A Time Series Interaction Analysis Method for Building Predictive Models of Learners using Log Data Christopher Brooks Craig Thompson Stephanie Teasley School of Information University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, USA Dept. of Computer Science University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK, Canada School of Information University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, USA [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT As courses become bigger, move online, and are deployed to the general public at low cost (e.g. through Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCs), new methods of predicting student achievement are needed to support the learning process. This paper presents a novel method for converting educational log data into features suitable for building predictive models of student success. Unlike cognitive modelling or content analysis approaches, these models are built from interactions between learners and resources, an approach that requires no input from instructional or domain experts and can be applied across courses or learning environments. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.3 [Computing Milieux]: Computers and Education; I.2.1 [Computing Methodologies]: Artificial Intelligence— Applications and Expert Systems 1. INTRODUCTION Predictive models in education generally require intimate knowledge of the domain being taught, the learning objectives, and the pedagogical circumstances under which the instruction takes place. While there is work that focuses on removing some of these constraints and focusing instead on specific tools or pedagogies (e.g. analysis of discussion forum communication), this limits techniques to only those courses which use particular technologies or pedagogical approaches. In this paper we present a more general method of building predictive models for educational data based on student interactions with the learning environment. Unlike existing work in the area (e.g. [3], [14]), we aim to build models solely from coarse grained observations of interactions over time between a student and course resources. Our goal is to not only build an accurate predictive model for a particular course, but to do so in a fashion that scales across many different courses and learning environments. We aim to enable “one click modeling” of a large variety of educational data systems without the need to burden instructors, pedagogical Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. LAK ’15 March 16 - 20, 2015, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA ACM 978-1-4503-3417-4/15/03 ...$15.00. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2723576.2723581. [email protected] experts, or learning technologists. These models can then be used by these individuals to gain insight into activities that have happened in a course, build early-warning systems for student success, or characterize how courses relate to one another. Of course, we do not claim that experts should be removed entirely from the modelling process, rather we aim to augment their activities by making it easier to create data-driven models. A strong motivation for this approach comes from the growing list of educational software systems that collect “clickstream” data about learners. For instance, the BlackBoard and Sakai learning management systems both collect data on the interactions learners have with various tools and content, the Opencast lecture capture system collects finegrained data on access to lecture video and configuration of the playback environment, and the Coursera massive open online course platform collects web logs of how users have navigated through the course website. All of these systems do this educational data logging in addition to maintaining traditional operations data based on the features available to learners. To narrow the focus of this paper, we specifically apply a technique we refer to as time series interaction analysis to predict student achievement in summative evaluations from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). A number of approaches have been used to predict student achievement and the general consensus is that previous student evaluations (either summative or formative) are the best predictor of future success in higher education. For instance, using data from a four year traditional public school, Jayaprakash et al. [14] provide a description of a logistic regression model in which partial grades for a course followed by cumulative grade point average are the strongest predictors of a students final grade. Barber and Sharkey [3] provide a similar analysis of data collected from a four year private online university, demonstrating that while the importance of prior academic achievement decreases as formative assessment is collected, both measures are more important than the data collected about student behaviors in the learning environments used. With the increased availability and quality of institution-wide student demographic and assessment data through university data warehouses, it is not surprising that summary measures of student activity in online courseware have been most explored when building predictive models. Massive open online courses are different from courses offered in traditional higher education settings in many ways. In this work we focus on one particular difference between MOOCs and traditional course delivery that impacts the ability of institutions to build predictive models of student achievement – namely, institutions that offer MOOCs tend to have very little prior information about learners and the learners’ previous academic achievements. For instance, students engaging in Coursera offerings at the University of Michigan are not obligated to report demographic information, residency information, previous history with the content they are studying, or their goals for enrolling in the MOOC. In these cases, interaction behavior with the learning platform