BELGIA AN CHAIRMANS SHIP OF THE C OMMITTEE OF O MINISTERS S OF THE COU NCIL OF EURO OPE 6TH CONFE ERENCE OF MINISTERS RES SPONSIBLE FO OR CULTURAL L HERITAGE (2 22-24 APRIL 2015) “Cultural heritage in tthe 21st centtury for livin ng better tog gether. Towards a common sttrategy for Europe” E NAMU UR DECLAR RATION TH HE MINISTERS OF THE E STATES PARTIES P TO O THE EUR ROPEAN CU ULTURAL CO ONVENTION N MEETING G IN NA AMUR on 23 and 24 April 2015, i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. I. W Welcoming the decision of o the Belgia an Governme ent to bring them togethher fourteen years after the Po ortoroz confe erence (Slovenia) in 2001 1; Re ecognising the decisive contribution of the Coun ncil of Europe, in particullar through the t conventio ons wh hich it began n drawing up over 40 y ears ago forr the protecttion, conservvation and enhancemen e t of he eritage and which w reflect this specifica ally Europea an field of exc cellence; W Welcoming the e European Union’s effo orts to give greater g consideration to ccultural herita age in its are eas off expertise, notably n in the e Communica ation of the European E Co ommission oof 22 July 2014 “Towardss an proach to cultural heritag ge for Europe e” and the Conclusions C oon participatory governan nce inttegrated app off cultural heriitage adopte ed on 25 Novvember 2014 4 by the Council of Ministters of the European Uniion, nd the conve ergence of these efforts w with the Coun ncil of Europe e’s work; an Th hus wishing to mark the e 40th annivversary of th he European n Charter off the Archite ectural Herita age ad dopted by th he Committe ee of Ministe ers of the Council of Eu urope on 26 September 1975, the 30 3 th an nniversary of the Conve ention for the n of the Architectural Heeritage of Europe, the 15 1 th e Protection an nniversary of o the Europ pean Landsccape Convention and th he 10th anniiversary of the Framew work Co onvention on n the Value of o Cultural He eritage for So ociety; Co onsidering th hat cultural heritage is a g group of reso ources inherited from thee past which people identtify, ind dependentlyy of ownershiip, as a refle ection and ex xpression of their t constanntly evolving values, belie efs, kn nowledge an nd traditions, including all aspects of the environment ressulting from the interacttion be etween peop ple and place es through tim me; No oting with sa atisfaction the e support givve to this app proach by the e actors of ciivil society which w have be een asssociated witth preparatorry work; No oting the con ntribution of culture and ccultural heritage to susta ainable devellopment, of which w they fo orm the “fourth pilla ar”; esolved to co ontinue and intensify the eir co-operatiion in order to t provide reesponses tha at meet with the Re ch hallenges faccing the conservation, e nhancementt and use off heritage ass a fundamental right at the be eginning of th he 21st centu ury; ADOPT THE FOLLO OWING DECLARATION: 1. Clim mate change,, demograph hic changes,, migration, political, eco onomic, finaancial and so ocial crises are having a significant impact on o our societ ies and herittage. We nee ed to be awaare of these challenges and a nts of referen nce, workk together to prevent a development where our societies are weakened aand lack poin are tempted to adopt inwarrd-looking atttitudes, are experiencin ng an erosioon of traditio onal bonds and a r or imploding; sometimes risk rupturing ural heritage e is a key component o of the Europe ean identity; it is of genneral public interest and d its 2. Cultu transsmission to future gene erations is a shared responsibility; it is a uniqque resource, fragile, nonn rene ewable and non-relocata n ble, contribu uting to the attractivenes a s and the deevelopment of Europe and, a cruccially, to the creation c of a more peace eful, just and cohesive soc ciety; BELLGIAN CHAIRM MANSHIP CoE | HERITAGE | NAMUR N – 22 – 2 24 April 2015 | Declaration Text final 24 04 2015 GB 1|5 3. A Sttrategy for redefining r th he place and d role of cultural heritag ge in Europee is therefore a necesssary resp ponse to the current cha allenges in th he light of th he changing European ssocio-econom mic and cultu ural conttext; 4. Thiss Strategy: 4.1 should draw w on the corre values of tthe Council of o Europe: de emocracy, reespect for hu uman rights and a fundamenta al freedoms, openness and dialogue e, equal dignity of all peersons, mutu ual respect and a sensitivity to t diversity; 4.2 should pro omote a shared and uniffying approa ach to cultural heritage m managemen nt, based on an effective le egal framewo ork for the in ntegrated co onservation of o heritage, and involvin ng all the ma ajor players, in nstitutional and a other, a and the reprresentatives of professioonals and civil c society,, at internationa al, national and a local leve el; 4.3 should offe er a vision an nd a framewo ork for the ne ext ten years s, identify acttions and pro ojects that co ould have a lastting impact in n Member Sttates and be e implemente ed primarily tthrough existting instrume ents and tools, in particular the t conventio ons, updating and develo oping them iff necessary; 4.4 should focu us on the following prioritties: the co ontribution off heritage to the improve ement of Eurropean citizeens’ quality of o life and livving enviro onment; the co