USEFUL GIFTS CATALOGUE 2013–14 1 At TEAR, our vision is for a just and compassionate world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve their God-given potential. By buying a gift from our Useful Gifts Catalogue, you are walking with us and our partners towards this vision. To help those at risk of harm from dirty water. And make a way for everyone to have clean water. Every gift goes directly to programs that support poor and marginalised communities around the world. Order online, fill out the order form at the back of this catalogue or call our friendly TEAR office staff on 1800 244 986 (toll-free). Your kingd your will be as it is do n e , A parent involved in the Church of Pakistan’s Village LEAP Primary Education Project o n ea r t h in h e a ve n ... — MATTHEW 6:10 TEAR supporters Amber, Scott, Elecia (aged 5) and Liam (aged 3) McFarlane, Milton, NSW Educating our girls instead of sending them to the fields to work each day. o m co m e, To make safe delivery of babies in my community... and help pregnant women during delivery. Sita, a Community Health Volunteer trained by TEAR’s partner Share and Care Nepal That people in other countries have enough healthy food to go around. PAGEs 2–3 Chickens$5 Vegetable Garden$30 Goat$50 Heifer$310 Gift of Good Food$25 PAGEs 4–5 Education Essentials$5 Teacher Training$10 Adult Literacy$35 Community School$550 Gift of Education$25 PAGEs 6–7 Toilet$70 Well/Water System$1,600 Gift of Safe Water$25 TEAR supporter Mia (aged 10), Preston, Victoria To see people rich in faith, hope and love working together to transform society. TEAR’s partner Oasis Mozambique Th� story �ehin� ��� co��r… Meet Keo Chan and her family. TEAR’s partner World Concern Laos has been working with their community in rural Laos on a project that’s tackling a range of areas including education, safe water and good food. Go online to read more about this integrated project and hear Keo’s story PAGEs 8–9 Child Health$10 Nutrition Classes$40 Healthy Mothers and Families$60 Invest in a Health Clinic$100 Gift of Good Health $25 PAGEs 10–12 Caring for the Environment $5 Protecting Children $20 Training Community Leaders $50 Women’s Self-Help Groups$220 Village Package$5,000 Farming in Africa $10,000 1 CHICKENS $5 G $25 VEGETABLE GARDEN $30 A MY DREAM BACKYARD BOUNTY This is Santoshi Dhami from Nepal, holding one of the garlic plants from her recent bumper crop. Before Santoshi and her husband Ghyanshyam became part of the Surma Devi Farmers’ Group, started by TEAR’s partner United Mission to Nepal, they grew wheat and corn. But this was barely enough for six months of the year, and they lived a hand-to-mouth existence, both working as daily labourers to make extra income. Since being a part of the farmers’ group they are now growing garlic and mustard, which they are able to sell at the market. They now have enough income to feed and educate their three sons for the year, and cover other household expenses. That people in other countries have enough healthy food to go around. TEAR supporter Mia (aged 10), Preston, Victoria K THE BEGINNINGS OF A NEST EGG FOR THE FOODIE IN YOUR LIFE SEED FUNDING Chickens are a great way of providing extra food and income – families can eat and sell the eggs and meat. This gift contributes to training too, like learning how to build coops and keep chickens healthy. Provide people with the opportunity to access good food and potentially create a small business. It may be seeds for a vegie garden, fruit trees, beekeeping, fish farming or livestock such as cows, goats, pigs or sheep – with training to develop a sustainable business. The gift of seeds and training helps to create a kitchen garden full of fresh nutritious vegies. Surplus produce can be sold at local markets for extra income. This gift contributes to projects that help families to move from subsistence farming to surplus yields. GOAT $50 HEIFER $310 A SMALL BUSINESS WITH HORNS N Goats provide meat, milk and cheese for the family table. They can also be bred and sold for profit. This gift contributes to training on how to rear goats, build a goat shed and grow fodder. “I WAS HUNGRY AND YOU GAVE ME SOMETHING TO EAT.”— MATTHEW 25:35 T MOO-VING ON UP! A heifer is a young cow that will grow up into a source of milk, cheese, fertiliser and ploughing power. Cows can also be bred and either passed on to other community members or sold for a profit. Go deeper in your understanding. Each of these gifts has a story behind it that shows the gift in action within one of our partner’s projects. Visit to read more. 2 3 EDUCATION ESSENTIALS $5 TEACHER TRAINING $10 H $25 E MY DREAM INSPIRED LEARNING Suk Wan, 11, is in Grade Four and loves playing soccer and studying maths. He would like to be a teacher one day. His parents are farmers in Xiengmai village, southern Laos, where he attends the village school. Here, many children drop out of school early for several reasons, including poor quality teaching. TEAR’s partner World Concern Laos is working with the District Education Office to train teachers, building their capacity