UNITED NATIONS FIF'TH SESSIONOF THE PERMANENT FORUM ON INDIGENOUS ISSUES NEW YORK. USA. 15-26Mav.2006 YURTA MIRA Alexandra Grigorieva,Ph.D. President Dr. of MedicalAnthropologt Professorof ResearchInstituteof IndigenousNationsof theNorth SiberianBranchof the RussianAcademyof Sciences ResearchAssociationof InternationalInnovationProiecl at the Universityof Toronto in Canada Permanent Representalive Peopleo.fSiberia of theAssociationof the NorthernIndigenou,s phone: 416-530-7 436 fax: +416-978-5031 [email protected] e-mail:inter. [email protected] or G risorievS5(dhotmail.com Dearsistersandbrothers, - President I am a Dr. AlexandraGrigorieva YurtaMira - World of theOrganization Yurtaof Peace. I wishto thankparticipants of the Fifth Forumfor supportof idea"YurtaMira". andalsoBranchin Todaythe organization "Yurta Mira"hasits HeadBranchin Canada, RepublicSakha(Yakutia)in Siberia. Thetaskof "YM" is to associate nationsof theworldwith thepurpose of all indigenous of survivalin rigid andchangingconditions economicsocial of thepresent(climatic,geopolitics, ancienttraditions of etc.),andalsopreservations of originalcultureof eachnationality, language, people, spiritualhealingof aswell asthesoil on whichtheylive. peoplearekeepers Indigenous theirwellof naturalandculturalrelics,andtherefore beingis themortgage of preservation of a culturalandbiologicalvarietyof variousareasof the world. I would like to bringattentionof participants of the Fifth Forumto followingevent:in 2010in Vancouver will hostWinterOlympicGames.An officialEmblemof thisOlympic Gamesis an imagewhichis Inuit symbolof hopeandfriendship. I wishto remindthosepresentherethatInuitsarenativepeopleof PolarSiberia.Five thousandyearsagotheyhavecrossedBeringStraitandcameto the AmericanContinent.Thus, we arerelatedpeople.And we shouldtakepartin this Olympicstogether. As the Permanent Representative of Associationof IndigenousPeopleof theNorth in Canada,I callthe Fifth Forumto supportthe ideaof participationof all IndigenousPeoplein this Olympics.EachlndigenousPeoplehasits uniquekindsof sports.In Yakutiatherearesuch ancientnationalkindsof sportsas Khapsagai-wrestling thesenationalsports andMas-wrestlings; canbe demonstrated couldbe includedin standard duringthe Olympicsso that subsequently on freeOlympicprograms.A little of history:exactlythirty yearsagothreeYakut sportsmen participated won the Gold stylewrestling on OlympicGamesin Montreal.PavelPiniginhas medal,RomanDmitriev a silvermedal,Alexanderlvanov the Bronzemedal.Thiseventwas thebig pridefor thesmallpeopleof Yakutialivingin conditions of PolarSiberia. Thus"YM" will allowto theworld communityto getacquainted with traditions. cultural anda spiritualheritageof Indigenousnations. We havea wide experience andcarryingout of suchactions.Yakutsk of the organization participants hadthricehostedthe IntemationalSportsGamesof Childrenof Asia representing from l6 countries of Asian-Pacific region. - we Our organization hasallthat is neededfor buildingsucha complexin Vancouver havethe pro.iectready,construction expertsandworkersarereadyto beginwork immediately. and AftertheOlympics"YM" will serveasthepublic,cultural,sports,educational medicalCenterfor nativesof Canada. It will alsobe a groundfor sacredspiritualceremonies. of the of all nativepeoples Thus"YM" becomes andassemblies a placefor meetings World.
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