is the only source of data that is available from which to form a predictive model until course examinations have been completed. This paper proceeds as follows: In section 2 we provide a discussion of our approach to modeling educational log data, including details of a method of generating features suitable for data mining based on the popular n-grams technique used in the field of text analysis. We detail the kind of data available from the Coursera MOOC platform, and the datasets which we have used to validate our approach. In section 3 we describe how our approach can be used to support three different course modeling activities: (1) understanding a single cohort of learners, (2) generalizing a model across different sessions of a course, and (3) demonstrating the effectiveness of the model for predicting success over the course. In this last question we consider specifically how time series interaction analysis models change in form and accuracy throughout a course, an important consideration when building automated early warning systems. We conclude with a discussion about the generalizability of the approach and avenues for further exploration. 2. APPROACH In the field Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), much attention has been paid to understanding how people learn from a cognitive perspective. For instance, Anderson’s ACTR theory of skill knowledge [2], which is used as a basis for many intelligent tutoring systems (see [7]), suggests that cognitive skills can be described as production rules: small operations of data manipulation organized around atomic goals. Firing of correct rules is done repeatedly with the facts available to a learner, leading them to demonstrate a particular higher level cognitive skill. Inability to fire correct rules in such a way that a skill is demonstrated indicates a lack of having the correct rules, and suggests a need for educational intervention (learning) or that the rule matching mechanism needs improvement. Ohlsson’s theory of learning based on performance errors provides an alternative to the ACT-R theory, where he argues that it is through making mistakes and correcting them that we demonstrate learning [17]. Providing a correct answer does not signify the learner understands; instead, the learner may just not yet have made a mistake and may have inadvertently answered correctly. It is the times the learner demonstrates mistakes that indicate learning is happening. This approach is core to the constraint-based modeling family of intelligent tutoring systems such as [16]. Learner interactions with content and problems are not the only focus of learning theories, as learning through communication with other individuals has been explored broadly under the theory of social constructivism [11]. While the majority of work related to TEL in this area has been on peerto-peer learning through chat or discussion forums, some have also applied intelligent systems in the form of peer matching [6] or tutors based on dialogue systems [12]. In this work we aim to enable the modeling of learners based on data gathered from learning systems that log the interactions learners have with resources. This is a datadriven approach to modelling learners versus a theoretical approach, and it is meant to be complementary to the approaches described above. This approach has particular benefits for scaling the creation of learner models, as no interaction is required from human experts (instructors, instructional designers, or tutors) in order to generate the models. The end results may then either be used in an automated fashion as part of an early-warning system, or may be used by pedagogical experts as a reflection on how learner–environment interactions relate to student success. 2.1 General Model for Educational Log Data We view the learning system as being made up of five pieces: students, resources, interactions, events, and outcomes. The first of these, students, is a set of individuals who interact with the learning environment. These individuals have characteristics that are known when they first begin interacting with the environment and, for simplification of modelling purposes, these characteristics do not change. For example, demographic variables (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity) as well as prior knowledge (e.g. previous grades or other measures of evaluation) can be associated with an individual, and may be a direct influence on their outcomes. In the results described in the next session we omit student characteristics from our modeling, but we note here that they may be useful (and readily accessible) when creating predictive models. Students interact with a learning system through resources. These resources may be web content, discussion forums, lecture video, or even intelligent tutoring systems. Resources may be described through different levels of generalization. For instance, the coarse grain “lecture” resource may be made up of individual “lectures”, each of which may be made up of “segments”. An important distinction between this view of resources and others is that we intentionally conflate pedagogy, technology, and content into a single item, and do not attempt to disambiguate resources by defining them to be about concepts, methods, or delivery mechanisms. An interaction denotes a singular circumstance in which a student uses a resource, and represents a temporal relationship between the student and resource. For instance, an interaction may be viewing a lecture, submitting a quiz, or reading a discussion forum post. It is expected that individual interactions will be processed through aggregation, summation, scaling, or other mathematical functions in order to describe different levels of granularity that may be useful in the modelling process. This processing is to be applied in an automated manner, and not require a priori hypotheses based on the content, concepts, or individuals involved. Each interaction exists between two events. Events