to engage and inspire children like Suk Wan, and encouraging them to stay in school. Educating our girls instead of sending them to the fields to work each day. A parent involved in TEAR’s partner the Church of Pakistan’s Village LEAP Primary Education Project B HELPING KIDS LEARN SUPPORTING EDUCATION Books and pencils are not the only things that help kids learn. Other essentials include paying for a teacher to travel to villages, or hygiene lessons to ensure children stay well enough to attend class. Buying this gift helps to create the right conditions for kids to have better access to education. Training teachers helps to build their skills and provide them with valuable support, helping to make their role sustainable for the long term. They learn how to manage classes better as well as new techniques and ideas to engage and inspire the next generation, encouraging more kids to stay in school. ADULT LITERACY $35 L THE WRITE STUFF Enabling adults to grasp basic literacy skills such as reading, writing and numeracy opens up a world of hope and opportunity. Adult literacy groups often go on to become involved in development activities like savings and loans, training and starting micro-businesses. 4 COMMUNITY SCHOOL $550 U KEEPING KIDS IN SCHOOL Contribute towards the overall cost of a community school, and help more children go further in their education. Community school projects also provide support and training for teachers and help engage the community with the importance of education. GIVE A CHILD OR ADULT THE GIFT OF AN EDUCATION By buying this gift, you are contributing to education projects run by TEAR partners that give the gift of a brighter, more empowered future. Projects could be for preprimary and primary school children or for illiterate adults who want to learn the valuable skills of reading, writing and numeracy. Other elements like school supplies, teacher training and community engagement are often part of education projects. “WHAT DOES THE LORD REQUIRE OF YOU? TO ACT JUSTLY, LOVE MERCY AND WALK HUMBLY WITH YOUR GOD.” — MICAH 6:8 Read a story about each gift in action at 5 WELL/WATER SYSTEM $1,600 TOILET $70 OUR DREAM SOURCE OF LIFE Can you imagine walking for ten hours to get water each day? This is how long it used to take mother of four Nyarike from South Sudan (pictured, below) to make a round trip to the nearest river. After TEAR’s partner Tearfund UK drilled a bore and installed a pump near Nyarike’s home, it now takes her six minutes. It’s transformed her life, and that of her community. She now has more time and energy to spend looking after her family and cultivating crops, and everyone is enjoying much better health. She says: “Because we have clean water, we don’t get diarrhoea any more.” SOMEWHERE TO GO A toilet is essential for improving community health and environmental sanitation. Purpose-built toilets mean less disease and more dignity in villages. This gift contributes to projects that also teach people about the importance of sanitation and hygiene, training in how to build toilets and items contributing to building toilets, such as toilet pans. To help those at risk of harm from dirty water. And make a way for everyone to have clean water. TEAR supporters Amber, Scott, Elecia (aged 5) and Liam (aged 3) McFarlane, Milton, NSW Q SAFE WATER $25 V GETTING TO THE SOURCE A safe source of water close to a village enables better health, improved hygiene and healthier vegetables for a community. This gift may include a well or borehole, hand pump, filtration system and/or storage pond, as well as training in maintenance. I GIVE A FAMILY OR COMMUNITY THE GIFT OF SAFE WATER Clean water is an essential for a healthy life. Help provide a household with safe water for drinking, cooking, watering vegetables and washing. a ell/ ystem “I WAS THIRSTY AND YOU GAVE ME SOMETHING TO DRINK.”— MATTHEW 25:35 Read a story about each gift in action at 6 7 CHILD HEALTH $10 J $25 MY DREAM A HEALTHY START Brindawati (pictured) and her four-year-old son are part of a nutrition group run by TEAR’s partner United Mission to Nepal (UMN) for the families of children identified as undernourished. The groups are led by local facilitators who are trained by UMN in basic nutrition principles, as well as hygiene, sanitation and other health issues affecting small children. Participants learn how to prepare nutritious meals from cheap and locally available food. The classes empower families to improve the health of their children and give them the opportunity to thrive. To make safe delivery of babies in my community… and help pregnant women during delivery. Sita, a Community Health Volunteer trained by TEAR’s partner Share and Care Nepal NUTRITION CLASSES $40 M D SUPPORT HEALTH SERVICES FOR KIDS GIVE A FAMILY THE GIFT OF GOOD HEALTH This gift contributes to projects that support child health. It could be training health professionals for early detection and treatment of life-threatening childhood diseases, supporting children with a disability, enabling children to access proper nutrition and health care