ontribution of heritage to E Europe’s attrractiveness and a prosperitty, based on n the expresssion of its id dentities and d cultural dive ersity; educa ation and life--long training g; participatory goverrnance in the e heritage fie eld; 4.5 should be guided by th he proposed d themes ide entified in the Guideliness for the European Cultu ural he 21st cent ury appende ed to the present Declaraation, of whic ch they form m an Heritage Strategy for th integral parrt; 4.6 6 should incclude appro opriate mon nitoring and evaluation methods using existting tools and a instrumentss, in particula ar the conve ntions; II. REQUES ST THE COM MMITTEE OF MINISTER RS OF THE COUNCIL C OF EUROPE: 5. to en ntrust the dra afting and fo ollow-up of th he implementation of this s Strategy to the Steering g Committee e for Cultu ure, Heritage e and Landscape of the Council of Europe, E and to t give it thee resources to t complete this t task; ake the appro opriate decis sions to this effect in the context of the Council oof Europe’s programme p a and 6. to ta budg get for 2016--2017; dopt the Stra ategy prefera ably as a Re ecommendatiion of the Co ommittee of M Ministers to member Sta ates 7. to ad by th he end of 2016; III. T PROMOT TE A EUROP PEAN HERIT TAGE STRA ATEGY SHOU ULD BRING RECOGNIZE THAT EFFORTS TO HER A MULT TITUDE OF PLAYERS A AND TO THIS S END: TOGETH BELLGIAN CHAIRM MANSHIP CoE | HERITAGE | NAMUR N – 22 – 2 24 April 2015 | Declaration Text final 24 04 2015 GB 2|5 8. invite e the Europe ean Union to o be involved d in the development and implementaation of the Strategy, S both h at Euro opean and member m State e level; 9. welccome, as be est practice, the idea off the Council of the Eurropean Unioon to organise a Europe ean Herittage Year, and a ask tha at the Counccil of Europe e and all Sttates Partiess to the Eurropean Cultu ural Convvention be in nvited to partticipate; e those Mem mber States which w have n not yet done e so to sign and a ratify thee following fo our conventio ons: 10. invite the C Convention for f the Prote ection of the Architectura al Heritage off Europe, thee European Convention n on the Protection of o the Archa aeological H Heritage (rev vised), the European LLandscape Convention, C the mework Convvention on th he Value of C Cultural Herittage for Society; Fram SCO and ICCROM to co ooperate mo ore widely wiith the Europpean institutions in order to 11. also invite UNES mote the excchange of ex xperience an nd best practtices, and to o create syneergies with other o regionss of prom the w world; all the imporrtance of dev veloping thiss future strattegy with the e involvemennt of civil soc ciety actors and a 12. Reca orga anisations acctives in the heritage h field d including the networks of o Cities; BELLGIAN CHAIRM MANSHIP CoE | HERITAGE | NAMUR N – 22 – 2 24 April 2015 | Declaration Text final 24 04 2015 GB 3|5 Append dix Guide elines for the European n Cultural He eritage Strattegy for the 21st century y e up to each h country to implement tthe Strategy according to o the compeetences and responsibilitties It will be specific to each leve el of governm ment and the egislation, while giving ppriority to tho ose themes and a e relevant le recomme ended coursses of action n which best match their own concerrns or objecttives, and att the same tiime endeavo ouring to implement the Strategy S as a whole in a harmonious, h integrated aand coherentt manner. owing guideliines suggestt unifying, co onsensual themes while at the same time respec cting differences The follo in the wa ay heritage and a certain is ssues are pe erceived by the various states and paarties involve ed. They iden ntify operational prioritiess, which sho ould be imp plemented us sing the Council of Eurrope instrum ments and to ools e: available tthe conventio ons, resolutions and reco ommendations developed by the Couuncil of Europ pe since 196 69; tthe database es, knowledg ge bases an nd institution nal networks (HEREIN, E ELCIS and Compendium C m of C Cultural Policies); a activities con nducted with local entitiess in the spiritt of the Faro Framework Convention; tthe Technica al Co-operattion and Con nsultancy Prrogramme re elated to thee integrated conservation n of tthe cultural heritage; h ccurrent thinkking on the co ontribution off digital technology to all the suggeste ted themes. Account should also o be taken off the Europe ean Union prrojects which h concern cuultural heritage, through the EU sectorial policies. various E gested unifying and cons sensual them mes are as fo ollows: The sugg RITAGE AND D CITIZENSH HIP HER blishing good d governancce and promo oting particip patory managgement for th he identificattion o IIssues: estab a and manage ement of cultural heritage e; optimising the impleme entation of thhe conventions; promotin ng a ssensorial and d sensitive approach a to h heritage more in harmony y with the poopulation’s ex xperience; o G Guidelines: develop d education and trraining for alll in the field of cultural hheritage; get all the partn ners tto work tog gether; invollve civil socciety and elected e repre esentatives more; educ cate and ra aise a awareness about a heritag ge rights and d responsibilities; enable citizens to ddevelop or regain a sense e of o ownership of o heritage; pursue acti ons in the spirit of Faro; engage in dialogue e