are demarcations of the beginning and end of time-frames of interest. Conceptually, events can be hierarchically arranged, and a given set of data might have a start and end time which encompass other events such as assignment deadlines, examinations, or course beginning and endings. In the investigation section to follow we will focus only on a single set of events that note the beginning and end of a course, but one can readily imagine how it may be useful to predict outcomes for other pairs of events (e.g. the beginning of the course and the first major exam, or the beginning of the course and the first assignment deadline). Educational outcomes can be measured in various ways including through taxonomies of skill acquisition (e.g. through Bloom’s taxonomy [4] or the like), grades (which may be content-based or a comparison between students in a cohort), or student satisfaction (which may be measured through self-reports or through proxy variables such as retention in a program). In our characterization of educational data modelling we make no attempt to link specific interactions to outcomes in a theoretical manner. Instead, we argue that consistent and repeatable correlations found through the data mining process will either support or not support linkages between interaction patterns and educational theory. Thus, evidence for learning theory is an output of the modelling process which can be reflected upon by practitioners, but theory is not necessarily an input to the process. The only constraint we put on the educational outcome is that it be well-defined and measurable so that it can be used as a predictor variable in the data mining process. 2.2 Creating Time Series Features from Log Data In data mining classification tasks, a feature is a key/value pair associated with an instance in the dataset which describes it in some fashion. Features may be nominal, ordinal, or real values, and may be discrete or continuous. In our approach to modeling interactions of learners within MOOC platforms we generate a base set of binary features (true or false) based on the timeframe in which a resource was accessed by the learner. 2.2.1 Timeframes We represent timeframes as relative offsets from the start of the course. This allows for comparison across models where courses are treated as being similar to one another as one might do with consecutive offerings of a course. We chose 4 different granularities of timeframes: accesses within a calendar day, a three calendar day period, a calendar week, and a calendar month. Thus, in a course that is offered over 60 days there will be sixty one-day features, twenty threeday features, roughly nine week features (depending when the course started), and up to three month features. In addition to these binary features, we generate seven summative features which hold counts of the number of calendar days of the week a learner has accessed a given resource. 2.2.2 Resources Students have a variety of resources available for learning in MOOCs and, with the introduction of third party tools through Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) standards, the list of these resources can be very broad. Further, one can conceptualize resources as being hierarchically arranged – a particular web page of content might belong to a collection of pages which belong to a section in a course, or a particular question on a quiz might be composed within in a section of a particular exam. We decomposed the Coursera clickstream datafile into a relational database.1 These tools parse access URLs and distinguish resources by the paths and parameters that have been used to access them. As we were interested in looking at a longitudinal dataset collected over several years, we restricted our investigation of interactions to three coarse grained resources: lecture videos, discussion forum threads, and quiz attempts. The choice to make this representation at a coarse level (e.g. viewing any lecture video is considered an interaction with the lecture videos resource, instead of making separate resources for each lecture video that exists) was somewhat arbitrary, and we leave discussion of the potential affect this has on classification accuracy to our conclusions. 2.2.3 Applying n-grams to Time Series Features The co-occurrence of features based on the time series data may represent patterns that correlate with outcomes of interest. For instance, if all students who watch lectures on the sixth, seventh, and eighth day of the course end up with a passing grade in the course, while those who do not watch lectures these days fail to get a passing grade, then this pattern of behavior is valuable (and would be captured by our existing transformations). If, however, a pattern of interaction such as watching consecutive lectures on any three days was correlative with an outcome of interest, this pattern would be missed by the features described thus far. To capture these more general patterns of interaction, we apply the n-gram technique from text mining to interactions. An n-gram is a sequence of n words, and n-gram features are often used as counts of particular n-grams. For instance, if the words “quick brown fox” occurs twice in a given document, the n-gram (in this case a 3-gram) feature quick brown fox would have a value of two. In our data we are dealing with accesses to resources such as lecture videos, so an n-gram with the pattern (f alse, true, f alse), the label of week, and count of 2 would indicate that a student had two occurrences of the pattern of not watching lectures in one week, watching in the next week, and then not watching again in the third week. We generate the set of n-grams ranging from 2-grams to 5grams covering all permutations of (f alse, true) from (f alse, f alse) to (true, true, true, true, true). We repeat this process for all of the features described in section 2.2.1: single days, 3-day lengths, weeks, and months. 