or educating kids about good hygiene or other important health issues. This gift contributes to projects that improve the health of people living in poor and marginalised communities. It could be the delivery of health services in the form of direct care or medicine and/or health training in areas like midwifery, disabilities, HIV and AIDS care or general health. HEALTHY MOTHERS AND FAMILIES $60 EMPOWERING FAMILIES Classes run by a trained community facilitator provide mothers with knowledge about basic nutrition, as well as hygiene, sanitation and health issues affecting young children. Participants learn how to prepare nutritious meals from cheap and locally available food. INVEST IN A $100 HEALTH CLINIC NURTURING THE NEXT GENERATION P Nutrition Classes This gift contributes to projects that include maternal and child health services, mobile health services, immunisations for young children, community education on topics like breastfeeding and safe pregnancy and referrals to specialists. “I CAME THAT THEY MAY HAVE LIFE, AND HAVE IT ABUNDANTLY.”— JOHN 10:10 Read a story about each gift in action at 8 R EQUIPPED TO CARE Invest in community health clinics and enable communities to access health services. This gift contributes to activities including renovating health clinic buildings, strengthening government health services, and providing important equipment and training for local health workers. 9 OUR DREAM HELP COMMUNITIES $5,000 TRANSFORM THEIR VILLAGE This gift helps to improve the lives of people in a community facing the challenge of poverty through a range of development activities and programs that will make a difference for generations to come. The Village Package may include: • Formation of Self-Help Groups that access adult literacy, savings schemes and skills-based training • Construction of toilets and sanitation and hygiene education • Improved access to water • Agricultural training W To see people rich in faith, hope and love working together to transform society. – TEAR’s partner Oasis Mozambique • Provision of livestock like chickens and goats, and training to develop a livelihood • Community health programs • Gender and human rights training for both men and women. Instead of a gift card, you’ll receive an information booklet and certificate, as well as a follow-up report. TRAINING CARING FOR THE PROTECTING ENVIRONMENT $5 CHILDREN $20 COMMUNITY LEADERS O C A VERY GREEN GIFT Support a variety of projects that help to protect the environment from degradation and safeguard it for generations to come. Activities may include tree planting to reduce soil erosion, community education and supporting local environmental groups to help care for the environment in their local community. EMPOWERING WOMEN 10 SAFEGUARDING THOSE WHO NEED IT BUILDING LEADERSHIP FOR POSITIVE CHANGE This gift supports projects that work to protect the future of children, especially girls, and keep them safe. This includes projects that encourage girls to stay in school, educate the community to reduce practices like genital circumcision, and reduce the risk of human trafficking. This gift supports the work of training and developing community leaders, who can help their community work towards its own economic and social development. Leaders can help mobilise the community, advocate to government on important issues and facilitate development of community projects in areas like health care, income generation, agricultural improvements and educational opportunities. WOMEN’S SELF-HELP GROUPS S aVillage Package $50 F $220 Women’s Self-Help Groups help to empower members through training, information and organisation. They may learn about savings and credit programs, small business or leadership, or enrol in adult literacy courses. Together with other clusters of Self-Help Groups, members can also make a real difference by lobbying government for policy change. “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR.” — MATTHEW 22:39 Read a story about each gift in action at 11 USEFUL GIFTS CATALOGUE 2013–14 $10,000 FARMING IN AFRICA SUPPORT FARMING PROJECTS IN MOZAMBIQUE AND KENYA This gift is a significant contribution to the work of food security projects run by TEAR’s partners in Kenya and Mozambique. By buying the “Farming in Africa” gift, you will receive a booklet containing detailed information about these projects, as well as prayer points. TEAR Australia is a Christian development, relief and advocacy organisation responding to global poverty and injustice. Inspired by Jesus’ call to love our neighbours and God’s heart for justice, we work in partnership with other Christian organisations around the world and with Indigenous organisations in Australia. HOW DOES THE USEFUL GIFTS CATALOGUE WORK? BUYING YOUR GIFT: IT’S EASY! By purchasing a gift from our Useful Gifts Catalogue, you are making a donation to the important work of our partners in poor and marginalised communities around the world. All gifts are integrated into long-term community development programs and are not given on a one-off basis. BUYING YOUR GIFT: