. There are NEW requirements for donating blood. Any members over 75 years MUST have a doctor’s statement indicating you can donate. If anyone donates blood on their own, please mention that it is for the DC blood bank. Many thanks to the members for spreading the word that we were having a Blood Drive. The vast majority of donors were members or friends and family of members. Please mark your calendars for the next Blood Drive, Saturday, October 24 Look for our banners in the grove this summer Respectfully submitted, Roswitha & Mike Burkert Donations to our Fundraiser • This space is available for listing of your donations DONATORS – PLEASE NOTE The form below should only be used for donations to our various funds in memory or in tribute, not for donations to the fundraiser Memorial Tribute Program – Gift In Tribute Donations for the following Funds have been made by: BUILDING FUND: SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Walter Linsenmayer in memory of John Malkowski Nancy Ficke in memory of John Malkowski Tom & Marie Eck in memory of John Malkowski John & Mary Hansen in memory of Marion Huber We thank you for your generosity 7 1083 Raritan Road, Clark, NJ 07066-1314 Phone 732.388.8889 Fax 732.388.9414 Paterson 973-569-9330 ALPINE SALVAGE CO. Clean-Ups Attics/Basements/Garages Edward J. Keller 908-377-2373 Residential and Commercial Member Discount Always Dieter Pfisterer Member E-Jet Limo LLC 282 Park Ave Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 Ph: 732-680-9440 FX: 732-381-6511 Safe Reliable Corporate Transportation The Executive Traveler Specialists Drivers wanted! Call (732) 388-EJET (3538) C.E.O.
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