2.3 Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Example The University of Michigan has offered a number of MOOCs through the Coursera platform since 2012. As an example, one of these MOOCs was 104 days long and used video lectures (which we coded as lectureview ), discussion forums (coded as forumthread ), and quizzes (coded as quizattempt) throughout. Using the method described in 2.2.1, we coded single day accesses (1d), three day accesses (3d), one week accesses (1w) and one month accesses (1m) over the 104 day period, resulting in 480 boolean features in the format shown in Figure 1. We added 21 more features which were summative in nature describing accesses to resources over days of the week (starting with Sunday coded as a 0) in the format shown in Figure 2. Finally, we added 717 more features representing the 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-gram patterns described in section 2.2.3. Each of these features are in the format as shown in Figure 3. The final datafile for this course was made up of a total of 1221 1 The tools for this process are open source and available at https://bitbucket.org/umuselab/mooc-scripts 0_1D_FORUMTHREAD...103_1D_FORUMTHREAD 0_3D_FORUMTHREAD...35_3D_FORUMTHREAD 0_1W_FORUMTHREAD...14_1W_FORUMTHREAD 0_1M_FORUMTHREAD...4_1M_FORUMTHREAD Figure 1: List of features representing student interactions with discussion forums. Separate features exist for single day, three day, one week, and one month accesses. 0_DOTW_FORUMTHREAD...6_DOTW_FORUMTHREAD 0_DOTW_LECTUREVIEW...6_DOTW_LECTUREVIEW 0_DOTW_QUIZATTEMPT...6_DOTW_QUIZATTEMPT Figure 2: Days of the week counts as features for the three resources. total features for each instance (each student enrolled in the course) in the dataset. [0, [0, [0, [0, 0]_1D_FORUMTHREAD...[1, 0]_3D_FORUMTHREAD...[1, 0]_1W_FORUMTHREAD...[1, 0]_1M_FORUMTHREAD...[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]_1D_FORUMTHREAD 1]_3D_FORUMTHREAD 1]_1W_FORUMTHREAD 1]_1M_FORUMTHREAD Figure 3: Temporal pattern features as n-grams for interactions with resources. 3. EXPERIMENT We investigated whether our approach of time series interaction analysis would be suitable for answering three predictive modeling questions about MOOCs: R1 Can we create an accurate post-hoc explanatory model that describes the patters of interaction that lead to learners achieving a passing grade (defined as a Coursera “normal” grade) for a given session of a course? R2 What is the post-hoc model generalizability and can it be used to accurately describe new sessions of a course? R3 How does model accuracy and explanation change over time if the model is created while a course is ongoing? The first of these questions is a reflective activity, aimed at providing a summary to course designers or instructors as to how interactions have affected achievement. These instructional experts can then modify the pedagogy, resources, help methods, or structure of the course to target particular groups of learners. If the accuracy of the model is low, it still may be useful in describing how certain kinds of interaction patterns relate to achievement. The second of these questions is longitudinal in nature, aimed at generalizing the model across sessions and characterize how predictive it might be of a new offering. Such models are powerful but generally require historical data and an understanding of how the structure, content, and pedagogy of course resources has changed over subsequent offerings. In the case of Michigan MOOCs we have made the assumption that these resources have undergone minimal change which may not be true in other situations. The last of these questions is most relevant when building early-warning systems for student success. Being able to identify early on in a course which students will pass and which will fail allows for targeted delivery of help resources or other interventions to those who need it the most. There may be explanatory power in early models as well if accuracy is high, as it allows instructional experts to see patterns of interaction that may be associated with success but not most predictive once the course has finished. These explanations might help tutors or instructors identify particular problems with course design or student misconceptions. To address these questions, we formed predictive models with J48 decision trees using the Weka toolkit [13] for 4 different Michigan MOOCs offered on the Coursera platform. We chose these four MOOCs based on how long they had been running and whether the curriculum, platform, and data formats behind the course were largely unchanged. These MOOCs covered a variety of domains and anticipated skill levels of learners. Each MOOC had its own criteria for determining what a passing grade for the course was and, similar to the results of others [18], the total number of learners achieving a passing grade are only a small portion of the total number of learners who have enrolled in the course. Summary statistics for each of the MOOC datasets we used are given in Table 1. 3.1 Technical Parameters and Nomenclature Educational data, especially data from MOOCs, is often highly unbalanced. As shown in Table 1, the fraction of students who pass the course is between 1.46% and 11.79%. As there is a tendency for machine learning algorithms to bias towards the majority class, and training based on balanced data has been shown to improve accuracy in real-world educational data mining activities [8], [14], we report the majority of our measures using balanced random data where balancing is done through subsampling of the majority class. The exception to this is for research question R3 described in Section 3.4 as this question is particularly aimed at generating models for a course in situ, where the proportion of students who pass is not already known. Our experiment does not address what the optimal data mining technique or parameters are for each of the three research questions described. Decision trees were chosen for their ease of use and clear interpretability for to instructional