2 April 2015 - Fairfield School Levin

Term 1 Week 9
Ka kotahitanga haere whakamua - Together we achieve
2 April 2015
Kowhai Athletics
KOWHAI/RATA ATHLETICS It was a fantas)c day out in the sun for the Kowhai/Rata Athle)cs. It was terrific to see all the children thoroughly enjoying themselves and doing their absolute best. Throughout the event, the children ac)vely demonstrated all our school values, no)ceably Perseverance, Unity, Respect and Responsibility. Our School Leaders did an exemplary job of facilita)ng the sports and they can be commended for their leadership. It was also wonderful to see the large number of parents/caregivers and grandparents here -­‐ it was a thoroughly enjoyable community event. TEACHER ONLY DAY At their recent mee)ng, the Board of Trustees approved a Teacher’s Only Day for our staff. Teacher’s Only Day will be on Tuesday 2 June (which coincides with Queen’s Birthday weekend). As a staff, we will be visi)ng Russell Street and Whakarongo Schools in Palmerston North to understand and learn about their school curriculums and also to view their Modern Learning Environments. Both schools have a strong pedagogy (the craU/science of teaching and learning) about student ownership of learning and personalised learning for students. This is an area that we are interested in learning more about. Please note this date in your calendar as school will be closed on this day. TOTARA TEAM SPORTS AVached to this newsleVer are the Totara Team Athle)c results. This was another great day of sport and our seniors can be very proud of their par)cipa)on and achievement. Thank You!
Totara Team -­‐ Ohau Tramp
It’s hard to believe that I have now been at Fairfield for one term -­‐ the weeks have flown by! I have thoroughly enjoyed my first term at Fairfield and have really enjoyed geZng to know the children and mee)ng many of you -­‐ our family and whanau. Thank you very much for your support during the first term. We know a successful home/school partnership supports our children’s learning, which is reflected in our Vision: Ka kotahitanga, haere whakamua -­‐ Together we achieve Fairfield is a fantas)c school and I am very proud to be the Principal here. www.fairfieldlevin.school.nz
Last week I shared with you the Values from our School Charter. Similar to the r
Values, are the Key Competencies from the New Zealand Curriculum, which are e
referenced in our Charter and our school planning. Key Competencies are the capabili)es C
for living and lifelong learning, “people use competencies to live, learn, work and contribute as ac)ve members of their communi)es.” (NZC, Pg 12). The Key Competencies are: THINKING
Thinking is about using
creative, critical and
deep thinking processes
to make sense of
information, experiences
and ideas.
Using Language,
Symbols and Texts is
about working with and
making meaning of the
codes in which
knowledge is expressed
This competency is
associated with selfmotivation, a “can-do”
attitude and with
students seeing
themselves as capable
Relating to Others is
about interacting
effectively with a diverse
range of people in a
variety of contexts.
This competency is
about actively involved
in communities.
ROOM 15 Today we farewell Miss Broadbelt, who is leaving to go on Maternity Leave. A big thank you to Miss Broadbelt, who provided a great programme for the children in Room 15 during Term 1. We wish her and her family all the very best for their new addi)on. While Miss Broadbelt is away, Mr George West has been appointed to teach in Room 15 for Terms 2-­‐3. VALUES AWARDS
Room 0: Taylor and Riley
Room 1: Sarah and Oscar
Room 2: Brianna and Motu
Room 3: Arias and Tammy
Room 5: Lotu and Kyra
Room 6: Duncan and Calais
Room 7: Charlotte and Sam
Room 8: Zack and Ruby
Room 9: Jaeda and Arapata
Room 10: Oma and Layla
Room 11: Amelia and Willow
Room 12: Samuel and
Room 13: Monnae and Nicole
Room 14: Callum and Emma
Room 15: Riley and Quin
Room 16: Jake and Callum
Room 17: Tyson and Angel
Room 18: Misipeka and Troy
Thursday 2 April: End of Term 1: 2.50pm Caleb and Oliver at Friday 10 April: Hurricanes Rugby team training at Shannon Domain, 2.00pm -­‐ 5.00pm (approx. )me) Monday 20 April: First day of Term 2: 8.50am
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