IT’S EASY! Want to know more? You’ll also receive a follow-up report on our partners’ continued work. It’s a chance to go deeper in your knowledge, understanding and connection with TEAR, our partners on the ground and the communities they are working with. Online at Visit to read Frequently Asked Questions and project stories about each gift at work. Where the money goes X Administration 7% Fundraising 3% GIFT–A-MONTH $40 KEEP GIVING ALL YEAR ROUND For $40 each month, you can contribute to long-term projects run by our partners overseas as they work with local communities. You’ll receive an Advent-style calendar each January with 12 gifts on it to hang on your fridge or noticeboard. Every 12 Read through the catalogue and make your choice. You may choose to buy one gift, several of the same gift, or a combination of gifts. month we’ll send you an email about that month’s gift, with case studies from TEAR’s partners’ projects, prayer points and activities. It’s a great conversation starter and educational tool for families, small groups and churches. Sign up on the back order form or visit au/give/gift-a-month Community Education 8% Projects 82% PLACE YOUR ORDER Post: Complete the form on the back of this catalogue. You can pay by cheque, money order or credit card. Mail to: TEAR Australia, PO Box 164, Blackburn VIC 3130 Phone: 1800 244 986 (toll-free) Once you’ve ordered your gift, we’ll send you a card. Each card has a picture of the gift, some information on the gift and a project story from one of our partners on the gift in action. There’s plenty of space to write a message if you’re giving it to someone else. TEAR Australia is audited by registered company auditors and accredited by the Australian Government (through AusAID). TEAR is a signatory to the ACFID (Australian Council for International Development) Code of Conduct, representing our commitment to ethical standards in governance, financial management and public accountability. The percentages relate to the financial year ended 30 June 2013. For a full explanation of how ratios are calculated please see our Annual Report online. © TEAR Australia 2013-14 13 BUYING YOUR GIFT: IT’S EASY! CODE ITEM $ A B C $5 $5 $5 D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Chickens Education Essentials Caring for the Environment Child Health Teacher Training Protecting Children Good Food Education Safe Water Good Health Vegetable Garden Adult Literacy Nutrition Classes Goat Training Community Leaders Healthy Mothers and Families Toilet Invest in a Health Clinic Women’s Self-Help Groups Heifer Community School Well/Water System Village Package Farming in Africa Express Post for urgent card delivery* QTY $TOTAL $10 $10 $20 $25 $25 $25 $25 $30 $35 $40 $50 $50 $70 $100 $220 $310 $550 $1,600 $5,000 $10,000 Further donation to the work of TEAR Australia Total Amount $ Please send me the appropriate gift cards Cards and receipt are sent to the purchaser No (receipt only) *Regular postage is free. Express Post is optional for urgent gift card delivery. Please do not send any of TEAR’s promotional mail. OFFICE USE ONLY cards sent: Title: Given Name: Surname: Address: Postcode: Contact phone (in case of any queries): Email: Date of Birth (optional): PAYMENT DETAILS I enclose a cheque/money order payable to TEAR Australia Please charge my Visa MasterCard AMEX Card Number $60 $6 Yes (card/s & receipt) MAILING DETAILS (please print) receipt sent: Signature Expiry Date / Please return this form to: TEAR Australia PO Box 164 Blackburn VIC 3130 Fax 03 9877 7944 Phone 03 9264 7000 Toll-free 1800 244 986 Or order online at Thank you! Please send me extra copies of this catalogue to distribute to family or friends. Qty: I’d like to sign up for Gift-a-Month and support community projects working for long-term change. Please debit my credit card (details above) for the amount of $40 per month OR Please direct debit my bank, building society or credit union account for the amount of $40 per month. Please send me direct debit authorisation details. NOTE: Each purchase from this catalogue is a tax-deductible donation to ‘TEAR Fund (Australia) Developing Countries Aid Fund’ ABN 85 085 413 832. NOTE: All items on the cards are supplied by one or more projects. Should the number of items sold or the funds raised by any of the gifts in this catalogue exceed the amount needed for the projects those gifts are intended to fund, TEAR Australia will redirect donations to other development work. This appeal closes on 30 September 2014. Donations received after that date will be directed towards comparable items in TEAR’s 2014-2015 Gift Catalogue. Any gift purchased on a recurring gift basis will go to a similar gift or sector after the appeal date. TEAR Australia respects your privacy and complies with the National Privacy Principles. We will NOT disclose your details to any third party, other than for mail and bank processing. Access TEAR’s Privacy Policy at or 03 9264 7000 14TEAR National Office: 1/4 Solwood Lane, Blackburn VIC 3130. 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