designers [5], and as our contribution is primarily one of feature engineering we anticipate various other kinds of machine learning techniques (e.g. Bayesian models, support vector machines) will work with similar, or better, results. We do not make any claims here as to whether J48 is the ideal method of learning that should be used in this domain. Unless otherwise stated, all data processing was done using the Weka toolkit version 3.7.10 with the J48 classifier, an implementation of C4.5. The classifier was parameterized with a confidence level of 0.25 and a minimum leaf node size of 50. In our results related to all three research questions we report the number of correct classifications, the number of incorrect classifications, and Fleiss’ κ (kappa) [9] as a measure of agreement between observed data and predicted data. κ is chance corrected, and ranges from -1 to 1 where 0 is an indication of chance agreement and 1 indicates complete agreement. A challenge in educational data mining is the determining how strong a measure of κ is needed – different authors provide widely different views on the issue (see [15], [10], [1] as cited in [19]), though there is some agreement that values above 0.41 are fair or better, and values Course and Offering Number of Students with Grades Number of Students Passing Passing Criteria Total Number of Interactions in Course Literature-1 Literature-2 Internet-1 Internet-2 Internet-3 Philosophy-1 Philosophy-2 Philosophy-3 Networks-1 Networks-2 Networks-3 14, 628 17, 385 34, 120 19, 990 23, 790 38, 344 48, 521 17, 385 62, 826 35, 274 58, 006 668 384 2, 909 2, 671 1, 395 2, 331 2, 559 1, 946 1, 409 1, 379 930 ≥ 60 ≥ 60 ≥ 80 ≥ 80 ≥ 80 ≥ 75 ≥ 75 ≥ 75 ≥ 78 ≥ 78 ≥ 78 2, 696, 875 1, 670, 370 4, 331, 072 3, 910, 375 2, 713, 321 8, 719, 079 9, 840, 823 9, 255, 691 7, 379, 887 4, 764, 195 4, 509, 613 Table 1: Course statistics for each MOOC analyzed. Note that the criteria for passing a course can be a complex calculation and that it is not uncommon for MOOCs to allow for greater than 100 points to be achieved. [0, [0, | | 0, 0, 0]_1W_FORUMTHREAD <= 4: pass (590.0/19.0) 0, 0, 0]_1W_FORUMTHREAD > 4 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]_1D_LECTUREVIEW <= 2: fail (647.0/21.0) [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]_1D_LECTUREVIEW > 2: pass (99.0/23.0) Figure 4: Example of end of course decision tree for Literature-1 above 0.81 are strong. Actual determination of the value of κ is highly contextual and is determined by the end use of the data – a value of kappa = 0.4 might represent a strong agreement if the cost and risk of intervention is low, while a more conservative kappa = 0.8 might be required for higher risk or high cost interventions. We address the challenge of interpreting measures like κ in the future work section of the paper. 3.2 Accurate Post-hoc Explanatory models (R1) Research question R1 addresses the issue of whether accurate post-hoc explanatory models can be created for a course. This leads to two related analyses (a) are the models created explanatory in nature and (b) what is the accuracy of the models? 3.2.1 Post-hoc Model Explanatory Power To address the first of these issues, we rely on the decision tree generated by the J48 implementation of C4.5. The tree lists a set of rules where leaf nodes classify learners based on the features used in training. Each leaf node has a misclassification rate given in parenthesis after the leaf node, where the first number is the total number of instances represented by the leaf and the second is the number of those instances that are misclassified. Figure 4 gives an example of the decision tree for one course, Literature-1. In it there are only three different paths to classification: • If the learner has less than or equal to four one week [0, 0, 0, 0] counts they will pass the course (misclassification rate of 3%). This path suggests that reading discussion forums is valuable in passing this course. An instructional expert might find this description help- ful and (with a belief that the activity is causal), may try and pull in students who go long periods without reading discussion forums. • If the learner has not followed the first rule, but has more than two [0, 0, 0, 0, 1] one day lecture views then they will pass the course (misclassification rate of 3%). This suggests that watching behavior of lectures, spaced broadly (five days apart), at least a couple of times is valuable if reading of discussion forums over time is not being done. While the relatively high misclassification rate suggests care should be paid to overrelying on this path, an instructional expert (with the belief that the activity is causal) may do a midterm evaluation of how students are using lecture content, and send out email invitations to students who have disengaged. • The last path suggests that students who do not fit the other two descriptions are likely to fail the course (misclassification rate of 23%) A second end-of-course decision tree, for Networks-1, is given in Figure 5. This tree is even more limited and has only two paths, one that suggests that if learners attempt and assessment in at least two consecutive months after the first (e.g. that they have a pattern of one month quiz attempts of [0, 1, 1] or higher) they will pass the course. This kind of pattern, which relies on interactions with assessment mechanisms, is prevalent throughout the rest of the MOOC courses we considered. It is important to note that a quiz attempt does not capture the grade a student achieved on the quiz, nor reveal conceptual errors a student may have made about particular questions. Instead, this model only looks at interaction activity, and misclassification rates are low. This tree may demonstrate the low assessment demands of learners in MOOCs (e.g. that quizzes are easy enough that just attempting a quiz will result in passing the course), or the highly specialized backgrounds of learners in MOOCs (e.g. that learners aiming to get certificates in the course already have strong backgrounds in the subject). While a more thorough understanding of the explanatory power of these models would require user studies, it seems reasonable to suggest that the end of course models have [0, 1, 1]_1M_QUIZATTEMPT <= 0: fail (1389.0/3.0) [0, 1, 1]_1M_QUIZATTEMPT > 0: pass (1431.0/24.0) Figure 5: Example of end of course decision tree for Networks-1 minimal explanatory benefits to instructional experts. The models presented here instead act as summaries of learner activity which are broadly predictive. The J48 decision tree does not capture all intermediate models of activity, and prunes out features which may be somewhat (even significantly) predictive but not as predictive as the summary features discussed here. The post-hoc models created through the time series interaction analysis lack strong explanatory powers. 