and establish p partnerships with natio onal and in nternational institutions, and with NGOs; contextualise the cconventions and other re eference textts, ensuring better b implem mentation. RITAGE AND D SOCIETIES S HER g in peace, improving qu uality of life and a the living environmeent; contributing to people’s o IIssues: living w well-being, to o the good health of indivviduals, preserving the co ollective mem mory; o G Guidelines: take into account a the everyday heritage tha at constitutees people’s primary livving e environmentt; use heritage to conne ect or even reconcile hu uman beingss with life, with w their fellow ccitizens, with their environment an nd history; recognise cu ultural heritaage as an ideal meanss of ttransmitting values throu ugh the gene erations; pro omote the ca are of heritagge by actors s and the more m a autonomous communities of citizens,, with the sup pport of expe erts; fight agaainst standarrdisation. RITAGE AND D THE ECON NOMY HER BELLGIAN CHAIRM MANSHIP CoE | HERITAGE | NAMUR N – 22 – 2 24 April 2015 | Declaration Text final 24 04 2015 GB 4|5 ding a more inclusive and d cohesive society; developing prospperity; promoting public wellw o IIssues: build b being; o G Guidelines: consider herritage as a source of re eflection and d inspiration;; use heritag ge resourcess in rrespectful, creative and innovative w ways; increas se the attrac ctiveness of Europe and its expertise e in tthe field of cultural c herita age; mitigate the intensiv ve use and excessive expploitation of certain herita age ssites; diversiify the provis sion in termss of heritage sites; increa ase access too cultural he eritage includ ding tthrough e-co ontent; prom mote the usse of cultura al heritage for f educatioon, research, scientific and a ttechnical co-operation and a tourism; broaden the scope of the Europeaan cultural routes; r prom mote ccultural conn nections betw ween citizenss and communities (twinn ning) based on cultural heritage; h upd date tthe European Heritage Days D portal a as an e-herita age platform; promote auugmented reality techniqu ues b based on a genuine knowledge k o of cultural heritage; h con nsider alternnative financ cing models or iinstruments; encourage the re-use and regene eration of he eritage to crreate jobs and a utilise lo ocal rresources. RITAGE AND D KNOWLED DGE HER ering a know wledge socie ety; ensuring g the maintenance and ttransmission n of knowled dge, o IIssues: foste m methods and d know-how w; increasing g awareness s about, and d a sense oof responsibility for, cultu ural h heritage and d the values it conveys; e ensuring acc cess to life-lo ong training; combatting social dump ping w where heritage-related la abour is conccerned; o G Guidelines: support s the exchange off knowledge e, ideas and best practicce; develop and a co-ordin nate tthe actions of o the European Union, tthe Council of Europe, and a ICCROM M; promote th he exchange e of e experts and d expertise,, apprentice es, researchers, stude ents (expandd the exis sting exchan nge p programmess) and volunteers (active e at archaeo ological sites s or monum ment restoration projects for e example); wo ork on evidence-based p policy development. RITAGE AND D TERRITOR RIAL GOVER RNANCE HER o o IIssues: defin ning the role of institution ns and the re esponsibility of citizens tto work toge ether to impro ove tthe surround dings and quality of life o of all members of society y; introducingg heritage ma anagement that t iis conducive to living together in harm mony, well-be eing and dev velopment; G Guidelines: in the spirit of o the Floren ce conventio on, affirm terrritory as an entity that is s remarkable for tthe characte er of its heritages and tthat may cro oss borders: specific lanndscape and d environmen ntal ffeatures, stro ong identity, sense of be elonging sharred by all me embers of thhe community y, etc.; prom mote u uniqueness as a driving g force for tthe positive transformation of the livving environ nment; prom mote iinnovative go ood spatial governance g b based on heritage as a re esource; proomote co-ope eration betwe een tterritories in the field of trransfrontier h heritage. HER RITAGE AND D SUSTAINA ABLE DEVEL LOPMENT ublic sector with appropriate means, enabling it to be mo ore effective e in o IIssues: provviding the pu iimproving qu uality of life and a the living g environmen nt; o Guid delines: imprrove the public sector’s cu ultural herita age managem ment capacity ty so it can manage m herita age as a real local and regiona al resource; promote cu ultural heritage as a facctor in socia al and territo orial cohe esion and la andscape quality; strengtthen the role e of cultural heritage in the develop pment of public spacces, analyse e the risks for f cultural heritage; wiiden the sco ope of the ttechnical co o-operation and a conssultancy misssions of the e Council of Europe and d make them m more perm manent in the field; use the Euro opean projeccts (Europea an Union) w while stressing the importance of heritage for other secto oral policcies; develop p partnership ps with UNES SCO, the European Unio on, and ICCR ROM in cultural heritage risk man nagement. BELLGIAN CHAIRM MANSHIP CoE | HERITAGE | NAMUR N – 22 – 2 24 April 2015 | Declaration Text final 24 04 2015 GB 5|5
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