Creating A Test Run

Creating A Test Run
Selecting Devices for Xamarin Test Cloud
A test run refers to a single, point-in-time run of a test for a mobile application in Xamarin Test Cloud on a
collection of devices and the results of that test run. Xamarin Test Cloud provides a Test Run Wizard that will
guide you through selecting devices and provide you with a snippet showing the command line to use for
submitting your tests.
You must have a Xamarin Test Cloud account. Your account must be a member of a team with permissions to
submit tests to that account.
The only way to select devices for a test run is to use the Test Run Wizard.
Creating a Test Run
1. Login in to Xamarin Test Cloud with your account.
2. Select New Test Run:
3. Select the application that this test run is for, and click Next:
4. Select the device that you want to run the tests on, and click Select x devices. Notice that the wizard does
provide you with some selectors to help narrow down what devices may be of interest to you:
5. On the next dialog in the wizard allows you to specify meta-data about the run:
These options are explained in more detail below.
6. The final screen will provide you with some instructions and a sample command line for uploading tests to
Xamarin Test Cloud. Pictured below is one screenshot for Xamarin.UITest, and another for Calabash:
The team API key is a sensitive value that should be protected. The device id is not, and can be shared
with other test runs if desired.
Command Line Parameters
The Test Run Wizard assists with selection devices provides a snippet of what command line parameters to use
when initiating a test run. The table below lists some of the command line parameters for test-cloud.exe. It is
not a definitive list, but describes some of the more commonly used parameters.
The device identifier is a unique number that identifies the devices that will be used to run the
tests. Mandatory.
The e-mail address of the user that is running the tests. Mandatory.
The path to the directory holding the UITest assemblies. Mandatory.
The path to the dSYM files to upload to Test Cloud. Optional. iOS only.
The name of a file to save the NUnit test results.
Runs only the tests that belong to the specified category. Can be specified more than once to
identify multiple categories. Optional.
Run on the tests in the specified fixture. Optional
Run tests in parallel by test method. Optional.
Run tests in parallel by test fixture. Optional
The test series is a logical grouping of tests. For example, tests runs can be grouped into
production, developer, or beta. Optional.
The language for the test run. Optional
--app-name Specify the name of the application in Xamarin Test Cloud. Optional.
This guide discussed how to create a test run using the Test Run Wizard on the Test Cloud website. It also briefly
explained some of the common command line parameters for submitting test runs.