3.2.2 Post-hoc Model Accuracy The second part of research question one (R1) investigates the accuracy of the post-hoc time series interaction models. If the models are inaccurate then further research on improving the explanatory power of the model is questionable. However, if the models are accurate predictions of student results then they may be applicable in automated situations. The results here are positive: model accuracy as measured by the κ statistic are extremely high, above 0.9 in all cases, with a misclassification rate below 5% in all cases (Table 2). This, along with the low number of paths to leaf nodes in the decision trees, suggests that the time series interaction analysis method captures features which are highly correlated with learner achievement, in this case defined as receiving a passing grade in the MOOC course. Course κ Literature-1 Internet-1 Philosophy-1 Networks-1 0.90 0.96 0.92 0.98 correctly classified (%) incorrectly classified (%) 1,273 5,306 1,660 2,793 63 82 62 27 (95.28) (98.48) (96.40) (99.04) (4.72) (1.52) (3.60) (0.06) Table 2: Accuracy of models for each of the courses considered. A κ of 1 indicates a perfectly accurate model, while a κ of 0 represents a model as good as chance. The post-hoc models created through the time series interaction analysis are highly accurate. However, this does not speak to whether the models are generalizable or not as this experiment did not use cross-validated or testing on a hold out set. The next section (R2) will consider this issue directly. 3.3 Post-hoc Model Generalizability (R2) A post-hoc analysis for a single session describes the features that most highly correlate with success within that session. An important issue with predictive models is how both accuracy and explainability change after several sessions of a course have run. We trained daily models from the combined (balanced) data of the first two offerings of each course, and tested these models on a full dataset (unbalanced) from the third offering of the course.2 It is important to note that each session of the course was made up of different learners accessing resources in a different portion of the calendar year, and that that we did not combine all three datasets and hold out a random percentage. In- stead, our interest was in observing the sensitivity this kind of model might have to courses being run over a different time period. Further, only minimal investigation was made to ensure that each course continued to use quizzes, lecture video, and discussion forums in a way similar to previous offerings, and pedagogical approach or instructional technique was not constrained in any way. Table 3 provides the results of this analysis, showing a drop in accuracy but still relatively high values of κ ≥ 0.50. Course κ correctly classified (%) incorrectly classified (%) Internet Philosophy Networks 0.63 0.50 0.73 22,556 (94.37) 53,389 (93.68) 57,466 (98.99) 1,346 (5.63) 3,603 (6.32) 640 (1.10) Table 3: Accuracy of models when trained on the first two sessions of a course and applied to the third session. Overall κ values drop significantly, yet remain well above the 0.4 threshold for fair-moderate quality. While the accuracy of the models dropped, the size of the decision trees increased significantly (see Figure 6), and an understanding as to whether this size leads to a higher level of explainability or not is not clear without further user studies. For instance, the bolded section of the tree suggests that even with a lack of two week quiz attempts ([0, 0]_ 1W_QUIZATTEMPT > 8) and not watching lectures each month ([1, 1, 1]_1M_LECTUREVIEW) it is possible to pass the course and that may depend on whether a student has watched lecture in the 18th three day period (18_3D_LECTUREVIEW = True: pass (55.0/26.0)). While this could be erroneous (the misclassification rate is quite high, at 47%) it is also possible that this period represents a pivotal point in the course that only the instructional experts associated with the course would recognize. In summary, models trained on the first two sessions of a course are generalizable to a third session with moderate accuracy, and the explanatory power of models may change but making this determination requires further study. 3.4 Model Accuracy and Explanation Change Over Time (R3) Summative models such as those presented the previous sections may be useful for understanding a particular cohort of learners as they display patterns of interaction with resources that correlate with success in a given course. A central topic in the emerging field of learning analytics however, is how practical predictive systems can be formed based on educational data. These systems not only need to be able to consider unseen data as described in the previous section, but also need to work with it in situ while a course has only been partially completed. To investigate this issue we trained daily models from the combined (balanced) data of the first two offerings of each course, and tested these models on full dataset (unbalanced) from the third offering of the course. In our approach we make the assumption that the resources, assessment criteria, and instructional tempo (e.g. length of course, deadlines 2 As there were only two offerings of the Literature course we excluded it from this analysis. [0, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [0, | | | | 0]_1W_QUIZATTEMPT <= 8 [1, 0, 0]_1M_LECTUREVIEW <= 0 | 2_1M_LECTUREVIEW = False | | [1, 1, 0]_1M_QUIZATTEMPT <= 0 | | | 18_3D_LECTUREVIEW = False | | | | [1, 1]_1W_QUIZATTEMPT <= 0 | | | | | [1, 1, 0]_3D_QUIZATTEMPT <= 0 | | | | | | 4_3D_QUIZATTEMPT = False | | | | | | | 3_3D_QUIZATTEMPT = False: fail (56.0/20.0) | | | | | | | 3_3D_QUIZATTEMPT = True: pass (55.0/23.0) | | | | | | 4_3D_QUIZATTEMPT = True: pass (70.0/21.0) | | | | | [1, 1, 0]_3D_QUIZATTEMPT > 0: pass (51.0/13.0) | | | | [1, 1]_1W_QUIZATTEMPT > 0: pass (502.0/65.0) | | | 18_3D_LECTUREVIEW = True: pass (221.0/14.0) | | [1, 1, 0]_1M_QUIZATTEMPT > 0 | | | [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]_1W_QUIZATTEMPT <= 0: pass (99.0/10.0) | | | [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]_1W_QUIZATTEMPT > 0: fail (55.0/3.0) | 2_1M_LECTUREVIEW = True: pass (3775.0/90.0) [1, 0, 0]_1M_LECTUREVIEW > 0 | [1, 0, 0, 0]_1W_QUIZATTEMPT <= 0: pass (101.0/5.0) | [1, 0, 0, 0]_1W_QUIZATTEMPT > 0 | | [0, 1, 1]_1D_FORUMTHREAD <= 0 | | | [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]_3D_QUIZATTEMPT <= 0: pass (57.0/21.0) | | | [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]_3D_QUIZATTEMPT > 0 | | | | [0, 0, 0]_1D_LECTUREVIEW <= 70: fail (164.0/37.0) | | | | [0, 0, 0]_1D_LECTUREVIEW > 70 | | | | | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]_3D_QUIZATTEMPT <= 17: pass (86.0/34.0) | | | | | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]_3D_QUIZATTEMPT > 17: fail (53.0/19.0) | | [0, 1, 1]_1D_FORUMTHREAD > 0: pass (56.0/16.0) 0]_1W_QUIZATTEMPT > 8 [1, 1, 1]_1M_LECTUREVIEW <= 0 | 18_3D_LECTUREVIEW = False: fail (4736.0/122.0) | 18_3D_LECTUREVIEW = True: pass (55.0/26.0) [1, 1, 1]_1M_LECTUREVIEW > 0: pass (276.0/33.0) Figure 6: The decision tree generated for the end of the Internet course when trained on two datasets. for assignments, etc.) go largely unchanged between course offerings at the particular grain size we are investigating. In our experiment we look not at the specific details of each resource (e.g. the particular lecture video or segment of a video a learner may have watched), but only at the coarse grained activity of learners. Thus we expect that our approach will be valuable even if fine grained changes are made to resources (e.g. videos are modified with new content) as long as the macro patterns of interaction are unchanged. Figure 7 shows the change in κ over time for the three courses we investigated. The dashed blue upper line in each subfigure represents the κ when evaluating the model against the training data (the first two offerings of the course), while the solid red lower line represents the κ of the test data (the third offering of the course). With respect to the training data, all three courses show similar trends of a rapidly increasing κ that starts between 0.25 and 0.3 and reaches a more stable value between 0.8 and 0.9 roughly three weeks (21 days) into the course. To have positive κ values after one day of course delivery is encouraging, and that the values continue to rise quickly suggests that this approach may be beneficial for automated early warning systems. The first two subfigures of Figure 7 show a rise in the value of the testing κ as well, coming to a value over 0.4 (Philosophy) and 0.5 (Internet) within the first three weeks of the course, climbing to values above of 0.5 and 0.6 respectively by the end of the period. Such values are much larger than chance agreement (κ = 0) and fit well within the fair or better category suggested in the literature. The third subfigure, corresponding to the Networks course, showing the rate of change in the testing κ over time, appears more linear in its growth. The first session of this course was one week longer than the second and third sessions – while we did no analysis of the differences between sessions, it is interesting to see that the predictive model still retains power (albeit, it takes until day 24 to achieve a κ ≥ 0.4) despite being trained on more heterogeneous data. To better understand the effect the change in accuracy has over time, we graphed the change in confusion matrices values for each of the courses (Figure 8).3 Each matrix is made up of four values: the number of students who were predicted to pass and did (true positives), the number of students who were predicted to fail and did (true negatives), the number of students who were predicted would pass and did not (false positives) and the number of students who were predicted to fail and passed (false negatives). The values are reported in actual terms from the unbalanced third dataset. For instance, if an early-warning system for the Internet course was configured with these predictive models, it would have identified 20,730 students as likely to fail, incorrectly classifying 46 of these who end up pass the course while at the same time missing 1,915 students who will end up failing the course. The instructional expert (or systems administrators or designers) must weigh the cost of the intervention (e.g. fiscal cost to the institution) as well as the detriment of delivering the intervention to the 46 students (e.g. annoying or discouraging on-track students). This second issue is one that is concerning, and it is positive to see Kappa Over Time for Internet MOOC Confusion Matrix Over Time for Internet MOOC 1 3000 False Positives 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Training Data Testing Data 0.1 Number of Students (total = 23,902) 0.8 Kappa False Negatives 2500 0 True Positives 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Days Days Kappa Over Time for Philosophy MOOC Confusion Matrix Over Time for Philosophy MOOC 1 12000 False Positives 0.9 Kappa 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Training Data Testing Data 0.1 Number of Students (total = 56,992) 0.7 0 True Positives 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Days Days Kappa Over Time for Networks MOOC Confusion Matrix Over Time for Networks MOOC 1 9000 0.9 8000 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Training Data Testing Data 0.1 0 Number of Students (total = 58,006) 0.8 Kappa False Negatives 10000 0.8 False Positives False Negatives True Positives 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Days Figure 7: Kappa κ Over Time Day Figure 8: Classification Rates Over Time. True negatives omitted for readability (the vast majority of MOOC users do not achieve academic success). that in our models the false negatives (incorrectly predicting students will fail) drop off rapidly in all situations (by the 21 day mark). Applying time series interaction analysis models to new MOOC unbalanced datasets based on similar balanced historical data is moderately accurate by the third week of the course (κ ≥ 0.4) with false negatives and true positives reaching stable low and high levels respectively. 4. 4.1 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Conclusions While much work has been done in leveraging cognitive modelling for predictive models, data-driven predictive modelling of achievement that scales across contexts (courses offerings, instructors, and institutions) is in its infancy. The technique we have described here is based on automatically generating machine learning features from learner interactions with educational resources over time. Specifically, features are created as n-grams over different time periods from log files created by the technology enhanced learning environment (in this case, Coursera). This technique can be scaled widely and applied to educational datasets without burdening a domain or instructional expert in the process of model generation. Using this approach we have shown that: R1 Models are highly accurate (κ ≥ 0.9) when used posthoc but lack strong explanatory power. R2 Models trained on the first two sessions of a course are generalizable to a third session with moderate accuracy (κ ≥ 0.5), and the explanatory power of models may change. R3 Models are moderately accurate when applied to new real-world data by the third week of the course (κ ≥ 0.4) with false negatives and true positives reaching stable low and high levels respectively. We have further characterized what this accuracy looks like at a day-by-day level, an important consideration when building predictive modelling solutions and an important issue for future research. 4.2 Future Work Having demonstrated the success of this approach to feature generation, an important next step will be to analyze the predictive nature of each of the features generated. In this work, we performed no feature selection prior to model generation. It may be the case that the predictive power of the models is increased by selecting only those features that strongly correlate with the predicted value (course outcome). Furthermore, the decision trees generated provide little insight into the relative predictive power of each of the features. Inspecting the trees, we can discern which features are used in making predictions, however, we cannot determine exactly how much more informative these features are than the features not used by the decision trees. Finally, to 3 Due to the massive level of true negatives, students who we predict will fail and do, we have omitted these values from the graphs. To determine the value at any given time take the total sample size given on the y-axis label and subtract from it the graphed values of False Positives, False Negatives, and True Positives. increase model interpretability, preference should be given to shorter n-grams, as the concise nature of these features leads to easier explanation. In order to make predictions about student outcomes in a particular course, the approach used in this paper assumes that prior course offerings are similar to the present offering. Thus, patterns of activity that lead to success in prior offerings will again lead to success in the current offering. It may be the case that some offerings of a course are taught in one particular style, whereas other offerings are taught in a different style (for instance, if there are two different instructors a single instructor who is testing alternate teaching methodologies). In our results of section 3.4, we pooled all data from prior course offerings to build a single predictive model to apply to the final course offering. Instead, it might be more prudent to build multiple models, one for each course offering and pool their predictions in a voting model. Alternately, we could analyze the resource usage of the current course and the prior courses to find the most similar prior offering, in an attempt to apply the single most relevant model. This final approach may also generalize across course domains, allowing us to make predictions about student in new courses, rather than relying on historical offerings of the same course for training. In the MOOC context, we have an abundance of data; the enrollment numbers are significant, and the online-only nature of the course allows for tracking many of the studentcontent interactions. Does this hold true for traditional higher education blended courses? Will our approach work for courses with as few as 30 students? How well will the approach generalize when there is significant offline content, such as face to face lectures, or assigned readings from textbooks, where student interaction cannot be tracked? Further analysis is required to determine the scope and magnitude of data that is needed in order to build a model of student success in these situations. While we have proposed that our technique may be integrated into an early warning system for students at risk of course failure, determining an appropriate level of predictive accuracy remains an open problem. 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